War Of The Dragon

War Of The Dragon



1. Episode 1

Air Date: 1989-01-02

KO KA PO has been a gangster working under LI KWAN. However, KWAN betrays him and PO is put to jail. Upon his release eighteen years later, he is shocked to find his former girl-friend, WONG PUI PUI, already married to KHAN. With a broken heart, PO decides to reform himself and start a new business. 1~ough his brother KO KA KIT gives him much support and encouragement, PO is ridiculed and despised by KIT's wife, FONG YEE MEI, and KIT's son, KEI. This is a. great blow to PO's determination to reform. PO intends to avenge on KHAN but he pities him when he finds KWAN turned into Cl cripple and living from hand to mouth. As Po begins his' new life, he meets his former friend, WONG SAl LEUNG, who is PUl's brother and makes some new acquaintances, CHEUNG KING TO and KONG MING.

2. Episode 2

Air Date: 1989-01-03

PUI's family always runs into financial difficulty and LEUNG frequently helps her. LEUNG and his friend LAM CHUNG even risk their lives in order to help KWAN payoff his debts. However, being desperate and down-hearted, KW AN always vents his anger and grumbles over PUI who finally cannot stand him and seek refuge from LEUNG. Meanwhile, PO moves out of KIT's house to avoid further conflicts in the family and becomes LEUNG's next door neighbour. With the increase in contact, the love between PO and PUI rekindles, but they manage to control themselves and PUI decides to reunite with KWAN.

3. Episode 3

Air Date: 1989-01-04

With PO's help, PUI eventually forgives KWAN and moves back home. However, KWAN grows ,jealousy of PO and PUI and even suspects that they have an affair. Saving LEUNG and CHUNG from the hands of the loan sharks, PO is once again inv01ved in under-world activities. In order not to arouse KIT's suspicion, PO continues to run his record business. However, LEUNG and CRUNG often comes to visit PO and KIT begins to feel suspicious. MING accidentally runs into YIU SUK CHING and is attracted by her beauty. In fact, both TO and MING are secret agents working for the police.

4. Episode 4

Air Date: 1989-01-05

PO's attempt to save LEUNG and CHUNG antagonizes the loansharks who decides to avenge on him and tries to get rid of him. This also brings trouble to TO and MING. In the end, TO dies when he tries to save MING. Witnessing TO's tragic death, MING wants to give up the job of being a secret agent. However , he changes his mind when he wants his mother to lead a better and happier life. Knowing that PO is once again involved in triad activities, KIT feels very disappointed. Besides, because of his brother's triad connections, he is often ridiculed by his colleagues. One day, while shopping in CHING's store, KIT quarrels with CHING's brother, YIU KWOK HUNG. HUNG and his mother make a false charge against KIT accusing him of shoplifting. This puts KIT to great trouble and he worries much about losing his job.

5. Episode 5

Air Date: 1989-01-06

Financial difficulty drives KWAN to seek help from PO who takes him in despite the opposition of LEUNG and CHUNG. KWAN now work s under PO and he is eager to please PO. After learning that the YIU's family is causing much trouble to KIT, KWAN tries to threaten the YIU's family. However, MING does not want CHING to be affected and tries to stop KWAW s plot. CHING's mother complains repeatedly to the police claiming that her family is disturbed by people sent by KIT. KIT knows that they are all PO's gangster and scolds PO asking him not to interfere. He evens refuses PO's financial help in getting a renowned defence lawyer. When PO wants to find out who is behind the plot of threatening the YIU's family, KWAN puts all the blame on MING. What is worse, KWAN continued attempts to scare off the YIU's family put MING into a very difficult position.

6. Episode 6

Air Date: 1989-01-09

On the one hand, under the persuasion of MEI, KIT finally accepts PO's help. On the other hand, KWAN continues to blackmail the YIU's family and even sets fire to their house. Out of his concern for CHING, MING tries to save them only to be accused of arson. Luckily, he is not found. guilty but PO scolds K\;TAN fiercely in public for this, sowing the seeds of hatred in KWAN's heart. Feeling much disturbed, CHING's mother allies with triad connections to make PO stop menacing them. As a return of his help, TONG BUN not only asks for money but wants to get CHING, too. CHING's father strongly refuses that and makes BUN very angry.

7. Episode 7

Air Date: 1989-01-10

CHING's father tries to pacify BUN with money but BUN has his eyes on CHING. To' avoid BUN, CHING hides in Macau and runs into MING who sympathizes her in her plight and offers to help. MING returns to Hong Kong and asks PO to help CHING. However, since CHING's mother has made false charge against KIT, PO refuses to help. The YIU's family cannot stand the menace from BUN and try to hide in China. So CHING loses contact with them. Feeling worried, CHING returns to Hong Kong and even dares to continue running the shop. MING on the one side tries to protect CHING and PO on the other tries to stop CHING from operating the shop.

8. Episode 8

Air Date: 1989-01-11

CHING's persistence in running the shop makes PO change his attitude and he secretly also tries to ensure her safety. When CHING learns about that, she starts to have a better impression of PO. CHING's parents return from Hong Kong to look for CHING. They negotiate with BUN and agree to pay him 300,000 dollars. BUN accepts the offer but at the same time plots to kill the YIU's family. Eventually, CHING has a narrow escape but her parents and brother are seriously injured. During their stay in the hospital, PO asks CHING to take refuge in his house and the two get to know each other better. BUN forces PO to surrender CHING and even threatens to wipe out his gang if he refuses to do so.

9. Episode 9

Air Date: 1989-01-12

PO wants to settle the matter peacefully with BUN who ridicules him. The two eventually enters into rivalry and BUN attacks LEUNG and CHUNG. PO and his gang are hiding and waiting to avenge on BUN. KWAN is sent to protect CHING's parents and brother in hospital but he discloses PO's whereabouts. CHING's mother intends to betray PO but is stopped by CHING's father. In the end, it is KWAN who betrays PO whose life is at risk when BUN raids his hiding place. PO escapes but many of his gang and even CHING's brother are killed, this makes PO determined to avenge on BUN.

10. Episode 10

Air Date: 1989-01-13

In the end, it is BUN and LEUNG who kill BUN even though BUN escapes being caught by the police. PO's bravery earns him much respect from the people in the underworld. The ring-leader TANG TIN SHUN even lets PO take over BUN's work and PO's influence in the under?world grows. PO suspects KWAN being a traitor. However, KWAN lies to hide his crime. PUI also tries to defend KWAN. Since CHING's mother is driven‧ crazy and cannot defend herself, KWAN then accuses her of betraying PO by disclosing his whereabouts to BUN. PO's affection for CHING grows but he dares not reveal his love to her.

11. Episode 11

Air Date: 1989-01-16

On the surface, KWAN tries to fulfil his duties faithfully in order to curry PO's favour while he holds evil plots at the back of his mind. KWAN is waiting to for a .chance to take over PO's place. PO and CHING fall for each other and their love grows. However, PO feels inferior and dares not reveal his love. In the end, after much misunderstanding and clarification, they two frankly declare their love for one another.

12. Episode 12

Air Date: 1989-01-17

To his dismay, MING learns of the love between CHING and PO yet he can do nothing but to accept the fact and hide his affections for CHING. CHING finds herself pregnant and tries to avoid PO. When PO knows that CHING is carrying his baby, he sincerely proposes to CHING who promises to join him. On the day of their marriage, many gangsters are invited and their behaviour greatly shocks CHING's father who begins to worry about her daughter's future. PO, LEUNG and CHUNG all get drunk at the wedding banquet. However, they are attacked by another gangster. Luckily, MING is the only one who is not drunk and he alone protects the life of PO and CHING. In the end, he kills the gangster. KWAN's power in the gang grows and he is eager to revolt against PO.

13. Episode 13

Air Date: 1989-01-18

TIN urges PO to join his illegal trade of drugs. At first, Po feels reluctant but when TIN becomes his godfather, PO changes his mind and starts his drug-traffioking business. MING and KWAN become his right-hand men since LEUNG and CHUNG indulge much in enjoying themselves. Conflicts arise at home when PO's mother moves in and she cannot get along well with CHING due to different life styles. Besides, CHING also quarrels with PO who openly ridicules her friends. CHING's health deteriorates after giving birth to a baby boy. However, PO devotes much time in attending his business and neglects CHING. Feeling angry with PO, CHING walks out of the house. PO hurries to apologize to her leaving behind all his work. Nevertheless, trouble arises in the gang and PO rushes back to settle this leaving CHING and their son alone on the island.

14. Episode 14

Air Date: 1989-01-19

After PO-leaves, CHING finds that their son has caught a fever. Yet there is nobody to help them. Undergoing much difficulty, CHING eventually manages to send their son to hospital. The fever gets so serious that it may bring damage to the brain. PO blames himself much for this and CHING finds PO unforgivable. Finally, she decide s to leave PO. Owing to some misunderstanding, LEUNG and CHUNG break up with PO. Being deserted by his friends, PO feels depressed and trusts KWAN more. MING's mother died because of heart attack. At her funeral, KWAN discovers that MING has received training from the police school and begins to feel suspicious of him.

15. Episode 15

Air Date: 1989-01-20

Deserted by CHING as well as LEUNG and CHUNG, PO takes to drinking. PUI sympathizes with him and offer him much comfort and consolation. This arouses much jealousy on the part of KWAN. KWAN ferrets out MING's real identity. However, he does not disclose to the others that MING is a secret agent. At the back of his mind, KWAN is plotting to get rid of PO making use of MING. KWAN supplies MING with information concerning PO's drug trade. When the two gangs meet, they are surrounded by the police who wait in ambush. The police and the gangsters exchange fire. TIN's son is killed while MING's life. is at risk. However, MING is saved by PO who is then seriously wounded. Feeling much indebted to PO, MING saves PO from the hands of the police and takes good care of him.

16. Episode 16

Air Date: 1989-01-23

When LEUNG and CHUNG learns of PO's plight, they rush to help him and arrange to smuggle him to Taiwan. KWAN discloses MING's real identity and TIN forces PO to kill him. PO only wounds MING and later risks being caught when he sends MING to the hospital for treatment. In the end, MING's life is saved but PO is put to jail. PO suspects that KWAN has betrayed him and he asks LEUNG and CHUNG to collect more evidence about KWAN's evil plot. They then reveal KWAN's evil deeds to TIN who also grows suspicious of KWAN. During the interrogation, KWAN makes all sort of excuses to cover up his evil deeds and he even urges PUI to admit that it is she who provides MING with information concerning their trade. To prevent PUI from disclosing the truth, KWAN kills PUI. This leaves the gang with no choice but to believe in KWAN.

17. Episode 17

Air Date: 1989-01-24

KWAN grows very angry with LEUNG and CHUNG. Avenging on them, he makes both of them crippled. Before PO is put to jail, he agrees to divorce with CHING. At first, PO does not get along well with other inmates. However, PO gradually grows mellow and leads a peaceful life in prison. Upon his release after 12 years, PO is well taken care of by KIT's family. They are happy to see PO starting a new life. Fearing that KWAN's power grows unchecked, TIN urges PO to join him again. However, PO strongly refuses him and states his determination to cut off from triad connection. PO works as a gardener and accidentally runs into his son, KIN.

18. Episode 18

Air Date: 1989-01-25

On the other hand, MING has now become a inspector and he also asks PO to work for the police as a secret agent so as to make KWAN pay for his crime. Yet, PO has no desire to be involved. Later, he is also sad to discover that MING has been courting CHING. Feeling inferior, PO gives up the hope of reuniting with CHING. His only wish is to meet KIN frequently and have some happy time together. However, KIN cannot accept the fact that PO, a gangster, is his father. He treats PO coldly and this hurts PO much. KWAN cannot let PO live peacefully and he sends his followers to beat PO up. Despite this, PO again refuses TIN's request for his involvement in their fight against KWAN.

19. Episode 19

Air Date: 1989-01-26

PO accidentally meets LEUNG and CHUNG again. He is sad to discover them being' made handicapped. Seeing their miserable life, PO asks them to live and work with him. LEUNG and CHUNG also urges PO to regain his power in the underworld but PO insists that he wants nothing to do with triad activities. KW~N goes on bringing trouble to PO who finally loses his job. To avoid being menaced by KWAN, Po plans to emigrate to Australia. CHING tries to bring KIN and PO together. Once, KIN is in danger and PO risks his own life to save him. KIN feels much touched and he reconciles with PO.

20. Episode 20

Air Date: 1989-01-27

LEUNG and CHUNG want to avenge on KW AN and they join hands with TIN. PO tries to stop them and asks MING to help. However, KHAN learns of their plot and he ki lls LEUNG and CHUNG when they attack him. However, he escapes from being caught by MING. KWAN goes crazy and he also kills TIN and his followers, Yet, he puts all the blame on PO and tries to kill PO. MING and CHING both get wounded when they try to save PO. In the end, it is KIT who arrests KWAN. KWAN spends the rest of his life in jail. MING has proposed to CHING time and again. However, CHING still has affections for PO. Knowing that CHING and PO still love each other, MING leaves CHING who finally reunite with PO.

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Release Date



20 (1 seasons)




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