Predators from Beyond Neptune
A new comedy about Hollywood, Aliens, and Vodka!
In this satiric comedy that offers a jaundiced look at the film industry, Leslie Miller (Ashley Hill) and David Johnson (King Wilder) are a producer/director team who've been working along the lowest rungs of the low-budget film industry for longer than they care to recall. Hoping to move up in the world, Leslie and David decide to start pitching a glossier project around town, and they score a deal with a major studio to make a mid-budget science fiction-thriller. However, Leslie and David soon find themselves butting heads with the head of the studio, and when the financing is pulled from their project, they find themselves trying to finish it on a budget even they find impossible. Jason Priestley, Neve Campbell, and Dean Devlin all make cameo appearances as themselves.
Predators from Beyond Neptune
Release Date
80 minutes
Neve Campbell
Tim Caldwell
Groppo, King of Pluto
Dean Devlin
Stephen Eckelberry
Bill Goodwyn
Tony Ferriter
Barton Bachs
Bob Gill
Crazy Toymaker
Robert Harvey
Lance Wright
Ashley Hill
Leslie Miller
Scott Mabbutt
Tracy Langan
Studio Lawyer
Shannon K. MacDonald
Tatiana Smirknova
Sean Manton
Jim Kallili / Darius Kallili
Production Companies
Lighthead Productions