Besieged: Mexico

Besieged: Mexico

Vengeance in Veracruz

Action & AdventureDrama


El Desconocido

1. El Desconocido

Air Date: 2019-07-26

A mysterious captain arrives at Veracruz. His manners and refined ways draw the attention of Inés, the Governor's daughter. But the stranger won't take long in revealing his hidden motives.

El Banquete

2. El Banquete

Air Date: 2019-07-26

While all the people from Veracruz get ready to assist Lorenzo's banquet, an imminent danger looms over the city. Meanwhile, Chicahua seeks help to rescue Tonahuac.

El Sitio

3. El Sitio

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Lorenzo besieges Veracruz and tries to discover the whereabouts of the serpent necklace, but Damian is willing to suffer the consequences before giving up his secret. Despite Tonahuac's wishes, Chicahua puts himself at the disposal of the Spaniards without foreseeing the consequences.

El Collar

4. El Collar

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Damian discloses Lorenzo's true intentions to Inés while the buccaneers plunder the city in search of the necklace. Tonahuac makes a drastic decision put on the line his fate as leader of his tribe.

La Promesa

5. La Promesa

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Tonahuac tells Tania his secret. Ines keeps the promise she made to Lorenzo and the Veracruzans get ready to recover their freedom without suspecting they will fall into a trap.

El Destino

6. El Destino

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Damian finds new allies to face Lorenzo and regain the city in spite of Ines' requests, who is suspicious of his intentions. Tonahuac and Tania join forces to rescue Chicahua.

La Venganza

7. La Venganza

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Ines decides to form an alliance with the enemy to save the city. Damian agrees to his partner's new demands whilst Lorenzo's henchmen fulfill their captain's orders.

El Ataque

8. El Ataque

Air Date: 2019-07-26

Tonahuac and his allies come up with a strategic plan to rescue Veracruz while Damian and Agramonte brace themselves for the final attack. The fate of the city will be inevitably decided by fire and sword.

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Release Date



8 (1 seasons)




Production Companies

Estudios TeleMéxico

Estudios TeleMéxico