Ryusuke Tsukumo is a quirky, yet brilliant neuroscientist working for the National Research Institute of Police Science. Wielding a unique perspective and psychology, Tsukumo tackles the nation's most baffling crimes and scandals, going head-to-head with the most brilliant and twisted criminal minds. But his eccentricities and poor social timing can also aggravate people and circumstances, further complicating matters.



1. An Unprecedented Neuroscientific Mystery Activates!! Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. Serial Demonic Terrorist!! Teleportation by Brain Usage!?

Air Date: 2009-05-23

2. Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. Beautiful Revived Ghost!! People Can Be Resurrected via Brain Training!?

Air Date: 2009-05-30

3. Invisible Man Setting Up Serial Murders!! Brain Training Exposes The Transparent Riddle

Air Date: 2009-06-06

Ryu was at the hosiptal doing his check up and was told that he fainted due to lack of sugar and sleep deprivation. At the same time, his PET brain scan showed huge exhaustion espec section relying on intuition. The doctor informed Ryu's brain may continue to display unpredicatable abnormal changes subsequently. As Ryu was leaving the hospital with his assistant, Ryu suddenly stopped and told her to return first. He turned and appeared to chase after the senior doctor that passed him. Along the way, he bumped into a young doctor along the stairways and before he knew it, Ryu was locked down in a restricted section.

4. Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. Prodigal Pianist!! A Skeletal Corpse Can Be Resurrected via Playing Cards!?

Air Date: 2009-06-13

5. Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. Beautiful Woman With A Split Personality!! The Conclusion is an Epiphany!?

Air Date: 2009-06-20

6. Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. The Tragic Multiple Personality Trick!! Brain Training is a Lie Detector!?

Air Date: 2009-06-27

7. Last Chapter ~ Eccentric Neuroscientist vs. Strongest Left-Brained Man!! A Time Bomb Within the Brain

Air Date: 2009-07-04

8. Conclusion ~ Farewell To Our Favorite Eccentric Neuroscientist!! The Final Brain Training is the Method of a Smile

Air Date: 2009-07-11

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Release Date



8 (1 seasons)


