Agents of Cracked

Agents of Cracked



0. Two Men, In a Race Against Time, Trapped Inside a Trailer

Air Date: 2009-11-03

1. The End Of The Beginning

Air Date: 2009-11-09

2. The Trial of Dr. Baby

Air Date: 2009-11-10

3. The Revenge of Roboface

Air Date: 2009-11-11

4. The Tragedy of the Fightin' Hogs

Air Date: 2009-11-12

5. The Web of Sites

Air Date: 2009-11-13

6. The Algorithm of Alan Rickman

Air Date: 2009-11-16

7. The Curse of the Idol

Air Date: 2009-11-17

8. The Parable of the Pumping Stallion

Air Date: 2009-11-18

9. The Secret of Rainbow Bridge

Air Date: 2009-11-19

10. The Battle of H-Town

Air Date: 2009-11-20

11. The Case of the Sodomized Corpse

Air Date: 2009-11-23

12. The Mystery of the Ladies' Room

Air Date: 2009-11-24

13. The Beginning of the End

Air Date: 2009-11-25

14. The End

Air Date: 2009-11-30

1. Ding. Dong. Dead.

Air Date: 2010-09-27

Sometimes what you've been looking for was right in front of you the whole time. Killing you.

2. A Chili Day in Hell

Air Date: 2010-10-04

It's a crappy business, that's for sure.

3. Molotov Shock-tale

Air Date: 2010-10-11

Now you see me, now you ALSO see me, an additional time.

4. Defamation of Character: With a Vengeance

Air Date: 2010-10-18

You can tell a lot about a man from the way he has sex with goats.

5. Proof That Facebook Could Be Waaay Creepier

Air Date: 2010-10-25

Or "FaceSPOOKY!" Or "Facelessbook!" Or "Ah, Oh No, Look Out, Monsters! Book."

6. You Say 'Potato,' Digo 'Estas Muerto'

Air Date: 2010-11-01

If you come at the king, you best not miss.

7. Homeland Scarecurity

Air Date: 2010-11-08

You have the right to remain deadly.

8. Death Who's Coming Boo Dinner

Air Date: 2010-11-15

And in this one we huff a lot of paint and go to Michael's house.

1. R&R & O.P.P.

Air Date: 2011-06-06

Worst wingman ever.

2. Friendly Fire Marshal

Air Date: 2011-06-13

Ironically, when running for office fire marshal, words like "hope" actually fill people with anxiety.

3. F.U.B.A.R.-king Up The Wrong Tree

Air Date: 2011-06-21

Why a co-worker threesome is a bad idea.

4. Hoorah!shomon!

Air Date: 2011-06-28

War flashbacks! Fires! A computer server! This episode of AOC has everything.

5. Adpocalypse Now

Air Date: 2011-07-05

We feel like this is as good a time as any to mention that we love Starbursts, Miller Light, Jamba Juice and Bazooka Joe gum. Just throwing that out there.

6. Operation: Obligatory

Air Date: 2011-07-07

A chilling tale of drugs in the workplace.

7. Another Fine Officers' Mess

Air Date: 2011-07-14

Cooking for six (of the deadliest people in the world).

8. Tactical ASSet Liberation

Air Date: 2011-07-19

A daring heist plotted by a crack team of people who saw 'Ocean’s 11.'

9. Endgame, part 1

Air Date: 2011-07-26

Part 1 of the Agents of Cracked Series Finale: Some of your questions will be answered!

10. Endgame, part 2

Air Date: 2011-07-28

The Plot Twistingest Finale in the History of Final Episodes. The mind blowing ending will blow your mind, and pull the rug out from under your brain. The absolutely last episode of Agents of Cracked. We'd say it's been a good run but it was more like a sprint, and in no particular direction.

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Release Date



33 (3 seasons)


