The Life of Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ

Revealing the Life of Jesus Christ: A Journey of Faith and Reflection!

Jesus Christ goes from being born in a manger to the proclaimed King of the Jews. Walk where He walked, see what He did, and stand where He died. What made Him more than just a man in the eyes of some, but an impostor to others.



Luke 1 | An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth to Mary

1. Luke 1 | An Angel Foretells Christ's Birth to Mary

Air Date: 2011-12-16

Gabriel tells Mary that she will be the mother of the Son of God.

Luke 1 | Mary, the Mother of Jesus

2. Luke 1 | Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Air Date: 2012-05-10

Mary was highly favored of God and chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Her humility, devotion, and strength stand as a model for all Christian disciples.

Luke 1 | Mary and Elisabeth Rejoice Together

3. Luke 1 | Mary and Elisabeth Rejoice Together

Air Date: 2011-12-16

Mary visits Elisabeth and utters Mary visits Elisabeth and utters a psalm of praise.

Luke 1 | The Naming of John the Baptist

4. Luke 1 | The Naming of John the Baptist

Air Date: 2014-02-27

John the Baptist is born. Zacharias prophesies of John’s mission.

Luke 2 | Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem

5. Luke 2 | Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem

Air Date: 2011-12-16

Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus Christ, travel to the city of Bethlehem.

Luke 2 | Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ

6. Luke 2 | Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ

Air Date: 2011-12-16

Heavenly messengers herald the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Luke 2 | The Nativity

7. Luke 2 | The Nativity

Air Date: 2013-12-05

Heavenly messengers herald the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Luke 2 | Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus Christ

8. Luke 2 | Glad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus Christ

Air Date: 2012-12-13

Heavenly messengers herald the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Luke 2 | The Christ Child Is Presented at the Temple

9. Luke 2 | The Christ Child Is Presented at the Temple

Air Date: 2011-12-16

Simeon and Anna prophesy of Christ's mission.

Matthew 2 | The Wise Men Seek Jesus

10. Matthew 2 | The Wise Men Seek Jesus

Air Date: 2011-12-16

The wise men are directed by a star to Jesus.

Luke 2 | Young Jesus Teaches in the Temple

11. Luke 2 | Young Jesus Teaches in the Temple

Air Date: 2014-02-26

At twelve years of age, Christ goes about His Father’s business.

Matthew 3 | Jesus is Baptized by John

12. Matthew 3 | Jesus is Baptized by John

Air Date: 2012-05-11

Jesus is baptized, and the Father acclaims Him as His Beloved Son.

John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine

13. John 2 | Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Air Date: 2012-04-27

Jesus turns water into wine in Cana.

John 2 | Jesus Cleanses the Temple

14. John 2 | Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Air Date: 2012-10-13

Christ cleanses the temple.

John 3 | Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again

15. John 3 | Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again

Air Date: 2012-05-18

Jesus tells Nicodemus that men must be born again.

John 4 | Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman

16. John 4 | Jesus Teaches a Samaritan Woman

Air Date: 2012-02-02

Jesus teaches a woman of Samaria.

Luke 4 | Jesus Declares He Is the Messiah

17. Luke 4 | Jesus Declares He Is the Messiah

Air Date: 2012-05-24

Jesus announces His divine sonship in Nazareth and is rejected.

Matthew 4 | Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

18. Matthew 4 | Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Air Date: 2013-09-05

Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow Him.

Luke 4 | Jesus Heals a Possessed Man

19. Luke 4 | Jesus Heals a Possessed Man

Air Date: 2012-04-30

Christ casts out a devil in Capernaum.

Mark 2 | Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy

20. Mark 2 | Jesus Forgives Sins and Heals a Man Stricken with Palsy

Air Date: 2012-09-27

You can find healing through Jesus Christ.

John 5 | Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the Sabbath

21. John 5 | Jesus Heals a Lame Man on the Sabbath

Air Date: 2013-10-03

Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath and explains why men must honor the Son.

Matthew 10 | Jesus Calls Twelve Apostles to Preach and Bless Others

22. Matthew 10 | Jesus Calls Twelve Apostles to Preach and Bless Others

Air Date: 2012-06-15

Jesus instructs and empowers the Twelve Apostles and sends them forth to preach, minister, and heal the sick.

Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

23. Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

Air Date: 2012-07-06

Jesus preaches the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law

24. Matthew 5 | Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law

Air Date: 2012-07-20

Jesus preaches the Sermon on the Mount. All are commanded to be perfect like their Father in Heaven.

Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's Prayer

25. Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's Prayer

Air Date: 2012-08-03

Jesus teaches the disciples the Lord’s Prayer.

Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven

26. Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven

Air Date: 2012-08-21

Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Mount. He commands, Judge not; ask of God; beware of false prophets.

Luke 12 | Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

27. Luke 12 | Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Air Date: 2013-09-19

Jesus teaches, Lay up treasures in heaven rather than on earth.

Luke 7 | Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of Nain

28. Luke 7 | Jesus Raises the Son of the Widow of Nain

Air Date: 2014-10-16

Jesus raises from death the son of the widow of Nain.

Matthew 11 | Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist; Come unto Me

29. Matthew 11 | Jesus Acclaims John the Baptist; Come unto Me

Air Date: 2013-08-09

Jesus acclaims John as more than a prophet. The cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum are rebuked for unbelief. The Son reveals the Father. The yoke of Christ is easy, and His burden is light.

Luke 11 | A House Divided

30. Luke 11 | A House Divided

Air Date: 2014-03-27

Jesus discusses the casting out of devils—He acclaims Himself as greater than Jonah and Solomon.

Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower

31. Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower

Air Date: 2015-01-27

Jesus gives the parables of the sower.

Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

32. Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Air Date: 2013-05-30

Jesus gives the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Matthew 13 | The Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven

33. Matthew 13 | The Parables of the Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven

Air Date: 2014-12-06

Jesus explains why He teaches with parables.He gives the parables of the sower, the wheat and the tares, the grain of mustard seed, the leaven.

Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven

34. Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven

Air Date: 2013-06-13

Christ gives the parables of, the treasure hidden in the field, the pearl of great price, and the net cast into the sea.

Mark 4 | Calming the Tempest

35. Mark 4 | Calming the Tempest

Air Date: 2015-02-26

Jesus stills the tempest.

Mark 5 | Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus

36. Mark 5 | Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus

Air Date: 2012-09-13

Jesus raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead.

Mark 5 | Jesus Heals a Woman of Faith

37. Mark 5 | Jesus Heals a Woman of Faith

Air Date: 2012-06-14

A woman is healed by touching Jesus’ clothes.

Matthew 14 | The Feeding of the 5,000

38. Matthew 14 | The Feeding of the 5,000

Air Date: 2014-11-06

Jesus feeds the five thousand.

Matthew 14 | Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?

39. Matthew 14 | Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?

Air Date: 2014-11-13

Jesus walks on water, and bids Peter to come unto Him.

John 6 | I am the Bread of Life: Jesus Christ

40. John 6 | I am the Bread of Life: Jesus Christ

Air Date: 2013-05-02

Jesus is the Living Water and the Bread of Life.

Matthew 16 | Thou Art the Christ, the Son of God

1. Matthew 16 | Thou Art the Christ, the Son of God

Air Date: 2013-04-04

Peter testifies that Jesus is the Christ and is promised the keys of the kingdom.

Matthew 16 | Whosoever Will Lose His Life for My Sake Shall Find It

2. Matthew 16 | Whosoever Will Lose His Life for My Sake Shall Find It

Air Date: 2013-04-18

Jesus foretells His death and resurrection.

Matthew 18 | Jesus Teaches that We Must Become as Little Children

3. Matthew 18 | Jesus Teaches that We Must Become as Little Children

Air Date: 2013-11-14

Christ teaches that those who humble themselves as little children are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18 | Forgive 70 Times 7

4. Matthew 18 | Forgive 70 Times 7

Air Date: 2013-07-11

Jesus explains why we should forgive.

John 8 | Go and Sin No More

5. John 8 | Go and Sin No More

Air Date: 2012-08-30

Because of Jesus Christ, every one of us can repent and be forgiven for our sins.

John 8 | Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World; The Truth Shall Make You Free

6. John 8 | Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World; The Truth Shall Make You Free

Air Date: 2012-10-25

Jesus Declares that He is the Light of the World; and that The Truth Shall Make You and All Free.

John 9 | Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

7. John 9 | Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Air Date: 2013-11-22

Faith in Jesus Christ can bring miracles into your life.

John 10 | The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have

8. John 10 | The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have

Air Date: 2013-08-22

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He gained power over death from His Father.

Luke 10 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Good Samaritan

9. Luke 10 | Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Good Samaritan

Air Date: 2012-02-14

Jesus gives the parable of the good Samaritan.

Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

10. Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Air Date: 2013-10-13

Jesus gives the parables of the lost sheep.

Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son

11. Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son

Air Date: 2013-06-27

Jesus gives the parables of the prodigal son.

John 11 | Lazarus Is Raised from the Dead

12. John 11 | Lazarus Is Raised from the Dead

Air Date: 2014-11-26

Jesus Christ overcame sin and death.

Luke 18 | Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me

13. Luke 18 | Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me

Air Date: 2013-10-31

He invites little children to come unto Him and teaches how to gain eternal life.

Matthew 19 | Christ and the Rich Young Ruler

14. Matthew 19 | Christ and the Rich Young Ruler

Air Date: 2014-03-13

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, teaches a rich man how to gain eternal life.

Matthew 20 | The Parable of the Laborers In the Vineyard

15. Matthew 20 | The Parable of the Laborers In the Vineyard

Air Date: 2014-12-11

Jesus gives the parable of the laborers in the vineyard.

Matthew 21 | The Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

16. Matthew 21 | The Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus rides in triumph into Jerusalem.

Matthew 21 | Christ's Authority is Questioned: The Parable of the Two Sons

17. Matthew 21 | Christ's Authority is Questioned: The Parable of the Two Sons

Air Date: 2014-10-24

Jesus discusses authority and gives the parable of the two sons.

Mark 12 | Render unto Caesar and unto God

18. Mark 12 | Render unto Caesar and unto God

Air Date: 2013-03-07

Conspiring men seek to entangle Jesus in His words. Instead, the Savior wittingly teaches them that it is possible to respect civil authority and honor God.

Mark 12 | The Greatest Commandment

19. Mark 12 | The Greatest Commandment

Air Date: 2013-05-16

Jesus declares the first and great commandment is to love God with all your heart.

Mark 12 | Jesus Teaches about the Widow's Mites

20. Mark 12 | Jesus Teaches about the Widow's Mites

Air Date: 2012-01-18

Jesus speaks of the widow’s mites.

Matthew 25 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

21. Matthew 25 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Air Date: 2014-01-30

Jesus gives the parables of the ten virgins.

Matthew 25 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents

22. Matthew 25 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents

Air Date: 2014-01-16

Jesus gives the parables of the talents.

Matthew 25 | Ye Have Done It unto Me

23. Matthew 25 | Ye Have Done It unto Me

Air Date: 2014-01-10

Jesus gives the parable of the sheep and the goats.

John 13 | The Last Supper

24. John 13 | The Last Supper

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus washes the feet of the Twelve. He identifies Judas as His betrayer. He commands them to love one another.

Luke 22 | Jesus Warns Peter and Offers the Intercessory Prayer

25. Luke 22 | Jesus Warns Peter and Offers the Intercessory Prayer

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus foretells Peter's denial and then gives the Intercessory Prayer.

Matthew 26 | The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane

26. Matthew 26 | The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane

Air Date: 2012-03-19

He suffers in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, and is taken before Caiaphas

Matthew 26 | Jesus Is Tried by Caiaphas; Peter Denies Knowing Him

27. Matthew 26 | Jesus Is Tried by Caiaphas; Peter Denies Knowing Him

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus is taken before Caiaphas. Peter denies that he knows Jesus.

Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Condemned Before Pilate

28. Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Condemned Before Pilate

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus is accused and condemned before Pilate.

Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified

29. Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified

Air Date: 2012-04-06

Jesus is accused and condemned before Pilate, then is mocked, crucified, and buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathæa.

Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb

30. Matthew 27 | Jesus Is Laid in a Tomb

Air Date: 2012-03-30

Jesus Christ suffered and died for your sins and rose from the dead so that you can live with God and your loved ones forever.

John 20 | Jesus Is Resurrected

31. John 20 | Jesus Is Resurrected

Air Date: 2012-04-07

Through Jesus Christ, your grief and pain can become hope and joy.

John 20 | He Is Risen

32. John 20 | He Is Risen

Air Date: 2012-04-05

Jesus Christ is your Savior. Through Him, you can be made clean when you repent and do your best to follow Him.

John 3 | For God So Loved the World

33. John 3 | For God So Loved the World

Air Date: 2012-11-15

God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to save men.

Jesus Christ | To This End Was I Born

34. Jesus Christ | To This End Was I Born

Air Date: 2014-04-03

Jesus calls his apostles and teache his doctrine. Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God and King of the Jews, was born to offer Himself as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind.

Jesus Christ | My Kingdom Is Not of This World

35. Jesus Christ | My Kingdom Is Not of This World

Air Date: 2014-04-17

Referencing multiple scriptural accounts Jesus is persecuted, mocked, and crucified. His followers mourn and find the tomb empty on the third day. The Son of God breaks the bands of death and ascends to His Father in Heaven.

Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus

36. Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus

Air Date: 2014-05-15

The resurrected Christ walks with two men on the road to Emmaus. He blesses and breaks bread with them, and then vanishes from sight. Their hearts burned within them.

Luke 24 | The Risen Lord Jesus Christ Appears to the Apostles

37. Luke 24 | The Risen Lord Jesus Christ Appears to the Apostles

Air Date: 2014-05-16

Jesus appears with a body of flesh and bones, eats food, testifies of His divinity, and promises the Holy Ghost. He ascends into heaven.

John 20 | Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen, and Yet Have Believed

38. John 20 | Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen, and Yet Have Believed

Air Date: 2014-06-19

He appears to the disciples and shows His resurrected body. Thomas feels the wounds in Jesus’ hands, feet, and side

John 21 | Jesus Christ Implores Peter to "Feed My Sheep"

39. John 21 | Jesus Christ Implores Peter to "Feed My Sheep"

Air Date: 2014-11-22

Jesus appears to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias—He says, Feed my sheep.

He is Risen: John the Beloved's Witness of the Resurrection

40. He is Risen: John the Beloved's Witness of the Resurrection

Air Date: 2014-04-16

The Apostle John provides his eyewitness account of the last events in the Savior's life and his Resurrection.

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Release Date



80 (2 seasons)





Production Companies

The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints

