Mad is an American animated sketch comedy series created by Kevin Shinick and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Based upon the magazine of the same name, each episode is a collection of short animated parodies of television shows, movies, games, celebrities, and other media using various types of animation instead of the usual animation style that Warner Bros. Animation is known for. The series premiered on the evening of September 6, 2010 on Cartoon Network. It has been described as a "kid-friendly version of Robot Chicken".
1. Avaturd / CSiCarly
Air Date: 2010-09-06
Jake Smelly explores a planet of blue cat people in search of a rare element. Horatio Caine gets paired up with he iCarly crew for a murder mystery.
2. Trans-Bore-Mores / Groan Wars
Air Date: 2010-09-13
Optimus Prime starts slacking on the job, much to Sam's dismay. In a new episode of Star Wars: The Groan Wars, your favorite characters save the galaxy from hammy acting.
3. 2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime
Air Date: 2010-09-20
When the Mayan apocalypse comes in the form of puppies falling from the sky, a family tries to survive. A hospital patient's sedative-induced anime dream turns the action up to over 9000.
4. Star Blecch/uGlee
Air Date: 2010-09-27
Parodies include Star Blecch (a take-off of Star Trek) and uGlee (a take-off of Glee).
5. Wall-E-Nator, Extreme Renovation: House Edition, Superman's Fortress of Solitude
Air Date: 2010-10-04
Parodies include WALL•E•NATOR (a crossover between Wall-E and The Terminator) and Extreme Renovation: House Edition (a crossover between Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Superman).
6. Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End, Batman Family Feud
Air Date: 2010-10-11
Parodies include Pirates of Neverland: At Wit's End (a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and Neverland) and Batman Family Feud (a crossover between Batman and Family Feud).
7. Cliffordfield, Big Time Rushmore
Air Date: 2010-10-18
Clifford the Big Red Dog attacks New York City. A big record producer tries to get George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln to become a rock band.
8. Fantastic Megan Fox, Mad vs. Wild
Air Date: 2010-10-25
Megan is a fox, literally, and she's going to show the world what a fantastic actress she can be. Then, MAD takes to the woods and shows you how to survive in the wild.
9. I Love You, Iron Man, Ben 10 Franklin
Air Date: 2010-11-01
Iron Man tries to find a guy friend. Benjamin Franklin obtains a strange device that can change him into different aliens.
10. Class of the Titans, Zeke and Lex Luthor
Air Date: 2010-11-08
11. S'up, Mouse M.D.
Air Date: 2010-11-15
12. DaGrinchy Code, Duck
Air Date: 2010-11-22
The Grinch takes on Tom Hanks, Nicolas Cage and Harrison Ford in Who-Town. Duck Bartowski joins CIA
13. Snot Pilgrim vs The Wonderful World of Disney, Malcolm in the Middle Earth
Air Date: 2011-02-07
14. Pokémon Park, WWER
Air Date: 2011-02-14
15. So You Think You Can Train Your Dragon to Dance, Yo Gagga Gagga
Air Date: 2011-02-21
16. Straight A Team, Gaming's Next Top Model
Air Date: 2011-02-28
17. The Buzz Identity, Two and a Half-Man
Air Date: 2011-03-07
18. Are You Karate Kidding Me?, Fresh Prawn of Bel Air
Air Date: 2011-03-14
19. Hops, Naru-210
Air Date: 2011-04-25
The LAPD track down a runaway Easter bunny. Then Naruto is sent to the only place that can tolerate a spoiled brat like him: Beverly Hills.
20. KoBee Movie, Law and Ogre
Air Date: 2011-05-09
A basketball-playing bee named Ko-Bee competes with Kobe Bryant for a spot on the Lakers. Then Shrek and Donkey take the law into their own hands.
21. Pooh Grit, Not-a-Fan-a-Montana
Air Date: 2011-05-16
Christopher Robin hires Marshall Pooh to capture Tigger. Big League Pika Chew is the gum for baseball players seeking an electrifying performance. Cobra Commander starts his own daytime talk show. The Farto-Tuner proves that Auto-tune really can improve anything. Miley Cyrus tries to stop Justin Bieber from stealing her fanbase.
22. The Social Netjerk, Smallville: Turn Off the Clark
Air Date: 2011-05-23
Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook, but finds himself repeatedly sued (especially with Sean Parker involved). Survivor's immunity idol becomes a licensed product. Thor is banished to Jersey, where he parties like a god. Prince Zuko creates a job training program for Benders. Disappointed with Smallville's finale, Superman finds work in Julie Taymor's new musical.
23. TwiSchool Musica, Avenger Time
Air Date: 2011-05-30
Edward and Jacob get some musical competition for Bella's heart. The Avengers get transported to a more adventurous time. Plus Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more.
24. ArThor, Big Fang Theory
Air Date: 2011-06-06
ArThor is a vain and spoiled god who is sent to earth to get a job. Edward and Jacob are re-imagined as nerds on a sitcom. Plus Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more.
25. Ribbetless, The Clawfice
Air Date: 2011-06-13
A frog eats a strange butterfly and is transformed into a star. There's only one man tough enough to run The Office: Wolverine! Plus Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more.
26. Force Code, Flammable
Air Date: 2011-06-20
Colter Stevens from Source Code is sent mentally back in time many times to try and prevent the destruction of the Death Star, but couldn't get the job done right. Katy Putty sings her new number entitled "Flammable" as a reminder to all stop motion-animated and puppet characters that they are merely flammable and not so special.
1. Rio-A / Thomas the Unstoppable Tank Engine
Air Date: 2011-08-22
2. Super '80s / Captain America Got Talent
Air Date: 2011-08-29
JJ Abrams wanted to change his childhood, but when a train full of stuff from the 80's crashes into his movie, his childhood might capture him! Then, Captain America sets out to prove he's got the talent to join the Avengers. Plus Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
3. Kung Fu Blander / Destroy, Bob the Builder, Destroy
Air Date: 2011-09-05
With a bird as the big bad guy, the second Kung Fu Panda just feels blander than the last. Then, Bob the builder gets some "help" from Andrew WK. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
4. Pirates of the Pair of Tweens / Konan the Kardashian
Air Date: 2011-09-12
When the fountain of youth works too well, Jack Sparrow is stuck babysitting a couple of tweens. Then, Conan the Barbarian settles down with a nice woman and takes her last name, because he's progressive like that. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
5. Fast Hive / Minute to Flynn It
Air Date: 2011-09-19
Winnie the Pooh recruits some "Fast and Furious" help in his quest for honey. Then, Sam Flynn gets sucked into the dumbest game show on the grid. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
6. Cowboys and Alien Force / Thunder LOLcats
Air Date: 2011-09-26
A cowboy wakes up with no memory and a strange alien bracelet that transforms him into 10 different aliens! Then, the kingdom of Thundera is attacked by the forces of the Internet! Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
7. Transboremores 3: Dark of the Blue Moon / The Walking Fred
Air Date: 2011-10-03
When a portal opens up to the land of the Smurfs, Optimus Prime has to send them back. An Internet viral video goes viral for real! Mad News, Christopher Coolumbus, Angry Bird Management, Singing Knight-grams, Theme Park Rides We'd Love to See, Project Runway, Spy vs. Spy, Magic Gel and Pet Shell, The Floor is Lava
8. X-Games First Class / Criminal Minecraft
Air Date: 2011-10-17
Learn how Professor X and Magneto met and learned to skateboard. The Criminal Minds team finds themselves with the blockiest case of their career.
9. Kitchen Nightmare Before Christmas / How I Met Your Mummy
Air Date: 2011-10-24
It's MAD's Halloween Special! Jack Skellington find out he’s not the scariest one in Halloween Town anymore. Two kids hear the story of how the werewolf met their mummy.
10. Dances With Wolverine / Tater Tots & Tiaras
Air Date: 2011-11-07
Wolverine gets caught up in a Footloose parody. Then the world of beauty pageants is about to get a lot more potato-y.
11. Demise of the Planet of the Apes / The Ape-Rentice
Air Date: 2011-11-14
It's an all ape Ape-isode! See how Kevin James brought about the ape apocalypse. Then Donald Chimp will run the new ape empire.. right into the ground.
12. Money Ball Z / Green Care Bears
Air Date: 2011-11-21
Baseball is super charged when Super Saiyans join the game! Then, Hal Jordan gets recruited by a different kind of colorful guardians. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
13. Spy Vs Spy Kids / Superhero Millionaire Matchmaker
Air Date: 2011-11-28
Two kids are shocked to learn that their stepmother is a spy and that the white and black spies are after her! Then, the Millionaire Matchmaker meets her biggest challenge yet: Iron Man and Batman! Plus, more Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
14. Captain Ameri-can't / My Supernatural Sweet Sixteen
Air Date: 2011-12-05
Scrawny weakling Steve Rogers is transformed into a buff super soldier to entertain the troops at the USO show. When Bucky Barns is kidnapped by the Red Skull, Steve takes on certain death to save him. Once rescued, Both Steve and Bucky go after the Red Skull, but Bucky loses his life in the process of landing on the escape plane. Once inside the cockpit, Steve smashes the tesseract which causes the Red Skull to disappear in a flash of light. Since the plane has explosives and no place to land, Steve has no choice to crash the plane to the Arctic for seventy years. Once there, Steve decides to pass the time by watching King Kong on DVD. When the day finally arrives, he is thawed partially by Scrat. Steve shrugs it off on the notion that the Avengers will find him. However, the Avengers instead choose Lady Gaga as their first avenger. / Sam and Dean receive a mission to exorcise a demon from a young girl. They happen upon rich girl Ashlyn who is in preparation for her sweet sixteen party. Ashlyn shows all the signs of a demonic possession victim, but on the day of the party as they try to exorcise her they learn she is not the possessed girl in their mission log. The girl in question is in reality the girl living next door and Ashlyn is merely a spoiled brat. So Sam and Dean exorcize the demon from the girl causing Ashlyn to have double sweet sixteen party with the demon. Much to the dismay of everybody else, including Satan. / Other Sketches: Mad News, Nothing Got Wrinkled, Ghost Rider's Training Wheels, Tomato/Tomahto, How I Left Your Brother (At a Highway Rest Stop), Cheese at the End of the Maze?, Spy vs. Spy, Clifford's Notes, and The Tin Man Steals a Heart
15. Frost / Undercover Claw
Air Date: 2011-12-12
On a Christmas vacation, Woody and the gang end up on the island misfit toys. There they are greeted by King Moonracer and the other misfit toys who invite them to stay. Soon they find a mysterious door to a room with an old Commodore 64 and countdown clock. In song, the misfit toys explain that the clock counts down to either to Christmas or the end of the world and that they've never experienced Christmas as they reset the counter on December 24. Woody then suggest to allow the counter to reach the twenty-fifth. When day arrives, Santa appears offering to give the toys to new homes. Suddenly the abominable snowman appears with Yukon Cornelius who insists that the creature is harmless, but the creature eats Santa anyway and Cornelius resets the counter to the date of the creature's next bowel movement. / Santa decides to go undercover as one of the elves to see how hard their jobs are. Unfortunately, Santa proves to be very bad at the tasks given to him and ends up burning down the factory prompting him to have the elves go and buy gift cards in bulk. / Other Sketches: Mad News, Time Machine PSA, Tree Bazooka 9000, Rejected Reindeer, Security Cam: Kevin's House, Snowman vs. Wild, Spy vs. Spy, and Merry Christmas, Charlie Sheen!
16. Twilight Staking Dawn / Cookie Blue
Air Date: 2012-01-24
Edward and Bella's wedding ceremony is interrupted by Buffy Summers, who begins killing all vampires in attendance. Edward and Bella flee with Buffy in hot pursuit before trapping them on a cliff. Before Buffy can kill them, Bella asks why she wants to kill her, since Edward never made her into a vampire as Bella asked. Buffy states that her reason is because she sees Bella as a pathetic female protagonist. Bella states that there is someone far worse than she is, prompting the girls to lynch Whitney Cummings. Now with Whitney's main star out of commission, the director has both Buffy and the now suddenly pregnant Bella to star in a replacement sitcom, Two and a Half Women./ Cookie Monster is recruited to the Toronto police department. His first assignment is a local bakery. He then begins to look in a street called Crime Alley for suspects, and finds a guy hiding in a trash can whom he thinks is a Canadian equivalent of Oscar the Grouch and try force feed garbage forcing the man to confess to the robbery./ Other Sketches: Mad News, Bad Idea, Pokémon
17. WWE Bought a Zoo / 2 Broke Powerpuff Girls
Air Date: 2012-01-30
Benjamin Mee buys a local zoo for his family, but the zoo is immediately seized by wrestlers from the WWE. They begin to train the animals to be wrestlers for an upcoming WWF match. However, the match proves to be more successful than the human version causing the human wrestlers to become unemployed. / Following the permanent hiatus of The Powerpuff Girls, Bubbles and Buttercup attempt to make it on their own by getting a job at Him's dinner, but their inability to properly wait on customers cause them to get fired by Him. They then attempt at pan handling, but fail to make rent forcing them to be evicted from their apartment by Mojo Jojo. With nowhere else to turn, the girls return to their successful sister Blossom and admit that she was the backbone of the team. They end up getting hired at a diner that is owned by Blossom./ Other Sketches: Mad News, Death's Final Stop, Final Brantasy, Psych Psych Out, Rejected Smurfs, Spy vs. Spy, ThunderPants, and Snowman Drinks Some Coffee
18. Dolphineas and Ferb Tale / VICTORious
Air Date: 2012-02-06
When Sawyer Nelson finds Winter the tailless dolphin stranded on the beach, Phineas and Ferb offer to help build a suitable prosthetic for the dolphin. Their first few attempts backfire until they build a helmet that increases her brain activity. To test her ability, they enter her a half machine competition against Hiccup and Toothless, and Cyborg. Winter proves to a formidable opponent, taking out Hiccup and Toothless. But before she can beat Cyborg, Morgan Freeman appears informing that despite winning, the important thing is that everybody learns when messing with balance of nature use robot parts. He then reveals that he now has rocket feet just like Cyborg's. / The students of Hollywood Arts High School prepare for a yodeling mime competition, but their newest classmate, Dr. Doom, prepares to win the competition by cheating. Doom has Robbie Shapiro enhance his armor, but during his performance, the armor overload causing Doom to be disqualified. However, as a consolation Robbie reveals to Doom that he is in reality Andy Samberg and introduces him to Justin Timberlake. The three then take a road trip to Disneyland. / Other Sketches: Mad News, Clown Dinner, DVR2D2, Polka Goat at the Meeting, Man finds Dog in the Snow, Finger Poking Support Group, Spy vs. Spy, What's Wrong with This Picture: Justin Bieber, and Magician Miss-fire's His Rabbit
19. My Little War Horse / Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O
Air Date: 2012-02-13
During the Great War, Captain Nicholls offers to buy Albert Narracott horse for the cavalry. But rather than buy his colt Joey, he takes Narracott's other horse Pinkie Pie, much to everybody's surprise. Soon Pinkie Pie is put through basic training, then is set out to fight the apposing unicorns, who prove to an formidable army. Meanwhile, Narracott decides goes after Pinkie Pie and braves the English Channel to get to her. When he reaches the other side, Narracott realizes that he is unprepared. So he call for help from Tintin. They then take the ship the Unicorn and head out to the battlefield just as both factions come to terms. / Tonight, ThunderCat Jay Lion-O welcomes guest Ryan Gosling and a musical performance by Mumm-Ra & Sons. Also Jay humiliates people with "simple questions" in his "Catwalking" segment./ Other Sketches: Mad News, People Door, Magic Magic Markers, Super Saiyan Scarecrow, Office Yak, Teen Titanic, Spy vs. Spy, Goalies Save the Day!, and Shooting Lonestar
20. Al Pacino and the Chipmunks / That's What Superfriends Are For
Air Date: 2012-02-27
21. Real Veal / Celebrity Wife Swamp
Air Date: 2012-03-05
Charlie Kenton tries to reclaim his former boxing glory by coaching a robot to fight. But when his son Max points out the superior moves of a cow, Charlie integrates the cow into the robot and dubs creation Veal Steel. In time, Veal Steel climbs the boxing ranks reaching the title match against Bumblebee. As a tactic, Charlie instructs Veal Steel to follow Charlie's every move, which causes Veal Steel to lose to Bumblebee anyway. Unfortunately for the Kentons, the fights have put Charlie in debt. So they decide to live off of Veal Steel's remains for the next several months. / Couples Bradgelina and Shrek and Fiona decide to exchange families for the show Celebrity Wife Swamp since their careers have slowed down. At first things are okay between the new couplings, until Pitt feels his ego being bruised by Shrek and Jolie. Pitt decides to terminate his contract. But Rumpelstiltskin, the contract holder, states that the contract is forever binding. Hearing this, Pitt begs for his old wife back, only he gets instead his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston. Pitt then decides that he's better off with Fiona. / Other Sketches: Mad News, What Makes Mexican Jumping Beans Jump, People Who Wait Til the Last Minute to Walk On Ellen, Elephant Forgets His ATM Password, Scooby Snack Fiscal Report, Spy vs. Spy, Superwatch, and Push Your Luck
22. Garfield of Dreams / I Hate My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Air Date: 2012-03-26
Garfield leads other comic strip heroes on a mission to get Hollywood to remember them. / A mother realizes her sons have become something she always hated: ninja turtles! / Mad News, Bobo the Clown Marries Balloon, What's Wrong With This Picture?, The Left Hand of Doom, Dr. Glass Johnson Makes the Score, Duck Plays with Rubber Boy in the Tub, Stapler Goes to Dentist, Lancing with the Stars, Robots Try to Build Human, Thor Hammers Bolts with his own Hammer, Spy vs. Spy, and Wizard or Crazy Person
23. Adventures of TaunTaun / Everyone Loves Rayman
Air Date: 2012-04-02
A TaunTaun dressed like Tintin solves the secret of an Imperial Star Destroyer. / After defeating Mr. Dark and rescuing Betilla, Rayman lets his parents stay at his house. / Mad News, Man looks at his new Labrador, Koopa Soup, Water Cooler Talk!, MAD Ask the Celebrity, Employees Must Wash Hands Before Work, Sick Buttowski, Giant Monsters Eat a City for Dinner, Lightbulb Gets an Idea But Loses It, Spy vs. Spy, The Garfield No Monday Calendar, and Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?
24. Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba
Air Date: 2012-04-09
When Harry, Ron and Hermione learn that their franchise is over, they team up with other magical characters to steal Dumbeldore's wand to make them live forever. However, Dumbeldore explains they will live forever... through reruns. / An entryway guard tells Lando Calrissian how he got the job for Jabba the Hutt. / Mad News, Evil Medieval gets Stopped by Crossing Bridge, Attorney with a Booger, Elderly and Disabled People Cross the Street, The Parent Trainer, MAD's Security Cam - Kevin's House, Spy vs. Spy, and McSpidee's
25. Addition Impossible / New Gill
Air Date: 2012-04-16
Ethan Hunt's team needs to save the world, while also struggling with simple math. / Ariel breaks up with Prince Eric and moves into an apartment with Nick, Schmidt, and Winston./ Mad News, Bad Idea, Woman Saves Herself on the Train Tracks, Satel-Night-Light, Superheroes: They're Just Like Us, LIFE: The Ride, My Little PWNY, Babies Are Monsters (But Nobody Notices), Spy vs. Spy, and Charles Xavier Boards His Plane
26. iChronicle / Hulk Smash
Air Date: 2012-04-23
The cast of iCarly discover a strange object that gives the super powers. Then, Hulk has to audition to join the Avengers - against Bruce Banner?!
1. The Iron Giant Lady / Raising a New Hope
Air Date: 2012-05-28
On her road to become Britain's prime minster, Margaret Thatcher encounters several problems, as she is a giant iron gynoid with a loud voice and limited vocabulary. So she decides to take elocution lessons, and eventually learns some words that help win the election. Soon, under Thatcher's administration, she manages to literally squash the debt ceiling, make an impact on education, and returned England currency to the rock standard. Thus inspiring other gynoids throughout the world seek positions of power. It is then revealed that Thatcher has been telling this story to the audience of the Robot Grammys where she is presenting the award who's nominees are all various gynoid versions of Adele. / After the Hulk auditions for the Avengers, he reverts to Bruce Banner. Banner makes the best of this and decides to apply in the hopes that they might need another scientist. Iron Man considers Banner based on his inexperience, and is left with the problem of choosing who to make the official member. Seeing this a problem, both personas begin to sing a Broadway style duet explaining how they feel in regards. Eventually Iron Man decides to let the Hulk in anyway since they discover that both the Hulk and Banner are one in the same. / Madvent Calendar, Genie Lamp Used On Noisy Wanderer, The Visibility Cloak, Mad News, Alien Father Uses His Stink Gun, Band Talk to their Audience, Nessie, Super Duper Cutz Grand Opening, Spy vs. Spy, Parallel Lumberjack Deaths, Edna the Kangaroo Forgot Her Pouch, and Horse and Cowboy Enter Saloon
2. Yawn Carter / Franklin and Crash
Air Date: 2012-06-04
After receiving a device from Abin Sur, John Carter teleported to Mars. There he meets Marvin the Martian who dubs him "Yawn Carter" for his long winded boring back story. Marvin asks Carter for his help to fight their civil war, but Carter is reluctant since he would rather search for gold. Marvin's dog K-9 grabs Carter and takes him to their village. Seeing that he has survived the trip, it is declared that Carter has super powers that can be useful in the war. While there Carter is greeted by the princess Dejah Thoris, who informs him that she has be betrothed to J'onn J'onzz a man she does not love. J'onzz has Carter arrested for fraternizing with Thoris. As punishment, Carter is pitted to a fight to the death with ravenous Bruno Mars. Carter manages to kill Mars, escape to the arena, and crash the wedding. However, Carter learns that the entire events were just an elaborate plan for Thoris to get an engagement ring. As Carter declares his feelings and gives her a diamond ring, Thoris teleports Carter back to Earth. / Trial lawyer, Jared Franklin is paired with Crash Bandicoot. Together the two must defend the Prince of the Cosmos who has been accused of property damage from creating large katamaris. At the trial, prosecutor Sonic the Hedgehog presents compelling video evidence showing the Prince in the process of creating various katamaris. Finally, the Prince calls upon his father, the King, who explains that the Prince's activities were to help repopulate the cosmos with new stars, as the King accidentally did away with all the old stars. As he speaks, the King takes the entire courthouse and hurls it into space to make it the final star in the Alfred E. Newman constellation. / Also: Madvent Calendar, Burglar Disguised as a Raccoon, Sports Drink Drink, RPG Nerd Has to Get a Life, Alfred E. Neuman for President Celebrity Endorsement, The Woman in Back, Spy vs. Spy, and Mini Golf
3. Battleship vs. Titanic / Jurassic Parks and Rec
Air Date: 2012-06-11
Thanks to 3-D technology, the RMS Titanic is able avoid the iceberg only to encounter with a hostel alien battleship. Rose and Jack are greeted by Adm. Shane who briefs them on the threat and attempts to prepare for battle. Since the Titanic is a luxury cruise ship they decide to use the women and children as ammunition by catapulting them, but their firing range is too short. So Jack decides to draw sketches of everybody, allowing the aliens to take over the ship's rear. Adm. Shane decides to active the ship's emergency separation mechanism to save the rest, only to cause the inevitable sinking. Later, Jack and Rose are left to drift clinging to a piece of wood. Rose states to the wood she will never let go, and the wood knocks Jack aside. Lt. Hopper surfaces begging to be saved so he can star in John Carter: The Gods of Mars. In the present, an elderly Rose recounts the story to her children explaining how she met their father - one of the aliens. / Leslie Knope unveils Pawnee Park's newest project to include a new dinosaur zoological park to compete with rival Eagleton. However, when Andy decides to save money by not putting locks on all the cages, all the dinosaurs run amok over the park. With most of the staff devoured by the carnivores, Knope hold a meeting to address the issue. Only for the meeting to be crashed by a velociraptor who sets his sights on Knope. Before he can attack, he is devoured by a Tyrannosaurus carrying director Ron Swanson. / Also: Madvent Calendar, Bad Idea, Swisster, Waiting for the Cool Bus, Alfred E. Newman Presidential Campaign Ad., Fat Man Buys a Magic Carpet, Sheriff Robo Boba Lobo, Spy vs. Spy, "Hey, whatever happened to that kid from that TV show I kinda remember from when I was a kid"?, and Anamorphic Food Fight
4. Betty White and the Huntsman / Ancient Greek Mythbusters
Air Date: 2012-06-18
Queen Ravenna is shocked when her magic mirror informs her that Betty White is fairer than she and orders Eric the Huntsman to retrieve her heart. Eric goes to Betty White's office but chooses not to kill her since he enjoys Hot in Cleveland. Instead, he decides to train her to fight the Queen in battle. However, when they return to face Ravenna, they are greeted by the queen from Mirror Mirror. White laments over the idea the two Snow White films were released in the same year and regards the 1937 Disney film as the superior adaptation. / On the previous episode of MythBusters Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage managed to prove that time travel exists and have now found themselves trapped in ancient Greece. So they decide to do a special Greek episode and bust Greek mythology. However, their experiments create diasterous results. Fortunately Grant appears in a time machine to take the duo home. Perseus, however, takes the time instead and heads to the year 2015 where he lives it up hoverboarding until he is hit by hovercar. / Madvent Calendar, Crocodile has tears with award winner, Awake 'n Shake, Employees Must Wash Hands and Feet Before Returning to Work, R2-PO, Alfred E. Newman Presidential Campaign Ad. 20/80, Spy vs. Spy, and Man Falls Down From Ceiling
5. I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus
Air Date: 2012-06-25
Will Smith is the last man on earth who speaks for the trees. Then, the cast of Modern Family hang out with their distant relatives from the funny pages. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E.
6. This Means War Machine / iCharlie
Air Date: 2012-07-16
Iron Man and War Machine realize they're dating the same woman: Pepper Potts! / Charlie Brown films himself doing dangerous stunts.
7. The Mixed Martial Artist / Aquaman vs. Wild
Air Date: 2012-07-23
A silent movie star is kicked to the curb for America's new favorite form of entertainment: mixed martial arts! / Aquaman faces off against the desert.
8. The Blunder Games / The Poop-seidon Adventure
Air Date: 2012-07-30
The tributes from District 12 battle the tributes from District Hogwarts and District Twilight. / It's a MAD classic as a famous boat flips its lid.
9. Average-ers / Legend of Dora
Air Date: 2012-09-13
Nick Fury needs to save the world with whatever heroes don't have their own movies to make. / Dora the Explorer is the newest Avatar revealed.
10. Men In Black to the Future / Pokémon Of Interest
Air Date: 2012-09-20
Agent J bounces through time looking for his partner. / John Reese uses his Special Forces skills to track down a Psyduck.
11. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Icarus /The Adjustment Burro
Air Date: 2012-09-27
The star of Kid Icarus gets picked on by the popular video game characters. Then Eeyore's life is planned out for him ... but what if he changed that plan? Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E.
12. Taking Nemo / Once Upon a Toon
Air Date: 2012-10-04
Nemo gets taken so his dad calls up Liam Neeson to save him. / Henry Swan gathers the characters of Cartoon Network's past to stand up against an unknown evil.
13. Outtagascar / F·I·E·N·D·S
Air Date: 2012-11-12
The cast of Madagascar wind up on the train for characters whose movies are clearly out of gas. Then, six super villains try to make their way in New York City.
14. The Amazing Spider-Minaj / Go, Dragon Ball, Go!
Air Date: 2012-10-25
Peter Parker's not the only web head in town. Then, Diego searches for the Dragon Balls so he can save all the animals.
15. FrankenWinnie / ParaMorgan
Air Date: 2012-10-25
When Winnie the Pooh falls apart, Christopher Robin is determined... to bring him back to life! / Norman Babcock is a weird little boy who hears the voices of... Morgan Freeman! / MADvent Calendar, Zombies Try to Eat the Scarecrow's Brain, The Grim Sleeper, Bane: Friend of Children, Enemy of Bats, The Legend of Snoopy Hollow, Avengers' Halloween Party, Spy vs. Spy, and Rabbits Take Over the World
16. Dark Knight at the Museum; Lemming Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Video Game Deaths
Air Date: 2012-11-01
Batman investigates a crime at the Museum of Television to stop the Riddler. / Three orphaned Lemmings (Violet, Klaus, and Sunny) go on the run from an evil guardian, Wario! / MADvent Calendar, Apple Trees Rise Up and Enslave the Humans, Fairly OddParental Controls, Electric Eels Forgot to Pay the Electric Bill, Guy Pearce Gets Punched in the Face, Shirt Cannon 3000 and Shirt Squirt, Alfred E. Neuman for President - More Campaign Promises, Spy vs. Spy, and Every Last Drop of Gasoline
17. Total Recall Me Maybe / Asgardigans
Air Date: 2012-11-08
MAD tries to recall the plot of Total Recall, through song. Then, Thor teams up with some weird creatures from the backyard. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E.
18. Bourne Leg-a-Turkey / PilGrimm
Air Date: 2012-11-15
It's MAD's Thanksgiving special! A turkey secret agent is on the run from the people who created him.
19. Here Comes the Doom; Brain Purge
Air Date: 2012-11-29
Here Comes the Doom: It's back to school. When a high school needs funding, they turn to comic book arch-villain, Dr. Victor von Doom! / Brain Purge: Agent J runs a game show that makes sure you forget everything you know.
20. Fantastic Four Christmases; Red and White Collar
Air Date: 2012-12-06
It's a MAD Christmas Special! The kids of the Fantastic Four have to go to all four relatives' houses in one day, and deal with yuletide super villains! Then, Santa is let out of jail and teams up with the FBI! Plus Christmas commercials, Spy vs.
21. The Hip Hobbit; The Monday Project
Air Date: 2013-01-21
Bilbo embarks on an old-school quest of rhyming and break dancing. Then, Garfield vows to get his life together.
22. The Perks of Being a Wall Crawler; Regular Shogun Warriors
Air Date: 2013-01-28
Spider-Man gives a shy kid advice so he can become a cool wall crawler. Then, some giant robots hang around and watch TV.
23. Twilight Breaking Down; GOllum On
Air Date: 2013-02-04
Bella and Edward have one last challenge to overcome … finding a babysitter! Then, Gollum joins a support group to help him get overthe loss of his ring. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
24. Life of Rhyme; Here Comes Yogi Boo Boo
Air Date: 2013-02-18
The classic tale of a boy trapped on a boat with a cat in the hat. Then, two dumb gross bears act gross and dumb. Plus, Alfred E.Neuman, Spy vs.
25. James Bond: Reply All; Randy Savage: 9th Grade Wrestler
Air Date: 2013-02-25
James Bond must track down an e-mail that went out to too many people. Then, a 9th grader dons the beard of a legend. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
26. George Washington: Cherry Tree Chopper; Star Wars Earned Stripes
Air Date: 2013-03-04
The completely true tale of Washington's war against the cherry trees is finally told. Then, do these C-list celebrities have whatit takes to be A-list Storm Troopers? Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs.
31. Papa; 1600 Finn
Air Date: 2013-05-13
A family is haunted by a small, blue menace; Finn the Human moves into the White House.
32. G.I. E.I. Joe; Dog With a Captain's Log
Air Date: 2013-05-20
The G.I. Joes recruit help from the farm; the Starship Enterprise's new crew member.
33. The `S' Cape From Planet Earth; The X-Mentalist
Air Date: 2013-05-27
Scorch Supernova must save a defenseless man of steel; the X-Men become police officers.
34. Po-Blivion; Umbrellamentary
Air Date: 2013-06-17
Jack Harper believes he is the last man alive until encountering a talking panda; Sherlock Holmes goes missing and Mary Poppins investigates.
35. Jaws the Great and Powerful; Off Their Spockers
Air Date: 2013-06-24
A balloon carries a shark to the Land of Oz; Old Spock pranks his younger self and the Enterprise crew.
36. Jacks the Giant Slayers; The Most Beautiful Voice
Air Date: 2013-07-01
Jack is crushed by giants; Prince Eric holds a singing competition to learn the identity of his true love.
37. The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele
Air Date: 2013-07-22
Flash aids the crew from "The Fast and the Furious"; a dated high school sitcom gets singing lessons.
38. The Great Batsby; Big Time Gold Rush
Air Date: 2013-07-29
A narrator talks about his time in the '20s with a man who dressed like a bat; Big Time Rush strikes gold.
39. First White House Down; McDuck Dynasty
Air Date: 2013-08-05
George Washington fights cherry trees; a rich old duck yells at his nephews.
40. After Bert; Downton Shaggy
Air Date: 2013-08-12
Will Smith crashes onto a planet with Muppets; Downton Abbey gets a new footman with a large appetite.
41. Lone Rango; Doctor Who's Line Is It Anyway?
Air Date: 2013-09-02
The Lone Ranger recruits a lizard; The Doctor faces an improv game.
42. Iron Bland 3; Monsters Community
Air Date: 2013-09-09
Iron Man battles The Mandarin; the monsters go to Greendale Community College.
43. Star Blecch Into Dumbness; Stark Tank
Air Date: 2013-09-16
The crew of The Enterprise; Iron Man and other wealthy superheroes fund others.
44. The Flash and the Furious; Saved by Adele
Air Date: 2013-09-23
The Fast and Furious crew is aided by The Flash; singing lessons at a high school sitcom.
46. Pacific Ring; Horton Hears a Whodunnit
Air Date: 2013-10-07
Giant robot wrestlers battle giant monsters; an elephant in a tuxedo asks strangers to solve a murder.
47. World War ZZZZ; Shazam and Cat
Air Date: 2013-10-14
Brad Pitt must save the world from zombies in a boring movie; Sam and Cat have a new child to baby-sit.
48. Doraline; Monster Mashville
Air Date: 2013-10-21
Dora the Explorer travels to the "other world"; monster singers compete to write the best Halloween parody song.
50. The Dullverine; Under the Dumb
Air Date: 2013-11-18
Wolverine travels to Japan to avoid another X-Men movie; a small town is trapped under a stupid dome.
51. Still Hungry Games; Agents of S.M.U.R.F.
Air Date: 2013-11-25
Fans demand another Hunger Games; top secret agents are sent by Gargamel to capture the Smurfs.
52. Alfred's Game; We Are X-Men
Air Date: 2013-12-02
The Earth must rely on Alfred E. Neuman; sad mutants get over failed relationships.
1. LinKONG / Rainbow Dash and Bernstein
Air Date: 2013-04-01
It's a classic tale of America's greatest giant ape president. Wyatt Bernstein builds a new bestie: Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Other Sketches: MADvent Calendar, Fortune Yeller, Truth Paste, Man with Flu Never Getting a Baby, Rejected Merry Go Round Characters, Keeping Up with the Carebearshians, Spy vs. Spy, and Ice Diver in Winter Olympics
2. Pokémonsters, Inc. / Bane and Kate
Air Date: 2013-04-08
It's total chaos as Ash Ketchum tries to catch all the Monsters! Then, a woman reconnects with her super villain brother. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
3. Wreck It Gandalph / The Big Bird Theory
Air Date: 2013-04-15
Gandalf is tired of being a wizard and escapes to other movies. Then, the cast of The Big Bang Theory are tired of their show and escape to another world. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
4. Les the Miz / The Lex Factor
Air Date: 2013-04-22
It's a musical wrestling spectacular in the past! Then, Lex Luthor holds a reality show for villains. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
5. Papa / 1600 Finn
Air Date: 2013-05-13
A family is haunted by a small blue menace. Then, Finn the Human moves into the White House. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
6. G.I. E.I. Joe / Dog with a Captain's Log
Air Date: 2013-05-20
The G.I. Joes recruit some help from the farm. Then, the Starship Enterprise has a hairy new crew member. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
7. S Cape from Planet Earth / The X-Mentalist
Air Date: 2013-05-27
Scorch Supernova has to save a defenseless man of steel. Then, the X-Men give up being super heroes and become cops. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
8. POblivion / Umbrellamentary
Air Date: 2013-06-17
Jack Harper is the last man on Earth, but there's also a talking kung-fu panda. Then, Sherlock Holmes goes missing and it's up to another beloved British character to save him ... Mary Poppins?! Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
9. Jaws the Great and Powerful / Old Spock's Off Their Spockers
Air Date: 2013-06-24
When a balloon carries a giant shark to the Land of Oz ... things get weird. Then, Old Spock spends his free time pranking his younger self and the rest of the Enterprise crew. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
10. Jacks the Giant Slayers / The Most Beautiful Voice
Air Date: 2013-07-01
When the famous Jack gets crushed by giants, the kingdom has to call in whatever other Jacks are left. Then, Prince Eric holds a singing competition to find the identity of his true love. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
11. The Great Batsby / Big Time Gold Rush
Air Date: 2013-07-29
A charming narrator tells of his time with an eccentric man in the 1920s, who dresses like a bat. Then, the dudes from Big Time Rush strike gold. Literally. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
12. First White House Down / McDuck Dynasty
Air Date: 2013-08-05
It's a MAD sequel as George Washington once again picks up his axe to fight the dreaded cherry trees! Then a rich old duck yells at his nephews. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
13. After Bert / Downton Shaggy
Air Date: 2013-08-12
The danger is real as Will Smith crashes onto a planet with a bunch of Muppets. Then, Downton Abbey gets a new footman with a big appetite. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
14. Lone Rango / Doctor Who's Line Is It Anyway?
Air Date: 2013-09-02
The Lone Ranger recruits a lizard because Tonto is too annoying. Then the Doctor must face his greatest challenge yet: improving games.
15. Iron Bland 3 / Monsters Community
Air Date: 2013-09-16
Iron Man battles the Mandarin and, no, he doesn't call the Avengers - so who cares? Then, the monsters go back to college: Greendale Community College! Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
16. Star Blecch Into Dumbness / Stark Tank
Air Date: 2013-09-16
The crew of the Enterprise dumbly goes where many movies have gone before. Then, Iron Man and other wealthy super heroes offer to fund the endeavors of others, if the pitch is right. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
17. The Flash & the Furious / Saved by Adele
Air Date: 2013-09-23
The Fast and Furious crew gets an assist from the fastest man in the world. But is he the most furious? Then, a dated high school sitcom gets singing lessons. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
18. Lukewarm Bodies / Does Someone Have to GOa?
Air Date: 2013-09-30
Can a lovesick zombie overcome his craving for brains AND overcome how lazy zombie movies have gotten? Then, the Green Lanterns are asked which of their teammates should be fired. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
19. Pacific Ring / Horton Hears a Whodunnit!
Air Date: 2013-10-07
Giant monsters can only be defeated with one thing: giant robot wrestlers! Then, a group of strangers are asked to solve a murder by an elephant in a tuxedo. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
20. World War ZZZ / SHAZAM! & Cat
Air Date: 2013-10-14
Can Brad Pitt save the world from zombies before everyone falls asleep because this movie is boring? Then, Sam and Cat have a new kid to babysit - a kid who transforms into a super hero! Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
21. Doraline / Monster Mashville
Air Date: 2013-10-21
It's a MAD Halloween special! Dora the Explorer travels to the "other world" and gets more than she bargained for. Then, two monster songstresses compete to write a Halloween song.
22. Mad's 100th Episode Special
Air Date: 2013-11-11
It's MAD's doubled-sized 100th episode spectacular! This anniversary episode pokes fun at Man of Steel, Sanjay and Craig and One Direction. Plus, a very special Spy vs. Spy, Alfred E. Neuman and more!
23. Dullverine / Under the Dumb
Air Date: 2013-11-18
Wolverine goes all the way to Japan to avoid being in another boring Wolverine movie, but it doesn't work. Then, a small town is trapped under a stupid dome. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
24. Still Hungry Games / Agents of S.M.U.R.F.
Air Date: 2013-11-25
The fans demand another Hunger Games and so there is one. Then, top secret agents are sent by a balding wizard to capture blue elves. Plus, Alfred E. Neuman, Spy vs. Spy and more!
25. Alfred's Game / We Are X-Men
Air Date: 2013-12-02
Earth’s only hope is Alfred E. Neuman . . . so we’re doomed! Then, a bunch of sad mutants get over their failed relationships.
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Release Date
123 (4 seasons)
Production Companies
Warner Bros. Animation