

Sammy is an American animated television series that aired from August 8 until August 15, 2000. Inspired by Spade's own family tree, the show turns on James Blake, a TV star who's absentee free-loading father Sammy resurfaces after James makes it big.



1. Denver

Air Date: 2000-08-08

When James' mother Marie finds out that her ex-husband Sammy is living with James and Todd, she drags her new husband Steve out to Los Angeles to "save" them. Meanwhile, James' agent Mark gets a book deal for James.

2. Sammy Makes Amends

Air Date: 2000-08-15

Sammy reassess his past and use his "second chance" to make amends with his sons. James' agent Mark has brokered a deal that will bring James' "Mongo Man" movie character to toy store shelves as an action figure.

3. Swimmin' Pools, Movie Stars

Air Date:

Sammy tries to re-establish relations with his family just as James' movie career is taking off. James' super-agent, Mark Jacobs, attempts to keep the 'heat' on James while fending off Sammy's attempts at getting involved in James' career.

4. House of Pain

Air Date:

James learns from his mother, Marie, that his childhood home is getting torn down to build a shopping center.

5. Malibu

Air Date:

James's plans to get some R&R by renting a house in Malibu are foiled when his entire family shows up to hang out.

6. Fair

Air Date:

James is looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home, until he finds out his agent, Mark has booked him to appear as "Mongo Man" at the county fair. He invites his family to come along.

7. Son of Sammy

Air Date:

James bribes Sammy into spending a quality-time weekend with Gary and his wife, with disastrous results. Meanwhile, James takes in his assistant Kathy when she breaks up with her boyfriend.

8. Biography

Air Date:

James learns he will be the subject of an A&E Biography profile, but the program will instead air on the E. Network. No one, particularly James, looks forward to being grilled by A. J. Benza.

9. Gabriella's Return

Air Date:

Todd reunites with Gabriella, the mother of their two children and moves in with the family after Lola ends up in her house.

10. Gary's Trophy

Air Date:

Gary wins an award from accounting, and the entire family goes back to their home in Denver for Gary's award ceremony.

11. Earthquake

Air Date:

James finally decides to kick out Sammy out of his house, until an earthquake happens in Hollywood which separates the family. James and the others try to find their family members among the wreckage.

12. 100th Episode Party

Air Date:

James throws the 100th episode party of the show Hey Rebecca. Meanwhile, Kathy grows annoyed at her role as James' assistant, and Sammy is dared by Gary to get a job and work for an entire week.

13. Mark's 40th

Air Date:

A group of agents sit together and retell the story of when Mark Jacobs quits his job as James's agent during his 40th birthday.

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Release Date



13 (1 seasons)




Production Companies

Desert Rat Productions

Adelaide Productions

Brad Grey Television

NBC Studios

NBC Studios