Husdrömmar Sicilien
Follow along as former Husdömmar couple Bill and Marie from Höganäs set out on their latest house dream journey on Sicily. The pink, run-down house ”Palazzo Cirillo” is going to become the family's new summer home.

1. Episode 1
Air Date: 2020-04-02
In October 2018 Bill and Marie buy the derelict house Palazzo Cirillo in the small town of Termini Imerese on Sicily - but what is it that they have actually bought? To be able to complete the project for a reasonable budget they need to do most of the work themselves. The goal is for the house to be finished by Christmas 2019.

2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2020-04-09
It is March 2019 and Bill has left for Sicily to begin the renovation. Marie and their two daughters Ingrid and Solveig follow shortly after to help out and to start getting to know the place. While Bill is doing construction work on the house Marie wants to start to furnish and decorate it.

3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2020-04-16
It’s easter on Sicily and Marie and Bill have brought some friends along to help with the renovation. The plan is to replace the old kitchen with a modern one, but at the last second the plans change. Pernilla Månsson Colt is also visiting to see how work is proceeding and to celebrate Marie’s birthday.

4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2020-04-23
The building company has now promised to be done by summer, and that gives Bill and Marie hope about soon being able to move in to their Sicilian summer house. Marie hires an artist friend to paint art on the walls in the room that will belong to the girls. At the same time the family get bad news from home.

5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2020-04-30
It’s the summer holidays and soon a long holiday awaits in Sicily. A large shipping container full of things has already left Höganäs, but where has it gone? Marie and her sister are in Sicily together will all their children preparing for midsummer festivities in the house, but has the building company finished their work on time?

6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2020-05-07
Bill has gone back to Sweden and left Marie to project manage everything with the house because work has not been moving forward. The build is becoming more and more complex and the question is if Marie will manage at the same time as trying to enjoy a holiday with her visiting sister and all the children.

7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2020-05-14
A year has passed since Bill and Marie bought their house and finally it’s time to move in! The whole family pack the car full of things and leave Höganäs for Sicily. The question is, has it turned out the way they had imagined? Bill and Marie start decorating the rooms in hope to soon celebrate Christmas in their pink palace.

8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2020-05-21
Christmas is approaching and the house needs to be finished. The conservator Massimo helps restore the walls in the house while the family goes to Palermo for some interior design finds. Pernilla Månsson Colt comes for a final visit and to see the result.

1. "The soul of the garden"
Air Date: 2021-10-07
It is January 2020 and Marie and Bill are eager to start working on their overgrown garden, with the goal of having a lovely Mediterranean oasis by summer - on top of that also for a small budget. But first they must find a local architect that can help them realize their garden dream.

2. "I don't see a pool or a pizza oven, I only see hard work"
Air Date: 2021-10-14
The big garden dreams are quickly soiled by the corona pandemic that paralyze Italy and the difficulties that brings to the family. While the world holds its breath, Marie and Bill continue on with their plans for Palazzo Cirillo, even if it doesn't turn out to be the summer on Sicily that they had imagined.

3. "Gold bars had been perfect right now"
Air Date: 2021-10-21
It's autumn and the work with garden is finally starting, but despite Marie's protests some trees will have to be removed. Meanwhile, the old tale of a secret tunnel has not been forgotten and the garden workers are also tasked with searching for this tunnel.

4. "Everything is loco"
Air Date: 2021-10-28
At a plant nursery outside Palmero, Marie is picking plants for the garden - without any expert knowledge. One year after the garden project was started Pernilla Månsson Colt comes to visit, but this time to Höganäs. Suddenly the future plans are uncertain and the dreams are going in different directions. Bill and Marie are forced to make an unexpected decision.

5. "This will be magic!"
Air Date: 2021-11-04
The summer approaches fast and Bill and Marie have to take turns being project manager for the garden on Sicily in order for work to proceed. The four meter tall plants needs lifting in place and at the same time Marie is worried the garden will not feel like her own.

6. "Whose garden is this?"
Air Date: 2021-11-11
With lime washed walls, pizza oven and palm trees, the new garden is taking shape. But will they finish in time for the premiere party with their Sicilian friends - and will it turn out to be the garden that Marie and Bill had dreamed of from the start? Pernilla Månsson Colt visits and sees the final result. Part 6 of 6.

1. Episode 1
Air Date: 2023-10-23

2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2023-10-23

3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2023-10-23

4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2023-10-23

5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2023-10-23

6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2023-10-23

7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2023-10-23

8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2023-10-23
Select an episode to start watching
Release Date
22 (3 seasons)
Returning Series