Delete Me

Delete Me

Two best friends Marion and Marit are about to finish high school and in a world where status is everything, they learn that an innocent little joke can go viral and change their lives forever.



The End

1. The End

Air Date: 2021-03-07

Their goal is Miami, but first, it's time for graduation parties! This is the beginning and end of Marion and Marit's relationship - two best friends and synchronised swimming partners.

Hope Is Lost

2. Hope Is Lost

Air Date: 2021-03-07

Hacker Fanny is trying to figure out who leaked the sex tape. Meanwhile, the girls learn that a scout from Miami will be watching. Unfortunately, they are only worth something as a team.

The Betrayal

3. The Betrayal

Air Date: 2021-03-21

The only friend Marion has left, Marit, faces a dilemma. Fanny continues using unethical methods to find out who leaked of the sex tape.

Love Is Lost

4. Love Is Lost

Air Date: 2021-03-28

Marit is disappointed that Marion ditched her for a party. Fanny, a feminist hacker, contacts Marion for the first time, and she realises the sex tape has been spread worldwide by a user called SOFUS.

Gone Viral

5. Gone Viral

Air Date: 2021-03-07

When Marit defends Marion after being insulted by Christian, she is thrown off the party bus and left alone in the woods. Meanwhile, Fanny reveals a secret about herself.

Rising to Fame

6. Rising to Fame

Air Date: 2021-03-07

Marit gets stood up at swimming practice while Marion is at the party hooking up with her crush, Christian. The night continues, and the sex tape is made.

The Beginning

7. The Beginning

Air Date: 2021-03-07

Marion and Marit - best friends with hopeful dreams. Marion desperately wants to be a part of the party crowd, while Marit only cares about Miami. What happened by the pool is finally revealed.

Reverse the Irreversible

1. Reverse the Irreversible

Air Date: 2023-04-27

Sanna is trying to grow as a social media influencer. But underneath, Sanna hides a dark secret.

Capitalize Yourself

2. Capitalize Yourself

Air Date: 2023-04-27

While Sanna continues to grow her social media, Fanny is researching her, as assigned by Mona.

Revenge and Regret

3. Revenge and Regret

Air Date: 2023-04-27

It’s the day after Sanna was supposedly raped, and she blackmails the wife for 100.000 kr.

Sugar Dates

4. Sugar Dates

Air Date: 2023-04-27

Sanna and Lucas go on their first date. We learn what actually happened at the night of the rape.

Strike a Pose

5. Strike a Pose

Air Date: 2023-04-27

Sanna creates her Hornyfans account, and the anonymous artist Gina reaches out to paint her.

New Beginnings

6. New Beginnings

Air Date: 2023-04-27

Sanna starts her own online video channel. How it all started is revealed as well as how it ends.

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Release Date



13 (2 seasons)





Production Companies

Rakett TV

Rakett TV

Einar Film

Einar Film