Fly too high and you will burn, go too low and you won't breath
"Fly too high and you will burn, go too low and you won't breathe." Daedalus weaves a tale of ambition and caution through an ancient myth, set in a nation below sea level. Shot in just seven consecutive days during the summer of 2023, it concludes the first volume of Bliss, a playlist of sounds and shapes. As the master craftsman gifts his son wings and wisdom, the film delves into the perilous dance between striving for greatness and the suffocating pull of stagnancy. This chaotic exploration bridges the warnings and epiphanic thoughts of 20th-century thinkers with the responses of today's dreamers.
Release Date
63 minutes
Indy Simin
Creator art installation "Echt in Vorm' Dancer (Part of Diotima)
Asyera Tonikoe
Dancer (Part of Diotima)
Wulf Stock
Dancer (Part of Diotima)
Eva Marie Louise
Creator Graduation Show "Bimbo From 010" (Part of Bimbo Radio)
Carl Jung
Sampled Interview (voice) (uncredited)
Jean Cocteau
Sampled Interview (voice) (uncredited)
Maya Angelou
Sampled Interview (voice) (uncredited)
Tim Haarman
Jop van Haaff
the young photographer that defined an era
Sam Mazzarino
Sampled Interview (voice) (uncredited)
Anne Karrenbeld
Protagonist (Part of Dionisos)
Alice Walker
Sampled Interview (voice) (uncredited)
Production Companies
bliss institute of sounds and shapes