Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes

Friends and Heroes is a Christian children's program that airs on TBN, Smile of a Child TV, and was also shown on BBC TV. The show is both traditionally animated and computer animated. It takes place from 69 - 71 AD. There are three series each of 13 Episodes: Series 1 is set in Alexandria, Egypt; Series 2 in Jerusalem and Series 3 in Rome. The series was created by Brian D. Brown and Eric J. Danenberg, who also worked on The Storykeepers.

FamilyAnimationAction & AdventureKids


Long Journey

1. Long Journey

Air Date: 2007-03-12

In the bustling marketplace of Alexandria we meet Samuel and Macky. Soon they encounter two young refugee girls who have stowed away aboard a ship from Galilee and are being pursued by Roman soldiers. Macky and his family risk their safety and defy the Romans by taking the sisters into their home. Samuel tells the story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den to encourage the family not to be afraid - and Macky learns that violence is not the answer. When the girls are captured, Macky reminds everyone how Jesus demonstrated his power with a Miraculous Catch of Fish before calling his followers to leave everything and follow him. This motivates Samuel to help Macky spring a daring raid on the prison to free the girls.

A Friend in High Places

2. A Friend in High Places

Air Date: 2007-03-12

Macky rescues a snobbish, aristocratic Roman girl, Portia, from her runaway horse and she is so fascinated with Macky and the whole world of Alexandria’s Delta Quarter ghetto, that she returns and hires Diana to make a dress for her - at the Governor’s palace! Rebecca is horrified that a Roman should enter their lives and uses the story of how Delilah led Samson astray to warn against being corrupted by foreign ways. But Macky senses there is more to Portia than they have seen so far. Diana teaches the youngsters the value of tolerance through the story of Peter’s friendship with Cornelius, the Roman Centurion - and with help from their new Roman friend Portia, the gang thwart an extortion scheme run by Tobias and his sergeant, Brutacus.


3. Leviathan

Air Date: 2007-03-13

A giant warship docks in Alexandria harbour and Macky learns from Portia that the ship’s mission is to attack the rebels resisting the Romans in Galilee. Macky inspires his neighbour, the young genius Sollie, with the story of David and Goliath. Sollie comes up with a plan to sink the ship. When Macky and Samuel are captured and imprisoned on the doomed ship, the story of how God released Peter from prison encourages them never to give up hope. As a result of the heroic destruction of the ship, its Roman architect decides to stay away from objects of war.

False Heroes

4. False Heroes

Air Date: 2007-03-14

Macky and the family take a risk and give shelter to two men they think are fugitive rebels, brothers Caleb and Aaron. The story of Rahab teaches the family, and Portia, about caring for strangers. Aaron is very sick, and to nurse him Diana needs to cool his raging fever. Disguised as musicians, Macky and Samuel venture into the Governor’s palace to bring back ice from a lavish Roman banquet. When the sickness looks serious, the story of how Peter raised Tabitha back to life encourages Caleb never to give up hope for his brother. We’re left in suspense at the end of the Episode when it’s discovered that Caleb and Aaron are actually dangerous criminals.

True Heroes

5. True Heroes

Air Date: 2007-03-14

Caleb and Aaron are trying to escape Alexandria. Meanwhile, after intelligence reports of refugee rebels entering the city by sea, Tiberius orders the famous lighthouse extinguished, threatening the lives of many innocent fishermen too. Macky is inspired by the story of Gideon not to feel defeated by the might of the Romans. Portia, Diana and the girls make a desperate, dizzying descent from the top of the lighthouse as they take a stand against Aaron. Together they must find a way to re-illuminate the dangerous shore. Samuel’s telling of the well-known Christmas Story - where the Good News was first told to lowly shepherds - turns Caleb and Aaron from criminals into heroes.

Sweet Freedom

6. Sweet Freedom

Air Date: 2007-03-15

Macky and the gang want to rescue some slaves who are forced to work, shackled, in the Roman granary, but their friends and neighbours are worried about the repercussions. Sollie’s mother, Miriam, challenges them by telling the story of Moses beating the Egyptian slave master, and Macky soon finds he has enough support to help the slaves. Once rescued, the slaves must be hidden from the Romans, and Marx Brothers-style havoc ensues as Diana - theatrical wardrobe mistress - hides them right under the Romans’ noses at the theatre. The story of how Paul was changed on the Damascus Road gives Macky hope that even the Romans might one day change - and slavery will disappear.

Lost in Alexandria

7. Lost in Alexandria

Air Date: 2007-03-16

Portia is still trying to make friends with all of Macky’s family and Diana learns from the story of Ruth and Naomi how to reach out to others - even outsiders like Portia. Little Leah gets lost in the chaotic back streets of the city and is tricked by a devious Roman called Lydia, (actually Portia’s palace tutor), who leads her to enslavement in a sweatshop run by Tobias. Macky uses the story of the Good Samaritan to remind Samuel that Portia, though a Roman, can help, and soon with additional help from Pontius the parrot they find and rescue Leah, ruining Tobias’s lucrative sweatshop in the process. Only the audience knows that Lydia’s story is left unresolved. Will she pose a future threat to our heroes?

The One That Got Away

8. The One That Got Away

Air Date: 2007-03-19

Whilst Macky and the girls are minding Samuel’s shop, a petty thief steals a piece of jewellery. The silver fish has information vital to the rebel movement engraved on it and if it falls into Roman hands, there will be serious consequences. Macky can’t figure out how to get the fish back, but after telling Leah the story of a resilient John being beaten by the authorities for the crime of healing people, all becomes clear. Moments after getting the fish back, the bars of the harbour prison slam shut on the kids. Just as things are looking desperate, and it seems the gang are to be sent to the salt mines as slaves, Macky remembers the story of Shadrach and the Furnace. Samuel intervenes and creates an elaborate ruse that sets everything right.

Doing Our Part

9. Doing Our Part

Air Date: 2007-03-20

It’s Purim time and while Macky, Sollie and the kids act out the story of Esther’s bravery, Diana shows her own bravery, as she tries to lead destitute refugees through the dangerous streets of Alexandria. When Diana is captured, she tells her Roman guard the story of the selfless generosity of Joseph of Cyprus and finds that the guard is sympathetic to the Friends of Jesus. He releases her, but still she can’t shake off Brutacus who with his troop insists on following her home through the streets, as the refugees try to thread their way to safety. Between them, Diana and Sollie use their wits to avert disaster and get the soldiers out of the way so the refugees can safely join in the Purim celebrations.


10. Horseplay

Air Date: 2007-03-21

Out on Macky’s horse without permission, Leah easily outrides a spoilt Roman boy, Caius, who challenges her to a horse race so he can salvage his damaged pride. Rebecca is furious with her little sister, but Macky tells her the famous story of Joseph and his Brothers and she sees that forgiveness between brothers, or sisters, is more important than chastising Leah for her disobedience. When Leah goes to meet Caius and face his wager, Rebecca plans to help her and stop the Roman boy and his flunkies from cheating to win. Meanwhile Portia has been pulling strings amongst her fellow Roman aristocrats to help Leah from the opposite side. Between them they outwit Caius and Brutacus, but Leah had been hoping to get the wealthy Roman lad to pay his dues after beating him in the race. Rebecca tells Leah the story of Simon Magus, who foolishly thought money would make him all-powerful, and little Leah finally understands her big sister’s message.


11. Exodus

Air Date: 2007-03-21

As Macky’s family and guests celebrate Passover, Portia brings her Roman tutor, Lydia, with her to dinner. Leah recognises Lydia from the sweatshop incident. As the family recount the stories of the Burning Bush and the Exodus, Leah sits in silent fear of Lydia. Lydia is anxious that the Governor will find out about the illegal sweatshop from Leah and Portia, so she gets Tobias to intimidate Samuel and the whole family. A tense but comic cat-and-mouse game ensues as Tobias searches for Leah, but fails to find her and then tries to double-cross Samuel. Portia takes a big risk and warns Samuel of this trickery. Tobias leaves frustrated, once again. Nevertheless Samuel decides there have been too many close calls and to emphasise his belief that it is time to leave Alexandria, he tells the story of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his friends.

No Way Out

12. No Way Out

Air Date: 2007-03-22

Macky and his family have left Alexandria and have sought safety amongst some desert ruins. Macky argues with his father that they have run away from their responsibilities and Samuel tells him the story of Jonah and the Sailors, showing that it is never really possible to leave behind responsibilities. Searching for Samuel back at the shop, a vengeful Tobias arrests their neighbour Nathan and Sollie brings this news to the family in the desert. Returning to the city, Samuel and Macky meet a thief, their old adversary Caleb. When Caleb recounts the story of the Prodigal Son, they know he is no longer a thief and enlist his help to free Nathan from prison. But to their horror, they realise Tobias had been using Nathan as bait to capture Samuel…

No Turning Back

13. No Turning Back

Air Date: 2007-03-23

With Samuel imprisoned and Caleb injured, Nathan tells a discouraged Macky the story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal to help restore his hope. Portia hears that Daniel, the father of Rebecca and Leah, has been captured by the Romans in Jerusalem and that she is being moved away from Alexandria to Jerusalem with her Uncle. She brings the distressing news to Macky and the girls and Macky makes a promise to Rebecca and Leah that he will, somehow, rescue their father. A torrential rainstorm commences and Samuel tells his frightened fellow prisoners the story of the First Pentecost. Sollie devises a scheme to use the rainwater to flood the palace jail, forcing the guards to open the jail doors. Samuel is finally free, but now Macky tells his parents of his decision to go to Jerusalem, with Portia. Samuel and Diana see that they must let go of their young son. Macky must travel his next journey alone.

One Of Us

1. One Of Us

Air Date: 2008-03-17

Macky arrives in Jerusalem disguised as a member of Portia's entourage, and soon comes across both some old adversaries and several new friends. Awed by the sight of the besieged city, he tells Portia the story of Jesus in the Temple as a boy, and a mysterious Roman soldier tells Macky how King David captured Jerusalem, reminding him that great obstacles may be overcome.

Over Walls

2. Over Walls

Air Date: 2008-03-17

Macky is now a dependable courier between Jerusalem and the outside world. But he's soon given a job that might be too much, even for him: taking an elderly man out of the city for medical care.

The Ram

3. The Ram

Air Date: 2008-05-09

The Romans are bringing in an enormous battering ram to use against the walled city of Jerusalem. Macky have to find a way to help out. Waiting to fight it, the zealots liken the Romans to Ahab and Jezebel, who wanted Naboth’s land, had him killed, then took the land for themselves.

Rescue Strangers

4. Rescue Strangers

Air Date: 2008-05-09

Because of his success against the battering ram, Macky is now a little full of himself. Isaac tells him how strongly Paul and Barnabas objected to being treated as gods in Lystra, but the story doesn’t seem to make much of an impression on Macky.

Prince for a Day

5. Prince for a Day

Air Date: 2008-06-27

This time, Macky sets out to rescue the real Daniel, but his new plan is no less dangerous than his earlier plan. He’s going disguise himself as a young Roman noble and brazenly go right into the Roman camp.

Unwilling Guests

6. Unwilling Guests

Air Date: 2008-06-27

Stung by his humiliation at Macky’s hands, Toadie convinces General Tiberius to allow him to take hostages from the nearby villages. These hostages will be executed if Macky doesn’t turn himself in. One of the hostages is Macky’s friend Isaac.

Aid and Comfort

7. Aid and Comfort

Air Date: 2008-08-01

Toadie gets very ill (sick, too) and only Macky can get the medicine that will save Toadie’s life. But will he? He decides to do it when Lucius tells him how Elisha helped Naaman, even though Naaman was an enemy soldier.


8. Hostages

Air Date: 2008-08-01

With the story of the Slaughter of the Innocents running through her mind, Portia hatches a plan that could force her uncle and the Romans to allow Jerusalem’s children to escape the besieged city.

The Big Lift

9. The Big Lift

Air Date: 2008-09-12

As the people in Jerusalem starve, Macky comes across several sacks of grain that Toadie has stolen for himself and hidden in the Roman camp. With the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in mind, Macky decides to take the grain into the besieged city. But how?


10. Home

Air Date: 2008-09-12

The Romans are tearing down homes outside Jerusalem and using them for building material. Isaac’s daughter, Rachel, worries what will happen to her when their house is torn down, so, to calm her, Isaac tells her of the kindness Jethro the Midianite showed to Moses, a stranger.

Desperate Measures

11. Desperate Measures

Air Date: 2008-10-31

To gain leverage in negotiations, the zealots decide to kidnap General Tiberius. Macky isn’t sure if this is the right thing to do, and recalls the story of Solomon and the baby, envying Solomon’s great wisdom.

Toadie on Trial

12. Toadie on Trial

Air Date: 2008-10-31

After Macky fails in an attempt to escape from the Roman camp, Toadie accuses Portia of being a rebel sympathizer.


13. Hope

Air Date: 2008-10-31

As Tiberius launches the final assault on Jerusalem, a still-incarcerated Macky begs Portia to help his zealot friend, Sarah. Portia stages a daring rescue from the city, then learns from Sarah that she was never Portia’s rival; Macky has always been Portia’s.

Gladiator School

1. Gladiator School

Air Date: 2008-12-12

Macky and Portia finally arrive in Rome, but under very different conditions: Portia is welcomed as the niece of Rome’s famous General Tiberius, while Macky has arrived in chains... and that’s just the beginning of his problems. He has been sold to a school for gladiators! Macky tells the story of Amos speaking out, and recalls the preaching of John the Baptist, to remind us of brave men who spoke out against corruption.

School's Out

2. School's Out

Air Date: 2008-12-12

When Macky refuses to kill another trainee during practice, the gladiator school manager decides to send him to the arena the next day. Because he won’t kill, he will almost certainly be killed. Portia goes to Senator Antonius, who has spoken out on behalf of the Friends of Jesus in the Senate. But Antonius seems unwilling to help. We hear the story of King David and Three Soldiers, and Antonius tells Portia about Jesus speaking in Nazareth.

Friends, Romans and Mystery Men

3. Friends, Romans and Mystery Men

Air Date: 2009-06-02

Macky is now a slave in Senator Antonius’s home. After telling the story of Jesus calming the storm to the Senator’s two children, to help them get to sleep during a dramatic storm, Macky discovers something extraordinary about their father. We hear of the trust between David and Jonathan, while Macky succeeds in foiling a trap laid by Brutacus and the mysterious Masked Rebel considers acquiring a daring young partner.

Sowing the Seeds

4. Sowing the Seeds

Air Date: 2009-06-02

Toadie has a new job: he’s managing a gladiator, and finds he must resort to his usual cheating habits. Macky tells the story of David and Mephibosheth to explain the importance of helping others, and Antonius retells the Parable of the Sower, and the story of the House built on Rock to underline the need for solid foundations in life.

Senators Only

5. Senators Only

Air Date: 2009-03-06

Marcus has an evil plan in the works, and he’s enlisted Toadie to help him. Meanwhile, Antonius tells Macky about Abraham and three strangers, and recalls the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector, and how Zacchaeus soon changed his dishonest ways. Determined to find out what’s going on, Portia sets out to do some detective work at a mysterious warehouse where she runs into Macky, who then gets into serious trouble.

Senators First

6. Senators First

Air Date: 2009-03-06

Macky escapes from the warehouse with Portia, but he is badly injured. Trying to keep Macky conscious on the way home, Portia gets him to focus on the story of Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams. Later Portia finds she must take the lead in foiling Marcus’s plot, while Macky remains on his sickbed and Sophia tells a frightened Felix how Jesus brought Jairus’s daughter back to life.

Rome Alone

7. Rome Alone

Air Date: 2009-04-03

Convinced he knows who the Masked Rebel is, Marcus orders Toadie to spy on Antonius. Felix hears the story of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus and learns the importance of having faith. Meanwhile, Absolom encourages Macky by retelling the story of Samuel anointing Saul. Toadie sneaks into Antonius’s house believing no-one is home, but has a surprise coming when he discovers someone is in after all!

Give and Take

8. Give and Take

Air Date: 2009-04-03

Macky and the Masked Rebel rescue some slaves from certain death in the Circus Maximus, and as the scared slaves hide from their pursuers, Absolom reassures them with the story of Elijah and the Poor Widow. An angry Marcus orders Aemelia to be jailed, planning to use Babatunji as bait. Later, Babatunji hears the Parable of the Lost Sheep, and helps Antonius in a daring prisoner swap, understanding now that God cares for each of us.

Spies and Lies

9. Spies and Lies

Air Date: 2009-05-22

Macky urges Antonius to speak out against Marcus in the Senate, but Antonius is reluctant to openly confront Marcus, reminding Macky of the importance of doing right when he tells the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem. Macky responds with the story of Jesus and the Moneylenders in the Temple. Later Antonius is wrongly arrested after accusations by Marcus. To give Macky and Portia encouragement, Felix and Sophia tell the story of Jesus healing a Paralysed Man.


10. Conflict

Air Date: 2009-05-22

Hoping to gain approval and payment, Toadie informs Antonius that Marcus is planning to rob Rome’s treasury. Antonius tells The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard to remind Macky that things can be seen differently. When Toadie appears asking to be rewarded, Macky tells him the story of Jesus and the Widow’s Offering to explain how the poor woman quietly donated all she had. Later Macky and the Masked Rebel confront Marcus and his men inside the treasury and Antonius tells Macky the story of Jesus and the Roman Tax.


11. Betrayal

Air Date: 2009-07-03

News arrives that Felix is in trouble and later Antonius is arrested. Through the stories of Jesus washing the Disciples’ feet, Jesus and the Lepers and the Last Supper and Jesus’ Arrest, we learn the importance of humility.

Trials and Tribulations

12. Trials and Tribulations

Air Date: 2009-07-03

Portia seeks the Emperor’s help to get Antonius released, but the Emperor decides not to intervene. Our friends recall how Jesus appeared before Pilate, and the events which took place as Jesus carried his cross, and at The Crucifixion.

The Road Ahead

13. The Road Ahead

Air Date: 2009-07-03

Macky finally decides he must leave Rome. Now Portia must decide what she wants her future to be! We hear the stories of Jesus being seen on the road to Emmaus, the Rich Young Man and the Ten Commandments, reminding us to make good choices in life.

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Release Date



39 (3 seasons)





Production Companies

Starburst Animation

The CharacterShop

Gangwon Information and Multimedia Corporation

Friends & Heroes Productions

AFD Software

BBC Wales



Technicolor Toronto