Celebrity Big Brother
Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run.
1. The Live Launch
Air Date: 2001-03-09
Davina McCall presents the show live from outside the Big Brother house. She introuduces the celebrity housemates and they are comedian Jack Dee, singer Keith Duffy, ex-boxer Chris Eubank, presenter Vanessa Feltz, actress Claire Sweeney and presenter Anthea Turner. The housemates are shocked when they have to nominate that night. Anthea and Chris learn that they face eviction.
2. Eviction
Air Date: 2001-03-10
Davina presents the first live eviction show. Highlights are shown of the celebrities first twenty four hours in the house. Chris is evicted from the house and takes it on his stride. The second round of nominations are made leaving Vanessa and Jack up for eviction this time.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2001-03-11
Highlights are shown of the celebrities previous twenty four hours in the house.The housemates react to the nomination results. Vanessa goes crazy and starts to write things like I am in pain and set me free on the kitchen table using salt. But with a visit to the diary room she explains she is upset to be up for nomination and is starting to miss her two daughters.
4. Eviction
Air Date: 2001-03-12
Davina presents the show live from outside the Big Brother house. Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Vanessa learns that she is the second celebrity to be evicted from the house. The celebrities have to nominate again and Anthea and Jack both face eviction again.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2001-03-13
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours of life in the Big Brother house. Anthea and Jack react to the news that they have been nominated again. Jack decides he had enough and climbs onto the roof to escape. After a chat with the producers he is convinced to return to the house.
6. Eviction
Air Date: 2001-03-14
Davina returns to present the third live eviction show. Highlights are shown of the previous twenty fours hours as things try and get back to normal. Davina announces that Anthea is the next person to be evicted from the house.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2001-03-15
8. The Live Final
Air Date: 2001-03-16
Davina McCall presents the live final. Highlights are shown of how the celebrities spent their final day in the house. Davina announces that Keith has finished in third place. At the end of a tense night Davina tells the two remaining housemates that Jack is the series winner.
1. The Live Launch
Air Date: 2002-11-20
Davina presents the first episode of the new series. The celebrities are introduced for the first time and they are rap-artist / songwriter / actor Goldie, ex-model and now full-time mum Melinda Messenger, presenter Anne Diamond, ex-show host Les Dennis, comedienne Sue Perkins and ex-Take That member Mark Owen. The celebrities are set their first challenge.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2002-11-21
Our celebs face their first night together - and while everyone is on a high they go to bed in a happy mood. Davina is live in the studio to introduce their first task - which involves using a mechanic machinery to lift shopping baskets filled with their food onto a square which they will get to keep. Goldie takes up the challenge and wins 9 out of 10 baskets - after digging up the ground too.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2002-11-22
The first round of nominations see Goldie and Les nominated for eviction. One will be kicked out of the house this Sunday.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2002-11-23
The group try to get on with their life in the house after the nominations.
5. Eviction
Air Date: 2002-11-24
Goldie is the first celebrity to be evicted from the house. He took it in his stride and was greeted by his wife. Meanwhile, afterwards Les contradicts his placement in the house.
6. Nominations
Air Date: 2002-11-25
Les lost the task which meant he had to choose two people to nominate for eviction and they alone would be up for it this week. Anne and Sue are nominated.
7. Eviction
Air Date: 2002-11-26
Anne is evicted by the smallest of margins (she got 50.6% of the votes). Sue and Mark are then nominated.
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2002-11-27
Sue eventually cracks after Les makes it obvious he's voted for her. She starts to get irritated by him and the way he "acts" - literally. The housemates commplete the eask which allows them two home videos. The group decide Sue and Melinda should get them.
9. Eviction
Air Date: 2002-11-28
Sue is evicted leaving our three final celebrities: Les, Mark and Melinda.
10. The Live Final (Part One)
Air Date: 2002-11-29
In the first installment we find out what happened the previous day.
11. The Live Final (Part Two)
Air Date: 2002-11-29
Davina returns with the results of the public vote. She announces that in 3rd Place is Melinda Messenger. After chatting to Melinda, Davina tells the two remaining housemates that Mark is the series winner. Mark spends his final few minutes in the house alone as Davina chats to Les. Mark receives great cheers and applause when he leaves the house.
1. Live Launch Show
Air Date: 2005-01-06
Davina McCall presents the first episode of the new series. The celebrities are revealed for the first time and they are John McCririck, Germaine Grier, Caprice, Bez, Lisa I'Anson, Jeremy Edwards, Kenzie and Brigiette Nielsen. The celebrities enter the house for the first time.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2005-01-07
Highlights are shown of the celebrities first night alone in the Big Brother house. Germaine and John clash. The celebrities get to know each other better.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2005-01-08
Highlights are shown of the celebrities second day and night in the Big Brother house. The girls are not happy when John continues to express his views about women. Kenzie and Jeremy play a game of marbles. Bez finds the house boring and wants more alcohol.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2005-01-09
Highlights are shown of the celebrities previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Bez is worried how he is being edited on the show. John continues to cause conflict in the house. The celebrities play spin the bottle.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2005-01-10
Davina presents the show live to announce that another celebrity will be entering the house. Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four houses in the house. The newest housemate enters the house and Brigitte is shocked to find out it's former mother in law Jackie Stallone.
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2005-01-11
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. The celebrities are shocked by Jackie's introduction into the house. Germaine does not think it is fair on Brigitte.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2005-01-12
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the house. Germaine decides she has had enough and quits the show. The middle ages challenge continues with a joust won by Bez.
8. Nominations
Air Date: 2005-01-13
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Jackie admits she has no idea what Big Brother is all about. John is furious when his diet Coke is locked in the fridge. The celebrities nominate for the first time.
9. Eviction
Air Date: 2005-01-14
Davina presents the show live from outside the Big Brother house. Highlights are shown from the previous twenty four hours in the house. Jackie is the first person to be evicted from the house and chats to Davina.
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2005-01-15
More coverage is shown of life in the Big Brother house. Caprice is secretly shown footage of what her housemates really think about her. Lisa is convinced she will last longer in the house than John.
11. Nominations
Air Date: 2005-01-16
Footage is shown of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. The celebrities nominate for the second time. John correctly guesses that he and Bez will face the public vote.
12. Eviction
Air Date: 2005-01-17
Davina presents the show live from outside the Big Brother house. Highlights of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Bez reacts badly to being nominated. John hopes that he is evicted. John tells Lisa what he really thinks about her. John is happy when Davina tells him that he has been evicted.
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2005-01-18
Highlights of the previous twenty four hours of life in the Big Brother house are shown. The celebrities adjust to life without John.
14. Eviction
Air Date: 2005-01-19
Davina presents the show live from outside the house and announces that one unsuspecting celebrity will be evicted tonight.The celebrities are given a challenge where they have to dress up as nursery rhyme characters. Lisa is called to the diary room and is told that she is being evicted from the Big Brother house.
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2005-01-20
Highlights of the previous twenty four hours in the house. Fake nominations are showed. In reality the phone lines are now open for who the public want to win the series.
16. Eviction
Air Date: 2005-01-21
Davina McCall returns to present a double eviction show. Highlights are shown of the previuos 24 hours in the Big Brother house. Davina talks to the house and tellls Caprice that she has been evicted. After talking to Caprice Davina tells the shocked house that another celebrity is to be evicted tonight. Jeremy finds out he is the unlucky other celebrity to be evicted.
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2005-01-22
Highlights from the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Kenzie is missing Jeremy. The celebrities try to enjoy their final few days left in the house.
18. The Live Grand Final
Air Date: 2005-01-23
Davina McCall presents the final live from outside the Big Brother house. Highlights are shown of the celebrities last day in the house. Davina annouces that Brigette has finished in third place. After an anxious wait Bez is announced as the series winner.
1. The Live Launch
Air Date: 2006-01-05
Davina returns to present the live launch of series 4 of Celebrity Big Brother. Davina enters the house to show the viewers what it’s like. Davina introduces Chantelle, a non celebrity who can stay in the house if she can convince the others that she is famous. The celebrities are introduced for the first time and they are Michael Barrymore, Pete Burns, Traci Bingham, Maggot, Rula Lenska, Jodie Marsh, Dennis Rodman, Faria Alam, Preston and George Galloway.The celebrities get to know each other better.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2006-01-06
Highlights are shown of the celebrities first twenty four hours in the house. Chantelle talks to Big Brother about her challenge. Michael finds the whole experience a bit emotional. The celebrities wonder what Big Brother has in store for them. Chantelle gets to know Dennis.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2006-01-07
Highlights are shown of the celebrities previous twenty four hours in the house. Michael talks to some of the other housemates about his previous addiction to alcohol. Pete's coat causes much conflict in the house. The housemates have to take part in a quiz with the questions being about each other. Some of the housemates question who Chantelle really is.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2006-01-08
Davina returns to announce whether Chantelle has passed her challenge or not but before that more highlights are shown from the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. The housemates pass their shopping budget task and are rewarded with a luxury budget. Davina returns to announce that the housemates have to decide who they think is the most famous and if Chantelle comes last in the pole she will be eliminated. Chantelle comes in at number nine and is told by Big Brother that she can stay in the house.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2006-01-09
More highlights are shown of life from within the Big Brother house. The housemates make up their shopping list and Pete argues with Jodie about wearing fur. Traci is surprised that Dennis hasn't made a move on any of the girls yet. Chantelle and Jodie tell Big Brother that they would like to snog Preston.
6. Nominations
Air Date: 2006-01-10
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours. The housemates have to nominate for the first time. With the most votes Jodie, Pete and George face the public vote to see who will be the first housemate evicted.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2006-01-11
Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the house. The celebrities react to the nomination news. The housemates are set a task where they have to carry out scientific acts. Michael thinks that Jodie is trying to manipulate Chantelle into becoming like her. All the housemates tell Jodie how they feel.
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2006-01-12
More highlights are shown from the Big Brother house. The scientific task continues. Several of the housemates are told off for discussing nominations. Faria justifies her past actions to Dennis. Rula and Chantelle try to persuade Jodie to rejoin the group. The housemates learn that they have failed the scientific task.
9. Eviction
Air Date: 2006-01-13
Davina presents the show live to announce which celebrity is the first to be evicted. Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the house. Michael and Jodie clash yet again. Davina returns to talk to the housemates and announces that Jodie is the first person to be evicted. Jodie chats to Davina about her time in the house.
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2006-01-14
More highlights from within the Big Brother house. Traci's birthday is celebrated in the house. The housemates react to Jodie's eviction.
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 2006-01-15
More highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours of life from the Big Brother house. The housemates receive a new task where they have to stay in giant boxes. Whoever lasts the longest will win a special treat. George discusses the task with the other housemates and they decide that they should all come out so Rula can win the prize. Jimmy Saville visits the house as a special guest. Rula receives her prize for winning the task which is a special pair of pants which she has to wear until the next round of nominations.
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 2006-01-16
More highlights from the Big Brother house. Jimmy returns to the house to fix all the housemates wishes. When Pete receives a video message from loved ones he becomes emotional. Jimmy gives the housemates their final gift which turns out to be coffee and cigarettes. Jimmy says his final goodbyes to the housemates. Preston is worried how his girlfriend will perceive his friendship with Chantelle.
13. Nominations
Air Date: 2006-01-17
More highlights are shown from the Big Brother house. Preston's birthday is celebrated in the house. The housemates have to nominate for the second time. Dennis, Faria and Pete are all up for eviction. Big Brother throws Preston a birthday party.
14. Eviction
Air Date: 2006-01-18
Davina returns to present the second of the live evictions. More highlights are shown from the previous twenty four hours. George manages to win a shopping budget of £140 for the group live on the Richard and Judy Show. Davina returns with the results of the public vote and announces that Faria is the second housemate to be evicted. Davina talks to Faria about her time in the Big Brother house.
15. Nominations
Air Date: 2006-01-19
More highlights from the Big Brother house. The housemates are set a task where they have to paint self portraits. Big Brother throws a party for the housemates for passing the painting challenge. George and Preston are called to the diary room and the other housemates see them on the plasma television screen. George and Preston are told that they have broken the rules by talking about nominations and have to nominate three people right now. They choose Traci, Maggot and Rula not knowing that they are being watched. The nominated housemates aren't happy.
16. Eviction
Air Date: 2006-01-20
Davina returns to present tonight’s live eviction show. Highlights are shown of the previous twenty four hours in the Big Brother house. Traci is still upset at being nominated and keeps the other housemates awake. Rula talks with George to clear the air. Davina returns to announce that Rula is the third housemate to be evicted.
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2006-01-21
More highlights are shown from the Big Brother house. Pete discovers that his fur coat is missing. Big Brother tells Pete that his coat is in police hands. The housemates react to Rula’s eviction. Michael clashes with Dennis over cigarettes being hidden.
18. Nominations
Air Date: 2006-01-22
More highlights from the Big Brother house. Preston is given a letter from Big Brother to read out. It states that George has been discussing nominations again and the housemates have the choice whether to exclude George from taking part in the next round of nominations. The housemates vote and decide that George won’t be nominating. George, Chantelle and Dennis receive the most amount of nominations and will face the public vote. The housemates are set a task where they have to express their emotions through dance.
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 2006-01-23
More highlights from the Big Brother house. The housemates react to the nomination news. The next shopping budget task is revealed. George, Maggot and Pete talk about the divide in the house.
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 2006-01-24
More highlights from the Big Brother house. The shopping budget task continues. When the truth about the shopping budget task is revealed a massive argument breaks out in the house. Maggot talks to Big Brother about the events of the last few hours.
21. Eviction
Air Date: 2006-01-25
Davina returns to present the live eviction show. Two housemates will be evicted tonight. More highlights are shown from the Big Brother house. Davina announces that George is the first housemate to be evicted tonight. George chats about his time in the house. Dennis learns that he is the second housemate to be evicted.
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 2006-01-26
More highlights from the Big Brother house. The housemates have to film a movie of the best bits of the series so far with everybody having to play a different person in the house. The housemates react to the evictions. The housemates watch the film they recorded and are given popcorn and champagne.
23. The Live Final
Air Date: 2006-01-27
Davina presents the live final of Celebrity Big Brother. The evicted housemates return for the final. Traci finishes in 6th place and chats to Davina. Next out is Pete who finishes in 5th place and he is followed by Preston. Maggot is the next housemate to leave the house in 3rd place. After Davina has chatted with Maggot, Davina announces that Chantelle is the series winner. Michael leaves the house as the runner up and chats to Davina about his time in the house. Finally Chantelle leaves the house as the series winner and chats to Davina.
1. The Live Launch
Air Date: 2007-01-03
Davina returns to present the fifth series of Celebrity Big Brother. The first three housemates are introduced and they are Jermaine Jackson, Danielle Lloyd and Ken Russell. They are followed in the house by Jo O'Meara, Leo Sayer, Shilpa Shetty, Carol Malone and Donny Tourette. The final housemates to enter the house are Ian Watkins, Cleo Rocos and Dirk Benedict. The housemates all get to know each other.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2007-01-04
The housemates spend their first night in the house. A drunken Donny ends up jumping into the pool fully clothed and some of the housemates are a bit unsure about what to think about him. The housemates wonder what the future holds for them.
3. The Goody Family Arrive
Air Date: 2007-01-05
Davina returns to announce that Jade Goody and her family will be moving into the house. Highlights of the previous 24 hours in the house are shown and the housemates are getting on well. When Davina returns the housemates learn that that eight of them have to move next door to work as servants the three remaining celebrities. Jermaine, Ken and Shilpa decide to remain whilst the others move next door. Jade Goody and her boyfriend and mother move into the main house which the servants see on the video screen. Davina announces that all of the housemates now living in the main house will face the public vote to see who will be the first housemate evicted but they wont be told.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2007-01-05
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2007-01-06
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2007-01-07
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2007-01-08
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2007-01-09
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 2007-01-10
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2007-01-11
11. Eviction 1 - Part 1
Air Date: 2007-01-12
12. Eviction 1 - Part 2
Air Date: 2007-01-12
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2007-01-13
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 2007-01-14
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2007-01-15
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 2007-01-16
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2007-01-17
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 2007-01-18
19. Eviction 2 - Part 1
Air Date: 2007-01-19
20. Eviction 2 - Part 2
Air Date: 2007-01-19
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 2007-01-20
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 2007-01-21
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 2007-01-22
24. Episode 24
Air Date: 2007-01-23
25. Episode 25
Air Date: 2007-01-24
26. Episode 26
Air Date: 2007-01-25
27. Eviction 3 - Part 1
Air Date: 2007-01-26
28. Eviction 3 - Part 2
Air Date: 2007-01-26
29. Episode 29
Air Date: 2007-01-27
30. The Live Final
Air Date: 2007-01-28
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2009-01-02
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2009-01-03
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2009-01-04
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2009-01-05
5. Episode 5 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-06
6. Episode 5 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-06
7. Episode 6
Air Date: 2009-01-07
8. Episode 7
Air Date: 2009-01-08
9. Episode 8 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-09
10. Episode 8 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-09
11. Episode 9
Air Date: 2009-01-10
12. Episode 10
Air Date: 2009-01-11
13. Episode 11
Air Date: 2009-01-12
14. Episode 12
Air Date: 2009-01-13
15. Episode 13
Air Date: 2009-01-14
16. Episode 14
Air Date: 2009-01-15
17. Episode 15 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-16
18. Episode 15 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-16
19. Episode 16
Air Date: 2009-01-17
20. Episode 17
Air Date: 2009-01-18
21. Episode 18 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-19
22. Episode 18 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-19
23. Episode 19
Air Date: 2009-01-20
24. Episode 20 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-21
25. Episode 20 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-21
26. Episode 21
Air Date: 2009-01-22
27. Live Final (Part 1)
Air Date: 2009-01-23
28. Live Final (Part 2)
Air Date: 2009-01-23
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2010-01-03
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2010-01-04
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2010-01-05
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2010-01-06
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2010-01-07
6. Episode 6 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-08
7. Episode 6 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-08
8. Episode 7
Air Date: 2010-01-09
9. Episode 8
Air Date: 2010-01-10
10. Episode 9
Air Date: 2010-01-11
11. Episode 10
Air Date: 2010-01-12
12. Episode 11
Air Date: 2010-01-13
13. Episode 12
Air Date: 2010-01-14
14. Episode 13 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-15
15. Episode 13 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-15
16. Episode 14
Air Date: 2010-01-16
17. Episode 15
Air Date: 2010-01-17
18. Episode 16 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-18
19. Episode 16 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-18
20. Series 7, Episode 17
Air Date: 2010-01-19
21. Series 7, Episode 18
Air Date: 2010-01-20
22. Series 7, Episode 19
Air Date: 2010-01-21
23. Episode 20 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-22
24. Episode 20 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-22
25. Episode 21
Air Date: 2010-01-23
26. Episode 22
Air Date: 2010-01-24
27. Episode 23
Air Date: 2010-01-25
28. Episode 24
Air Date: 2010-01-26
29. Episode 25 (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-27
30. Episode 25 (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-27
31. Episode 26
Air Date: 2010-01-28
32. The Final (Part 1)
Air Date: 2010-01-29
33. The Final (Part 2)
Air Date: 2010-01-29
34. The Reunion
Air Date: 2010-01-30
1. Episode 1 - Live Launch
Air Date: 2011-08-18
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2011-08-19
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2011-08-20
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2011-08-21
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2011-08-22
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2011-08-23
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2011-08-24
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2011-08-25
9. Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2011-08-26
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2011-08-27
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 2011-08-28
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 2011-08-29
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2011-08-30
14. Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2011-08-31
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2011-09-01
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 2011-09-02
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2011-09-03
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 2011-09-04
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 2011-09-05
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 2011-09-06
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 2011-09-07
22. Final
Air Date: 2011-09-08
23. The Winner's Story
Air Date: 2011-09-08
1. Episode 1
Air Date: 2012-01-05
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2012-01-06
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2012-01-07
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2012-01-08
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2012-01-09
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2012-01-10
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2012-01-11
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2012-01-12
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 2012-01-13
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2012-01-14
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 2012-01-15
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 2012-01-16
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2012-01-17
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 2012-01-18
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2012-01-19
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 2012-01-20
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2012-01-20
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 2012-01-21
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 2012-01-22
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 2012-01-23
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 2012-01-24
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 2012-01-25
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 2012-01-25
24. Episode 24
Air Date: 2012-01-26
25. Episode 25
Air Date: 2012-01-27
1. Live launch
Air Date: 2012-08-15
2. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-15
3. Day 1
Air Date: 2012-08-16
4. Day 2
Air Date: 2012-08-17
5. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-17
6. Day 3
Air Date: 2012-08-18
7. Day 4
Air Date: 2012-08-19
8. Day 5
Air Date: 2012-08-20
9. Day 6
Air Date: 2012-08-21
10. Live eviction #1
Air Date: 2012-08-22
11. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-22
12. Day 8
Air Date: 2012-08-23
13. Live eviction #2
Air Date: 2012-08-24
14. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-24
15. Day 10
Air Date: 2012-08-25
16. Day 11
Air Date: 2012-08-26
17. Day 12
Air Date: 2012-08-27
18. Day 13
Air Date: 2012-08-28
19. Day 14
Air Date: 2012-08-29
20. Live eviction #3
Air Date: 2012-08-29
21. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-29
22. Day 15
Air Date: 2012-08-30
23. Live eviction #4
Air Date: 2012-08-31
24. Live from the house
Air Date: 2012-08-31
25. Day 17
Air Date: 2012-09-01
26. Day 18
Air Date: 2012-09-02
27. Day 19
Air Date: 2012-09-03
28. Day 20
Air Date: 2012-09-04
29. Day 21 Highlights, Live Eviction #6 & #7
Air Date: 2012-09-05
30. Live Eviction Interview
Air Date: 2012-09-05
31. Day 22 Highlights
Air Date: 2012-09-06
32. Day 23 Highlights, Live Finale
Air Date: 2012-09-07
1. Live launch
Air Date: 2013-01-03
2. Day 1 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-04
3. Live from the house
Air Date: 2013-01-04
4. Day 2 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-05
5. Day 3 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-06
6. Day 4 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-07
7. Day 5 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-08
8. Day 6 Highlights, Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2013-01-09
9. Live from the house
Air Date: 2013-01-09
10. Day 7 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-10
11. Day 8 Highlights, Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2013-01-11
12. Day 9 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-12
13. Day 10 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-13
14. Day 11 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-14
15. Day 12 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-15
16. Day 13 Highlights, Live Eviction #3
Air Date: 2013-01-16
17. Day 14 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-17
18. Day 15 Highlights, Live Eviction #4
Air Date: 2013-01-18
19. Day 16 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-19
20. Day 17 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-20
21. Day 18 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-21
22. Day 19 Highlights
Air Date: 2013-01-22
23. Day 20 Highlights, Live Eviction #5
Air Date: 2013-01-23
24. Day 21 Highlights, Live from the house
Air Date: 2013-01-24
25. Day 22 Highlights, Live Final
Air Date: 2013-01-25
1. Live launch
Air Date: 2013-08-22
New series. So the normal series is over for another year and Big Brother has had a few days to rest. Now the fun begins again as Emma Willis invites a fresh group of famous faces to move in together and have their every word and move recorded for the enjoyment of the viewing public. The series promises plenty of twists, turns and tough tasks to keep the celebrities on their toes as they compete to follow in the footsteps of last year's winner Rylan Clark
2. The Big Twist - Live
Air Date: 2013-08-23
The celebrities have been living together for 24 hours, but just as they're getting used to the constant surveillance, shared bedrooms and Big Brother rules, Emma Willis goes live to the house and reveals a surprise or two. How will they react, and which of them will benefit from the twist?
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2013-08-24
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2013-08-25
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2013-08-26
6. Day 5
Air Date: 2013-08-27
7. Day 6 & Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2013-08-28
8. Day 7
Air Date: 2013-08-29
9. Day 8 & Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2013-08-30
10. Day 9
Air Date: 2013-08-31
11. Day 10
Air Date: 2013-09-01
12. Day 11
Air Date: 2013-09-02
13. Day 12
Air Date: 2013-09-03
14. Day 13 & Live Eviction #3
Air Date: 2013-09-04
15. Live Eviction #3 Part 2
Air Date: 2013-09-04
16. Day 14
Air Date: 2013-09-05
17. Day 15 & Live Eviction #4
Air Date: 2013-09-06
18. Day 16
Air Date: 2013-09-07
19. Day 17
Air Date: 2013-09-08
20. Day 18
Air Date: 2013-09-09
21. Day 19
Air Date: 2013-09-10
22. Day 20 & Live Eviction #5
Air Date: 2013-09-11
23. Day 21
Air Date: 2013-09-12
24. Live Final (Part 1)
Air Date: 2013-09-13
25. Live Final (Part 2
Air Date: 2013-09-13
26. Live Final (Part 3)
Air Date: 2013-09-13
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2014-01-03
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2014-01-04
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2014-01-05
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2014-01-06
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2014-01-07
6. Day 5 + Fake Double Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-08
7. Day 6
Air Date: 2014-01-09
8. Day 7 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-10
9. Day 8
Air Date: 2014-01-11
10. Day 9
Air Date: 2014-01-12
11. Day 10
Air Date: 2014-01-13
12. Day 11
Air Date: 2014-01-14
13. Day 12 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-15
14. Day 13
Air Date: 2014-01-16
15. Day 14 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-17
16. Day 15
Air Date: 2014-01-18
17. Day 16
Air Date: 2014-01-19
18. Day 17
Air Date: 2014-01-20
19. Day 18
Air Date: 2014-01-21
20. Day 19 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-22
21. Day 20
Air Date: 2014-01-23
22. Day 21 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-24
23. Day 22
Air Date: 2014-01-25
24. Day 23 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2014-01-26
25. Day 24
Air Date: 2014-01-27
26. Day 25
Air Date: 2014-01-28
27. Day 26 + Live Final
Air Date: 2014-01-29
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2014-08-18
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2014-08-19
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2014-08-20
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2014-08-21
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2014-08-22
6. Day 5
Air Date: 2014-08-23
7. Day 6
Air Date: 2014-08-24
8. Day 7
Air Date: 2014-08-25
9. Day 8
Air Date: 2014-08-26
10. Day 9 + Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2014-08-27
11. Day 10
Air Date: 2014-08-28
12. Day 11 + Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2014-08-29
13. Day 12
Air Date: 2014-08-30
14. Day 13
Air Date: 2014-08-31
15. Day 14
Air Date: 2014-09-01
16. Day 15
Air Date: 2014-09-02
17. Day 16 + Live Eviction #3
Air Date: 2014-09-03
18. Day 17
Air Date: 2014-09-04
19. Day 18 + Live Evictions #4 & #5
Air Date: 2014-09-05
20. Day 19
Air Date: 2014-09-06
21. Day 20
Air Date: 2014-09-07
22. Day 21
Air Date: 2014-09-08
23. Day 22
Air Date: 2014-09-09
24. Day 23 + Live Evictions #6 & #7
Air Date: 2014-09-10
25. Day 24
Air Date: 2014-09-11
26. Day 25 - Grand Final
Air Date: 2014-09-12
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2015-01-07
Emma Willis presents the live launch of the new series where she reveals which celebrities will be entering the doors of the infamous house. Who will be the famous housemates this year?
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2015-01-08
Katie Hopkins continues her secret mission.
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2015-01-09
The latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house.
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2015-01-10
The latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house.
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2015-01-11
The latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house.
6. Day 5
Air Date: 2015-01-12
Can the celebrities' vocal talents help them win the Shopping Aid task?
7. Day 6 + A Twist In The Tale
Air Date: 2015-01-13
Big Brother has a surprise for the housemates, but there's a twist in the tale.
8. Day 7
Air Date: 2015-01-14
After a shock twist, how will Cami Li's reign as Queen play out?
9. Day 8
Air Date: 2015-01-15
Who will Perez and Cami pick to face the public vote?
10. Day 9 + Live Eviction & Shock Arrival
Air Date: 2015-01-16
As one celebrity faces eviction, a new housemate will enter the House.
11. Day 10
Air Date: 2015-01-17
The latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house.
12. Day 11
Air Date: 2015-01-18
The latest events inside the Celebrity Big Brother house.
13. Day 12
Air Date: 2015-01-19
The housemates become cadets as part of Big Brother's latest task.
14. Day 13 + Live Twist
Air Date: 2015-01-20
Emma Willis introduces highlights from the past 24 hours and a live twist.
15. Day 14
Air Date: 2015-01-21
Calum, Cami-Li, Alicia and Keith learn about meditation from Patsy for Big Brother's latest task.
16. Day 15
Air Date: 2015-01-22
Nadia, Michelle, Perez and Katie Hopkins take part in Big Brother's Big Debate.
17. Day 16 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2015-01-23
Alicia, Calum, Nadia and Perez face the public vote. Who stays? You decide.
18. Day 17
Air Date: 2015-01-24
The housemates must avoid laughing at Keith's jokes to pass Big Brother's latest task.
19. Day 18
Air Date: 2015-01-25
This week's shopping task causes more drama in the House.
20. Day 19
Air Date: 2015-01-26
Perez 'walks' out of the House as part of a secret task.
21. Day 20 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2015-01-27
Cami-Li, Katie Hopkins, Nadia and Patsy all face eviction. Who stays? You decide.
22. Day 21
Air Date: 2015-01-28
Highlights of the latest events from the past 24 hours.
23. Day 22
Air Date: 2015-01-29
The housemates nominate face to face.
24. Day 23 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2015-01-30
The House says goodbye to another celeb.
25. Day 24
Air Date: 2015-01-31
Highlights of the latest events from the past 24 hours.
26. Day 25
Air Date: 2015-02-01
Highlights of the latest events from the past 24 hours.
27. Day 26 + Live Bombshell
Air Date: 2015-02-02
Highlights of the latest events from the past 24 hours.
28. Day 26 + The Fallout
Air Date: 2015-02-02
Emma and Rylan return for the second part of tonight's surprise twist.
29. Day 27
Air Date: 2015-02-03
The housemates react to the latest departure from the House.
30. Day 28 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2015-02-04
Ahead of Friday's final, two more housemates will be shown the door.
31. Day 29
Air Date: 2015-02-05
Eamonn Holmes hosts a chat show in the House.
32. Day 30 + Live Final
Air Date: 2015-02-06
Emma Willis announces the winner of Celebrity Big Brother.
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2015-08-27
2. Day 2 + Divide and Rule Live
Air Date: 2015-08-28
3. CBB16 - Day 2 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-08-29
4. CBB16 - Day 3 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-08-30
Season 16, Episode 4
5. CBB16 - Day 4 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-08-31
6. CBB16 - Day 5 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-01
Season 16, Episode 6
7. CBB16 - Day 6 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-02
Highlights are shown of life from within the house. Paul Burrell makes his way into the Big Brother House to coach the American housemates on how to serve the BB royal family. Sherrie and Chris are made King and Queen of the house. The housemates have to nominate for the first time. Tensions increase between Janice and the other American Housemates over their cleaning duties. Cracks in Chloe and Stevi's relationship start to appear.
8. Day 7
Air Date: 2015-09-03
9. CBB16 - Day 8 Highlights - Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2015-09-04
Season 16, Episode 9
10. Day 9
Air Date: 2015-09-05
11. CBB16 - Day 10 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-06
12. Day 11
Air Date: 2015-09-07
13. CBB16 - Day 12 Highlights - Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2015-09-08
14. CBB16 - Day 13 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-09
15. Day 14
Air Date: 2015-09-10
16. Day 15 + Live Fake Eviction
Air Date: 2015-09-11
17. Day 16
Air Date: 2015-09-12
18. CBB16 - Day 17 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-13
19. Day 18
Air Date: 2015-09-14
20. Day 19
Air Date: 2015-09-15
21. Day 20
Air Date: 2015-09-16
22. Day 21
Air Date: 2015-09-17
23. CBB16 - Day 22 Highlights - The Final Showdown Live Eviction #4
Air Date: 2015-09-18
24. CBB16 - Day 23 Highlights - The End is Nigh
Air Date: 2015-09-19
25. CBB16 - Day 24 Highlights - The End of the World
Air Date: 2015-09-20
26. CBB16 - Day 25 Highlights
Air Date: 2015-09-21
27. Day 26
Air Date: 2015-09-22
28. Day 27
Air Date: 2015-09-23
29. Day 28 + Grand Final
Air Date: 2015-09-24
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2016-01-05
The stage is set, but who is waiting in the wings?
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2016-01-06
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2015-12-07
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2016-01-08
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2016-01-09
6. The Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-09
7. Day 5
Air Date: 2016-01-10
8. Day 6
Air Date: 2016-01-11
9. CBB17 - Day 7 Highlights
Air Date: 2016-01-12
10. Day 8
Air Date: 2016-01-13
11. Day 9
Air Date: 2016-01-14
12. Day 10
Air Date: 2016-01-15
13. The Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-15
14. Day 11
Air Date: 2016-01-16
15. Day 12
Air Date: 2016-01-17
16. Day 13
Air Date: 2016-01-18
17. Day 14 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-19
18. Day 15
Air Date: 2016-01-20
19. Day 16
Air Date: 2016-01-21
20. CBB17 - Day 17 Highlights
Air Date: 2016-01-22
21. The Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-22
22. Day 18
Air Date: 2016-01-23
23. Day 19
Air Date: 2016-01-24
24. Day 20
Air Date: 2016-01-25
25. Day 21 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-26
26. Day 22
Air Date: 2016-01-27
27. Day 23
Air Date: 2016-01-28
28. Day 24
Air Date: 2016-01-29
29. The Eviction
Air Date: 2016-01-29
30. Day 25
Air Date: 2016-01-30
31. Day 26
Air Date: 2016-01-31
32. Day 27
Air Date: 2016-02-01
33. CBB17 - Day 28 Highlights - Live Eviction #7
Air Date: 2016-02-02
34. Day 29
Air Date: 2016-02-03
35. Day 30
Air Date: 2016-02-04
36. Live Final
Air Date: 2016-02-05
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2016-07-28
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2016-07-29
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2016-07-30
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2016-07-31
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2016-08-01
6. Day 5
Air Date: 2016-08-02
7. Day 6
Air Date: 2016-08-03
8. Day 7
Air Date: 2016-08-04
9. Day 8 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2016-08-05
10. Day 8 + Live Eviction (Part 2)
Air Date: 2016-08-05
11. Day 9
Air Date: 2016-08-06
12. Day 10
Air Date: 2016-08-07
13. Day 11
Air Date: 2016-08-08
14. The Eviction
Air Date: 2016-08-09
15. Day 13
Air Date: 2016-08-10
16. Day 14
Air Date: 2016-08-11
17. Day 15 + Live Eviction (Part 1)
Air Date: 2016-08-12
18. Day 15 + Live Eviction (Part 2)
Air Date: 2016-08-12
19. Day 16
Air Date: 2016-08-13
20. Day 17
Air Date: 2016-08-14
21. Day 18
Air Date: 2016-08-15
22. Day 19 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2016-08-16
23. Day 20
Air Date: 2016-08-17
24. Day 21
Air Date: 2016-08-18
25. Day 22 + Live Eviction (Part 1)
Air Date: 2016-08-19
26. Day 22 + Live Eviction (Part 2)
Air Date: 2016-08-19
27. Day 23
Air Date: 2016-08-20
28. Day 24
Air Date: 2016-08-21
29. Day 25
Air Date: 2016-08-22
30. Day 26 + Live Eviction
Air Date: 2016-08-23
31. Day 27
Air Date: 2016-08-24
32. Day 28
Air Date: 2016-08-25
33. Live Final
Air Date: 2016-08-26
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2017-01-03
Emma Willis introduces the famous faces who will be living together throughout January - half of whom have already taken part before and are now known as The All Stars.
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2017-01-04
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2017-01-05
4. Live: Two New Housmates Part 1
Air Date: 2017-01-06
The Latest fun and Games backstabbing and arguments as the famous housemates continue to live under the same roof.
5. Live: Two New Housemates Part 2
Air Date: 2017-01-06
Catching up with the latest action from the all-star house.
6. Day 4
Air Date: 2017-01-07
The ups and downs of life in the Big Brother House, as the friendships and alliances are made, battle lines are drawn and arguments erupt.
7. Day 5
Air Date: 2017-01-08
The ups and downs of life in the Big Brother House, as the friendships and alliances are made, battle lines are drawn and arguments erupt.
8. Day 6
Air Date: 2017-01-09
9. Day 7
Air Date: 2017-01-10
10. Day 8
Air Date: 2017-01-11
11. Day 9
Air Date: 2017-01-12
12. Day 10 & Live Eviction (1)
Air Date: 2017-01-13
13. Live Eviction (2)
Air Date: 2017-01-13
14. Day 11
Air Date: 2017-01-14
15. Day 12
Air Date: 2017-01-15
16. Day 13
Air Date: 2017-01-16
17. Day 14 & Live Eviction
Air Date: 2017-01-17
18. Day 15
Air Date: 2017-01-18
19. Day 16
Air Date: 2017-01-19
20. Day 17 & Live Eviction (1)
Air Date: 2017-01-20
21. Live Eviction (2)
Air Date: 2017-01-20
22. Day 18
Air Date: 2017-01-21
23. Day 19
Air Date: 2017-01-22
24. Day 20
Air Date: 2017-01-23
25. Day 21 & Live Eviction
Air Date: 2017-01-24
26. Day 22
Air Date: 2017-01-25
27. Day 23
Air Date: 2017-01-26
28. Day 24 & Live Eviction (1)
Air Date: 2017-01-27
29. Live Eviction (2)
Air Date: 2017-01-27
30. Day 25
Air Date: 2017-01-28
31. Day 26
Air Date: 2017-01-29
32. Day 27
Air Date: 2017-01-30
33. Day 28 & Live Eviction
Air Date: 2017-01-31
34. Day 29
Air Date: 2017-02-01
35. Day 30
Air Date: 2017-02-02
36. Live Final
Air Date: 2017-02-03
After numerous nominations, tasks, evictions and walkouts, the moment arrives for Emma Willis to reveal the public's verdict to the housemates.
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2017-08-01
As one door closes, another one opens. No sooner has Channel 5 crowned its latest Big Brother winner, it reopens the house to make way for a fresh batch of contestants – but this time, of course, the new reality residents are all famous faces. Cue a roll call of soap actors, reality stars and glamour models, with the odd Loose Women presenter and US star thrown in for good measure. As always, Emma Willis introduces each one as they enter, ready to have their every word and move recorded for the enjoyment of the viewing public. It’s to be hoped BB fans don’t have anything else planned for the next few weeks.
2. Day 1
Air Date: 2017-08-02
Highlights from launch night as a fresh group of familiar faces make their way down the staircase into the house that for some will be their home for the next few weeks. Big Brother will also no doubt have a surprise or two up his sleeve for the new arrivals. How will these stars cope with being told what to do?
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2017-08-03
Highlights of the new housemates' first full day in the Big Brother house. The celebrities may be used to staring down a lens as part of their working lives, but Big Brother's 24-hour spy-like devices are not the TV, movie and paparazzi cameras they are used to facing. It remains to be seen who is playing up for the benefit of the viewing public and who is taking a more laid-back approach to their public incarceration.
4. Day 3
Air Date: 2017-08-04
A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
5. Day 4
Air Date: 2017-08-05
Highlights of the residents' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates' quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
6. Day 5
Air Date: 2017-08-06
A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
7. Day 6
Air Date: 2017-08-07
Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen - all for the enjoyment of the viewers. Will they find being watched by Big Brother's cameras any harder to cope with than life in the public eye?
8. Day 7 + Live Eviction #1
Air Date: 2017-08-08
A chance to catch up with the latest action as the contestants continue to get to know each other - though there is no guarantee that they will like what they find out. Meanwhile, expect the usual array of diary room confessionals, domestic dramas and off-kilter challenges.
9. Day 8
Air Date: 2017-08-09
Highlights of the housemates' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
10. Day 9
Air Date: 2017-08-10
Another selection of highlights as the big-name bungalow-dwellers compete in tasks, rant in the diary room and provide their own entertainment - fully aware that tomorrow, one of them will be shown the big sliding doors after just over a week at Big Brother's pleasure.
11. Day 10 - Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2017-08-11
Emma Willis presents the first live eviction show of the series. As usual, she presents yesterday's highlights before revealing which of the renowned residents will be leaving tonight and talking to her about being cooped up with their fellow famous faces.
12. Day 11
Air Date: 2017-08-12
Highlights of the residents' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates' quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
13. Day 12
Air Date: 2017-08-13
A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
14. Day 13
Air Date: 2017-08-14
15. Day 14 + Live Eviction #3
Air Date: 2017-08-15
16. Day 15
Air Date: 2017-08-16
17. Day 16
Air Date: 2017-08-17
18. Day 17 + Live Eviction #4
Air Date: 2017-08-18
19. Day 18
Air Date: 2017-08-19
20. Day 19
Air Date: 2017-08-20
21. Day 20
Air Date: 2017-08-21
22. Day 21 + Live Eviction #5
Air Date: 2017-08-22
23. Day 22
Air Date: 2017-08-23
24. Day 23
Air Date: 2017-08-24
25. Day 24
Air Date: 2017-08-25
26. Live Final
Air Date: 2017-08-26
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2018-01-02
It's a new year on Channel 5, and that can only mean one thing - the return of Celebrity Big Brother. Emma Willis is back to host the fly-on-the-wall fun, revealing the fresh group of famous personalities who will have their every word and move recorded for the enjoyment of the viewing public. This year, the first group of residents will all be women, to mark the 100th anniversary of women over 30 being given the vote, and will initially explore how the all-female housemates interact in a man-free zone.
2. Day 1 Highlights
Air Date: 2018-01-03
3. Day 2
Air Date: 2018-01-04
4. Full House Live (Part 1)
Air Date: 2018-01-05
Emma Willis presents the first of two programmes tonight which sees the eight women joined by the male housemates. Plus, all the action from yesterday.
5. Full House Live (Part 2)
Air Date: 2018-01-05
Emma Willis presents the second of two programmes which sees the eight women joined by the male housemates.
6. Day 4
Air Date: 2018-01-06
Live coverage of the launch of the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother, as another group of famous faces enter the house.
7. Day 5
Air Date: 2018-01-07
8. Day 6 Highlights
Air Date: 2018-01-08
9. Day 7 - Live Face to Face Nominations
Air Date: 2018-01-09
Highlights of another day for the illustrious inhabitants as they cope with the day-to-day complications of life under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, while also dealing with one another's quirks and foibles.
10. Day 8
Air Date: 2018-01-10
Highlights of the housemates' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
11. Day 9
Air Date: 2018-01-11
Highlights of another day in the Big Brother house. The celebrities may be used to staring down a lens as part of their working lives, but Big Brother's 24-hour spy-like devices are not the TV, movie and paparazzi cameras they are used to facing. It remains to be seen who is playing up for the benefit of the viewing public and who is taking a more laid-back approach to their public incarceration.
12. Day 10 - Live Eviction
Air Date: 2018-01-12
Emma Willis returns for the first eviction show, presenting another recap from the compound before revealing which of the renowned residents will be leaving, and talking to them about being cooped up with their fellow famous faces.
13. Live: Part 2 - Evictee Interview
Air Date: 2018-01-12
Emma Willis chats to the first evictee - either India or Jonny - about their time on the show, why they think they were voted off and how they got on with their fellow contestants.
14. Day 11
Air Date: 2018-01-13
Highlights of the residents' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates' quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
15. Day 12
Air Date: 2018-01-14
Highlights of another day for the illustrious inhabitants as they cope with the day-to-day complications of life under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, while also dealing with one another's quirks and foibles.
16. Day 13
Air Date: 2018-01-15
Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen - all for the enjoyment of the viewers. Will they find being watched by Big Brother's cameras any harder to cope with than life in the public eye?
17. Day 14
Air Date: 2018-01-16
18. Day 15
Air Date: 2018-01-17
19. Day 16
Air Date: 2018-01-18
20. Day 17 - Live Eviction #2
Air Date: 2018-01-19
21. Day 17 - Live Evictee Interview
Air Date: 2018-01-19
22. Day 18
Air Date: 2018-01-20
23. Day 19
Air Date: 2018-01-21
24. Day 20
Air Date: 2018-01-22
25. Day 21
Air Date: 2018-01-23
26. Day 22
Air Date: 2018-01-24
27. Day 23
Air Date: 2018-01-25
28. Day 24 - Live Eviction #4
Air Date: 2018-01-26
29. Day 24 - Live Evictee Interview
Air Date: 2018-01-26
30. Day 25
Air Date: 2018-01-27
31. Day 26
Air Date: 2018-01-28
32. Day 27
Air Date: 2018-01-29
33. Day 28
Air Date: 2018-01-30
34. Day 29
Air Date: 2018-01-31
35. Day 30
Air Date: 2018-02-01
36. Live Final (Part 1)
Air Date: 2018-02-02
37. Live Final (Part 2)
Air Date: 2018-02-02
1. Live Launch
Air Date: 2018-08-16
Emma Willis opens the doors of the Big Brother House to another group of celebrity guests whose every move and mood may be monitored and manipulated.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2018-08-17
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2018-08-18
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2018-08-19
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2018-08-20
Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen – all for the enjoyment of the viewers. Will they find being watched by Big Brother’s cameras any harder to cope with than life in the public eye?
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2018-08-21
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2018-08-22
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2018-08-23
Marcus Bentley narrates as the housemates lie in their beds, chat on the sofas and argue in the kitchen – all for the enjoyment of the viewers. Will they find being watched by Big Brother’s cameras any harder to cope with than life in the public eye?
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 2018-08-24
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2018-08-25
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 2018-08-26
A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 2018-08-27
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2018-08-28
Emma Willis announces the identity of the least popular housemate and invites them to vacate the house. Plus, the usual round-up of highlights from the past 24 hours, narrated by Marcus Bentley.
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 2018-08-29
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2018-08-30
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 2018-08-31
Emma Willis announces the identity of the least popular housemate and invites them to vacate the house. Plus, the usual round-up of highlights from the past 24 hours, narrated by Marcus Bentley.
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2018-09-01
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 2018-09-02
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 2018-09-03
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 2018-09-03
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 2018-09-04
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 2018-09-05
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 2018-09-06
Highlights of the residents’ past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates’ quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
24. Day 22 - Live Eviction #5
Air Date: 2018-09-07
Emma Willis announces the identity of the least popular housemate and invites them to vacate the house. Plus, the usual round-up of highlights from the past 24 hours, narrated by Marcus Bentley.
25. Day 23
Air Date: 2018-09-08
Highlights of the residents' past 24 hours under the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, as they try to get used to their housemates' quirks and foibles while also coping with the day-to-day complications of life inside the house.
26. Day 24
Air Date: 2018-09-09
A chance to catch up with the latest events inside the house as the celebrities cope with living under constant surveillance, with all the arguments and alliances, as well as the revelations in the diary room.
27. Finale
Air Date: 2018-09-10
After four-and-a-half weeks of nominations, tasks, evictions and fallouts, the moment has finally arrived for the remaining housemates to hear the public’s verdict. Emma Willis whittles them down one by one until the winner is known – but not before Marcus Bentley narrates highlights of their last day in the house, including the contestants’ final supper.
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Release Date
592 (22 seasons)
Production Companies
Comic Relief
Channel 4 Television
Channel 5