

"Ryoko!!" is a four-episode competitive series created by Toshihide, a leading director in the modern Japanese film industry, starring actress Shigeru Muroi. Ryoko, who has absolute values ​​within herself and is always nihilistic, yet compassionate and tearful, is played by Shigeru Muroi, who can now be said to be a charismatic actress of today. Tsuyoshi Toshige is the original story and director of the first episode, and Junji Sakamoto is the director of the second episode. The first unique film produced by the most unique individuals in the Japanese film industry


“If she walks, the sticks will fly away”

1. “If she walks, the sticks will fly away”

Air Date: 1996-09-09

By chance, Ryoko meets Suzuki (Isao Bito), an accident handler at a taxi company. Taking advantage of Suzuki's good nature, he does whatever he wants to his customers. Suzuki finally loses his temper, but ends up being chased by the police. Riyoko tries to help him out of his predicament, but…

I’m accumulating everything

2. I’m accumulating everything

Air Date: 1996-09-16

Ryoko sees a crying man (Koichi Sato) on the street and can't get that image out of her mind. On his way out to the countryside with such a folding car, he accidentally gets into a car of the same type in a convenience store parking lot. Surprisingly, the trunk contained the corpse of a beautiful woman

People who are ignorant about the Internet

3. People who are ignorant about the Internet

Air Date: 1996-09-23

young man (Keisuke Matsuoka) who calls himself a "man of justice" speaks directly to Harizo and saves Ryoko from a difficult situation. This man, who has always been a bit off, ends up spending a large sum of money he picked up by chance. Ryoko tries to save him as he falls from his consciousness of guilt.

Nippon Cha Cha Cha

4. Nippon Cha Cha Cha

Air Date: 1996-09-30

Ryoko and Yoshio, who received a job from a hotel worker, meet Shiro, a bread-layer craftsman. The story is about being troubled by the yakuza gang, but in reality, it was a plot orchestrated by Seiko (Nobuko Watanabe), who is in love with Shitsu. Just then, Ryoko receives a confession of love from Shibu.

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Release Date



4 (1 seasons)


Returning Series
