Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire
Tomica Hero: Rescue Fire is a Japanese tokusatsu television series based on Takara Tomy's Tomica toy car line. A sequel to Tomica Hero: Rescue Force, Rescue Fire tells of another branch of the United Fire-Defense Agency that helps save people from Super-Fire created by demons seeking to make people suffer. This series marks the beginning as well as an end of a program franchise dubbed the Tomica Hero Series. The Tomica Hero story was concluded in the special stage production Nissan Haul Special Live Stage FINAL that featured the return of Obuchi, a new R4, and the return of the original R4.
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Release Date
51 (1 seasons)
Yuu Kawada
Yuma Megumi/Fire-2
Masataka Fujishige
Riku Taiga
Hiromichi Sato
Naoshi Taiga
Ayaka Itoh
Asuka Taiga
Shizuka Nakamura
Tamami Sugiyama
Reiko Takagi
Q-suke (Voice)
Sho Kubo
Tatsuya Homura/Fire-1
Yuma Nakamura
Ritsuka Yuki/Fire-3
Hiroshi Fujioka
Reiji Osakabe
Kazuki Fukuyama
Tsubasa Aoi/Fire-4
Masanori Mizuno
Jun Watari/Fire-5
Hajime Iijima
Al (voice)