My Universe
"My Universe The Series" explores twelve stories of eleven male-male couples, each delving into friendships and relationships woven together by a cosmic web of love. It’s a beautiful blend of romance, drama, comedy, thrills, and fun, leaving viewers profoundly touched.
1. Casanova Begins 1
Air Date: 2023-08-20
Pluem, the boyfriend of Khunkhao, died two years ago but suddenly wakes up to find himself in a new body. His new body once belonged to Kim, a rich playboy who treated the women in his life poorly.
2. Casanova Begins 2
Air Date: 2023-08-27
Pluem learns more about his relationship with Khunkhao before his death.
3. Marry Go Round 1
Air Date: 2023-09-03
Misunderstandings arise as Boss and Tob try to hide their relationship by pretending to be with someone else.
4. Marry Go Round 2
Air Date: 2023-09-10
Mei and Best work out the confusion between them. Tob and Boss must decide how to navigate their secret relationship in the wedding chaos.
5. Right Time, Right You 1
Air Date: 2023-09-17
After a painful breakup, Phat's friends try to help him feel better and look for a new boyfriend.
6. Right Time, Right You 2
Air Date: 2023-09-24
When Phat returns to Thailand to heal from a broken heart, he meets Mok, his good friend Mei's younger brother. Mok's flirtation shakes both Phat and himself. Little do they know, it's Mei's black magic pulling the strings.
7. You are my Soulmate 1
Air Date: 2023-10-01
Butr is relentlessly pursued by Fong, but his own attention is being pulled by Korn.
8. You are my Soulmate 2
Air Date: 2023-10-08
Butr and Korn continue to experience their own coincidental meetings.
9. Lucky Love 1
Air Date: 2023-10-15
Meen is recently heartbroken when he meets Jeng. The two begin feuding from their first meeting.
10. Lucky Love 2
Air Date: 2023-10-22
Meen's ex returns causing him some discomfort, but Jeng's bar becomes a safe zone for him.
11. The Camp Fire 1
Air Date: 2023-10-29
After Camp's friends bail on him, he is faced with meeting with a guy he met online by himself. Only when he meets the mystery man, it's none other than Talay, an old schoolmate. The two share a campsite together when some spooky disturbances begin.
12. The Camp Fire 2
Air Date: 2023-11-05
June's ghost continues to harass Camp as he and Talay grow closer.
13. Friends Forever 1
Air Date: 2023-11-12
Pun begins to develop a romantic relationship with his soccer coach, Jay. Pun's teammates express concern when they learn about the new relationship.
14. Friends Forever 2
Air Date: 2023-11-19
An argument between Pun and Coach Jay ends in tragedy.
15. Fake Love 1
Air Date: 2023-11-26
Desperate to ditch his ex, Pheem approaches Phol about agreeing to a fake relationship.
16. Fake Love 2
Air Date: 2023-12-03
17. Pisces of Me 1
Air Date: 2023-12-10
Dissimilar fraternal twins Korn and Kun have been inseperable since childhood. When Kun starts spending time with someone new, Korn begins to feel like Kun's insiginificant little brother. Now that they're growing up, he has to grapple with the idea of a future without his "older brother" by his side.
18. Pisces of Me 2
Air Date: 2023-12-17
Dissimilar fraternal twins Korn and Kun have been inseperable since childhood. When Kun starts spending time with someone new, Korn begins to feel like Kun's insiginificant little brother. Now that they're growing up, he has to grapple with the idea of a future without his "older brother" by his side.
19. 1626 1
Air Date: 2023-12-24
Thod sees himself as a black hole—a puzzle without concrete theories, challenging to grasp. Only Nick, his sole confidant and a brother-like tutor, truly understands him. However, time, distance and the passage of years gradually separate them, leaving their long-awaited reunion in doubt.
20. 1626 2
Air Date: 2023-12-31
Thod sees himself as a black hole—a puzzle without concrete theories, challenging to grasp. Only Nick, his sole confidant and a brother-like tutor, truly understands him. However, time, distance and the passage of years gradually separate them, leaving their long-awaited reunion in doubt.
21. Refund Love 1
Air Date: 2024-01-07
A young man named Pai was hired to look after a hesitant man named Third. That’s how their story begins… and later develops into something else. And yet the salary he will receive is not cash but… his love.
22. Refund Love 2
Air Date: 2024-01-14
A young man named Pai was hired to look after a hesitant man named Third. That’s how their story begins… and later develops into something else. And yet the salary he will receive is not cash but… his love.
23. I Wish You Love 1
Air Date: 2024-01-21
Pond is fond of his own reflection, amassing an enormous collection of mirrors. One day, he trips over his own feet, goes through a mirror, and is transported into Mawin's sickroom. Mawin is Pond's old friend he hasn't seen since high school.
24. I Wish You Love 2
Air Date: 2024-01-28
Pond is fond of his own reflection, amassing an enormous collection of mirrors. One day, he trips over his own feet, goes through a mirror, and is transported into Mawin's sickroom. Mawin is Pond's old friend he hasn't seen since high school.
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Release Date
24 (1 seasons)
Production Companies