Cats 101

Cats 101

Discover everything about your feline friend. This series highlights the frisky, feisty and contagiously cute behaviors that helped these cheeky creatures overtake dogs as the most popular pet in America. Learn about the various breeds, their genetic history, famous felines and quirky cat facts.



1. American Shorthair, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Persian, Ragdoll, Sphynx

Air Date: 2008-12-06

Which cat has peach fuzz instead of fur? Which breed is the most popular of all the purebreds? Which cat is part wild serval? And which breed was on the Mayflower? We'll meet the American Shorthair, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Persian, Ragdoll, and Sphynx.

2. Maine Coon, Egyptian Mau, Saimese, Himalayan, Oriental, Turkish Angora

Air Date: 2008-12-13

Which cat has the longest whiskers? Which breed comes in 300 color combinations? Which breed can be born cross-eyed? Which feline is the fastest runner? We'll meet the Maine Coon, Egyptian Mau, Siamese, Himalayan, Oriental, and Turkish Angora.

1. Ocicat, Norwegian Forest Cat, Selkirk Rex, Abyssinian, Bombay, and Havana Brown Cats

Air Date: 2009-11-14

Meet the Ocicat, Norwegian Forest Cat, Selkirk Rex, Abyssinian, Bombay, and Havana Brown cats.

2. Manx, Burmese, Siberian, Russian Blue, Cornish Rex, Singapura

Air Date: 2009-11-14

Meet the Manx, Burmese, Siberian, Russian Blue, Cornish Rex, and Singapura cats.

3. Color Point Shorthair, American Curl, Somali, Japanese Bobtail, Birman

Air Date: 2009-11-21

Meet the Color Point Shorthair, American Curl, Somali, Japanese Bobtail, Exotic, and Birman cats.

1. Domestic Shorthair, British Shorthair, Munchkin, Devon Rex, American Bobtail, La Perm

Air Date: 2010-09-18

Meet the Domestic Shorthair, the British Shorthair, the Munchkin, the Devon Rex, the LaPerm, and the American Bobtail.

2. Turkish Van, Snowshoe, Chartreux, Balinese

Air Date: 2010-09-25

Meet the Turkish Van, Snowshoe, Chartreux, Bengal, Domestic Housecat, Fat Cats, and Balinese.

3. Tonkinese, Nebelung, Serengeti, Korat, Cats Gone Wild, RagaMuffin, Toyger

Air Date: 2011-04-09

Meet the Tonkinese, Nebelung, Serengeti, Korat, Cats Gone Wild, RagaMuffin, Toyger.

4. Bambino, Pixie-Bob, Domestic Longhair, Cheetoh, Australian Mist, Napoleon

Air Date: 2011-04-16

Meet the Bambino, Pixie Bob, Australian Mist, Domestic Longhair, Cats Gone Wild, Cheetoh, and Napoleon.

5. Kittens

Air Date: 2011-04-23

Intro to Kittens, Birth and the First Four Weeks, Kitten Transformations, What You're Getting Into, Picking a Kitten, Care and Training.

1. Kurilian Bobtail, Chausie, Dwelf, Burmilla, Lambkin and a Klepto Cat

Air Date: 2012-04-21

A funeral parlor cat consoles bereaved visitors; a cat breed resembles a "Star Wars" character; felines with short legs.

2. Aegean, Skookum, Li Hua, Peterbald, Chantilly and Cats That Have Nine Lives

Air Date: 2012-04-28

The first domesticated felines; a cat co-hosts a radio talk show; the cat world's version of Shirley Temple; a cat travels the Italian coast.

3. Highlander, Arabian Mau, Khao Manee, European Shorthair, American Wirehair and Thai Cats

Air Date: 2012-05-05

Meet the Highlander, Arabian Mau, Khao Manee, European Shorthair, American Wirehair, and Thai cats

4. Oriental Bicolor, Donskoy, Minskin, Javanese, Sokoke and Cats of the Web

Air Date: 2012-05-12

A particular kind of cat likes to eat at the table; a Russian breed helps people who suffer from cat allergens; the world's rarest feline breed.

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Release Date



14 (4 seasons)




Production Companies

Powderhouse Productions