Pretty Cure All Stars: Spring Carnival
Pretty Cure All Stars: Spring Carnival is the franchise's seventh crossover film in the series, released on March 14, 2015. The movie is in 3D. It is the first feature-length Pretty Cure film to feature extended dance scenes, similar to the 2011 short film Pretty Cure All Stars DX: 3D Theatre. Like the six previous films, the film will feature the characters from all Pretty Cure television series. In the story, the Pretty Cures visit Harmonia, the country of songs and dance. But when the unknown, sinister creatures invade and interrupt its tranquility, the Cures reunite to protect against the destruction.
Release Date
75 minutes
Yu Shimamura
Haruka Haruno / Cure Flora (voice)
Masumi Asano
Minami Kaidō / Cure Mermaid (voice)
Hibiku Yamamura
Kirara Amanogawa / Cure Twinkle (voice)
Megumi Nakajima
Megumi Aino / Cure Lovely (voice)
Megumi Han
Hime Shirayuki / Cure Princess (voice)
Rina Kitagawa
Yūko Ōmori / Cure Honey (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Iona Hikawa / Cure Fortune (voice)
Hitomi Nabatame
Mana Aida / Cure Heart (voice)
Minako Kotobuki
Rikka Hishikawa / Cure Diamond (voice)
Misato Fukuen
Miyuki Hoshizora / Cure Happy (voice)
Asami Tano
Akane Hino / Cure Sunny (voice)
Ami Koshimizu
Hibiki Hojo / Cure Melody (voice)
Production Companies
Toei Animation