Story of a wanderer with a golden heart. His constant quarrel with Brom's patrol and hidden love with Saartje, the mayor's maid. Filled with humor, real problems of all time. Great series at the time.
1. Gefeliciteerd, Saartje!
Air Date: 1961-10-18
2. Oei, Bromsnor
Air Date: 1961-11-15

3. Gebraden kip
Air Date: 1961-12-13

4. Eind goed, al goed
Air Date: 1962-02-07

1. Freule Nicolien
Air Date: 1962-11-03

2. Daar klopt iets niet
Air Date: 1962-12-29

3. Welterusten, Jacobus
Air Date: 1963-01-26

4. Die Bromsnor toch
Air Date: 1963-02-23

5. Dromen zijn bedrog
Air Date: 1963-03-23

6. De burgemeester gaat op bezoek
Air Date: 1963-04-20

7. Meneer de baron komt thuis
Air Date: 1963-05-18

1. Saartje in de knel
Air Date: 1963-10-05

2. Van kasten en katjes
Air Date: 1963-11-02

3. Huishoudster gevraagd
Air Date: 1963-12-28

4. Huishoudster op zicht
Air Date: 1964-01-25

5. Kleren maken de man
Air Date: 1964-02-22

6. Welkom vreemdeling!
Air Date: 1964-03-21

7. Swiebertje zoekt het uit
Air Date: 1964-04-18
1. De jas van Swiebertje
Air Date: 1964-10-17
2. Pas op voor bolhoeden
Air Date: 1964-11-14
3. Allemaal smoesjes
Air Date: 1964-12-12
4. Koek en ei... maar vooral: koek!
Air Date: 1965-01-09
5. Vergeet-me-nietjes met koek!
Air Date: 1965-03-06
6. Nauwelijks begonnen, bijna gewonnen!
Air Date: 1965-04-03
7. Bruidsboeket en boerendans
Air Date: 1965-05-15
1. Zomaar een gewone dag
Air Date: 1965-10-16
2. Zeg maar gewoon: Saartje
Air Date: 1965-11-13
3. Koffiepraatjes!
Air Date: 1966-01-08
4. Swiebertje als tijgerjager
Air Date: 1966-02-05
5. Bromsnor in het nauw
Air Date: 1966-03-05
6. Hoog bezoek
Air Date: 1966-04-02
7. Allemaal malligheid
Air Date: 1966-04-30
1. Swiep staat voor aap
Air Date: 1966-09-17
2. Proost, signora
Air Date: 1966-10-15
3. Zeg het met bloemen
Air Date: 1967-01-07
4. Bar en boos, Swieber
Air Date: 1967-02-04
5. Spoken op bezoek
Air Date: 1967-03-04
6. Een avondje om nooit te vergeten
Air Date: 1967-04-01
7. Bromsnor, doe je plicht
Air Date: 1967-04-29
1. De plu van Saartje
Air Date: 1967-11-11
2. Swieb in de greep van de griep
Air Date: 1967-12-09
3. Burgemeester op z'n praatstoel
Air Date: 1968-01-06
4. De mensenredders
Air Date: 1968-02-03
5. Spoken op de trap
Air Date: 1968-03-02
6. Cowboy Swiep
Air Date: 1968-04-27
7. Allemaal voor Saartje
Air Date: 1968-05-25
1. Bloemen voor tante Alida
Air Date: 1968-10-12
2. In de wei, daar staat een huis
Air Date: 1968-11-09
3. Wie een kuil graaft?
Air Date: 1968-12-07
4. Eens maar nooit meer, Swiep
Air Date: 1969-01-04
5. Laat Saartje maar schuiven
Air Date: 1969-02-01
6. Sprekend een aap! Maar dan in 't lelijk
Air Date: 1969-03-01
7. Met de tong op de schoenen
Air Date: 1969-04-26
1. Help een handje
Air Date: 1969-10-11
2. Herrie om Ferry
Air Date: 1969-11-08
3. De bedrieger bedrogen
Air Date: 1969-12-06
4. Je hebt vrienden of je hebt ze niet
Air Date: 1970-01-03
5. Brom ziet ze niet vliegen
Air Date: 1970-01-31
6. Knorren en snuiven
Air Date: 1970-02-28
7. Het moet een geheimpje blijven
Air Date: 1970-03-28
8. Lentekriebels
Air Date: 1970-04-25
1. Een bittere tegenvaller
Air Date: 1970-10-10
2. Saartje in de lappenmand
Air Date: 1970-11-07
3. Die brave juffrouw Cornelia
Air Date: 1970-12-05
4. Wat een dag, wat een dag
Air Date: 1971-01-02
5. Denk nog eens aan Nicolien
Air Date: 1971-01-30
6. Wie het laatst lacht...
Air Date: 1971-02-27
7. Zo'n fatsoenlijk mannetje
Air Date: 1971-03-27
8. Twee lieve oude dametjes
Air Date: 1971-04-24
1. Een zwerver keert terug
Air Date: 1971-10-09
2. Brom voelt nattigheid
Air Date: 1971-11-06
3. Sinterswieb kapoentje
Air Date: 1971-12-04
4. Voetstappen in de sneeuw
Air Date: 1972-01-01
5. Hokus pokus... Foetsjie
Air Date: 1972-01-29
6. Swiebertje krijgt een punthoofd
Air Date: 1972-02-26
7. Ruzie met Saar
Air Date: 1972-03-25
8. Huisje, meisje, hondje
Air Date: 1972-04-22
1. De nieuwe burgemeester
Air Date: 1972-10-07
2. Brom ziet spoken
Air Date: 1972-11-04
3. Brom op het matje
Air Date: 1972-12-02
4. Recht moet zegevieren
Air Date: 1972-12-30

5. Pas op, Filifalderatus
Air Date: 1973-01-27
When Malle Pietje falls ill from spoiled food, Swiebertje wants to help his good friend. He buys expensive herbs from a quack, but they turn out to be worthless. When Swiebertje finds out that he has been cheated, he decides to visit the quack one more time...

6. Het zit snor met Brom
Air Date: 1973-02-24
A good acquaintance of Swiebertje gets into trouble: he has lost a lot of money by buying worthless shares. When Swieb tries to get the money back, he gets into trouble with Bromsnor. Fortunately, there is always Cornelia, Brom's wife. She knows how to expose the corrupt mediator!

7. Steek je handen uit de mouwen, Swieberman
Air Date: 1973-03-24
Swiebertje is once again without money. Through the intervention of Bromsnor and on the recommendation of the mayor, he gets a job as a jack of all trades at Mrs. Deuterhops. Hope it turns out fine!

8. Het is een lamme(tjes) geschiedenis
Air Date: 1973-04-21
Swiebertje has to repair the lambs' stable at a farmer, but he falls asleep. The lambs escape, causing the farmer to suspect Swiebertje of theft! Swieb does not give up and investigates with the help of Bromsnor and Malle Pietje. Will they find the lambs again!

1. Een dagje om nóóit te vergeten
Air Date: 1973-10-20
Summer has come to an end and Swiebertje returns to the village. He can't wait to see Saartje again! On the way he meets the Professor and Ulkie Bulkie, two henchmen who decide to put the friendship between Swieb and Saartje to the test...

2. Alles draait om geld
Air Date: 1973-11-03
Malle Pietje is down, because his shop is not running very well, Swiebertje has a great idea to attract customers: placing an advertisement in the big city newspaper. There is an immediate storm in the store! But then Swiebertje sells a very special piece of antiques ...

3. Een spekje naar Brom's bekje
Air Date: 1973-12-01
In Malle Pietje's shop, Bromsnor unbuckles his saber, but when he is not paying attention, the showpiece of his uniform is stolen. The constable immediately goes after Swiebertje, but he knows nothing about it.

4. Leve de rompslomp
Air Date: 1973-12-29
Bromsnor and Cornelia have been married for 25 years. The constable doesn't want a party, but Swiebertje and Malle Pietje don't fall for that! When Brom comes home, a big surprise awaits him...

5. Dat doet je de das om
Air Date: 1974-01-26
Four engravings are stolen from an art collector. When they are found in the village artist's studio, the crime appears to have been solved. But it is not that simple...

6. Sjerrelok Hommeles op speurderspad
Air Date: 1974-02-23
When the Mayor orders Bromsnor to track down the perpetrator of check forgery, he decides to solve the mystery - inspired by Sherlock Holmes - in his own way!

7. Een goede oude bekende
Air Date: 1974-03-23
When Swiebertje arrives at his house one morning, it appears that an old acquaintance has taken up residence in Swieb's abode: the Professor. Coincidentally, Bromsnor appears to be looking for him because of a smashed window...

8. Goed dat er nog kaboutertjes bestaan
Air Date: 1974-04-20
The Baroness has an eye for a noble of wealthy background for her niece Nicolien and arranges an engagement party. But the lady is absolutely not served by this! Together with Swiebertje she devises a plan to get rid of the pretentious young man...

9. Swiebertje laat zich niet kisten
Air Date: 1974-05-18
Swiebertje has made a lot of fun with the constable this time. Bromsnor does not give up and goes after the bum. When Swieb hides in a chest, the constable thinks he has caught him. But he could be quite wrong about that!

1. Een veelbewogen regendag
Air Date: 1974-09-21
Where is Swiebertje? Even his best buddy Malle Pietje hasn't seen him in months. The Mayor sends out police officer Bromsnor to look for Swieb. But that's easier said than done...

2. Saar, daar ga je
Air Date: 1974-10-11
Miss Saartje has a bad day. she burns a hole in her underskirt while ironing, it starts to rain while the laundry is hanging outside and the buns are burning. But Swiebertje wouldn't be Swiebertje if he didn't know a way to cheer up Saartje!

3. Slaap lekker Jacobus
Air Date: 1974-11-08
Swiebertje stays overnight at the castle, because he is busy with a job for the Baroness. All beds in the guesthouse are occupied and that is why Swiebertje becomes the sleeping mate of Jacobus, the Baroness' servant, for one night. Hope it turns out fine!

4. Pas op Swiebertje
Air Date: 1974-12-06
Saartje's birthday is tomorrow and our poor bum has no money to buy her a present. Swiebertje comes up with a plan to obtain a beautiful bunch of flowers: he picks up the geraniums from Bromsnor's garden. But whether that is such a good idea?

5. Veel drukte om niks
Air Date: 1975-01-03
The Baroness' staff are fed up with the miserable life they lead. When the cook 'finds' the Baroness' cash box, they decide to run off with the money. What they have not counted on, however, is that the chest has another surprise in store!

6. De plu van Saar
Air Date: 1975-01-31
It is raining heavily, but Swiebertje remains dry. He has the umbrella from Saartje to borrow. Constable Bromsnor thinks his own and confiscates the umbrella. But what will Saar say about that?

7. Baron Swabbertje
Air Date: 1975-02-28
The baroness' jewels have been stolen and she is convinced that Swiebertje is the culprit. To prove his innocence, Constable Bromsnor and Swiebertje devise a ruse to unmask the true perpetrators.

8. Saartje helpen
Air Date: 1975-04-01

9. Vaarwel Swiebertje
Air Date: 1975-04-25
Swiebertje is broke and cannot find a job anywhere. Then he runs into his old comrade Tommy Sanders, who has a job for him ... in Canada! To the great sadness of everyone, Swiebertje decides to leave, but not before a nice farewell party has been given !!
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Release Date
103 (14 seasons)