Gaia Symphony

Gaia Symphony

Gaia Symphony is a television series directed by Jin Tatsumura. The series revolves around the Gaia hypothesis. The series has eight episodes. Each episode examines a small number of extraordinary people who somehow relate to the central theme. Some of the people examined are famous people. For example, Jane Goodall and Reinhold Messner. Created originally in the Japanese language, there are English versions available.



1. Gaia Symphony No. 1

Air Date: 1992-11-17

2. Gaia Symphony No. 2

Air Date: 1995-04-22

3. Gaia Symphony No. 3

Air Date: 1997-10-10

4. Gaia Symphony No. 4 - For the Children Who Will Be Born and Grow in the 21st Century

Air Date: 2001-12-01

5. Gaia Symphony No. 5 - Everything is Connected

Air Date: 2004-08-28

6. Gaia Symphony No. 6 - Every Existence Resonates Together

Air Date: 2007-04-28

7. Gaia Symphony No. 7 - For all organisms to continue to live and thrive graciously and wholesomely

Air Date: 2010-07-17

8. Gaia Symphony No. 8 - Can you sense the call from the Universe? ~Towards a new evolution of human civilization~

Air Date: 2015-03-21

9. Gaia Symphony No. 9

Air Date: 2021-06-22

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Release Date



9 (1 seasons)


