Nothing human is alien to them.
A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate their survival. On an everyday basis they have their ups and downs. Lisowski works at the curia in a big city, has a career and is dreaming of the Vatican. Problem is, archbishop Mordowicz, an opulent church official who uses his political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland, gets in his way. The second priest, Trybus, is a village parson. He ministers to a poor community and gives in to human weaknesses more and more often. Kukuła is not faring well either. Despite his fervent faith, he loses the trust of his parishioners actually overnight. Soon the stories of the three clergymen are going to join once again.
Release Date
133 minutes
Arkadiusz Jakubik
ksiądz Andrzej Kukuła
Robert Więckiewicz
ksiądz Tadeusz Trybus
Jacek Braciak
ksiądz Leszek Lisowski
Janusz Gajos
arcybiskup Mordowicz
Joanna Kulig
Hanka Tomala, gospodyni księdza Trybusa
Adrian Zaremba
ksiądz Jan, wikary w parafii księdza Kukuły
Magdalena Celówna-Janikowska
Natalia, gospodyni księdza Kukuły
Ignacy Klim
Rysiek Malinowski
Michał Gadomski
ojczym Ryśka
Katarzyna Chlebny
Iwona Bielska
pielęgniarka Kaczorowska
Bartosz Tryboń
syn Nowakowej
Production Companies
Profil Film
Studio Métrage
Kino Świat
Filmoteka Narodowa – Instytut Audiowizualny
Moderator Inwestycje
Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe