Once Upon a Time... Life

Once Upon a Time... Life

Attention please! Are you ready for an adventurous tour through the human body? With a lot of humour, our physical appearance is being introduced from head to toe along cells and organs in an educational way. The heart, blood, nerves and kidneys, each single one is a miracle which renders life possible.



The Planet Cell

1. The Planet Cell

Air Date: 1987-09-13

The world of cells is incredible! Activating enzymes, stopping viruses, and managing the body’s police force: it’s all in a day’s work for Teacher.


2. Birth

Air Date: 1987-09-20

After the first cell is fertilized, division and diversification take place to create the 60 trillion cells of the human body.

The Body Sentinels

3. The Body Sentinels

Air Date: 1987-09-27

The body’s police force is taught to neutralize its enemies (microbes and viruses), which reproduce at an alarming rate! It’s a very complex task.

The Bone Marrow

4. The Bone Marrow

Air Date: 1987-10-04

Red blood cells, the body’s police force, are created in the bone marrow but sometimes, the factory breaks down and wayward policemen come out. Uh oh!

The Blood

5. The Blood

Air Date: 1987-10-11

The steadfast red blood cells have come down with the flu! Pedrito and Psi get some help from the Teacher’s antibodies to beat the enemy.

The Tiny Platelets

6. The Tiny Platelets

Air Date: 1987-10-18

Pedrito cuts his finger with a dirty knife. While the platelets try to cure the wound, the white blood cells fight off the filthy invaders.

The Heart

7. The Heart

Air Date: 1987-10-25

Globus takes Hemo and Globina on a tour through the human body’s cathedral: the heart and circulatory system. It’s an impressive adventure.


8. Breathing

Air Date: 1987-11-01

Air bubbles travel from the nose to the lungs. In the swampy, mucus-filled areas, they meet the red blood cells that transport them around the body.

The Brain

9. The Brain

Air Date: 1987-11-08

Teacher introduces Hemo and Globina to the most mysterious organ: the brain. They learn about behavior, the senses, and much more.

The Neurones

10. The Neurones

Air Date: 1987-11-15

The body’s messengers run around sending and receiving information about feelings like hunger and cold. They work day and night and never take breaks.

The Eye

11. The Eye

Air Date: 1987-11-22

Eyes are magical! They break down and transmit images to the brain. What happens if a speck of dust gets into one? It’s tear enzymes to the rescue.

The Ear

12. The Ear

Air Date: 1987-11-29

The ear is composed of cells that sense vibrations and transmit them to the brain. Then, the brain transforms them into words and sounds.

The Skin

13. The Skin

Air Date: 1987-12-06

Skin is the first barrier against external aggression and helps eliminate waste. From cuts and scrapes to bug bites, it stays pretty busy.

The Mouth and the Teeth

14. The Mouth and the Teeth

Air Date: 1987-12-13

Yum! Candy! But sugar strengthens the bacteria around the gums and attacks the tooth enamel, which can cause cavities.

The Digestion

15. The Digestion

Air Date: 1987-12-20

After a tasty meal the food starts its journey to the stomach where it will be broken down depending on what properties it has. But don’t overdo it!

The Liver Factory

16. The Liver Factory

Air Date: 1987-12-27

The liver is fundamental. It doesn’t weigh a lot but it uses almost as much oxygen as the heart! It makes proteins, corpuscles, and helps heal cuts.

The Kidneys

17. The Kidneys

Air Date: 1988-01-03

Toxic elements head to the kidneys where they are categorized. The good ones are salvaged but the bad ones are sent to the bladder. Have a good trip!

The Lymphatic System

18. The Lymphatic System

Air Date: 1988-01-10

The huge lymph network transports everything to the body’s factories. Infectious intruders beware! This place is well protected.

The Bones and the Skeleton

19. The Bones and the Skeleton

Air Date: 1988-01-17

The architecture that protects the body’s organs is magnificent! However, even the slightest fracture can cause significant damage.

The Muscles and the Fat

20. The Muscles and the Fat

Air Date: 1988-01-24

Muscles account for almost half the weight of the human body. They also need a ton of energy to do their jobs correctly.

Toxin Wars

21. Toxin Wars

Air Date: 1988-01-31

Combat teams act as preventative barriers and are prepared to defend the cell’s nucleus against toxic gases and contaminants.

The Vaccination

22. The Vaccination

Air Date: 1988-02-07

Vaccines bring us so many benefits! People who don’t get vaccinated run the risk of contracting a disease that is stronger than our natural defenses.

The Hormones

23. The Hormones

Air Date: 1988-02-14

At the heart of the hypothalamus, Teacher shows us how this region sends out orders to satisfy all the body’s needs.

The Chain Of Life

24. The Chain Of Life

Air Date: 1988-02-21

A walk in the forest is the perfect way to learn about the extraordinary food chain that exists between the sun, vegetation, animals, and man.

Repairs and Changes

25. Repairs and Changes

Air Date: 1988-02-28

Pedrito is 8 years old and is tired after a long day. When he goes to bed, Teacher and his helpers observe the activity that continues during sleep.

And life goes on...

26. And life goes on...

Air Date: 1988-03-13

Pedrito wants to know why his grandpa can’t play ball anymore, so he tells Pedrito an old story about a sphinx.

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Release Date



26 (1 seasons)




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