Jane and the Dragon
As an only child, Jane was brought up in the Royal Court as a medieval middle-class girl and raised to be a lady-in-waiting. A combination of determination and good fortune changes Jane's life and she becomes a knight in training. Accompanied by her best friend, a giant green Dragon, Jane demonstrates her bravery and kindness in a series of adventures set in feudal times.
1. Tests and Jests
Air Date: 2006-01-08
Jane has her knight in training 'rescue the damsel' test. It is a difficult challenge that she must meet in order to carry on her apprenticeship as a knight. But the challenge becomes more complicated when Jane makes a pact with the King to protect her friend, Pepper. If Jane fails, she sacrifices her bid to become a knight and faces a future in…the kitchens!
2. The Tooth Fairy
Air Date: 2006-01-15
Dragon has a toothache and decides to have the tooth pulled only after hearing Jane’s tooth fairy story. When Gunther steals the Dragon tooth, Dragon discovers there is no tooth fairy. Jane sets out to rebuild Dragon’s wounded pride and their unique friendship.
3. Jester Justice
Air Date: 2006-01-22
Jester’s hysterical impression of Sir Ivon leads to a face-saving duel between the two foes. Jane is mortified, Jester is terrified and Jane's efforts to save her friend from public doom seem, well, doomed! Luckily, Jester discovers that he can choose the weapon…
4. A Dragon's Tail
Air Date: 2006-01-29
Dragon is feeling sick, very sick, with…a pig disease--curly tail. It is curable, but the antidote is a difficult quest away. Jane volunteers to go for the sake of her dear friend, and Sir Theodore sends Gunther with her to build their skills as knights. Meanwhile, Dragon is proving to be a very difficult patient.
5. Shall We Dance
Air Date: 2006-01-29
Gunther insists that Jane isn’t good enough to become a real knight and Jane is determined to prove him wrong. Jane is so determined that she misses the annual Ball and sets about trying to capture a flower thief.
6. The Offer
Air Date: 2006-02-05
Jane rushes to defend her friend Dragon, whose clumsiness is causing many problems around the castle. Jane concocts a story and lets her friends know that she and Dragon have received an offer to move to a castle where they love dragons.
7. Dragon Rules
Air Date: 2006-02-19
On their day off, Jane and her friends have the chance to play bandyball. Dragon joins in the game but is a disaster. Jane manages to get the others to involve Dragon as referee but playing a physical and noisy game like bandyball without disturbing the dozing King is extremely tricky.
8. All Fool's Day
Air Date: 2006-02-26
Jester's favorite day of the year - All Fools Day - is here but Dragon threatens to ruin the fun with his terribly unfunny pranks. Jane is determined to pull a prank on Dragon but he proves to be a very difficult target.
9. Dragon Diva
Air Date: 2006-03-05
Jester is the King’s best hope for winning the inter-kingdom competition of song. However, Jane’s overenthusiastic coaching results in Jester losing his voice. Hope is rekindled when Jane overhears a talented voice but unfortunately she cannot find the singer. Eventually, it turns out that Dragon is the silver throated singer but the problem is that singing is simply not acceptable dragon behaviour.
10. Adventures in Royal Babysitting
Air Date: 2006-03-12
When the King and Queen are gone for the day on royal business, Jane is entrusted with “protecting the royal heirs”. Unfortunately, babysitting the bratty Prince and playful Princess wreaks havoc on Jane’s plan to study for one of Sir Theodore’s knighthood tests. Jane asks Dragon to keep an eye on the two children but he manages to misplace the Princess in a game of hide n’ seek.
11. Three's a Crowd
Air Date: 2006-03-19
When Gunther pulls a practical joke on Jane, Dragon discovers he and Gunther share a similar sense of humor: lowbrow. Jane begins to feel left out, so she enlists Jester to give her a crash course on crass humor. Will Dragon see that The Merchant is using this new relationship for his own gain?
12. A Pig of a Problem
Air Date: 2006-03-26
When Smithy's pig bites the Prince, the King decides that Pig must be tethered. Smithy is devastated - Pig is his pet and friend. When the King sells Pig to the merchant, Smithy's problems multiply
13. A Thing of Beauty
Air Date: 2006-04-02
The King commissions a beautiful portrait of the Queen and Jane is entrusted to guard it before the grand unveiling gala. When Jane leaves her post to check in on Dragon, the Queen's portrait is left unattended
14. Rune
Air Date: 2006-04-09
With the three-hundredth anniversary of the castle approaching, Jane and Gunther are given an important chore to prepare for the Royal Jubilee. Whichever squire polishes more of the castle's myriad of shields will win the honor of carrying the banner in the Jubilee Parade. At the same time, Dragon wants Jane to come to his cave to help him decipher the carvings on his wall.
15. Foul Weather Friends
Air Date: 2006-04-23
While out on patrol, Dragon's spontaneous loop de loop causes Jane to slip off and free-fall through the air. Dragon manages to save her in the nick of time but is shaken by the experience. He vows that no harm will come to her and becomes something of an overprotective parent. Jane rebels against his suffocating affection and unlocks one of the secrets of her runic sword.
16. Dragonphobia
Air Date: 2006-05-07
When Jane eats some berries and passes out ill, she reawakens with amnesia. Jane now knows only one thing for certain; she is terrified of Dragon.
17. Pride and Pollen
Air Date: 2006-05-14
The scheming Merchant concocts a plan to get rid of Dragon once and for all.
18. Knight Light
Air Date: 2006-05-21
When Jane finds herself trapped in the privy at night, with no candle and a squeaky bat, she develops a sudden fear of the dark. To make matters worse, Sir Ivon and Sir Theodore have built a hedge maze outside the castle which Jane and Gunther must negotiate at night.
19. Fathers
Air Date: 2006-05-21
An adventure in a newly discovered underground chamber allows Jane and Dragon to learn a little more about each of their fathers.
20. Strawberry Fool
Air Date: 2006-05-28
When the Princess comes down with a cold, the King puts Jane in charge of cheering her up. Unfortunately, one by one, Jane's elaborate plans go awry.
21. Go West Young Gardener
Air Date: 2006-06-04
When Jane finds out that the King is bored with Pepper's cooking and that Rake has never travelled far beyond the castle, she figures that she can solve two problems with one Dragon flight.
22. Mismatched
Air Date: 2006-07-16
When Jane and Gunther get out of hand, Sir Theodore decides to settle their differences in the sparring arena. But when Pepper mistakes the two competitors tussling for hugging, she inadvertently starts a rumour that Jane and Gunther are sweethearts.
23. Dragon's Egg
Air Date: 2006-07-22
The Merchant's new consignment of supplies contains an incredible object - a dragon's egg. But is it really a Dragon's egg?
24. King's Knight
Air Date: 2006-07-29
It is a proud day for Jane. The squires and knights must make their annual pledge of allegiance to the King. The day gets more exciting when Jane and Jester find a map of the catacombs and set off on a mission to find what they hope is treasure. Instead they stumble upon a terrible secret. Can Jane swear allegiance to the King if she have doubts about the current King's legitimacy?
25. The Last of the Dragon Slayers
Air Date: 2006-08-05
When Sir Theodore assigns Jane the menial task of cleaning his sword, Gunther gloats over getting the easier task of Sentry duty. Dragon accuses Theodore of playing favorites, but Jane defends her mentor... until she discovers a broken sword in Sir Theodore's quarters with mysterious runes on its hilt.
26. For Crying Out Loud
Air Date: 2006-08-12
Jane tries to master her battle cry - to call out above the din of battle. Meanwhile, the Royal boar hunt is on and the squires are invited to join. Dragon cannot believe Jane will not stand up for the defenceless boar.
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Release Date
26 (1 seasons)
Production Companies

Weta Digital