Refreshment Front

Refreshment Front

A youth show about creative people, romantic relationships, modern and retro technology, film, extreme sports, fashion and the everyday vagaries of life in general.



Computer games

1. Computer games

Air Date: 2016-10-17

Host Neža will reveal the life of an e-athlete battling it out in the League of Legends, and you'll also find out how computer games were played by generations before you. And of course, there will be plenty of useful tips too. Want to know what not to do on a first date, what's happening on the scene in Kranj or how to sew a dress?

Driving test

2. Driving test

Air Date: 2016-10-24

In this episode of Refreshment Front, we'll be driving more or less by the rules. We'll gain driving experience on a go-kart track and a driving simulator, try our hand at motocross, drive a solar car and think about how responsible young drivers are on the road. And we won't take selfies while driving!


3. Sex

Air Date: 2016-10-31

Sex is surely one of the most popular topics in early adulthood for every generation. Interestingly, many issues related to sex recur from generation to generation and remain relevant among young people today, despite the flood of information in the various media. When is the right time for first sex and what is it like?, How to ensure adequate contraception?, Is there such a thing as a female orgasm? ... are just some of the questions that young people will be thinking about and which will be answered by two experts. And there is much more in the Spoonful that cannot be learned anywhere else.

Entrance exams

4. Entrance exams

Air Date: 2016-11-07

We have to make thousands of decisions in our lifetime. Some of them are mundane and minor, while others, which we have to make even at a very young age, can profoundly shape our lives. And once we have decided what we want to do in life, for example, there are the entrance exams to get through. How do we prepare for them properly, or do we give up at the first failure? These and similar questions will be discussed in this week's Refreshment Front.

Coming Out

5. Coming Out

Air Date: 2016-11-14

How would you react if a friend told you they were gay, or if a friend told you they were bisexual? How would you behave so as not to offend your friend? To whom would you first disclose that you are gay? What would you do if you were rejected by those around you? How to talk about your sexual orientation or identity and how to prepare for coming out will be the topic of this week's Refreshment Front.

Reality Shows

6. Reality Shows

Air Date: 2016-11-21

In this week's show, we'll be looking for the truth. And since it's also hidden in the term reality show, we'll see how much truth is hidden in shows most people say they don't even watch. We'll think out loud with the creators of reality shows about the participants, how they choose them, what influence the producers and writers have on what happens and what happens to the participants when they find themselves back in real life. But we also found that there are lessons to be learnt from reality shows.


7. Applications

Air Date: 2016-11-28

Young people can no longer imagine life without their mobile phones and their many apps, even though they often waste time using them. Among the many tips, Lenart J. Kučić and Matjaž Ropret, two experts in the world of technology, will tell us which three useful apps outweigh the cost in terms of privacy protection and are suitable for young people. The creators of the Refreshment Front will also inform us about how not to spoil everything with the first click during social dating and remind us that they used to know only the landline phone.

From Web to Cinema

8. From Web to Cinema

Air Date: 2016-12-05

This week's show is especially for those of you who are interested in filmmaking. This is usually quite an expensive project, but that doesn't mean that a film that fills cinemas can't be made with minimal resources. The makers of the film Pr' Hostar will give away at least part of the recipe for bringing online humour to the big screen and delighting a huge audience in a short space of time. You will also learn how to shoot a film in a single take and the pedagogical impact a viral video can have.

Victims of Fashion

9. Victims of Fashion

Air Date: 2016-12-12

How is it possible nowadays for a particular item of clothing, even something as uncomfortable as a pair of trousers that are too tight, to become fashionable almost everywhere in the world? Why is it that the shelf life of clothes no longer depends on their durability, but on fashion trends? How do the fashion bloggers who dictate what we should wear, and who are blindly followed by millions, work? The topic of this week's show will be the victims of fashion.

From the Garage to the Airwaves

10. From the Garage to the Airwaves

Air Date: 2016-12-19

Many young people are making music, and whatever genre they are working in, most of them are interested in how to achieve commercial success while being creative and enjoying music. The members of Koala Voice and Moshead bands shared their recipe with us.

How to Survive High School

1. How to Survive High School

Air Date: 2017-10-16

In the first episode of the new season, the refreshment team will try to survive high school.

Street Art

2. Street Art

Air Date: 2017-10-23

Is every musician on the street, every fire-eater in the town square, every graffiti writer... already a street artist? How do you take graffiti home? Why is street art moving to museums and what can we learn from street films? The answers will be explored on the street and in the studio in this week's Refreshment Front.

What Feeds Us

3. What Feeds Us

Air Date: 2017-10-30

Today, more than ever, many would agree with the saying - tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are. Sometimes we even get the feeling that some people are already full if they get at least 100 likes for a side dish, and that the reaction of their friends on social media is more important to them than the food and the ritual of eating. This time, the Refreshment Front will be digesting our relationship with food.

Study Abroad

4. Study Abroad

Air Date: 2017-11-06

Studying is certainly a major turning point in life, especially if you decide to study abroad. With a different way of acquiring knowledge, you have to find your feet in a new environment, make new friends, and deal with different habits and cultures. Most people talk about studying abroad with enthusiasm, but it's not always that simple. How to help yourself when you are alone and in need, how to sustain a long-distance love, how to get through all the bureaucratic hurdles? Some of the answers and experiences are gathered in this week's Refreshment Front.


5. Transgender

Air Date: 2017-11-13

What happens if we do not accept and identify with the gender identity that was assigned to us at birth? When do people feel cramped in their gender identity and identify as trans? What do the terms cisgender, transgender, transsexual mean? Some answers and explanations are gathered in this week's Refreshment Front.


6. Hair

Air Date: 2017-11-20

Watching this week's Refreshment Front will make many people get goosebumps. The creators of the show will talk about hair removal, hair in the egg, beards and who is bothered by hair and why.


7. Mars

Air Date: 2017-11-27

Mars, the closest planet to us and the fourth planet from the Sun, has never been stepped on by humans, but scientists have been collecting data on conditions on the red planet for decades. How long would it take to get there, what are the temperatures and seasons like, what could we live on... will be the subject of this week's Refreshment Front.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

8. Sexually Transmitted Infections

Air Date: 2017-12-04

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been on the rise again recently, and it's important to protect yourself against them. Anyone can get infected with an STI and the main weapon against infections is certainly awareness. What is medically safe sex, where to find basic information using an online app, when to go to the doctor... some of the answers have been gathered in this week's Refreshment Front.


9. Adrenalin

Air Date: 2017-12-11

You know that feeling when you're in a stressful situation and you just want to run away? That's when something amazing happens to our bodies. In a state of heightened excitement and psychophysical activity, adrenaline, the hormone of the adrenal gland, is released. How excited do we get when we touch a snake, how does a chess player use adrenaline to her advantage, how do horror movies affect our bodies, what happens when the adrenaline wears off...? More in the new Refreshment Front.

Video Clip

10. Video Clip

Air Date: 2017-12-18

Where in the past videos were only watched when they were on, today we live in an age where they can be watched at any time. The golden age of MTV has been replaced by the golden age of YouTube, and likeability is mainly judged by the audience. What is a good music video anyway, is it to promote music or to promote musicians? What does it mean for young musicians to make their first music video? More in this week's Refreshment Front.


1. Sleep

Air Date: 2018-02-19

To prevent anyone from falling asleep, they tackled sleep. They learned about various sleep disorders, asked uncomfortable questions to the sleepwalker, checked what kind of drivers we are when we stay up all night, busted numerous myths, and, among other things, found that young people really do need more sleep.


2. Swearing

Air Date: 2018-03-05

Many have swear words and dog-words on their tongues like some kind of mascara. But why and when do we use swear words, which some call 'bad words'? What do swear words tell us about a society, how have they changed throughout history, and how many swear words do we have in the Slovenian language? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this week's Refreshment Front.


3. Influencers

Air Date: 2018-03-19

Many people live their lives online and often have a strong influence on many people who follow what's happening online. These people are commonly known as influencers. But who is an influencer anyway, does it matter how many followers they have, or is it more about the content they publish? How is a Twitter influencer different from an Instagram influencer? Should we believe influencers at all? More in this week's Refreshment Front.

Voting Rights

4. Voting Rights

Air Date: 2018-04-09

This week's Refreshment Front may also be of interest to young people who have not been interested in politics. Politics and the impact it has on them can start at school, when they elect class presidents, when they take their initiatives to student representatives, or when they seek an answer to the question of how to feel like a European citizen.


5. Infatuation

Air Date: 2018-04-23

Butterflies in the stomach, sweaty hands, dilated pupils, a faster heartbeat - these are all symptoms familiar to lovers. But what does it mean to be in love, can we initiate falling in love ourselves, does falling in love always turn into love, how do young lovers meet today... are just a few of the questions we will be looking for answers to in this week's Refreshment Front.

How to Travel Cheap

6. How to Travel Cheap

Air Date: 2018-05-07

The summer holidays are slowly approaching and in the last show of the spring season, the Refreshment Front will gather experiences and tips for all young people who want to see as much as possible for as little as possible. How to choose the best means of transport, where to stay, how to volunteer, what opportunities to travel the European Commission offers for young people turning 18... are just some of the questions they will be looking for answers to.

Geek Culture

7. Geek Culture

Air Date: 2018-10-15

In the new episode, the creators of the Refreshment Front have tackled geek culture. Who are geeks and why do adults get excited about superheroes? Why are superheroes, who often first appear in comics and later continue their journey in film, becoming so popular again that we are devoting conventions such as On the Edge of Invisibility to them? More in this week's Refreshment Front.


8. Virginity

Air Date: 2018-10-29

In this week's Refreshment Front, they will talk about virginity, the expectations related to first sex, the importance for young people of the milestone of having sex for the first time and the loss of virginity, what influences young people's sexuality, and where young people today are looking for information about sexuality.

Fake News

9. Fake News

Air Date: 2018-11-12

In all the flood of information in the traditional media and on social networks, today we are often confronted with information that is not true. Is it a lie, fake news or disinformation? Who is to blame for the spread of such information and how can we identify it ourselves? This time on the Refreshment Front.


10. Trap

Air Date: 2018-11-26

Many people answer the question of whether they listen to trap music by asking what it is. But music connoisseurs have been following this sub-genre of rap for years. In this week's Refreshment Front, we'll talk about where and when trap came about, what characterises it and what the current Slovenian trap scene is like.


11. Drugs

Air Date: 2018-12-10

Drugs will be the focus of this week's Refreshment Front. They will examine how alcohol, the most common and most abused drug in our environment, affects our bodies and, with the help of experts, answer many questions about the drugs on the market, their effects and appropriate prevention.


12. Money

Air Date: 2018-12-24

Although many people would probably expect the Refreshment Front to be linked to the holidays season, this will only be partly true. The creators of the show will not be counting gifts, but money. They will be looking at whether we will soon really be living in cashless societies, checking out what cryptocurrencies are and gathering a whole bunch of tips on how to handle money responsibly.


1. Web

Air Date: 2019-02-23

How do we socialise in the age of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube? Suddenly we have a lot of friends to communicate with, we follow people we sometimes don't even know, we often create content ourselves that we prefer to access on our mobile phones... In the first Refreshment Front of the new season, the creators will reflect on how the digital world has changed the way we communicate.


2. Porn

Air Date: 2019-03-09

When young people become interested in sexuality, they often have to find their way on their own in the abundance of information available to them. It is difficult to ignore the fact that pornography is now accessible with just a click, which can lead to a distorted image of sexuality. How does pornography affect young people and their attitudes towards sexuality, when can we talk about a negative impact, what is sexting..., will be discussed in this Refreshment Front.


3. Separation

Air Date: 2019-03-23

Everyone has to deal with separation or divorce at some point in their lives. Best friends get separated, people who are unhappily in love experience separation, sometimes life changes completely because of their parents' divorce, and some people have to separate from their families due to an uncertain economic situation or war. How to deal with the consequences of separation or divorce, with unpleasant feelings, sadness, loneliness, and how to find the strength for a new beginning after separation, in this edition of Refreshment Front.

Artificial Intelligence

4. Artificial Intelligence

Air Date: 2019-04-06

What is artificial intelligence anyway, do smarter devices make people think less today, which apps will we not be able to live without in a few years? Who is Talos and will robots really be able to replace us completely in the future? Some of these questions will be answered in this week's Refreshment Front.


5. Stress

Air Date: 2019-04-20

Although we know that stress is the body's adaptive response to changes in the environment, everyday stressful situations often make us feel insecure. For example, we worry about what to do when we have studied enough and then fail an exam. How do we deal with the stress right before a performance or calm our heart rate when we meet our crush? These and similar questions will be discussed in this week's Refreshment Front.


6. Laziness

Air Date: 2019-05-04

In this edition of the Refreshment Front, the creators will indulge in laziness and idleness. They will reflect on what laziness is and why sometimes, despite knowing that we have a task to do, we don't like to do it. And also that laziness is a useful and lost skill.

The Horrors of Independent Living

7. The Horrors of Independent Living

Air Date: 2019-10-19

The theme of this week's Refreshment Front will be of particular interest to young people starting out on their own. How to find a suitable and not too expensive flat or at least a room as a young graduate, do some parents really accompany their adult children to professors' tutorials, which student jobs do young people most often choose?


8. Revenge

Air Date: 2019-11-02

Why is it that people have a desire for revenge, that revenge really brings us a sense of satisfaction, that revenge is driven by a sense of justice on the one hand and fierce anger on the other? What are the occasions when we most often think of revenge, and why do we sometimes say that revenge is sweet? More about revenge in this week's Refreshment Front.

Body Boundaries

9. Body Boundaries

Air Date: 2019-11-16

At a time when we often strive for more and more, the question is: where are the limits? That's why the creators of Refreshment Front this time tested their own body limits, shared some extreme activities with their guests, highlighted their impact on the body, reflected on doping, and even whether there is something to be learnt from Kung Fu movies.


10. Memory

Air Date: 2019-11-30

On the Refreshment Front, we talk about memory. The Puddle of Love, the Zbambuzlanije, Nik Škrlec and a forensic psychologist are awaiting you. We also find out what tricks students at Bežigrad Grammar School have for learning and how much kittens and bees remember.


11. Apocalypse

Air Date: 2019-12-14

What will be the consequences of global warming, how much will the sea level rise in Piran, how to cope with conspiracy theories, what can we learn from disaster movies and zombies, what future is predicted by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse... are just some of the questions that will be answered in this week's Refreshment Front.


12. Gifts

Air Date: 2019-12-28

The festive season is also a time for gifts and presents, so in this year's final show, the creators of the Refreshment Front decided to choose and wrap them in their own way. How to find the right gift for a girlfriend or a friend, where to go with the so-called crappy gifts, how to react when we get a present we don't like at all, and also about the fact that the gift can be our time, in this week's Refreshment Front.


1. Time

Air Date: 2020-02-15

It's time for a new season of the Refreshment Front! This time, the creators count minutes, hours and years, reflecting on the past and the future, as well as on why time seems to pass differently, how and why minutes can drag, and when they go by in a flash.


2. Team

Air Date: 2020-02-29

The Refreshment Front is back stronger than ever! Team spirit, sporty bodies and dynamic minds. In this week's show, we look at what a healthy team spirit is and where it can come in handy in our lives. We explore new sports and ask how skateboarding, which will make its debut at this year's Summer Olympics in Tokyo, will affect the subculture!


3. Stoned

Air Date: 2020-03-14

Welcome to the most stoned show on TV Slovenia. We check how marijuana affects the body, we solve hypothetical situations, two babies are in crisis because they ran out of marijuana, Tamše and Novak were on a trip to Amsterdam! And we check what can go wrong if you pick hallucinogenic plants in nature.

COVID High School Graduation

4. COVID High School Graduation

Air Date: 2020-05-25

The self-insulation took almost two months, so we prepared the show for this year's graduates right from home! Graduation essay, Ivan Cankar, rules at the high school graduation! And of course there will be sketches this time too!


5. Remotely

Air Date: 2020-11-14

Special circumstances call for a special show! #Remotely


6. Fetish

Air Date: 2020-11-28

A fetish is an object that is said to have supernatural powers, or more precisely, an object of human manufacture that is said to have power over humans. Erotic fetishism, on the other hand, is a sexual predilection for a part of a person's body or clothing, or even for an object. We will be discussing fetishes of this kind and others on this week's Refreshment Front. You will also find out all about the first sexual intercourse of high school students.

Music and Sound

7. Music and Sound

Air Date: 2020-12-12

The creators of the Refreshment Front continue to produce this year's shows remotely, but that doesn't mean there's less humour and interesting information. The theme of this week's show is sounds and music. How important are sounds and music on TV and in film, what kind of sounds evoke special feelings within us, how does beatboxing feel?


8. Lying

Air Date: 2020-12-26

Teenagers are the record-holders for the amount of lying they do, and the average person tells two lies a day. Young adults are capable of the highest quality lies. And although scientists study lying, they do not know enough about it to be able to identify it with 100% certainty. And we are worse at it than we are at gambling. In Spooning, we'll be asking about lying to your partner, Vid checks what your parents lied to you about, Neža, with the help of Ajda Centa, takes on the scientific identification of lies, and in Quizzes, you'll be the ones to find out who's lying and who's telling the truth.


9. Calories

Air Date: 2021-01-09

On this week's Refreshment Front, we talk about New Year's resolutions, which almost always include healthier eating habits, what we can learn about food from films, and whether more expensive chips really give us more pleasure.


10. Communication

Air Date: 2021-01-23

In this week's Refreshing Front, still filmed from home, we talk about communication. Unfortunately, communication in this show is also very one-way, with the Refreshers talking to you and you looking at us, laughing and wrinkling your brow, which we will not see. But thank the universe for the Internet for making our communication two-way. Anyway, write us a comment so that Bobi and Silvester will read it! Oh, and maybe Bibi will read some comments too.

Brothers and Sisters

1. Brothers and Sisters

Air Date: 2021-03-13

In the first episode of the sixth season of Refreshment Front, the main theme will be siblings. The creators of this week's Refreshment Front will reflect on what it means to be an older sister and a younger brother, when siblings are allies and when rivalry and competition for parental affection arise, as well as world-famous siblings.


2. Decision

Air Date: 2021-03-27

We are usually unaware of how many decisions we make every day. What influences our decisions, how people make decisions differently, which decisions are easier and which are vitally important, and also how to ask a question when we want to influence the decisions of others.


3. Brain

Air Date: 2021-04-10

Are you curious about what it looks like when individual centers in the brain meet? Did you know that the brain undergoes a thorough transformation during adolescence and that young people learn more easily and better than adults? Will we still know the answers to fourth grade questions in years to come? In this edition of Refreshment Front, you can expect a lot of interesting things about the brain, as well as the popular columns Babies and Puddle of Love, and the new Kviki quiz.


4. Shit

Air Date: 2021-04-24

Tokat's Refreshing Front won't be that refreshing, as the creators have tackled a rather smelly topic. They will talk about shit, crap, poop, excrement, feces. And although we often describe something bad colloquially as being for shit, that doesn't mean that excrement is useless. This week's Refreshment Front will discuss where it can be put to good use, what prejudices it is associated with, as well as shit in artistic expression, toilets, and farting etiquette.

Body Aesthetics

5. Body Aesthetics

Air Date: 2021-05-08

It would probably be difficult to find a single, short and concise answer to the question of what is beautiful and aesthetic, so the answers about body aesthetics, tattoos, piercings and also good taste were sought in this week's Refreshment Front.


6. Self-confidence

Air Date: 2021-05-22

This week's Refreshment Front will be about self-confidence. Rok has collected a bunch of advice for those who lack self-confidence in Kvikis, Neža and Vid conducted an experiment with students in the field and researched what influences our feeling of being successful or unsuccessful, and the Spooning section offers suggestions on what to do if the person you like doesn't even notice you.


7. Relationships

Air Date: 2021-10-16

A new, even fresher season of the Refreshment Front is about to start. The theme this time will be different relationships. Who can be a best friend? What can best friends confide in each other? What happens when friendship turns into love? How to deal with complicated relationships? These are just some of the questions that the creators of the Refreshment Front will be looking for answers to this time.


8. Paranormal

Air Date: 2021-10-30

Unexplained events have stirred the human imagination for centuries. Ghosts, flying objects, extrasensory perceptions, cryptozoology... have also stirred the imagination of filmmakers seeking more and less plausible stories of the supernatural, as well as science's answers to unexplained phenomena. This year's Paranormal Refreshment Front is for all those who are not afraid.


9. Concentration

Air Date: 2021-11-13

One of the most common reasons why we have difficulty concentrating on something these days is certainly our mobile devices. But there are many more factors that affect our attention. The creators of this week's Refreshment Front have considered the reasons for concentration problems, as well as solutions for how to stay as focused as possible.

Immune System

10. Immune System

Air Date: 2021-11-27

In the Kvikis, the Epic Film, the quiz You Have No Idea... the creators of the Refreshment Front will this time think about our immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the functioning of viruses and bacteria, as well as what we have learned from medical series.

Coming of Age

11. Coming of Age

Air Date: 2021-12-11

In this episode of Refreshment Front, the creators will prepare you for one of the biggest turning points in life, coming of age. Among other things, they will look for answers to the question of what we can finally do in life when we turn eighteen, and they have also collected useful tips for organizing an epic eighteenth birthday party.


12. Holidays

Air Date: 2021-12-25

In this year's last Refreshment Front, they will present unusual holidays, they will be visited by Santa Claus, in Epic Film they will check what we can learn from Christmas films, Bobi and Silvester will celebrate their holiday, and in Kvikikviz, television hosts Nik Škrlec and Jože Robežnik will compete in a holiday show.


1. Motivation

Air Date: 2022-03-12

The creators of Refreshment Front are starting the new season very motivated, so they dedicated the show to motivation. They considered what it means to have enough motivation, whether it is right to reward yourself for mini successes, why it is important to believe in yourself, and how young people can also successfully present their entrepreneurial idea.

2. Kissing

Air Date: 2022-03-26

In this episode of Refreshment Front, you will learn everything about kissing. In Spooning, they collected the embarrassments of the first kiss, young journalist Izabela investigated what is hidden in the saliva of a teenager and what happens to saliva during a French kiss. Domen Valič was also invited to the Refreshment Front studio, who will explain some terms from the Dictionary of Sexual Education, and in Kviki quiz, Jan and Peter will compete on the topic of kissing.

Online Privacy

3. Online Privacy

Air Date: 2022-04-09

In this episode of Refreshment Front, you will learn almost everything about online privacy. In Spooning, Manca will encounter ghosting, one of the popular babies will have problems due to hacking, and host Rok and journalist Izabela will probably help many people with advice on how to post safely online.


4. Quarrel

Air Date: 2022-04-23

Running Late

5. Running Late

Air Date: 2022-11-05

The Refreshment Front is back, with a slight delay, because that's the topic of the new episode. The professor, Zoya, Matevž and Žiga are also returning. The latter three are late, but fortunately not too late, so they still manage to meet a new classmate. Mila and Žak don't want to miss the concert, the Retrolavers think about when it's good to be late, and the Kvikis will also answer the question of what FOMO is.


6. Name

Air Date: 2022-11-19

In the new Refreshment Front, the creators will find out why we have names, what kind of names we have, and all the stuff in our lives we give names to. Mila and Angelika and the cave people will think about names in their own way, and Retrolaver will also give ten tips on how to remember names. This time, Gaja Filač and Ajda Toman will compete for the finals in the Kviki quiz.


7. Silence

Air Date: 2022-12-03

Even in the new Refreshment Front, the creators will not be silent, even though the topic this time will be silence. Rok will talk in the Kvikis about how electric cars will sound, Vid will be in the field to determine whether perfect silence even exists, Maja from the Froggies will share some life wisdom with her babies, in Epic Film there will be time for a silent film, and Bobi and Silvester will once again enthusiastically read the comments of young people.


8. Romance

Air Date: 2022-12-17

In this episode of Refreshment Front, the creators will be in a romantic mood. Žak wonders what romance is, in Spooning they collected ideas for anniversaries, the cave people are worried about the future, Rok finds out how technology has changed courtship in Kvikis, and it will be tense again in the quiz You Have No Clue. Retrolavers and Vid went to the field, where they researched drugs that intoxicate.

New Things

9. New Things

Air Date: 2022-12-31

This time, the Refreshment Front will be New Year's Eve, and on the last day of the year, the creators will be in a festive mood and thinking mainly about new things. Mila, Žak and Angelika will meet Santa Claus, Jan Kok and Juš Milčinski will compete in the New Year's Eve Kviki quiz, Retrolavers will make their New Year's resolutions, Tamše and Novak are preparing a party, but Sevnica catches them, Rok has collected some tips on why it's good to learn new things, and Bibi and Silvester will present the Refreshment Awards for 2022.


10. Anxiety

Air Date: 2023-01-14

In this January's Refreshment Front, they will talk about anxious feelings and anxiety. A baby will visit a psychiatrist because of problems, Jernej and Jan in Epic Film find out what suspense films have taught them, and Zakonjšek tells parents important news. This time, host Rok went into the field, talked to behavioral cognitive therapist Tadeja Batagelj about how to help yourself and overcome anxiety, and in Kvikis, he collected some basic tips for helping in the event of a panic attack.


1. Pets

Air Date: 2023-03-04

The creative team of the show Refreshment Front is back! In the first episode of the new season, they have collected a lot of interesting things about pets. Bobi really wants a dog, and Silvester tests his responsibility and maturity. Mila and Žak are surprised by their father with a similar wish, but their mother does not know about it yet. Zoya, Matevž and Dinko are also returning, who regularly causing trouble to their professor. In the quiz show You Have No Clue, the lucky winner is again waiting for an interesting prize, and the Retrolavers are looking for and finding the most interesting comments from viewers.


2. Face

Air Date: 2023-03-18

In the new show Refreshment Front, they have collected a lot of interesting facts about the face. "The face is a part of the body without which the nose, ears, mouth and eyes would fall out of the head," muses host Rok in the introduction, who this time also went into the field and researched how facial recognition technology works. Žak is interested in who he looks like and what he inherited from his mother and father, cavemen have communication problems again, and in the Kviki quiz, Jan competed with Rok Gumze.


3. Blood

Air Date: 2023-04-01

Blood will be the theme of the new episode of the Refreshment Front. We can't live without blood, but sometimes the thought of it is a little unpleasant. Host Rok was in the field to find out how blood donation works, Epic Film has tackled forensic series, the Novak family will also be involved, and makeup artist Katja will show how to make a wound. And vampires will also be present in this episode.


4. Puberty

Air Date: 2023-04-15

The theme of this time's Refreshment Front is puberty. An eternal topic, also known as a time of great change. Host Rok tackled the physical changes that boys experience, Ajdas talked about girls' changes, and Retrolovers shared their views about hygiene. This time, the professor dedicated his class to sex education, the cave parents solved problems with their teenagers, and Ela brought her boyfriend home for the first time in Spooning.

Modern Astronomy

5. Modern Astronomy

Air Date: 2023-04-29

This time, the Refreshment Front will talk about space travel, technology and modern astronomy. They will present an interesting 'top shop product', Vid checked out what tourist flights into space look like at the Noordung Center, and the babies will think about why night occurs. In the Kviki quiz, the hosts of the of Little Grey Cells quiz will face off, and Rok, the host of the Refreshment Front, has collected a lot of information about technological inventions predicted by science fiction.

Safe Sex

6. Safe Sex

Air Date: 2023-10-28

After a long break, Refreshment Front is returning to the TV screens. The first episode of the new autumn season will be dedicated to safe sex. Mila has a lot of questions for her parents, Ajdas looked at sexuality mainly from the girls' point of view in the Babenberg section, Rok collected a lot of information about sexually transmitted infections in Kvikis, in the Epic Film they found out what movie sex scenes have taught us, and finally, Bibi and Silvester collected the best viewers' comments sent to the Refreshment Front address.


7. Sleep

Air Date: 2023-11-11

To prevent anyone from falling asleep, they tackled sleep. They learned about various sleep disorders, asked uncomfortable questions to the sleepwalker, checked what kind of drivers we are when we stay up all night, busted numerous myths, and, among other things, found that young people really do need more sleep.


8. Bullying

Air Date: 2023-11-25

The creators of Refreshment Front tackled a challenging topic, talking about bullying. A baby sought help because he was worried that he was a bully. Juš met with psychologist Nina Babič in the field and gathered some advice for victims of bullying. Rok checked out how sexual bullying works online in Kvikis. The Frendish section will premiere in this year's Refreshment Front , and Silvester and hairdresser Miki have read all your comments.

Fast Fashion

9. Fast Fashion

Air Date: 2023-12-09

This time, Refreshment Front tackled fast fashion. Host Rok was looking for answers to the question of what fast fashion even is, the Retrolavers explored the offerings of second-hand stores, Žak wanted to go naked to kindergarten, and the professor had to send someone to the principal again. After a long time, you can also watch a new episode of the soap opera The Love Puddle, and stand-up comedians Alen Mastnak and David Logar competed in the Kviki quiz.


10. Etiquette

Air Date: 2023-12-23

The theme of the festive Refreshment Front is etiquette. Vid explored modern rules of good behavior, which have been greatly influenced by technology, Tamše and Novak would like to change history, Rok tackled online etiquette, the babies had a playdate, and Mila once again gravitated towards Santa Claus and Grandfather Frost. At the end of the year, Silvester and Bibi will present the annual awards, and the creators of Refreshment Front are following tradition and have their own new New Year's song for the viewers.

First Aid

1. First Aid

Air Date: 2024-10-05

In the first episode of the new, ninth season, the creators of Refreshment Front searched for and collected tips for the most effective first aid. Pšenica and Franc Brane are expecting a baby, Tamše and Zakonjšek had to see the principal again after a long time, Renato Dobrić presents a new product in his 'top shop'. Rok and Jan will present how to act in situations when we need or provide first aid.

Unhappy Fateful Love

2. Unhappy Fateful Love

Air Date: 2024-10-19

Who hasn't found themselves in the vortex of unhappy, fateful, unrequited love? In this episode of Refreshment Front, Sevnica is still in love with Tamše, Rok embarks on a history of broken hearts, Gaja and Smrekarca ponder how best to cope with the end of love, Jan and Peter will find out what film noir has taught us, and they will also compete in the Kviki quiz.

Stage Fright

3. Stage Fright

Air Date: 2024-11-02

We all have experience with stage fright and we all deal with it in our own way. The host Rok will also try to get rid of stage fright, even a baby has been gripped by fear of performing, there are still no rules in the quiz show You Have No Clue, and Dinko sweats in front of the blackboard and, while other students help him in every possible way, he makes the professor very angry. Luckily, the Retrolavers have a bunch of tips on how to get rid of stage fright before tests and exams.


4. State

Air Date: 2024-11-16

What is a state and how does it work? They ask themselves and seek clear answers in this episode of Refreshment Front. Retrolavers are mainly interested in why and how we pay taxes, Mila and Petrček do not understand who decides on important matters in the country, and Tamše and Novak traveled in a time machine to the pyramids in ancient Egypt.


5. Failure

Air Date: 2024-11-30

Each of us has failed at some point in our lives. They successfully tackled failure in this episode of Refreshment Front. Mila has problems playing the guitar and has lost all motivation, Silvester and Bobi have a bunch of ideas and advice on how to successfully solve tests and pass exams, Zoja would rather treat herself to a professor again, and host Rok will think about why success affects us so much.

Comfort Zone

6. Comfort Zone

Air Date: 2024-12-14

In this episode of Refreshment Front, the creators will stay in the most pleasant location in the world, in their comfort zone. Mila and Žak will not want to take on any new activities, Nedeljko will participate again in the quiz You Have No Clue, helped by his wife Sreda, host Rok will find out in Kvikis how to get out of your comfort zone. And the Retrolavers will reveal everything you've always wanted to know about the show Refreshment Front.

Move It

7. Move It

Air Date: 2024-12-31

The end of the year is always an opportunity for new plans and resolutions. The creators of the Refreshing Front decided to live healthier. That's why they dedicated the festive Refreshment Front to exercise. The spoiled twins will decide on a new sport, Rok and Jernej will do some stretching exercises for long hours in front of the computer, TV Slovenia sports journalists Anže Bašelj and Tomaž Hudomalj will compete in the Kviki quiz, and Mila will harass Santa Claus again this year.

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Release Date



93 (9 seasons)


Returning Series



Production Companies

RTV Slovenija

RTV Slovenija