Alternate Minds
Being a rebel has its reason.
Mentes Alternas is a Colombian audiovisual production that aims to promote local talent with few resources but with a lot of creativity, a series that tells great stories with various characters that represent the social problems that young people must face when they arrive at school.
1. La Llegada
Air Date: 2014-06-25
Cory returns from abroad to start a new life. Edward and Horacio meet in a very unfortunate way. Frank doesn't want to accept his life. Abel decides to take out everything he feels, which ends up being a problem for his father and brother. In the end, all these stories will intersect at one point: The White Party.
2. Silver Party
Air Date: 2014-07-02
The Silver Party is here! A prediction reveals great changes in the lives of many. Edward manages to enter the party and steal an innocent woman's heart. Abel imposes himself in front of his father, crashing his authority. Frank sneaks out of his house to live a fake night. All Alternate Minds together to live a moment of rumba and lack of control. Let the welcome party begin for Cory!
3. Asteroide
Air Date: 2014-07-09
A coalition of Alternate Minds ends Cory's party to the point of involving the police. Cory hits rock bottom and looks for an easy way out of his conflicts. Alternate girls have their hearts stolen. Joaquín has his interview with the director of Santa María.
4. Ser rebelde tiene su razón
Air Date: 2014-07-17
Memories of a night full of emotions. Edward can't contain himself even in his own home. Abel is confronted by his father and forced to change schools. The director introduces him and talks about the Alternative Minds to Joaquín, where he realizes that the reading of letters was not as false as he thought. Cory has a strong fight with his parents. Santamaría is here!
5. Santamaría
Air Date: 2014-07-23
First day of school and we see new personalities and groups formed. The minds are summoned to the principal's office and the problems between them become apparent. Professor Ricardo introduces the rest of the classmates in the room, making this an unusual induction.
6. Fuga
Air Date: 2014-07-31
Abel's plan to elope kicks in and Cory joins him. Professor Ricardo gives all the students permission to go to the bathroom, which turns into a series of peculiar events. In order to escape from school, Able and Cory have to face a unique challenge: Francisco and his first contact with a Smarphon.
7. Rumores de guerra
Air Date: 2014-08-06
No data has been generated for this episode.
8. Complicaciones
Air Date: 2014-08-14
No data has been generated for this episode.
9. La minera
Air Date: 2014-09-11
A month later… Julián and Alan organize a new party where Abel is not invited. Mia tries to forget the humiliation Frank put her through. Horacio guards his fears in alcohol after his secret came to light. John Smith, seeing a dark future looming, looks very concerned. All these realities will collide when #LaMinera shows its new face.
10. Damian
Air Date: 2014-09-18
It is the day for the delivery of grades and the Alternative Minds are preparing for a strong day because the results of their academic reports show that they are worse students at Santamaría. Selena, Mia, Francys and Annie unite for a single purpose, to destroy Fiona. Mr. Roger Smith leaves the school's address exposed for Damien to take his place.
11. Perfume
Air Date: 2014-09-26
Damián is powerful before all the Santamaria students after informing them that he is the new manager of the school. Frank is the first Alternate Mind to fall for Damien's evil but only that will cause union. In addition, Selena, Mia and Francys embark on a new adventure with Fiona, after her perfume.
12. Sorpresas
Air Date: 2014-10-10
Cristian is sinking deeper into the world of drugs. Damien insists on his plan to destroy the Alternate Minds, this time it is Cory who falls and Estefania apparently has not very pleasant health symptoms.
13. Disfunción
Air Date: 2014-10-17
Pachito teaches an excellent physical education class that is interrupted by Damián in order to hurt Horacio regarding his erection issue. Selena, Francys and Mía make passes with Nía, while Annie is still hurt because she thinks she is pregnant by Abel. Cristian continues to play with fire.
14. Adiós amigo
Air Date: 2014-10-24
Damien shows us his power once again, this time Juliana manages to hear an important conversation and helps Martha and Edward escape from the city. Cristian goes in search of more drugs and finds great surprises.
15. Pandemia
Air Date: 2014-11-04
Damien does not leave the Alternate Minds alone, as of today they are internal. Abel does not want to be manipulated and wants to go against Damien but only Frank and Cory follow him. Estefanía will tell Mía something and all the 11th graders will take college.
16. Sin sabor en las calles
Air Date: 2014-11-17
Mr. Roger Smith returns and takes over the management of the school once again, Damien is being wanted by the authorities while Abel says goodbye to all his surroundings. Fate teaches Franco and Cory a lesson, Horacio finds possible solutions to his problem. Final Episode, The Rebels' Conclusions Are Given ?. Damien does not leave the Alternate Minds alone, as of today they are internal. Abel does not want to be manipulated and wants to go against Damien but only Frank and Cory follow him. Estefanía will tell Mía something and all the 11th graders will take college.
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Release Date
16 (1 seasons)
Returning Series
Production Companies
Perspectiva Audiovisual