

Pocoyo, the curious toddler dressed all in blue, joins Pato the yellow duck, Elly the pink elephant, Loula the dog, Sleepy Bird and many others in learning new things and having fun.



Umbrella Umbrella

1. Umbrella Umbrella

Air Date: 2005-05-10

In this debut episode, Pocoyo and his friends try to find out how to use an umbrella.

Drum Roll Please

2. Drum Roll Please

Air Date: 2005-05-13

In this cartoon video children will learn, as well as their favorite cartoons, to play melodies with musical instruments.

Swept Away

3. Swept Away

Air Date: 2005-05-16

Pocoyo shows us that tidying can be fun too: a broom can be a horse, a guitar, or even a hockey stick!

Who's On The Phone?

4. Who's On The Phone?

Air Date: 2005-05-19

Pocoyo finds a telephone and tries to work out what it's for.

Fetch Loula Fetch!

5. Fetch Loula Fetch!

Air Date: 2005-05-22

While playing fetch with Loula, Pocoyo learns about shapes, colors, and sizes.

A Little Cloud

6. A Little Cloud

Air Date: 2005-05-25

Pocoyo is followed by a lonely little cloud who wants to play with him.

A Present For Elly

7. A Present For Elly

Air Date: 2005-05-28

Pocoyo decides to make a very special birthday present for Elly. Can you guess what it is?

Pocoyo Dance

8. Pocoyo Dance

Air Date: 2005-05-31

Pocoyo and Pato find a radio, but the former has some trouble dancing.

The Big Sneeze

9. The Big Sneeze

Air Date: 2005-06-03

Elly has a cold and her sneezes keep knocking Pocoyo's block tower down.

A Mystery Most Puzzling

10. A Mystery Most Puzzling

Air Date: 2005-06-06

Pocoyo has to follow the clues in a series of photographs to work out who got his camera.


11. Hush

Air Date: 2005-06-09

Pocoyo finda a butterfly but every time he says hello to it, it flies away.

Double Bubble

12. Double Bubble

Air Date: 2005-06-12

Pocoyo enjoys blowing bubbles for Loula but Elly wants a turn too.

The Key to It All

13. The Key to It All

Air Date: 2005-06-15

Pocoyo finds a key and invites Pato and Elly to join with him to find the treasure.

Keep Going Pocoyo!

14. Keep Going Pocoyo!

Air Date: 2005-06-18

Pato and Elly are jumping rope and Pocoyo wants to join in too but cannot get the knack going.

Sleepy Bird's Surprise

15. Sleepy Bird's Surprise

Air Date: 2005-06-21

Sleepy Bird's egg runs away and Pocoyo and Pato need to get it back to her nest just in time for it to hatch.

Where's Pocoyo?

16. Where's Pocoyo?

Air Date: 2005-06-24

Pocoyo plays hide and seek with the Narrator.

Drummer Boy

17. Drummer Boy

Air Date: 2005-06-27

Pocoyo wants to drum, but his friends are all busy playing different things. Pocoyo learns that sometimes his friends don't want to do exactly the same things as him.

The Great Race

18. The Great Race

Air Date: 2005-06-30

Pocoyo and Elly want to have a race, but another one of their friends joins in and eventually wins the race.

Don't Touch

19. Don't Touch

Air Date: 2005-08-08

Elly builds a beautiful castle out of blocks, but has forgotten her flag. Pocoyo agrees to protect the castle and not allow anyone to touch it while she goes and gets a flag, but who will protect the castle from Pocoyo?

Mystery Footprints

20. Mystery Footprints

Air Date: 2005-08-11

Pocoyo and his friends are scared when they see some huge footprints. Follow the footprints with Pocoyo and his friends.

Magical Watering Can

21. Magical Watering Can

Air Date: 2005-08-14

Pocoyo gives the last drop of water from his watering can to his friends instead of using it to feed his musical flowers.

Table for Fun

22. Table for Fun

Air Date: 2005-08-17

Pocoyo and Elly play restaurants, but their unwilling guest, Pato, doesn't understand that it's just a game.

Twinkle Twinkle

23. Twinkle Twinkle

Air Date: 2005-08-20

Elly finds a star that fell from night sky, and she decides she wants to keep it, but Pocoyo thinks it should be shared with everyone.


24. Hiccup

Air Date: 2005-08-23

Pocoyo, Elly and Loula try to surprise Pato when he gets the hiccups.

Pato's Postal Service

25. Pato's Postal Service

Air Date: 2005-08-26

Pocoyo wants to send a letter, so Pato becomes a postman for the day.

Puppy Love

26. Puppy Love

Air Date: 2005-08-29

Pocoyo finds a toy dog to play with, but Loula gets upset that Pocoyo isn't playing with her.

Bat and Ball

27. Bat and Ball

Air Date: 2005-09-02

Pocoyo, Elly and Pato play Bat and Ball with Fred. Pocoyo wants to go first but he is angry that Pato & Elly get to go before him.

Elly Spots

28. Elly Spots

Air Date: 2005-09-05

Elly is stricken with a case of the elephant spots and Pocoyo and Pato have to forsake their picnic to look after her.

Up Up and Away

29. Up Up and Away

Air Date: 2005-09-06

When Elly loses Pocoyo's new toy airplane, they all go on a fantastic adventure and meet new friends who help them find it.

A Surprise for Pocoyo

30. A Surprise for Pocoyo

Air Date: 2005-09-11

Pato, Elly, Loula, & Sleepy Bird are preparing a surprise party for Pocoyo but they need the Narrator to distract Pocoyo or it will ruin the surprise if he finds out.

Having a Ball

31. Having a Ball

Air Date: 2005-09-14

Baby Bird wants to play ball with Pocoyo & Pato but they say he's too little. So, he steals their ball and takes it with him to outer space.

Super Pocoyo

32. Super Pocoyo

Air Date: 2005-09-15

Pocoyo is pretending to be a superhero and wants to help others. However, his beliefs of trouble around them upset his friends.

Let's Go Camping

33. Let's Go Camping

Air Date: 2005-09-19

Pocoyo & his friends are going camping but their supplies are too much for the vamoosh to carry.

Pocoyo, Pocoyo

34. Pocoyo, Pocoyo

Air Date: 2005-09-22

Pocoyo can't find his friends, but he finds a new friend: his echo.

Elly's Big Chase

35. Elly's Big Chase

Air Date: 2005-09-25

Pocoyo & Pato want to show Elly their new balloons but she is asleep. When she floats away because of them, they have to save her before she wakes up.

Pocoyo Gets It Right

36. Pocoyo Gets It Right

Air Date: 2005-09-28

Pocoyo wants to play golf with Elly but he doesn't want her help. However, without her help, he cannot hit the golf ball in the hole.

Juggling Balls

37. Juggling Balls

Air Date: 2005-10-01

Pocoyo wants to learn how to juggle after watching Elly perform. He visits the juggling sensei, Octopus, who puts Pocoyo through an odd training program.

Fussy Duck

38. Fussy Duck

Air Date: 2005-10-04

Pato wants to stay clean after taking four showers, but his cleanliness is no match for his friends' messy act.

A Dog's Life

39. A Dog's Life

Air Date: 2005-10-07

Pocoyo pretends to be a duck, elephant, and dog like his friends but he soon learns how to be happy with himself in the end.


40. Pocoyolympics

Air Date: 2005-10-10

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly compete in three Pocoyo-lympic sports: running in circles, putting toys in a box, and giggling.

Picture This

41. Picture This

Air Date: 2005-10-13

To Pato and Elly's amusement, Pocoyo draws a fish living in the sky and one playing in the forest.

Whale's Birthday

42. Whale's Birthday

Air Date: 2005-10-16

Pocoyo & his friends have presents for Whale on her birthday but they end up getting popped, eaten by a fish, or destroyed by water.

Pocoyo's Little Friend

43. Pocoyo's Little Friend

Air Date: 2005-10-19

Pocoyo finds a little caterpillar and feeds it a lot of food.

Colour My World

44. Colour My World

Air Date: 2005-10-22

Pocoyo finds a new toy, a remote control that changes the colours of the things around him. It's great fun, until he changes the colours of his friends. So, he has to put things back to the way they were.


45. Bedtime

Air Date: 2005-10-25

It's time for bed for Pocoyo & Pato but Pocoyo isn't tired and wants to stay up to keep playing but keeps Pato from going to sleep.

A Little Something Between Friends

46. A Little Something Between Friends

Air Date: 2005-10-28

Pocoyo and Pato have a fight, refuse to make up, and build a wall against each other. So, Elly has to get them to be friends again.

Giggle Bug

47. Giggle Bug

Air Date: 2005-11-03

Pocoyo & his friends are in a bad mood so Octopus decides to make them happy again.

What's In The Box?

48. What's In The Box?

Air Date: 2005-11-06

Pocoyo is playing with a box but he does not see Loula going into it.

Musical Blocks

49. Musical Blocks

Air Date: 2005-11-09

Pocoyo & Pato find some blocks that can sense different types of music.

Paint Me a Picture!

50. Paint Me a Picture!

Air Date: 2005-11-12

Pocoyo is painting his friends but he cannot keep them still for him to paint.

Elly's Doll

51. Elly's Doll

Air Date: 2005-11-15

Pocoyo accidentally breaks Elly's doll but he does not want to tell Elly so he pretends to be her doll.

Wackily Ever After

52. Wackily Ever After

Air Date: 2005-11-18

Pocoyo and his friends act out a fairy tale but end up acting like their normal selves in the end.

Mr Big Duck

1. Mr Big Duck

Air Date: 2006-08-07

Feeling he’s different from everyone else, Pato finds a pair of sunglasses and welcomes a new persona, Mr. Big Duck with Pocoyo and Baby Bird joining as sidekicks. Elly shows Pato how there’s no need to feel left out.

Guess What?

2. Guess What?

Air Date: 2006-08-10

Pocoyo plays a game with the Narrator where he must guess who the person is, based on their body parts.

All for One

3. All for One

Air Date: 2006-08-13

Pocoyo feels left out when he discovers that all his friends can fly except for him.

Band of Friends

4. Band of Friends

Air Date: 2006-08-16

A mischievous red cube plays with and teases Pocoyo, before gathering its friends for an impromptu recital, to everyone's delight.

Upside Down

5. Upside Down

Air Date: 2006-08-20

Pato is stuck being upside down. After trying to get him right-side up, his good friends Pocoyo, Baby Bird, and Elly decided to cheer him up, until Pocoyo comes up with a perfect plan.

Mad Mix Machine

6. Mad Mix Machine

Air Date: 2006-08-23

Pocoyo's new machine will combine whatever he puts in it into something new and exciting (to Pocoyo).

The Messy Guest

7. The Messy Guest

Air Date: 2006-08-26

Pocoyo and Baby Bird meet with their friends, but they get angry with the boys when they leave their stuff a mess.

New on the Planet

8. New on the Planet

Air Date: 2006-08-29

When an alien falls from space and onto Pocoyo World, Pocoyo meets him and discovers he’s shy, which explains the reason he’s so scared when he’s introduced to his friends.

Pocoyo's Present

9. Pocoyo's Present

Air Date: 2006-09-01

When Elly spots Pocoyo with a present he refuses to open, she comes up with a plan to steal and open it.

Elly's Ballet Class

10. Elly's Ballet Class

Air Date: 2006-09-04

Elly decides to teach her friends how to ballet like her, but gets angry when they don’t get it right.

Pocoyo's Balloon

11. Pocoyo's Balloon

Air Date: 2006-09-07

Everyone is jealous of Pocoyo's new balloon, but when he accidentally lets go of it, Pocoyo must learn to "let go" himself.

Who's Calling Me Now?

12. Who's Calling Me Now?

Air Date: 2006-09-10

Pocoyo discovers a box full of colored whistles but when he blows each one, it sounds like his friends’ onomatopoeia other than normal whistle sounds, which sparks a dispute between him and his friends.

Big Scary Slide

13. Big Scary Slide

Air Date: 2006-09-13

Pocoyo has to learn to overcome his fears while everyone else has lots of fun on a gigantic slide.

Elly's Shoes

14. Elly's Shoes

Air Date: 2006-09-16

Elly gets a new pair of dress-up shoes that she loves, but she soon finds out that dress-up shoes aren't necessarily good shoes to wear all the time.

Duck Stuck

15. Duck Stuck

Air Date: 2006-09-19

Magical doors to strange and nonsensical places entertain Pocoyo and Pato for an entire episode.

Scary Noises

16. Scary Noises

Air Date: 2006-09-22

When Pato crash-lands the Vamoosh onto a planet in space along with Pocoyo, and the two search for the detached tailfin of the bird-plane-rocket hybrid, Pato meets an orange alien who he quickly gets scared of.

Not in my Backyard

17. Not in my Backyard

Air Date: 2006-09-25

When Pocoyo comes across a tire, he uses it a trash can for him and his friends’ garbage, but this sparks a dispute in Pocoyo World when no one wants the pile of rubbish near them, thus throwing it to another person.

Vamoosh on the Loosh

18. Vamoosh on the Loosh

Air Date: 2006-09-28

Baby Bird joyrides in the Vamoosh because Pocoyo doesn't keep his promise to teach Baby Bird how to fly it.

Detective Pocoyo

19. Detective Pocoyo

Air Date: 2006-10-05

When Elly’s favorite doll goes missing, Pocoyo becomes a detective to help her find it.

Scooter Madness

20. Scooter Madness

Air Date: 2006-10-08

When Pocoyo and Pato find Elly’s missing scooter, they set out to return to her but when Pato performs a life-saving trick on the scooter, he decides to do more cool tricks until he breaks the scooter.

Lost in Space

21. Lost in Space

Air Date: 2006-10-11

Pocoyo, Pato, and Baby Bird take a trip to Green Alien’s home planet but after they leave the secondary and tertiary behind, Pocoyo and Green Alien get lost.


22. Boo!

Air Date: 2006-10-14

Pocoyo, Pato, Elly, Loula, and the Narrator all have a good time trying to scare each other (well, maybe not Pato).

Party Pooper

23. Party Pooper

Air Date: 2006-10-17

Pocoyo is throwing a party, and everyone is invited. Soon, everyone is having a lot of fun, but not the kind of fun Pocoyo had in mind.

My Pato!

24. My Pato!

Air Date: 2006-10-20

Elly and Pocoyo find ingenious ways to steal Pato from each other. Pato is not amused.

Baby Bird Bother

25. Baby Bird Bother

Air Date: 2006-10-23

Baby Bird shifts his hero worship over to Pocoyo, which bothers him when Baby Bird follows him and does whatever he does.

Dirty Dog

26. Dirty Dog

Air Date: 2006-10-26

When they realize how bad Loula smells, Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly come up with ways to get her into the bathtub.

The Seed

27. The Seed

Air Date: 2007-02-17

When Pocoyo finds a seed, he plants it expecting for a flower to grow but his friends keep trying to mess with the seed.

Runaway Hat

28. Runaway Hat

Air Date: 2007-02-20

When Pato loses his hat to the wind, he tries to find a replacement, worrying that his friends may laugh at his bald head.

Invisible Pocoyo

29. Invisible Pocoyo

Air Date: 2007-02-23

When Pocoyo finds a remote that can make anything invisible, he shows it to Pato and Elly who dismiss him, so he decides to get back at them by turning invisible and scaring them.

Noise to my Ears

30. Noise to my Ears

Air Date: 2007-02-26

A bored Pocoyo, Elly, and Baby Bird discover the wonders of noise, but their loud playing disturbs Pato from his nap.

Baby Bird Sitting

31. Baby Bird Sitting

Air Date: 2007-03-02

Pato volunteers to watch over Baby Bird (and later Caterpillar) when Sleepy Bird goes out for a while, but the two cause mayhem, driving Pato and even Pocoyo crazy.

Everyone's Present

32. Everyone's Present

Air Date: 2007-03-05

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly each get a present. While each gift is disappointing at first, they each find creative ways to have fun with their presents, until they combine their new doodads to make a the best toy ever.

Magic Act

33. Magic Act

Air Date: 2007-03-08

Pocoyo performs magic tricks for his friends but when he keeps on messing up, he thinks his friends hate his tricks when they actually love them.

Picnic Puzzle

34. Picnic Puzzle

Air Date: 2007-03-11

Pocoyo and his friends have a picnic but when the former and Elly tell Pato to watch their food, it starts moving by itself but the two don’t believe him.

Pocoyo's Puppet Show

35. Pocoyo's Puppet Show

Air Date: 2007-03-14

When Pocoyo comes across a theatre with puppets, he puts on a puppet show for his friends but makes fun of them in the process, angering them.

Pato's Egg

36. Pato's Egg

Air Date: 2007-03-17

When Pato finds an egg, he takes care of it until it hatches and reveals to be a baby spider, which Pocoyo and Elly are scared of. Pato learns that he won’t be able to play with his friends as long as Baby Spider tags along.

Dance Off!

37. Dance Off!

Air Date: 2007-03-20

Pocoyo and Pato have a dance battle to see who’s better at dancing, but Elly shows the boys how they all can just dance together.

Get Lost Loula

38. Get Lost Loula

Air Date: 2007-03-23

When Pocoyo gets jealous after Loula wins a game of hide-and-seek, he gets her to run away but must find her with his friends’ aid when he realizes she could be in danger.

Sneaky Shoes

39. Sneaky Shoes

Air Date: 2007-03-26

Sick and tired of losing, Pato comes across a pair of red shoes that let him run super fast when they’re put on. Pato decides to use the shoes to cheat in a foot race and a long jump against Pocoyo and Elly.


40. Shutterbug

Air Date: 2007-03-29

Pato wants to take a picture with Pocoyo, Elly, and Baby Bird but the attempt ends up a failure when the three keep goofing off, raging Pato.

Angry Alien

41. Angry Alien

Air Date: 2007-04-03

When an enraged martian named Angry Alien tries to take over Pocoyo World, his evil plan gets thwarted when Pocoyo and his friends want him to play with them.

Pato Underwater

42. Pato Underwater

Air Date: 2007-04-06

Pato goes underwater for a playdate with Fred and Whale but ends up wanting to go back home when he realizes he can’t play any normal game due to the water.

Pato's Paintings

43. Pato's Paintings

Air Date: 2007-04-09

Pato refuses to paint a picture for an art exhibition because he’s nervous of what people will think, so he decides to turn in a counterfeit painting.

Monster Mystery

44. Monster Mystery

Air Date: 2007-04-12

Pocoyo draws a monster face on a box in an attempt to scare Pato and Elly but when the box falls on Sleepy Bird, she chases the three who think she’s an actual monster.


45. Poczilla

Air Date: 2007-04-15

Pocoyo and Pato are playing at being terrifying giant monsters, like the sort of monsters they've seen in their comics. They find a toy city and enjoy being like Godzilla and King Kong.

Elly on Ice

46. Elly on Ice

Air Date: 2007-04-18

When she sees her friends ice skating in an ice rink as part of a competition, Elly wants to join but realizes she’s terrible at ice skating.

Farewell Friends

47. Farewell Friends

Air Date: 2007-04-21

Pato is leaving: he's packed his bags, he's said goodbye to his room and all his things. He's had one last sniff of his favourite flowers and said goodbye to Caterpillar, Alien, Baby Bird and Sleepy Bird. And there's the plane he's leaving in...! One last chance to say good bye. Good bye Pato!!!

Double Trouble

48. Double Trouble

Air Date: 2007-04-24

When he wants someone just like him to play with him, Pato invents a cloning machine to befriend himself, but things go awry when Pato clones himself multiple times and the clones cause mayhem in Pocoyo World..


49. Horse!

Air Date: 2007-04-27

When Pocoyo learns about horses, he becomes obsessed with them, wanting to ride one, and drives his friends crazy.

Elly's Tea Party

50. Elly's Tea Party

Air Date: 2007-04-30

Elly invites Pocoyo, Pato, and Baby Bird to her tea party but the skeptical boys know how bossy Elly is at her tea parties. Due to this, the boys try to steal Elly’s biscuits but fail miserably.

Talent Show

51. Talent Show

Air Date: 2007-05-03

Pocoyo and his friends put on a talent show but Caterpillar is too scared to show off her talent.

Remember When...

52. Remember When...

Air Date: 2007-05-06

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly showcase their favorite moments in Pocoyo World (primarily clips of episodes from the previous two series), but this sparks a dispute when the home movie clips also show embarrassing moments of each other.

53. Pocoyo's Cousin

Air Date:

54. Snow day

Air Date:

Chrismas Pocoyo

55. Chrismas Pocoyo

Air Date:

Pocoyo's Band

1. Pocoyo's Band

Air Date: 2010-07-03

Pocoyo finds a box full of musical instruments (a trumpet, a drum, and a guitar) and decides to form a band with Pato and Elly. However, their performance doesn’t go as expected.


2. Picnic

Air Date: 2010-07-05

Pocoyo, Pato and Elly go on a picnic! Everything is great until suddenly the sandwiches start to move by themselves! What is it going on?

Pato's Shower

3. Pato's Shower

Air Date: 2010-07-08

Pato prepares to take a shower but when Pocoyo, Elly, Baby Bird, and Caterpillar steal his soap, brush, and towel, he sets out to get it back.

The Garden

4. The Garden

Air Date: 2010-07-10

After seeing Pato’s beautiful flower garden, Pocoyo wants to grow his own garden but when Pato gives him an instruction book on how to grow a garden, Pocoyo follows anything but the rules.

Pato the Postman

5. Pato the Postman

Air Date: 2010-07-13

Pato the Postman returns to deliver Pocoyo’s letter to Elly but gets overwhelmed when he’s forced to mail in too many deliveries.


6. Colours

Air Date: 2010-07-15

Pocoyo is building a tower of colour blocks. Suddenly the red block speaks. The red block has a yellow friend, a blue friend and a green friend! Want to join them? Let's have fun!

Ready, Steady, Go!

7. Ready, Steady, Go!

Air Date: 2010-07-18

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly compete in a foot race but due to their competitive nature, they break the rules of the game and use scooters and later cars to pass the finish line first.


8. Camping

Air Date: 2010-07-20

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly go camping but get scared when they hear an eerie noise.

Space Mission

9. Space Mission

Air Date: 2010-07-23

Pocoyo and Pato are playing with their Martian friend. They build a rocket ship with boxes and pretend that they are navigating through space between planets and stars!

Travel with Pato

10. Travel with Pato

Air Date: 2010-07-25

Pato is about to go away on a trip on an airplane but realizes that he has forgotten his suitcase. He calls Pocoyo and Elly and begs them to bring it as fast as possible to the airport. Will they get there in time?


11. Playtime

Air Date: 2010-07-28

Pocoyo shows up with a box full of toys: building blocks, a puzzle and a ball. His friends want to play with him, but Pocoyo won’t let them because he would rather play alone!

Tennis Everyone

12. Tennis Everyone

Air Date: 2010-07-30

Our friends are preparing for a tennis game. Pato is a grand champion and it seems that no one can challenge his superiority on the court. But... is he really the best player?

Hide and Seek

13. Hide and Seek

Air Date: 2010-08-02

Pocoyo wants to play hide and seek but he doesn’t understand the rules of the game. His friends help him learn the game and Pocoyo is finally ready to go out and search for them.

Party Time

14. Party Time

Air Date: 2010-08-04

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly set up a birthday party for someone but when Fred offers to help, it becomes chaos for him.


15. Wheels

Air Date: 2010-08-07

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly ride their favorite vehicles but when Caterpillar also wants to ride with them, she can’t find any vehicle her size.

Elly's Bath

16. Elly's Bath

Air Date: 2010-08-09

Pocoyo wants to play ball with Elly but she’s too busy taking a bath with her rubber ducky and brush.

The Amazing Tower

17. The Amazing Tower

Air Date: 2010-08-12

Pato builds a block tower but when he lends Pocoyo some of his blocks, he takes advantage of it and steals all of Pato’s blocks, angering him.

Pocoyo’s New Toys

18. Pocoyo’s New Toys

Air Date: 2010-08-14

Pocoyo spots his friends playing with cool toys (Elly plays with a hula-hoop, Baby Bird and Caterpillar fly a kite, and Pato plays with a jump rope) but when he tries go play with them, it doesn’t go very well.

Bathing Loula

19. Bathing Loula

Air Date: 2010-08-17

When Loula gets dirty, Pocoyo and Elly try to take her a bath with a soap, brush, and towel.

Magic Fingers

20. Magic Fingers

Air Date: 2010-08-19

Pocoyo performs a magic trick by making his fingers, hands, and legs disappear, impressing his friends.

Cooking with Elly

21. Cooking with Elly

Air Date: 2010-08-22

Elly bakes a cake for a special occasion, but when Pocoyo and Pato accidentally smush it, they have to help Elly bake another one.

Elly’s Market

22. Elly’s Market

Air Date: 2010-08-24

Elly has set up a market to play with her friends. She has oranges, apples and bananas. Pocoyo and Pato are having fun playing with the fruit stand and they break it. They have to fix it and put each fruit back in its place.

Pato’s Bedtime

23. Pato’s Bedtime

Air Date: 2010-08-27

It’s nighttime but Pato finds it hard to sleep when Pocoyo stays up, playing with his toys.

A Hole in One

24. A Hole in One

Air Date: 2010-08-29

Elly enjoys playing golf but when Pocoyo wants to play too, he cheats the game.

Pocoyo’s Camera

25. Pocoyo’s Camera

Air Date: 2010-09-03

Pocoyo comes across a camera and learns what it’s for, but ends up taking pictures of his friends in their most embarrassing moment, angering them.

Painting with Pocoyo

26. Painting with Pocoyo

Air Date: 2010-09-05

Pocoyo, Pato, and Elly paint a still life of fruit but when Baby Bird comes along, he eats all the fruit.

Playing Dress Up

27. Playing Dress Up

Air Date: 2010-09-08

Pocoyo, Elly and Pato are playing dress up. Elly has put on some polka-dotted shoes, Pato is wearing a red hat and bow tie, and Pocoyo is wearing some yellow trousers. Caterpillar wants to play with them, but finds nothing in her size. With a little imagination, Caterpillar gets her own costume.

Magic Box

28. Magic Box

Air Date: 2010-09-10

Pocoyo has two magic boxes where if he puts an object inside one box, it will teleport into the other box. When he does the trick with Pato’s favorite bouncy ball, he gets angry with him.

Pocoyo’s Restaurant

29. Pocoyo’s Restaurant

Air Date: 2010-09-13

Pocoyo and Elly open a restaurant but must find a way to satisfy their customer Angry Alien.

Wake Up, Pocoyo!

30. Wake Up, Pocoyo!

Air Date: 2010-09-15

Pocoyo refuses to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, forcing Pato to get him in the energetic spirit.

Ahoy, Pocoyo!

31. Ahoy, Pocoyo!

Air Date: 2010-09-18

Pocoyo and Pato pretend to be pirates in a search for treasure guarded by a monster (Loula) by using a map and a telescope, but chaos arises when the boys are chased by two piranhas (Baby Bird and Caterpillar) and the monster wakes up.

Elly’s Computer

32. Elly’s Computer

Air Date: 2010-09-20

Pocoyo wants to play ball with Elly but she’s too busy playing a video game on her computer.

Going to the Beach

33. Going to the Beach

Air Date: 2010-10-06

When they receive postcards from Elly who’s at a trip to the beach, Pocoyo and Pato decide to make their own beach with a spade, a bucket, a sandbox, and shades.

Big & Small

34. Big & Small

Air Date: 2010-10-08

Pocoyo finds a remote that can increase or decrease the size of things, but his friends get angry when he leaves their stuff either big or small.

Face Painting

35. Face Painting

Air Date: 2010-10-11

Elly wants Pocoyo and Pato to paint a portrait of her new doll, but the boys end up painting portraits of her body parts instead, angering Elly.

Pocoyo’s Supermarket

36. Pocoyo’s Supermarket

Air Date: 2010-10-13

Pocoyo and Pato open up a supermarket (with bottles, cartons, and cans) but Elly keeps ordering too much stuff, tiring out the boys.

Elly’s Playhouse

37. Elly’s Playhouse

Air Date: 2010-10-16

Elly builds a new playhouse but when Pocoyo and Pato unintentionally destroy it, they help Elly rebuild it.

Pocoyo’s Puppet Theatre

38. Pocoyo’s Puppet Theatre

Air Date: 2010-10-18

When Pocoyo finds a box full of puppets that look like him and his friends, he and Elly build a puppet theatre to put on a show for their friends.

Up & Down

39. Up & Down

Air Date: 2010-10-21

Pocoyo teaches Baby Bird the difference between up and down in many ways. First, he uses a see-saw for example, and then uses a long slide, and later uses the Vamoosh to fly to space and back.

Pocoyo’s Breakfast

40. Pocoyo’s Breakfast

Air Date: 2010-10-23

When Pocoyo refuses to eat the breakfast that Elly made for him (milk, cereal, and orange juice), he sets out to eat breakfast with someone else but doesn’t like what they serve.

Traffic Jam

41. Traffic Jam

Air Date: 2010-10-26

Pocoyo becomes a traffic policeman with a whistle but chaos ensues when no one follows his signals, Pato needs to cross the street, and a huge collision commences.

Pato’s Living Room

42. Pato’s Living Room

Air Date: 2010-10-28

Pato has a living room and wants to watch TV but when Pocoyo, Caterpillar, and Loula want to join him, Pato kicks them all out.


43. Cinema

Air Date: 2010-11-05

Pato is going to show a movie for his friends, who will be the audience. He shows us the screen, the seats and the projector. Everything is going well until the film gets jammed and the audience laughs. Pato gets angry but his friends manage to get him to sit down and enjoy the show with them.

Elly’s New Doll

44. Elly’s New Doll

Air Date: 2010-11-07

Elly’s new doll has two arms, two legs and one head. Elly has to run an errand, so she leaves her doll with Pocoyo and Pato. When she returns, her doll is not in the same condition as when she left. Will they be able to put things right?


45. Circus

Air Date: 2010-11-10

Pocoyo, Pato and Elly are setting up a circus that will have acrobats, jugglers and clowns. The show begins. At first, the performers are not very coordinated, but in the end the performances are very entertaining and the audience has a great time.

The Best Bedroom

46. The Best Bedroom

Air Date: 2010-11-12

Elly’s bedroom has a bed and a closet full of clothes. Pato’s room has a bedside table and a lamp. Pocoyo’s is full of toys. All three think they have the best bedroom, but which of the three is best?

Pocoyo Goes to School

47. Pocoyo Goes to School

Air Date: 2010-11-15

Elly plays a game of school with Baby Bird and Caterpillar, as Pocoyo and Pato refuse to join. After seeing how fun school can be, the boys later change their minds.


48. Art

Air Date: 2010-11-17

The characters have prepared an exhibit that displays different art genres, such as painting, sculpture, and photography. Pato plays the role of an art critic and visits the exhibit, but there is nothing he likes there. The rest of the characters ask him to show his artistic skills, and it is then Pato realizes that making art is not so easy.

Pocoyo Recycles

49. Pocoyo Recycles

Air Date: 2010-11-20

When Pocoyo and Pato learn about recycling, they along with Elly and Fred find multiple things to recycle.

Down on the Farm

50. Down on the Farm

Air Date: 2010-11-22

Pocoyo, Elly and Pato are in the garden, where they have planted tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. When it is time to pick and eat them, the vegetables suddenly start to move by themselves. They finally catch them and discover why they were moving.

Nurse Elly

51. Nurse Elly

Air Date: 2010-11-25

When Pocoyo pretends to be sick to get out of tidying up, Elly becomes a nurse along with her assistant Pato to take care of him.

Fishing with Pocoyo

52. Fishing with Pocoyo

Air Date: 2010-11-27

Pocoyo and Pato go out fishing together in a lake with their bait being Caterpillar, but when she befriends a fish, they both play pranks on the boys, angering them.

1. Holidays

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2. Episode 2

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3. Episode 3

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4. Episode 4

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5. Episode 5

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6. Episode 6

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7. Episode 7

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8. Episode 8

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9. Episode 9

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10. Episode 10

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11. Episode 11

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12. Episode 12

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13. Episode 13

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14. Episode 14

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15. Episode 15

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16. Episode 16

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17. Episode 17

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18. Episode 18

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19. Episode 19

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20. Episode 20

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21. Episode 21

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22. Episode 22

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23. Episode 23

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24. Episode 24

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25. Episode 25

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26. Episode 26

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27. Episode 27

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28. Episode 28

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29. Episode 29

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30. Episode 30

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31. Episode 31

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32. Episode 32

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33. Episode 33

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34. Episode 34

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35. Episode 35

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36. Episode 36

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37. Episode 37

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38. Episode 38

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39. Episode 39

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40. Episode 40

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41. Episode 41

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42. Episode 42

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43. Episode 43

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44. Episode 44

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45. Episode 45

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46. Episode 46

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47. Episode 47

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48. Episode 48

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49. Episode 49

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50. Episode 50

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51. Episode 51

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52. Episode 52

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53. Episode 53

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Release Date



212 (4 seasons)





Production Companies

Zinkia Entertainment

Cosgrove Hall Films

Granada Kids

Nickelodeon Productions

Nickelodeon Productions

Nick Jr. Productions

Nick Jr. Productions