Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures
The animated shenanigans of the Rooster Teeth staff. Audio taken from the Rooster Teeth Podcast.

1. San Diego
Air Date: 2011-09-28
Gus & Geoff encountering some rude passengers on their flight to San Diego.

2. Statue
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Burnie and his fight to get a statue of him erected in Burnie, Tasmania.

3. Lightning
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Geoff and his experience with lightning and a surly tow truck driver.

4. Headlight Fluid
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Gavin and his work with a professional stunt driver who had an accident.

5. Expert Parent
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Geoff and his advice on how to raise a child.

6. Omnibus #1
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Watch as Burnie trolls frightened airplane passengers, Gavin experiences America in its purest form, a misplaced phone upsets Burnie and Gus' car gets egged.

7. Omnibus #2
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Watch as young Geoff gets an adult in trouble, the podcast crew meets "the man", and young Burnie thinks he may have set a world record.

8. New Orleans (1)
Air Date: 2011-09-30
The first part of the story of Geoff and Griffon in New Orleans.

9. New Orleans (2)
Air Date: 2011-09-30
The conclusion of Geoff and Griffon's eventful trip to New Orleans.

10. Omnibus #3
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Gus shows the "situation" to some people at PAX East, Burnie learns what "cribbing" is.

11. Double Derps
Air Date: 2011-09-30
A story about two idiots and their questions about stromboli and soda machines.

12. Shakedowns & Breakdowns
Air Date: 2011-09-30
Millie's learning how to use the threat of violence to get what she wants. Additionally, Gus and Geoff revisit their discussion about why the rules on a plane are important. Finally, Joel explains why he was right about everything.

13. Party of the Dead
Air Date: 2011-10-05
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #13 shows the Rooster Teeth crew recreating a gaming industry party and tells the story of Burnie's older brother trolling him into thinking Dawn of the Dead was based on a true story.

14. Joel Hates Snakes
Air Date: 2011-10-11

15. Gus Anesthesia
Air Date: 2011-10-19
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #15 shows Gus' true colors once he is under the effects of mind altering drugs.

16. Kara's Exciting Day
Air Date: 2011-10-26
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #16 tells of the things Kara enjoys most about her job at Rooster Teeth. As a bonus in this episode, Joel talks about Geoff's fancy grill.

17. Fun With Earthquakes
Air Date: 2011-11-02
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #17 shares the RT Crew's thoughts about earthquakes including Matt's first earthquake and Gus' earthquake fetish.

18. Gus vs Machete Man
Air Date: 2011-11-09
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #18 is Gus' story about nearly getting hacked to death by a crazed machete wielding maniac in El Paso.

19. Burnie Fights Animals
Air Date: 2011-11-16
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #19 is Burnie explaining why he isn't afraid of any animal and claims he can fight any of them.

20. Shamu Plane and Naked Joel
Air Date: 2011-11-23
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #20 tells the story about Jack's excitement to ride the Shamu plane and Joel's confusion with hospital gowns.

21. Burnie and Joel's Bathroom Encounter
Air Date: 2011-11-30
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #21 is Joel's story about Burnie invading his privacy in a hotel room shower. A steamy situation results.

22. Burnie Burns Horse Puncher
Air Date: 2011-12-06
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #22 is the story of Burnie and his epic horse punching fight against a hungry horse.

23. Brandon and the Electric Fence
Air Date: 2011-12-14

24. Cookies & Hobos
Air Date: 2011-12-21
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #24 tells how Girls Scouts use their guilt powers to force you to buy cookies. It also tells the story about the homeless guy who was always having his legs cut off.

25. Michael Meets a Drug Dealer
Air Date: 2011-12-28
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #25 tells how Michael met a drug dealer in New York City with an offer that was difficult to refuse...
26. Award for Drink Ordering
Air Date: 2012-01-04
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #26 is Burnie talking about presenting an award at the Inside Gaming Awards and Gus describing a typical night at a bar with Chris.
27. Robot Future Toys
Air Date: 2012-01-11
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #27 contains a spirited discussion about the proper pronunciation of the name of the protagonist from the Portal series. You will also be treated to a discussion between Burnie and his wife where she tries to describe how the Covenant from Halo look.
28. Dishwashers and Bad Fliers
Air Date: 2012-01-17
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #28 covers Burnie's quest to purchase a dishwasher for the office and the last will and testament of a travelling salesman.
29. Joel Meets a Panther
Air Date: 2012-01-25
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #29 is Joel's experience meeting a panther while at work.
30. Left 4 Trek
Air Date: 2012-02-01
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #30 is an explanation of Japanese story telling (according to Burnie), every great Star Trek story ever told and strategies for good teamwork while playing Left 4 Dead.
31. Disease Movie Theatre
Air Date: 2012-02-08
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #31 describes the ultimate disease apocalypse movie and then describes the exact theater you do not want to watch this movie at.
32. Weird Dreams & Shitty Jobs
Air Date: 2012-02-15
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #32 is a Gus extravaganza!! Watch as Gus stresses out about producing the podcast, Brandon gets kicked out of the podcast for getting too political, and Burnie tells the story of an old job Gus used to have where he ran wild with power.
33. Joel Goes Skydiving
Air Date: 2012-02-22
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #33 explains what happened to Joel when he decided to go skydiving once.
34. The Five Signs of Death
Air Date: 2012-02-29
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #34 helps you figure out how to determine if someone is truly dead or not. Matt tells a story helping you identify the five signs of death.
35. An Internet Conversation
Air Date: 2012-03-07
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #35 is a re-enactment of a typical conversation with a chat bot trying to talk to a real person.
36. Joel vs Technology
Air Date: 2012-03-14
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #36 is a play by play breakdown of how Joel handles a technology crisis in the office.
37. Health Kick to the Balls
Air Date: 2012-03-21
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #37 gives advice on how to change people's perspectives about you, lets you know what a morning radio show with Marshall and Miles would sound like and also clues you in to how to execute the perfect crime...
38. Impressions & Fishing
Air Date: 2012-03-28
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #38 shows Joel's amazing impression of Gus and the peculiarities of Gus' accent on the podcast versus his regular speaking voice. Also be amazed at the podcast's first attempt to make a commercial for the Fleshlight. Finally you will be treated to Geoff's analysis of the sport of fishing and why it is a good way to pass the time until you die.
39. Google Mind Tricks
Air Date: 2012-04-04
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #39 explores what the world would be like if we all lived by Google law, explains Monty's work and sleep state, and finally talks about how you could kill yourself with your own brain.
40. RTX-travaganza
Air Date: 2012-04-11
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #40 gives a rundown of what RTX 2011 was like and what you can possibly expect in 2012.
41. Mass Defect
Air Date: 2012-04-18
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #41 is a spirited (and spoiler free) discussion about Mass Effect 3 and the level of respect that Shepard deserves.
42. The Dolphin Experiment
Air Date: 2012-04-25
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #42 shows Gus' retelling of a crazy experiment from the 1960s involving a dolphin, a flooded house, a poor research assistant, sexual favors and LSD.
43. Resident A.I.
Air Date: 2012-05-02
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #43 explains why Ashley is awesome in Resident Evil 4 and it also gives some tips on how to play the game more effectively.
44. Brandon & Chris Move Furniture
Air Date: 2012-05-09
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #44 is a recount of how Brandon and Chris should never consider a job in the furniture moving industry.
45. Dance Floor Fight
Air Date: 2012-05-16
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #45 lets you know how to throw down Jersey Style in case your girlfriend is ever confronted by another man at a bar.
46. Signs & Shotguns
Air Date: 2012-05-23
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #46 shows the combined detective prowess of Geoff and Gus as they attempt to solve the case of the mysterious sleeping Burnie.
47. Chris Stories
Air Date: 2012-05-30
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #47 is an effective simulation showing you what it would be like to work next to Chris at the Rooster Teeth Studio. Be amazed at Chris' vast knowledge of nuts and his ability to figure out a conspiracy.
48. Drunk Burnie
Air Date: 2012-06-06
A tale of two Burnies. One sober, one drunk. Two men enter the ring, only one leaves.
49. Ice Cream Comic Con
Air Date: 2012-06-13
A collection of stories from New York Comic Con all revolving around ice cream. Watch as people mistake Barbara for Kara and we get some helpful sales advice from a former ice cream salesman.
50. Attack of the Burnies
Air Date: 2012-06-20
The grim reality of a world over run by Burnie's alternate personalities. Be afraid.
51. That's Sway-cist
Air Date: 2012-06-27
A story about Sway's experience visiting the old RT apartment office.
52. Burnie and the Cup
Air Date: 2012-07-04
53. Anarchist Cooking with Burnie
Air Date: 2012-07-11
A reminder of how stupid kids can be as well as the dangers of following instructions given to you on the internet.
54. Hotdog Planes & "Pranks"
Air Date: 2012-07-18
Jack explains the most efficient way to control an RC plane with an iPhone and a hot dog as well as Burnie revealing a nefarious plan to break Gus' mind.
55. Co-Pilot Calamity
Air Date: 2012-07-25
Geoff and Gus shows you how they would handle a disaster in the air if they were pilots.
56. My Blue Eyes!
Air Date: 2012-08-01
A dramatic recreation of a true nerd's worst nightmare....
57. Lost Phone Karma
Air Date: 2012-08-08
What happens to Burnie when he loses his cell phone in a cab as well as the instant karma Gavin gets for giving Burnie grief about his phone.
58. Gus' Bathroom Encounter
Air Date: 2012-08-15
Gus telling the story of being accosted by someone in a public bathroom.
59. Gavin's Drunken Shenanigans
Air Date: 2012-08-22
Burnie tells the story of what it is like trying to take care of a rowdy drunken Brit while on a business trip.
60. Bad Luck Burnie
Air Date: 2012-08-29
Burnie's failed attempt at chivalry on an airplane. Watch as he makes a fool of himself trying to help what he believes are star crossed lovers.
61. OmniGus
Air Date: 2012-09-05
Gus discusses having to get embarrassing medicines from a pharmacist, programs a robot for fun and takes a leg from a one legged man.
62. Gavin's Dong Gong
Air Date: 2012-09-12
Burnie finally crosses the line and upsets Gavin by kicking him in the butt at a urinal. Lets just say the result is Gavin makes some very familiar contact with the urinal wall. Gross.
63. Drunk in the City
Air Date: 2012-09-19
The story of Geoff and Gus being assholes laughing at someone who is too drunk to take care of themselves while Burnie and Kathleen try to help the idiot.
64. Michael Gets Locked Out
Air Date: 2012-09-26
Lindsay accidentally locks Michael out of his apartment. Watch Michael use all of his powers to try and get back into his own apartment.
65. Burnie Tales
Air Date: 2012-10-03
A collection of embarrassing stories told by Burnie.
66. Gavin's Has Brain Problems
Air Date: 2012-10-10
Stories of Gavin destroying his own brain. In part one of our adventure, Gavin forgets how to read and write, while in part two he goes blind for three days.
67. When Kites Attack
Air Date: 2012-10-17
A near fatal accident where Burnie's son almost inadvertently kills a man with a kite. I swear officer, it was an accident.
68. Bets & Flirts
Air Date: 2012-10-24
Gavin's love of making dumb bets, and Gavin's secret man crush at the Rooster Teeth office.
69. Burnie's Sleeper Power
Air Date: 2012-10-31
Matt's explaining the full power of Burnie's ability to fall asleep anywhere in an instant.
70. More NYCC Stories
Air Date: 2012-11-07
A continuation of stories from New York Comic Con.
71. Raw Meat Lumps
Air Date: 2012-11-14
72. Doctor Free Pants Gavin
Air Date: 2012-11-21
How great would Gavin be if he were a doctor (not very), and it also shows the ugly consequences of a Peggle celebration that goes a little too extreme.
73. Gus Doesn't Wanna Go To Vegas
Air Date: 2012-11-28
A classic tale of conflict between Burnie and Gus. Burnie wants to go to Vegas, but Gus does not. Who will win? Nobody, because in the end it was a stupid disagreement.
74. Grapes, Calls & Storage
Air Date: 2012-12-05
Find out what people's overall opinion is about grapes (positive), Burnie takes a phone call in a weird fashion, and finally Burnie talks about Tupperware.
75. Ray's Photo Bomb
Air Date: 2012-12-12
Ray is faced with an awkward photo op. Can he truly blend into any situation.
76. Burnie's Drunk Touchdown
Air Date: 2012-12-19
Burnie's recalling of the time he scored a touchdown at a college football game...despite the fact he wasn't on the team or sober.
77. Miles' Strip Club Predicament
Air Date: 2012-12-26
Miles' first experience ever in a strip club.
78. Nice Carrot Sweat
Air Date: 2013-01-02
Listen as Burnie rants about dropping vegetables and the five second rule. Gus demonstrates his shitty super power! Finally Michael tells everyone why he's skeptical of people who are nice in Texas.
79. Miles' Daring Party Escape
Air Date: 2013-01-09
Miles' panicked attempt to escape a party when the cops show up.
80. For Whom the Bell Trolls
Air Date: 2013-01-16
Marshall's secret doorbell.
81. Geoff's Vespa Crash
Air Date: 2013-01-23
The embarrassing story of how Geoff crashed a Vespa, then got insult added to injury.
82. Donuts for Cake
Air Date: 2013-01-30
Miles' miserable evening takes a turn for the better when his drunk friend steals a birthday cake.
83. Plane Stories
Air Date: 2013-02-06
RTAA #83 is a trilogy of plane-themed stories told by Geoff. Watch as Matt has trouble going through security, while Gus and Geoff question the integrity of their aircraft and have an awkward encounter with a pilot.
84. Gus on Mars
Air Date: 2013-02-13
Gus is taking a one-way trip to Mars just to spite Gavin, and what his life would be like on the Red Planet.
85. Headphones & Peeing
Air Date: 2013-02-20
RTAA #85 is the start of a futile saga wherein Gus tries to get Gavin to wear his headphones the right way, then Burnie gets a rude text, and Gus pees in public and almost lands on the registered sex offender list.
86. Homeless Depot
Air Date: 2013-02-27
In RTAA #86 we find Geoff having an awkward encounter with a person he assumed worked at Home Depot, Gus' anger over Gavin's headphones grows, and Marshall's stint of office-living comes to a morbid end.
87. Gus' Rooftop Rat
Air Date: 2013-03-06
RTAA #87 is about how a mysterious "crunking" noise coming from the wall baits Gus into an encounter with a rat living inside his house. Also, Gus tries to cope as the "backwards headphone plague" spreads to other members of the podcast.
88. Big Noses & Little Sisters
Air Date: 2013-03-13
RTAA #88 reveals the origins of Gavin's giant nose and the problems having a schnoz like his can cause when falling. Then, Kara messes up Gus' playtime in true little sister fashion.
89. Gus Hates Interns
Air Date: 2013-03-20
In RTAA #89, Gus has awkward encounters with Lindsay and Miles back when they were lowly interns and undeserving of his attention.
90. Lucid Bear Dreams
Air Date: 2013-03-27
We've got some Gavin-themed stories for you in RTAA #90! After realizing he's in a lucid dream, Gav gets a little carried away with his super powers. Then, Burnie tries to teach him how to survive a bear encounter.
91. Dan vs. Food
Air Date: 2013-04-03
RTAA #91 has Burnie and Gav retelling the tale of Dan 'the Man" Gruchy's difficulties understanding how menus work and the awkward restaurant interactions it creates.
92. More Plane Stories
Air Date: 2013-04-10
RTAA #92 takes off with two more plane stories, featuring an overly dramatic woman who won't settled for a gluten-full meal, and a plane with suspect mechanical integrity.
93. Drunk Burnie Returns
Air Date: 2013-04-17
Drunk Burnie returns in RTAA #93! This time, Burnie is at a PAX East party and has too much to drink, then proceeds to make false toasts at a company dinner, then later, takes it upon himself to kick people out of another party.
94. Lost Not Found
Air Date: 2013-04-24
RTAA #94 is all about losing shit. Burnie tells the story of Geoff allegedly losing a check two seconds after he handed to him, and how that trait reminds him of his son, who also loses stuff all the time.
95. Stinky Fools
Air Date: 2013-05-01
RTAA #95 has Burnie demonstrating the perfect way to diffuse the termination of an employee as he fires Gavin on April Fool's Day, Joel playing with his cardboard friends again, and Gus contemplating the stench of the past.
96. Brandon Explains Magnets
Air Date: 2013-05-08
In RTAA #95, Brandon explains to Gus how magnets work after a discussion about the iPhone's compass, and Gus plays along to see just how much Brandon actually doesn't know about science. Spoiler alert: it's a lot.
97. Mean Squirrels & Blind People
Air Date: 2013-05-15
In RTAA #97, Gus talks about a mean squirrel in his yard who used to bully him whenever he'd walk outside, and Miles ditches a blind homeless man in the middle of a conversation because he's a scumbag. Then Lindsay shares an awkward experience she had with a blind person as well.
98. Barbara Pun-kelman
Air Date: 2013-05-22
RTAA #98 is a pun-tacular pun-travaganza! Featuring some of Barbara's most groan-inducing puns from throughout the years. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the PUNishment.
99. Famous Asteroid
Air Date: 2013-05-29
In RTAA #99, Gus regales the crew with a tale from when he was dating Esther and she didn't believe him to be a real internet celebrity, and Burnie discovers the perfect way to destroy Joel's happiest moment. Audio from RT Podcast #215 and #216.
100. The Podcast King
Air Date: 2013-06-05
In the 100th RTAA, King Gus quests to find his misplaced crown before the podcast peons revolt.
101. Gav's Creeper Parents
Air Date: 2013-06-12
Like the animated adventure? Check out all of the Rooster Teeth Podcast here: http://bit.ly/slOoBo RTAA #101 is about Gav's Minecraft encounter with a couple of chummy creepers, whom he suspects may be his parents.
102. Gus' Squirrelly Situation
Air Date: 2013-06-19
The mean squirrel tormenting Gus' life returns in RTAA #102. This time, the squirrel acquires a special taste of Gus' nuts. No, not that kind of nut.
103. More Burnie Tales
Air Date: 2013-06-26
RTAA #103 is full of more stories from Burnie, including the time Jason pulled a prank on him in the middle of a filmmaking panel, more tortuous his older brother did to him, and an encounter with an asshole in Austin.
104. Geoff vs. Porch
Air Date: 2013-07-03
Geoff recalls fights from his past, specifically the time he tried to fight a man named Porch. That's right, his name was Porch.
105. El Pizza Bandido
Air Date: 2013-07-10
RTAA #105 is all about Ray's pizza treachery. Both he and Gavin order a pizza while watching a movie and when Ray mistakenly takes Gav's pizza thinking it's his, he refuses to admit it.
106. Drunk Detective Miles
Air Date: 2013-07-24
RTAA #106 is one of the stories from the gang's trip to Las Vegas.
107. The Original LOLcats
Air Date: 2013-07-31
Burnie ponders how future cultures will look back on contemporary society, leading him to wonder if ancient Egyptians really did revere cats, or if they also thought they were really funny.
108. Gavin's Secret Admirer
Air Date: 2013-08-07
Gavin tells a story of when the chef from a cooking show he was filming fell in love with him and he failed to pick up on the signs.
109. Burnie Fights the Sun
Air Date: 2013-08-14
Burnie tells a couple of stories, ranging from his highs and lows in fights, to another trick his cruel brother played on him, this time involving treasure and the sun.
110. New Phone, Bad Store
Air Date: 2013-08-21
RTAA Omnibus action! Burnie doesn't know what to do without his phone, Gus yells at Burnie because he doesn't know how to use his phone, and Miles got tired of dealing with people at his bad grocery store job.
111. Kyle Becomes Wolverine
Air Date: 2013-08-28
Miles tells the story of when Kyle got drunk on his 21st birthday, spat on the floor, and thought he was Wolverine.
112. Body Switching & Buckets
Air Date: 2013-09-04
Gavin and Geoff talk about what it would be like if they swapped bodies with celebrity couples, and Gav asks what the worst thing Geoff ever did to his mom as a kid.
113. Barbara Pun-kelman, Jr.
Air Date: 2013-09-11
Barbara is back and punnier than ever in this Animated Adventure. Watch as she delivers even more groan-enducing puns to the RT crew, with even Burnie joining in accidentally.

1. Award for Drink Ordering
Air Date: 2012-01-04
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #26 is Burnie talking about presenting an award at the Inside Gaming Awards and Gus describing a typical night at a bar with Chris.

2. Robot Future Toys
Air Date: 2012-01-11
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #27 contains a spirited discussion about the proper pronunciation of the name of the protagonist from the Portal series. You will also be treated to a discussion between Burnie and his wife where she tries to describe how the Covenant from Halo look.

3. Dishwashers and Bad Fliers
Air Date: 2012-01-17
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #28 covers Burnie's quest to purchase a dishwasher for the office and the last will and testament of a travelling salesman.

4. Joel Meets a Panther
Air Date: 2012-01-25
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #29 is Joel's experience meeting a panther while at work. Handy panther tips abound!

5. Left 4 Trek
Air Date: 2012-02-01
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #30 is an explanation of Japanese story telling (according to Burnie), every great Star Trek story ever told and strategies for good teamwork while playing Left 4 Dead.

6. Disease Movie Theatre
Air Date: 2012-02-08
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #31 describes the ultimate disease apocalypse movie and then describes the exact theater you do not want to watch this movie at.

7. Weird Dreams & Shitty Jobs
Air Date: 2012-02-15
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #32 is a Gus extravaganza!! Watch as Gus stresses out about producing the podcast, Brandon gets kicked out of the podcast for getting too political, and Burnie tells the story of an old job Gus used to have where he ran wild with power.

8. Joel Goes Skydiving
Air Date: 2012-02-22
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #33 explains what happened to Joel when he decided to go skydiving once.

9. The Five Signs of Death
Air Date: 2012-02-29
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #34 helps you figure out how to determine if someone is truly dead or not. Matt tells a story helping you identify the five signs of death.

10. An Internet Conversation
Air Date: 2012-03-07
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #35 is a re-enactment of a typical conversation with a chat bot trying to talk to a real person.

11. Joel vs Technology
Air Date: 2012-03-14
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #36 is a play by play breakdown of how Joel handles a technology crisis in the office.

12. Health Kick to the Balls
Air Date: 2012-03-21
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #37 gives advice on how to change people's perspectives about you, lets you know what a morning radio show with Marshall and Miles would sound like and also clues you in to how to execute the perfect crime...

13. Impressions & Fishing
Air Date: 2012-03-28
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #38 shows Joel's amazing impression of Gus and the peculiarities of Gus' accent on the podcast versus his regular speaking voice. Also be amazed at the podcast's first attempt to make a commercial for the Fleshlight. Finally you will be treated to Geoff's analysis of the sport of fishing and why it is a good way to pass the time until you die.

14. Google Mind Tricks
Air Date: 2012-04-04
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #39 explores what the world would be like if we all lived by Google law, explains Monty's work and sleep state, and finally talks about how you could kill yourself with your own brain.

15. RTX-travaganza
Air Date: 2012-04-11
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #40 gives a rundown of what RTX 2011 was like and what you can possibly expect in 2012.

16. Mass Defect
Air Date: 2012-04-18
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #41 is a spirited (and spoiler free) discussion about Mass Effect 3 and the level of respect that Shepard deserves.

17. The Dolphin Experiment
Air Date: 2012-04-25
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #42 shows Gus' retelling of a crazy experiment from the 1960s involving a dolphin, a flooded house, a poor research assistant, sexual favors and LSD.

18. Resident A.I.
Air Date: 2012-05-02
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #43 explains why Ashley is awesome in Resident Evil 4 and it also gives some tips on how to play the game more effectively.

19. Brandon & Chris Move Furniture
Air Date: 2012-05-09
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #44 is a recount of how Brandon and Chris should never consider a job in the furniture moving industry.

20. Dance Floor Fight
Air Date: 2012-05-16
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #45 lets you know how to throw down Jersey Style in case your girlfriend is ever confronted by another man at a bar. Watch and learn!

21. Signs & Shotguns
Air Date: 2012-05-23
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #46 shows the combined detective prowess of Geoff and Gus as they attempt to solve the case of the mysterious sleeping Burnie. As an added bonus you also get to re-live the story of Burnie and the missing shotgun shells at no additional cost!

22. Chris Stories
Air Date: 2012-05-30
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #47 is an effective simulation showing you what it would be like to work next to Chris at the Rooster Teeth Studio. Be amazed at Chris' vast knowledge of nuts and his ability to figure out a conspiracy.

23. Drunk Burnie
Air Date: 2012-06-06
A tale of two Burnies. One sober, one drunk. Two men enter the ring, only one leaves.

24. Ice Cream Comic Con
Air Date: 2012-06-13
A collection of stories from New York Comic Con all revolving around ice cream. Watch as people mistake Barbara for Kara and we get some helpful sales advice from a former ice cream salesman.

25. Attack of the Burnies
Air Date: 2012-06-20
The grim reality of a world over run by Burnie's alternate personalities. Be afraid.

26. That's Sway-cist
Air Date: 2012-06-27
A story about Sway's experience visiting the old RT apartment office.

27. Burnie and the Cup
Air Date: 2012-07-04
A tale of a care free spring break at the beach gone horribly wrong, with life altering mental trauma!

28. Anarchist Cooking with Burnie
Air Date: 2012-07-11
A reminder of how stupid kids can be as well as the dangers of following instructions given to you on the internet.

29. Hotdog Planes & "Pranks"
Air Date: 2012-07-18
Jack explains the most efficient way to control an RC plane with an iPhone and a hot dog as well as Burnie revealing a nefarious plan to break Gus' mind.

30. Co-Pilot Calamity
Air Date: 2012-07-25
Geoff and Gus shows you how they would handle a disaster in the air if they were pilots.

31. My Blue Eyes!
Air Date: 2012-08-01
A dramatic recreation of a true nerd's worst nightmare....damage to rare collectible cards!

32. Lost Phone Karma
Air Date: 2012-08-08
What happens to Burnie when he loses his cell phone in a cab as well as the instant karma Gavin gets for giving Burnie grief about his phone.

33. Gus' Bathroom Encounter
Air Date: 2012-08-15
Gus telling the story of being accosted by someone in a public bathroom.

34. Gavin's Drunken Shenanigans
Air Date: 2012-08-22
Burnie tells the story of what it is like trying to take care of a rowdy drunken Brit while on a business trip.

35. Bad Luck Burnie
Air Date: 2012-08-29
Burnie's failed attempt at chivalry on an airplane. Watch as he makes a fool of himself trying to help what he believes are star crossed lovers.

36. OmniGus
Air Date: 2012-09-05
Gus discusses having to get embarrassing medicines from a pharmacist, programs a robot for fun and takes a leg from a one legged man.

37. Gavin's Dong Gong
Air Date: 2012-09-12
Burnie finally crosses the line and upsets Gavin by kicking him in the butt at a urinal. Lets just say the result is Gavin makes some very familiar contact with the urinal wall. Gross.

38. Drunk in the City
Air Date: 2012-09-19
The story of Geoff and Gus being assholes laughing at someone who is too drunk to take care of themselves while Burnie and Kathleen try to help the idiot.

39. Michael Gets Locked Out
Air Date: 2012-09-26
Lindsay accidentally locks Michael out of his apartment. Watch Michael use all of his powers to try and get back into his own apartment. Bonus appearance in this episode by Kara the cheerleader!

40. Burnie Tales
Air Date: 2012-10-03
A collection of embarrassing stories told by Burnie. Find out how Burnie thought TV worked when he was a kid, his thoughts on porn disposal, and how he got trolled by a potentially murderous nurse at a hospital!

41. Gavin's Has Brain Problems
Air Date: 2012-10-10
Stories of Gavin destroying his own brain. In part one of our adventure, Gavin forgets how to read and write, while in part two he goes blind for three days.

42. When Kites Attack
Air Date: 2012-10-17
A near fatal accident where Burnie's son almost inadvertently kills a man with a kite. I swear officer, it was an accident.

43. Bets & Flirts
Air Date: 2012-10-24
Gavin's love of making dumb bets, and Gavin's secret man crush at the Rooster Teeth office. Gossip time!!

44. Burnie's Sleeper Power
Air Date: 2012-10-31
Matt's explaining the full power of Burnie's ability to fall asleep anywhere in an instant.

45. More NYCC Stories
Air Date: 2012-11-07
A continuation of stories from New York Comic Con. Find out what things Drunk Gus does that Sober Gus would never do! Also, watch as Michael yells at a Frenchman's son!

46. Raw Meat Lumps
Air Date: 2012-11-14
Burnie and Geoff handle being fed raw meat in Europe, plus tips on how to deal with Saints Row multiplayer games!

47. Doctor Free Pants Gavin
Air Date: 2012-11-21
How great would Gavin be if he were a doctor (not very), and it also shows the ugly consequences of a Peggle celebration that goes a little too extreme.

48. Gus Doesn't Wanna Go To Vegas
Air Date: 2012-11-28
A classic tale of conflict between Burnie and Gus. Burnie wants to go to Vegas, but Gus does not. Who will win? Nobody, because in the end it was a stupid disagreement.

49. Grapes, Calls & Storage
Air Date: 2012-12-05
Find out what people's overall opinion is about grapes (positive), Burnie takes a phone call in a weird fashion, and finally Burnie talks about Tupperware.

50. Ray's Photo Bomb
Air Date: 2012-12-12
Ray is faced with an awkward photo op. Can he truly blend into any situation.

51. Burnie's Drunk Touchdown
Air Date: 2012-12-19
Burnie's recalling of the time he scored a touchdown at a college football game...despite the fact he wasn't on the team or sober.

52. Miles' Strip Club Predicament
Air Date: 2012-12-26
Miles' first experience ever in a strip club.

1. Nice Carrot Sweat
Air Date: 2013-01-02
Listen as Burnie rants about dropping vegetables and the five second rule. Gus demonstrates his shitty super power! Finally Michael tells everyone why he's skeptical of people who are nice in Texas.

2. Miles' Daring Party Escape
Air Date: 2013-01-09
Miles' panicked attempt to escape a party when the cops show up.

3. For Whom the Bell Trolls
Air Date: 2013-01-16
Marshall's secret doorbell.

4. Geoff's Vespa Crash
Air Date: 2013-01-23
The embarrassing story of how Geoff crashed a Vespa, then got insult added to injury.

5. Donuts for Cake
Air Date: 2013-01-30
Miles' miserable evening takes a turn for the better when his drunk friend steals a birthday cake.

6. Plane Stories
Air Date: 2013-02-06
RTAA #83 is a trilogy of plane-themed stories told by Geoff. Watch as Matt has trouble going through security, while Gus and Geoff question the integrity of their aircraft and have an awkward encounter with a pilot.

7. Gus on Mars
Air Date: 2013-02-13
Gus is taking a one-way trip to Mars just to spite Gavin, and what his life would be like on the Red Planet.

8. Headphones & Peeing
Air Date: 2013-02-20
RTAA #85 is the start of a futile saga wherein Gus tries to get Gavin to wear his headphones the right way, then Burnie gets a rude text, and Gus pees in public and almost lands on the registered sex offender list.

9. Homeless Depot
Air Date: 2013-02-27
In RTAA #86 we find Geoff having an awkward encounter with a person he assumed worked at Home Depot, Gus' anger over Gavin's headphones grows, and Marshall's stint of office-living comes to a morbid end.

10. Gus' Rooftop Rat
Air Date: 2013-03-06
RTAA #87 is about how a mysterious "crunking" noise coming from the wall baits Gus into an encounter with a rat living inside his house. Also, Gus tries to cope as the "backwards headphone plague" spreads to other members of the podcast.

11. Big Noses & Little Sisters
Air Date: 2013-03-13
RTAA #88 reveals the origins of Gavin's giant nose and the problems having a schnoz like his can cause when falling. Then, Kara messes up Gus' playtime in true little sister fashion.

12. Gus Hates Interns
Air Date: 2013-03-20
In RTAA #89, Gus has awkward encounters with Lindsay and Miles back when they were lowly interns and undeserving of his attention.

13. Lucid Bear Dreams
Air Date: 2013-03-27
We've got some Gavin-themed stories for you in RTAA #90! After realizing he's in a lucid dream, Gav gets a little carried away with his super powers. Then, Burnie tries to teach him how to survive a bear encounter. And finally, we have the idiotic conclusion to the headphone saga!

14. Dan vs. Food
Air Date: 2013-04-03
RTAA #91 has Burnie and Gav retelling the tale of Dan 'the Man" Gruchy's difficulties understanding how menus work and the awkward restaurant interactions it creates. #DanTheMan Audio from RT Podcast #201

15. More Plane Stories
Air Date: 2013-04-10
RTAA #92 takes off with two more plane stories, featuring an overly dramatic woman who won't settled for a gluten-full meal, and a plane with suspect mechanical integrity. Make sure your chair is in the upright and locked position, and prepare for HILARITY!

16. Drunk Burnie Returns
Air Date: 2013-04-17
Drunk Burnie returns in RTAA #93! This time, Burnie is at a PAX East party and has too much to drink, then proceeds to make false toasts at a company dinner, then later, takes it upon himself to kick people out of another party. Audio from RT Podcast #211

17. Lost Not Found
Air Date: 2013-04-24
RTAA #94 is all about losing shit. Burnie tells the story of Geoff allegedly losing a check two seconds after he handed to him, and how that trait reminds him of his son, who also loses stuff all the time. Audio from RT Podcast #212

18. Stinky Fools
Air Date: 2013-05-01
RTAA #95 has Burnie demonstrating the perfect way to diffuse the termination of an employee as he fires Gavin on April Fool's Day, Joel playing with his cardboard friends again, and Gus contemplating the stench of the past. Audio from RT Podcast

19. Brandon Explains Magnets
Air Date: 2013-05-08
In RTAA #95, Brandon explains to Gus how magnets work after a discussion about the iPhone's compass, and Gus plays along to see just how much Brandon actually doesn't know about science. Spoiler alert: it's a lot. Audio from RT Podcast #134

20. Mean Squirrels & Blind People
Air Date: 2013-05-15
In RTAA #97, Gus talks about a mean squirrel in his yard who used to bully him whenever he'd walk outside, and Miles ditches a blind homeless man in the middle of a conversation because he's a scumbag. Then Lindsay shares an awkward experience she had with a blind person as well. Audio from RT Podcast #209

21. Barbara Pun-kelman
Air Date: 2013-05-22
RTAA #98 is a pun-tacular pun-travaganza! Featuring some of Barbara's most groan-inducing puns from throughout the years. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the PUNishment.

22. Famous Asteroid
Air Date: 2013-05-29
In RTAA #99, Gus regales the crew with a tale from when he was dating Esther and she didn't believe him to be a real internet celebrity, and Burnie discovers the perfect way to destroy Joel's happiest moment. Audio from RT Podcast #215 and #216.

23. The Podcast King
Air Date: 2013-06-05
In the 100th RTAA, King Gus quests to find his misplaced crown before the podcast peons revolt.

24. Gav's Creeper Parents
Air Date: 2013-06-12
RTAA #101 is about Gav's Minecraft encounter with a couple of chummy creepers, whom he suspects may be his parents. Audio from "Let's Play: Minecraft #51"

25. Gus' Squirrelly Situation
Air Date: 2013-06-19
The mean squirrel tormenting Gus' life returns in RTAA #102. This time, the squirrel acquires a special taste of Gus' nuts. No, not that kind of nut. Audio from RT Podcast #215

26. More Burnie Tales
Air Date: 2013-06-26
RTAA #103 is full of more stories from Burnie, including the time Jason pulled a prank on him in the middle of a filmmaking panel, more tortuous his older brother did to him, and an encounter with an asshole in Austin. So much Burnie! Audio from RT Podcast

27. Geoff vs. Porch
Air Date: 2013-07-03
Geoff recalls fights from his past, specifically the time he tried to fight a man named Porch. That's right, his name was Porch.

28. El Pizza Bandido
Air Date: 2013-07-10
RTAA #105 is all about Ray's pizza treachery. Both he and Gavin order a pizza while watching a movie and when Ray mistakenly takes Gav's pizza thinking it's his, he refuses to admit it. Audio from RT Podcast #220

29. Drunk Detective Miles
Air Date: 2013-07-24
RTAA #106 is one of the stories from the gang's trip to Las Vegas. Kyle gets drunk and someone misplaces his bag full of worldly possessions, so it's up to Drunk Detective Miles to track it down! Audio from RT Podcast #221

30. The Original LOLcats
Air Date: 2013-07-31
Burnie ponders how future cultures will look back on contemporary society, leading him to wonder if ancient Egyptians really did revere cats, or if they also thought they were really funny. Audio from RT Podcast #66

31. Gavin's Secret Admirer
Air Date: 2013-08-07
Gavin tells a story of when the chef from a cooking show he was filming fell in love with him and he failed to pick up on the signs. Audio from RT Podcast #205

32. Burnie Fights the Sun
Air Date: 2013-08-14
Burnie tells a couple of stories, ranging from his highs and lows in fights, to another trick his cruel brother played on him, this time involving treasure and the sun.

33. New Phone, Bad Store
Air Date: 2013-08-21
RTAA Omnibus action! Burnie doesn't know what to do without his phone, Gus yells at Burnie because he doesn't know how to use his phone, and Miles got tired of dealing with people at his bad grocery store job. Audio from RT Podcast

34. Kyle Becomes Wolverine
Air Date: 2013-08-28
Miles tells the story of when Kyle got drunk on his 21st birthday, spat on the floor, and thought he was Wolverine. Audio from RT Podcast #221

35. Body Switching & Buckets
Air Date: 2013-09-04
Gavin and Geoff talk about what it would be like if they swapped bodies with celebrity couples, and Gav asks what the worst thing Geoff ever did to his mom as a kid. Audio from Let's Build #s 17 & 19

36. Barbara Pun-kelman, Jr.
Air Date: 2013-09-11
Barbara is back and punnier than ever in this Animated Adventure. Watch as she delivers even more groan-enducing puns to the RT crew, with even Burnie joining in accidentally. Audio from the RT Podcast

37. Joel's Meat Diet
Air Date: 2013-09-25
Joel tells the story of when he was a waiter on the hit show "Ally McBeal," and an embarrassing food situation he got himself into in front of Portia de Rossi and Lucy Liu.

38. Borders & Butts
Air Date: 2013-10-02
Burnie tries to cross the border into America, but his son makes things difficult for him, Gavin likes crepes, and Burnie feels weird after asking his doctor for a colonoscopy multiple times.

39. Even More Plane Stories
Air Date: 2013-10-09
RTAA #116 has even more plane stories from the RT guys! Gus is in the security checkpoint when they do bomb drill, Burnie talks about how they don't get nervous on planes, and Gus has a "mini freak-out" over the Pacific. Audio from the RT Podcast #19

40. Miles' Crazy Dad
Air Date: 2013-10-16
Miles and his high school girlfriend on their way to a date when Miles' dad goes a little insane... Audio from the RT Podcast #202

41. Wet Dream, Polite Robbery
Air Date: 2013-10-23
In RTAA #118, Burnie has a wet dream in the worst place possible and Kerry demonstrates the power of kindness when robbing a store in GTA V. Audio from RT Podcast

42. Poopy Horse Blankets
Air Date: 2013-10-30
Burnie talks about how horses are dumb enough to starve themselves, Gavin drinks coffee, and Geoff has a messy accident of his own. Audio from RT Podcast

43. Relaxed Gav & Lost Keys
Air Date: 2013-11-06
Gavin is concerned he may be too relaxed, Gus and Burnie argue about clouds, and Burnie gets mad when he can't find his keys. Audio from RT Podcast

44. Geoff's Pyro Friend
Air Date: 2013-11-13
Geoff tell the story of his pyro friend who caught a field on fire and cost Geoff a puffy jacket. Audio from Let's Build #25

45. Dan Likes Cross-Eyed Girls
Air Date: 2013-11-20
Gavin talks about Dan's apparent fetish when it comes to girls. Audio from RT Podcast #239

46. Michael Punches Poo
Air Date: 2013-12-04
While at his old job, Michael uses a client's restroom and has to be creative when he clogs the toilet.

47. Joel's Bottle Blooper
Air Date: 2013-12-11
Joel gets into the worst fight ever after failing miserably to throw a bottle. Audio from RT Podcast #245

48. Chopped Stick
Air Date: 2013-12-18
Gus tells the story of a man in China who, in a spell of loneliness, decided to cut off his junk, and the aftermath which followed. Audio from RT Podcast #243

49. Dogs & Disappointment
Air Date: 2013-12-25
In RTAA #126, Gus wakes up when he dog inaudibly whimpers, Burnie has troubles with Siri, and Brandon is disappointed. Audio from RT Podcast

50. Gavin's Pre-Op Photo Op
Air Date: 2013-12-31
In RTAA #127, while in Spain with his mates, Gavin drunkenly attempts to get a woman to take their picture, not realizing she is trying to get somewhere more important...

1. Burnie's Crazy Dream, Part 1
Air Date: 2014-01-08
Burnie talks about a crazy dream he had wherein Lindsay becomes invisible in her wedding dress and fights the Polish army. Sounds legit. Audio from RT Podcast #246

2. Burnie's Crazy Dream, Part 2
Air Date: 2014-01-15
Burnie's epic dream concludes with Lindsay facing off with the leader of the Polish army, but he's unlike any foe she's met so far. Meanwhile, Michael deals with the fallout of his bride-to-be disappearing. Will they have a happy ending? Audio from RT Podcast #246

3. Gus' Candy Cane-ine
Air Date: 2014-01-22
In RTAA #130, it's Gus' turn to have a crazy dream. He discovers his neighbor is the former head coach of University of Texas football team, and his dog is really a Christmas treat. Audio from RT Podcast #249

4. Lazer Tag Tales
Air Date: 2014-01-29
In RTAA #131, the gang plays lazer tag, and things get intense as Michael and Lindsay are pitted against one another. Can love bloom even on a battlefield? Audio from RT Podcast #238

5. Gus' Gas Problem
Air Date: 2014-02-05
When a mix-up with the gas company cancels his service, Gus must take matters into his own hands to set things straight. Angry Gus takes no prisoners! Audio from RT Podcast #21

6. Workspace & Cavemen
Air Date: 2014-02-12
At the old office, Burnie finally gets his computer back when Gavin goes back to England, but suddenly everyone wants to use it. Then, Burnie tries to explain how muting a user on Twitter works to a caveman. Audio from RT Podcast #32

7. Sewers & Freezers
Air Date: 2014-02-19
Burnie talks about exploring the sewers as a kid, and one time in particular when it became an Indiana Jones adventure. Then, he recalls the time in college some random dudes dropped a freezer on his lawn. Audio from RT Podcast #120

8. Kung Shu Wedding
Air Date: 2014-02-26
Gus goes to a wedding, but ends up having to take care of Drunk Esther and gets groped by one of her relatives. Burnie and Gavin talk about their shoe-based fighting style called Kung Shu. Audio from RT Podcast #243

9. The One in the Hole
Air Date: 2014-03-05
Michael goes on a stealth mission in the middle of a Let's Play to free Ryan's "pet" cow Edgar from imprisonment. Will his plan succeed? Audio from Let's Play Minecraft #60 & #61

10. Michael's Weird Neighbor
Air Date: 2014-03-12
Michael gets a knock on his door from someone down the hall who needs to call the police. But as the neighbor explains his story on the phone, Michael realizes maybe he is slightly insane. Audio from RT Podcast #257

11. Bad Luck Burnie Rides Again
Air Date: 2014-03-19
Burnie sees a couple having an argument outside his apartments, and, once again trying to be a nice guy, tries to break it up. But the situation is more complex than he was anticipating. Audio from RT Podcast #257

12. Speeding and Dreaming
Air Date: 2014-03-26
Burnie tells the story of his kid finding a speeding ticket, and the ensuing shakedown he got as a result. Then, Gavin has another lucid dream, this time involving his family and gems. Audio from RT Podcast #258

13. A Staircase of Assault
Air Date: 2014-04-02
Miles pushes his little brother down the stairs, then thinks of a way to not get blamed for it. Audio from RT Podcast #198

14. Matt Wants Fanfare
Air Date: 2014-04-09
Matt is disappointed with the lack of fanfare with his lunch. Audio from RT Podcast #257

15. Curses, Cookies, & Atoms
Air Date: 2014-04-16
Chris curses a baby, Jack eats some cookies, and Burnie smashes some atoms. Audio from RT Podcast #216

16. Dan Drinks, Gavin Hoodwinks
Air Date: 2014-04-23
Dan orders a bunch of girly drinks at dinner, thinking they are free. Gus and Gavin re-enact an internet conversation he had with a girl. Audio from RT Podcast #201

17. The Shock Bus
Air Date: 2014-04-30
Burnie talks about a shocking game he would play with locals south of the border, and why he one time spontaneously flipped the bird at a school bus. Audio from RT Podcast #265

18. Miles & The Mouse Mishmash
Air Date: 2014-05-07
When it's discovered a mouse has taken residence in his apartment, Miles and his roommates try to catch it. Audio from RT Podcast #202

19. Burnie's Neighbor Encounter
Air Date: 2014-05-14
Burnie shows Matt around his neighborhood, but Matt doesn't have nice things to say about his neighbor's house. Audio from RT Podcast #257

20. Hope vs. Starvation
Air Date: 2014-05-21
Gavin wonders if the hope of food can stave off starving to death. Audio from RT Podcast #216

21. Old Geoff, New Suit
Air Date: 2014-05-28
Millie worries that Geoff is getting too old, and Gus tries to buy a suit. Audio from RT Podcast #114 & 202

22. Gus the Social Media Hostage
Air Date: 2014-06-04
Gus rents a storage unit, but the employees force him to write a review about them on Google Maps.

23. Behind the Blue
Air Date: 2014-06-11
Burnie encounter problems on the set of Animated Adventures.

24. Grand Theft Cola
Air Date: 2014-06-18
Brandon learns a lesson about hot cars and soda cans, and Miles and Gus try to play a game of golf in GTA Online. Audio from RT Podcast #133

25. Burnie's Wedding Pranks
Air Date: 2014-06-25
Burnie talks about some pranks he tried to pull during Michael and Lindsay's wedding. Audio from RT Pocast #271

26. Long Title, Weird Girl
Air Date: 2014-07-02
Burnie talks about the ridiculous panel name he and Gus came up with, and Geoff talks about an old girlfriend who had strange characteristics. Audio from RT Podcast #271and Let's Play Minecraft #94

27. Gavin or Google #1: Breaking Babies
Air Date: 2014-07-09
This week, Burnie and the gang play "Gavin or Google," the guessing game sweeping the Internet. Burnie gives a short phrase to both Gavin and the Google search engine, and Barbara and Gus must guess who returned which phrase, Gavin or Google? Audio from RT Podcast #210 and #237

28. Technical Bully Problems
Air Date: 2014-07-30
Joel has another technical issue that Burnie tries to help with. Burnie talks about a kid who confronts a bully with an surprising outcome.

29. Canadian Zombie Property
Air Date: 2014-08-07
The guys discuss some changes in direction that could have ruined Dead Rising 2, Burnie finds a familiar looking rock, and Gus tells people to get off his lawn.

30. Godzilla vs. the Human Bugs
Air Date: 2014-08-14
The guys wonder what it would be like if Godzilla were as grossed out by humans as humans are by bugs.

31. Geoff's Weird Dreams
Air Date: 2014-08-21
Geoff tells the gang about two strange dreams he had, one involving drunk gaming, and the other leading to an accident in his pants.

32. Stealin' Cable with Geoff
Air Date: 2014-09-04
Young Geoff almost gets caught stealing cable with his friend in Tennessee.

33. Stealin' Cable with Michael
Air Date: 2014-09-11
Michael shares his cable theft story, which led to a profitable business on the side.

34. Miles Hacks the System
Air Date: 2014-09-18
A simple misunderstanding turns into a security breach scare at the office.

35. Walk ins & Dead Bodies
Air Date: 2014-09-25
A broken lock on the bathroom door leads to an awkward encounter for Gus. Joel talks about a friend who specialized in portraying dead bodies.

36. Brandon's George Foreman Grill
Air Date: 2014-10-02
Brandon brags about his new George Foreman grill.

37. The Snail Assassin
Air Date: 2014-10-09
In one of his strangest hypothetical scenarios ever, Gavin wonders what it would be like if you were constantly chased by a snail with a deadly touch.

38. Gus the Destroyer
Air Date: 2014-10-16
Gus gets drunk and destroys someone's creation.

39. Pilot Football Message
Air Date: 2014-10-23
Gus wants to be a secret pilot, Burnie talks about Rice University's football team, and sends a heartwarming text to Gavin. Audio from RT Podcasts: Secret Pilot - Podcast #281, Rice's Football Team - Podcast #13, Burnie's Message - Podcast #231

40. Chris' Doot-Doot, Blaine's Duster
Air Date: 2014-10-29
Chris talks about his bathroom habits, and Blaine tries to look cool during an apocalypse. Audio from RT Podcast #287 and #236

41. Gavin or Google #2: Dog Door Bells
Air Date: 2014-11-05
The gang plays Gavin or Google again, this time concerning dogs.

42. A Selfie With Burnie
Air Date: 2014-11-12
A fan tries to take a selfie with Burnie at RTX, but is constantly interrupted.

43. Geoff's Flirty Drive
Air Date: 2014-12-10
Geoff tells the tale of how he and his friends put some smooth moves on a couple of fellow high school girls.

44. Lost Bugs & Stolen Balls
Air Date: 2014-12-17
Burnie wonders about what it's like for bugs to get lost, and Geoff steals a ball from Caleb.

45. Joel's Theatrical Sickness
Air Date: 2014-12-24
In RTAA #172, Joel starts feeling deathly sick in a movie theater, and Gavin almost cares.

1. Lost Gavin's Way With Words
Air Date: 2015-01-07
In RTAA #173, we have a compilation of some of Gavin's weird phrasing when trying to pose academic questions and statements.

2. Gavin Drinks Fart Coffee
Air Date: 2015-01-14
Gavin leaves his cup of coffee in the Achievement Hunter office, and Geoff adds some flavor to it without him knowing. Audio from Let's Play - Call of Duty: Classic

3. The Pubert Situation
Air Date: 2015-01-28
The Achievement Hunter gang discusses whether a fungus can get an achievement, and debate just who is Pubert Addams. Audio from Let's Play: Minecraft #83

4. Oven Peeing, Shirt in the Wild
Air Date: 2015-02-04
Chris tells a tale of the time he accidentally peed in an oven, and Gavin surprises a fan wearing a Rooster Teeth shirt out in the wild. Audio from RT Pocast #230 and #235

5. Barbara's Bad Text
Air Date: 2015-02-18
Barbara sends a text that sends Burnie into search-and-rescue mode.

6. Helium Miners & Bacon Meals
Air Date: 2015-02-25
The guys talk about how hard it is to get a hold of helium, and Barbara is unimpressed by a local restaurant. Audio from RT Podcast #159

7. Matt Meets Lois Lane
Air Date: 2015-03-04
Matt talks about the first time they were at Comic Con, and how they upstaged the cast of Superman 2. Audio from RT Podcast #129

8. Robot Cars Solve Everything
Air Date: 2015-03-18
Chris makes his case for how self-driving cars will solve everything wrong with traffic and commuting.

9. Barbara Pun-kelman III
Air Date: 2015-03-25
Yes, Barbara has now made enough puns to make three Animated Adventures about it. She's probably the only one happy about it.

10. Poopy Pants Miles
Air Date: 2015-04-01
Miles gets sick in London, which leads to an unfortunate incident involving his pants. You'll never guess what.

11. Burnie Gets Busted
Air Date: 2015-04-15
Technology betrays Burnie when it rats him out after he watches some adult-themed media. Audio from RT Podcast #317.

12. Benjamin's Secret Bar
Air Date: 2015-04-22
Gus has a dream where he follows his dog Benjamin into a bar, where he performs an act forbidden in the Sorola household.

13. Burnie's Burger Dream
Air Date: 2015-04-29
No matter where he goes or what he dreams, Burnie cannot escape the burger he ate for dinner. Audio from RT Podcast #318

14. Godzilla Vs. The Girls School of Mystery
Air Date: 2015-05-06
Jack and Joel pitch a blockbuster movie about Godzilla solving a murder at an all girls school, but they can't seem to agree on the tone for the film.

15. Lindsay The Poke-Bully
Air Date: 2015-05-20
Lindsay tells about how she used to bully church kids to get Pokemon cards, and Matt has to battle to earn his place in the afterlife.

16. The Burglar and The Fire
Air Date: 2015-05-27
Chris, Gus, and Gav talk about what they'd do if they were robbing a house that's on fire.

17. The Legend of Drunk Matt
Air Date: 2015-06-03
Gus and Geoff remember their favorites Drunk Matt moments. Audio from RT Sponsorcast - Parties

18. Barbara Pun-kelman IV
Air Date: 2015-06-17
Hope you like puns, because it's time for another installment of Barbara Pun-kelman! This time, Burnie gets in on the action, and Barbara tell a pun so bad Gus and Burnie take the easy way out.

19. The Boobs that Got Away
Air Date: 2015-06-24
Gus' story about Drunk Matt lost on/at the Subway brings up a painful memory of loss from Geoff's past. Audio from RT Sponsorcast - Parties

20. Joel & Matt Take a Spill
Air Date: 2015-07-01
More drunk stories! This time, Matt gets thrown out of a blackjack table for spilling all the drinks, and Joel also laments being "that guy" when he does it, too.

21. Krashes & Kleptos
Air Date: 2015-07-14
Burnie wonders what constitutes a crash for an aircraft, and Gus tells a story about a naughty club he was in with Geoff.

Air Date: 2015-07-21
Michael, Gavin, and Ryan the Naughty Chef try to make an ASMR video.

23. Geoff Gets Cut Off
Air Date: 2015-07-28
Geoff gets drunk at a party without realizing, and freaks out that he might have embarrassed himself.

24. Burnie & The Name Game
Air Date: 2015-08-04
Burnie gets confused when someone with a similar name to his gets called up at the airport lounge. Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #330

25. Gettin' Busey With It
Air Date: 2015-08-25
Geoff and Michael have a cool celebrity run-in with Gary Busey! Until they realize he's a crazy person. Audio from Let's Play GTA V: Pacific Standard Job Part 3.

26. The Robo-Telemarketer
Air Date: 2015-09-01
Burnie gets a call and is uncertain whether he is talking to an annoying robot or an annoying telemarketer. Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #323.

27. Burnie & Ashley Search For Food
Air Date: 2015-09-08
While in France, Burnie desperately searches for food before Ashley becomes hangry. But it's impossible to find food during certain times of the day. || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #323 Post Show.

28. That's My Uncle!
Air Date: 2015-09-22
In the 200th episode special, join us on a magical adventure from a forgotten anime. That's My Uncle follows the adventures of Burnie-san and his fellow Battle Fighter classmates as they try to collect all the Challenge Crystals before the forces of evil. I think?

29. The Machinima Death Switch
Air Date: 2015-09-29
Burnie discovers the existence of a very inconvenient switch which shuts down the machinima station at the office. || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #330.

30. Gavin the Perfect Passenger
Air Date: 2015-10-06
Gavin talks about airplane passengers who inconvenienced him. || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #327.

31. Barbara is Family Friendly
Air Date: 2015-10-27
Barbara becomes too acclimated to the Australia lifestyle and has a slip-up during a panel.

32. The Contractor Conundrum
Air Date: 2015-11-03
Burnie and Gus talk about their not-so-awesome experiences working with contractors. Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #330:

33. Forgetful Thanks, Black Hallway
Air Date: 2015-11-17
Geoff forgets how to express his gratitude. Burnie talks about how Geoff once painted his hallway black. || Audio from Let's Watch: Until Dawn Part 7.

34. Cat Stories
Air Date: 2015-11-25
Gavin and Burnie talk about the annoying things their cats do. Gus talks about a cat who returned home after years in the wild. || Audio from RT Podcast #341.

35. Apple Pay-n in the Butt
Air Date: 2015-12-01
Burnie tries to impress Gavin and Dan with his fancy ApplePay phone, but it's less amazing than he thinks. || Audio from RT Podcast #323.

36. Biscuits or Breadsticks
Air Date: 2015-12-08
Miles, Kerry, and Michael have an age-old debate of what's better: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits, or Olive Garden Breadsticks. Who will emerge victorious? I don't know, but I'm sure the comments section will be a mess. || Audio from RT Podcast #348.

37. Geoff's Failed Sex Dream
Air Date: 2015-12-22
Geoff has a sex dream for the first time, but it doesn't go as well as he would hope. || Audio from Let's Play Minecraft #158.

38. Haircut Mishaps
Air Date: 2015-12-29
Gus, Gavin, and Chris relive some awkward moments they've had while getting a haircut. || Audio from RT Podcast #314.

1. Underwear Gift & Premature Arrival
Air Date: 2016-01-05
Young Chris tries to buy his middle school girlfriend an anniversary present. Blaine shows up early for a party. By like 8 days. || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #325.

2. Reveille Gets Dognapped
Air Date: 2016-01-19
Burnie recalls the story of when his college friends kidnapped the Texas A&M mascot, and the ensuing manhunt which followed. || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #250.

3. Miles and the Weird Dad
Air Date: 2016-01-26
Miles talks about a weird dad (not his) who maybe used to kill people..? || Audio from The Rooster Teeth Podcast #351.

4. Geoff's Failed Sex Dream II
Air Date: 2016-02-02
Geoff has another unsuccessful sex dream, this time with Jenny Slate. Maybe it's a thing with Jenny's? || Audio from Let's Play Minecraft #184.

5. Airport Dog Jobs
Air Date: 2016-02-16
After encountering a dog whose job is to sniff for food, Burnie wonders how cushy a job that dog must have compared to other dog jobs. I just like saying dog job over and over. Dog job. || Audio from RT Podcast #354

6. Josh vs. the German Stripper
Air Date: 2016-02-23
Josh comes across a very... forward stripper with a German accent and can't get away. She should hang out with Darque Chocolate. || Audio from RT Podcast #353

7. Miles' Dirty Talk Fail
Air Date: 2016-03-01
Miles goes on a date, and things are going well, until he screws it up by switching two words. Audio from Sponsor Play - The Evil Within Part 5.

8. Geoff Hits a Deer
Air Date: 2016-03-08
Geoff tells the story about how one time he hit a deer and had no idea what to do. Then somehow makes the situation even worse. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #8

9. Josh's Threesome Story
Air Date: 2016-03-22
Josh talks about his awesome threesome he had, and how it quickly became not that awesome. Spoiler alert: Poop is involved. Audio from RT Podcast #353

10. Blaine Stories
Air Date: 2016-03-29
Blaine recounts a tale of how he tried to be funny by farting on Gus and just embarrassed himself, and Burnie talks about the lengths Blaine will go to in order to get a girl to talk to him. Sad. Audio from RT Podcast #361 Post Show

11. Joel Can't Get into RTX
Air Date: 2016-04-05
Joel struggles to prove his worth to both security and guardians at RTX Australia, but just can't seem to get into the building. Is he even the real Joel Heyman? How can we be sure? Audio from RT Podcast #360

12. Geoff & Ryan's Teen Antics
Air Date: 2016-04-19
Geoff and Ryan recount some of their antics from back when they were bored teens living in lame southern towns. Geoff, as you can imagine, does some stuff that's way more screwed up. Audio from Sunday Driving - How Muddy Do You Like It?

13. The Glasses & The Fireplace
Air Date: 2016-04-26
Burnie and Gavin stay at a nice Airbnb with a cool fireplace, but when they go to use it, Gavin realizes the landlord might have left something behind. Audio from RT Podcast #362

14. The Instacart Recovery
Air Date: 2016-05-03
Gus talks about reaching new heights (or lows) in his human interactions when ordering groceries. Gavin poses the question to the guys about the recovery position, but nobody knows what the hell that is. Audio from RT Podcast #311

15. Gavin or Google #3
Air Date: 2016-05-17
In this edition of Gavin or Google, Burnie covers accidental furniture assembly, or possible cases of bestiality. Which stupid thing did Gavin say? Let's find out! Audio from RT Podcast #226

16. Geoff Gets a Dildo in His Butt
Air Date: 2016-05-24
This is the story all about how Geoff's life got flipped turned upside down. So I'd like to take a minute, lemme tell you what, this is exactly how Geoff got a dildo up his butt. Audio from Sunday Driving in GTA V – The Married Life

17. Gavin The Hostage Negotiator
Air Date: 2016-05-31
Gavin and Lindsay play ABCs of storytelling, where he tries to save some hostages by acquiring some Care Bears for Lindsay. Audio from What is a Fist Roast - On The Spot #45

18. Gus and Geoff Start Some Shit
Air Date: 2016-06-07
Gus and Geoff go to a bar to get some daiquiris, and amuse themselves by starting a fight between two waitresses. Audio from RT Podcast #290

19. #StopDolphinPoaching
Air Date: 2016-06-21
Burnie discusses the rampant nonexistent dolphin poaching issue among the Rooster Teeth audience. Audio from RT Podcast #364

20. Samantha the Neighbor Cat
Air Date: 2016-06-28
Michael talks about how his neighbor's cat always comes to visit them, and Lindsay's obsession with being its friend despite the less-than-hygenic locations it frequents. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #10

21. Best Friends & Fake Girlfriends
Air Date: 2016-07-05
Gus and Burnie discuss the notion of a "best friend."; Geoff pranks his friend Frank by making Griffon pretend to be his girlfriend. Audio from RT Podcast #355

22. Robots in this Guy
Air Date: 2016-07-12
The AH guys think about what they'd do if they had the Transformers element that transforms into anything. Not surprisingly, it mostly has to do with torturing Gavin. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #9

23. Poppin' Boners with Gavin & Geoff
Air Date: 2016-07-19
Gavin and Geoff hypothesize what a world where your boners made sounds would be like. They also talk about the hottest cast member from the hit '90s sitcom Friends. Who is yours? Comment below. Audio from Let's Build - Storm the Tower

24. Flop-Flippin' Ninja Turtles
Air Date: 2016-07-26
Geoff confuses Millie about flip flops, Kerry wonders what a life in Japan would be like, and Chris talks about his master plan to become a Ninja Turtle. Audio from Let's Build - Storm the Tower

25. Blaine's Virgin Debacle
Air Date: 2016-08-02
Blaine scores with a girl who claims to be a virgin, but finds out later that maybe she was lying. Come to think of it, this is a weird story to tell, why did we animate this? Audio from RT Podcast #366

26. Gus' Alley Dump
Air Date: 2016-08-09
While trying to film intros for the podcast, Gus pretends to poop in an alley, but accidentally fronts on a homeless dude's pooping turf and things get awkward. Audio from RT Podcast #366

27. Michael's Bagel Incident
Air Date: 2016-08-16
Michael spots a dude eating a bagel on his flight and quickly goes from coveting the man's bounty of bagel to being disgusted by the despicable state in which it ends up. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #15

28. Droppin' Burgers, Growin' Trees
Air Date: 2016-08-23
The intern makes a grave misstep while bringing food to the hungry podcast crew, and Gavin presents a third option to dealing with the remains of dead people: make them trees. Audio from RT Podcast #366

29. Racial Super Texas
Air Date: 2016-08-30
This week, someone tries to guess Gus' race, Kyle and Miles ponder the certainties in life, and Burnie defends Superman's biggest weakness. Let's be real though, standing next to a rock making you lose your powers is pretty lame. Fight me, nerds. Audio from RT Podcast #363 #365

30. Miles Runs from Zombies
Air Date: 2016-09-06
Miles goes on a zombie run, but it turns out to be less of a run and more of a fall-on-your-ass for him. Embarrassing. Audio from Sponsor Play - Alien Isolation, Part 7

31. An Ewok to Remember
Air Date: 2016-09-13
Nick Rutherford and Kirk C. Johnson from Crunch Time pitch a movie about love, Ewoks, and Peter Dinklage that takes place on the moon of Endor. It's not very good, but Crunch Time is! Audio from On the Spot #67.

32. Spooky Scary Ghost Stories
Air Date: 2016-09-20
Gus regales the gang with a ghost story from some friends of his back in college. Being a ghost can be difficult when you don't like the dark. Audio from RT Podcast #365.

33. Bombs, Potates, & Stickers
Air Date: 2016-09-26
A collection of dumb little stories ranging from bombs hitting Austin (and how to avoid them), nicknames for potatoes, and horrible, crappy, worthless stickers. Audio from RT Podcast #355 and #302

34. Cool Farts from Cool Kids
Air Date: 2016-10-04
Miles feels cheated when a popular kid at school rips a hearty fart and doesn't get made fun of like any other lower class person would. Popular kids suck. Audio from Sponsor Play - Metal Gear Solid V: Part 1

35. Gavin's Seed Saves the Day
Air Date: 2016-10-11
In one of the more peculiar "what if" scenarios, Geoff presents a scenario where Gavin can save his family from dying of cancer but only if he... Well, you can see for yourself, I'm not typing that out. Audio from Let's Build - Snowbound Part 2

36. The Edamame Power Play
Air Date: 2016-10-18
Burnie and Matt go on a business lunch with a guy, who, for some unknown reason, starts eating edamame husks out of the discard bowl. Maybe it's some kind of power play? I dunno, but it would gross me out, that's for sure. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #367

37. Billion Dollars Butt
Air Date: 2016-10-25
The gang imagines what they would do if they suddenly had a billion dollars. Would they give it away? Would they stuff it down their pants and walk around? Find out! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #358

38. Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Air Date: 2016-11-01
Burnie talks about how his kid loved to dress up as something scary for Halloween, and how one time he managed to scare the crap out of another kid, further proving that Superman might be the lamest superhero ever.

39. Bar Fights & Gay Bars
Air Date: 2016-11-08
Everyone loves bars, especially stories about bars! Burnie tells us about the time Matt was pretty oblivious about going to a gay bar, and about a friend who just loved getting into bar fights. Crazy kids!

40. The RTAA Mixdown
Air Date: 2016-11-15
It's the 250th RTAA episode! As is tradition, we did a weird thing instead of the usual business. This time the gang gets together to make some beautiful music while also making obscure references to the show. Thanks for watching 250 of these things!

41. Barbara Pun-kelman V
Air Date: 2016-11-22
Yeah, it's another one of these things. At this point we're probably just enabling Barbara to make more puns, so feel free to grab some pitchforks and torches and form a mob of some kind. Bring it.

42. Chris Cooks Fish
Air Date: 2016-11-29
Chris does his best to explain (and defend) his method of cooking fish. It's gross, sure, but mostly just really confusing.

43. Burnie Hates NASA
Air Date: 2016-12-02
Burnie fears what he does not understand, as evidenced by his anger towards NASA's ability to describe planets hundreds of lightyears away. Or maybe he's actually right and they're just making it all up. Either way he goes on a rant and it's funny!

44. Miles' Birthday Bonanza
Air Date: 2016-12-09
On his 21st birthday, Miles dives in head first into the world of gettin' CRUNK. Which is to say his friend buys him shots. Then Kyle tries to get Miles into a car, and he is NOT having it.

45. Movie Stories
Air Date: 2016-12-13
Gus gets hammered at a showing of Bewitched, leading him to berate other members of the audience who liked it; and our good friend Brandon tries to call out a guy for using his phone during a movie and almost gets beat up for it.

46. Shrinkin' & Dreamin'
Air Date: 2016-12-13
The guys talk about the old rumor surrounding Surge and what it may or may not do to one's penis; Burnie tries to remember things about Harry Potter; Gus has a dream about Burnie trying to kill the office cleaning lady (or is it?). Audio from RT Podcast #356 RT Podcast #370 RT Podcast #368 Directed by Jordan Cwierz Animated by Gabe Silva, Johnathan Floyd, and Beth Mackenzie

47. Chris' Smoking Hot Date
Air Date: 2016-12-13
Chris goes on a blind date with a woman who turns out to be a little older than expected. Also she doesn't know New Zealand is its own country. Chris goes on a blind date with a woman who turns out to be a little older than expected. Also she doesn't know New Zealand is its own country. Audio from RT Podcast #380

1. Kids Are A-Holes
Air Date: 2016-12-14
Kerry, Miles, and Gavin talk about the messed up things they used to do when they were little kids; everything from stripping in public to forcing their siblings into toilets. Kids really are assholes. Audio from RT Podcast #375

2. The Loud and Proud Co-Worker
Air Date: 2017-01-06
Burnie and Gus reminisce about a former co-worker who had some "annoying habits." Apparently he was really proud of his cell phone and also about his mad pinball skills. Audio from RT Podcast #374

3. Jeremy's Big Break
Air Date: 2017-01-14
Jeremy goes through a wild ride after sustaining an injury during a high school football game. From Off Topic Podcast #37

4. Strangers' Things
Air Date: 2017-01-20
The gang discuss awkward interactions with strangers, and their tactics for dealing with them. Audio from RT Podcast #396

5. A Tale of Copper & Quartz
Air Date: 2017-01-27
Gus and Esther take a trip to the National History Museum, and come across someone confused about what a diamond is, and suspicious cashier who wants to horde shiny pennies. Audio from RT Podcast #393

6. Burnie's Got Jokes
Air Date: 2017-02-03
Burnie tells a couple of his favorite jokes from when he was little. Whether they're good or not is up to you. Audio from RT Podcast #395 - Post Show

7. Miles' Counselor Story
Air Date: 2017-02-10
Miles has some embarrassing moments while doing some team building exercises. Audio from RT Podcast #322

8. Geoff's Burger Discount
Air Date: 2017-02-17
Geoff accidentally gets a discount at a divey burger joint for several months, and makes the mistake of asking why. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #2

9. Gavin or Gaggle
Air Date: 2017-02-23
It's a new twist on a classic! Gavin and Burnie play the most disgusting game ever imagined: Gavin or Gaggle! Not safe for lunch. Audio from RT Podcast #383

10. Chris' Love Delivery
Air Date: 2017-03-03
Chris uses a grocery delivery service but finds himself attracted to the delivery girl, so he keeps ordering groceries in order to ask her out. Audio from RT Podcast #396

11. Breaking Conventions, Touching Glass
Air Date: 2017-03-10
Back when Halo 3 was released, Gus and Burnie go to a convention that had more people working there than people attending. So they played Halo. Burnie also talks about not touching any fucking glass. Audio from RT Podcast #374

12. Geoff Ramsey: Best Dad Ever?
Air Date: 2017-03-17
Geoff tells a couple stories about how it's hard to be a parent when you know you're really good at it, but aren't appreciated by your kid. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #24

13. Bikes, Food, & Farts
Air Date: 2017-03-24
A plethora of tales ranging from stole bikes turned into unicycles, mysterious food items left on the ground, and Gavin's fart-riddled life. Fun times ahead! Audio from Off Topic #18 and RT Podcast #382

14. Don't Talk at the Gym
Air Date: 2017-03-31
Michael tries to avoid a dude at the gym who likes talking and being punched, but can't seem to shake him no matter where he goes. Audio from Off Topic #2

15. Forgetful Pills, Automatic Recovery
Air Date: 2017-04-07
In an attempt to make his life easier, Miles does something really complicated to help him remember to take his medicine. Burnie's older brother does something mean (surprising), and Gavin witnesses a person save himself from injury automatically. From Rooster Teeth Podcasts \#322, #368, #374

16. Jeremy & Michael Get Hurt
Air Date: 2017-04-15
Assuming the title wasn't descriptive enough, in this episode of RTAA, Jeremy and Michael each regale us of times from their childhood in which they sustained some crazy injuries. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #37

17. Stinky Ride-Share Farts
Air Date: 2017-04-19
Gavin finds himself in a stinky situation when his uber driver farts and he doesn't know the proper etiquette of how to deal with it. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #392

18. Gus' Sharkdanko Interview
Air Date: 2017-04-28
During the interview for his global entry or whatever, Gus finds himself in an odd office with an odd government official who likes movies. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #390

19. Roombas With Guns, Sharpies in Butts
Air Date: 2017-05-05
The Off Topic guys ponder the big questions in life, like "What would happen if you strapped a gun to a roomba?", "How was Rooster Teeth Started?", and "Is Geoff gay??" Find out the answers! Audio from Off Topic podcast #31 and Off Topic podcast #18

20. Gavin and the Annoying German
Air Date: 2017-05-12
Sitting next to an annoying person on a plane is never fun. But when that guy is fat and German and does gross stuff next to Gavin, then it's hilarious. Audio from RT Podcast #374

21. Chris Strikes Out
Air Date: 2017-05-20
Geoff and Michael watch from afar as Chris tries his best to talk to a group of ladies. It is, to say the least, hard to watch. Audio from Off Topic podcast #25

22. Miles' Fake ID Excursion
Air Date: 2017-05-26
Miles recalls the time he found someone's ID, for which he could use to get into bars before turning the legal drinking age. Needless to say, it doesn't go smoothly. Audio from Always Open podcast #24

23. Porta-Potty Blowjob
Air Date: 2017-06-02
Gavin tries to use a porta-potty but a strange gentleman interrupts his tinkle time to do a quick bump. Then he wants a blowjob. Look, it's weird, just watch it. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #404

24. Ding Dong Ditchers
Air Date: 2017-06-09
Teen Blaine and his teen friends decide to do a very teen activity and ding dong ditch a girl they like. But it's all fun and games until they get tracked down. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #398

25. Gus' Turbulent Urination
Air Date: 2017-06-26
Gus has to pee while on a flight, but has a rough time when the plane experiences some pretty intense turbulence. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #401

26. Hands Free Peeing & Hulking Out
Air Date: 2017-07-03
Gus talks urinal etiquette and Blaine remembers one of his worst halloween costumes. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #361

27. Cock Block Cop
Air Date: 2017-07-10
A heartstruck teenage Chris tries to get some alone time with a girl by going to a park for a make-out sesh. However, there's a cop who is apparently set to block Chris at every attempt. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #398

28. Barbara vs The Old Man
Air Date: 2017-07-17
There is legend of an old man who lives in the same apartment complex as Blaine and Aaron. Is he a ghost? Is he lonely? Many have speculated, but few know for certain. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #386

29. Sticks & Flowers
Air Date: 2017-07-18
Joel goes to the doctor to get his bladder photographed. Unfortunately, it's not as easy (or as painless) as he hoped it would be. Then he insults pregnant women. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #433

30. Mugged Miles
Air Date: 2017-07-25
Miles talks about the time he accidentally got mugged and didn't know he was getting mugged? Or he didn't know he almost bought a knife. Confidence is key, kids. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #398

31. Joker Sex
Air Date: 2017-08-07
Miles tells his most embarrassing sex story which involves him roleplaying as the Joker. Probably the most cringe worthy thing he's ever done... as of right now.

32. Breast Kind of Greeting
Air Date: 2017-08-14
Gus finds Burnie's porn stash and Ashley has a new habit of touching breasts with all her female co-workers. Gavin and Gus give her something to be jealous of. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast: RTX Sydney 2017 & Rooster Teeth Podcast # 440

33. Michael's Bathroom Blastoff
Air Date: 2017-08-16
Michael takes the Banana Sprite Challenge and the results are explosive! Audio from Last Call #11

34. Denise Tries The Moonshine
Air Date: 2017-08-21
Denise tries the leftover peach moonshine from RTX and has some choice words for Michael. From Off Topic #86

35. Covered In Kittens
Air Date: 2017-08-28
Michael gets to be covered in kittens and makes sure that Lindsay is both angry and jealous. Audio from Off Topic #17

36. Drowning for Power
Air Date: 2017-09-11
Brandon tries bonding with his Father-in Law and almost drowns him in the process.

37. Macaroni Makeout
Air Date: 2017-09-18
Jeremy talks about a couple that have no shame at the Macaroni Grill. How romantic.

38. Tornado Punches
Air Date: 2017-09-25
Both Jeremy and Chris have stories about punches thrown during a Tornado. What are the odds? Audio from Off Topic #88

39. Don't Trust the Blue
Air Date: 2017-10-02
Burnie recalls the first time he ever blacked out from drinking. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #443 Post Show

40. TP and PP on the Seat
Air Date: 2017-10-09
Chris has some weird bathroom habits that he gets called out on. Audio from Off Topic # 88

41. Geoff's Spring Break Spite Beard
Air Date: 2017-10-16
Geoff has had it with Griffon taking his razor and grows a beard out of spite - He also recalls the last time he blacked out and things get wild. Audio from Off Topic #51 Audio from RT Sponsor Cut

42. Chris' Fake Fiance
Air Date: 2017-10-23
Chris arrives early for his Tinder date, and is roped into saving a complete stranger from her pursuer. Together, they come up with a lie that may deter the man, but Chris might get more than he bargained for in return. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #448

43. Favorite RTAAs That Definitely, Probably, Might Have Happened
Air Date: 2017-10-30
Burnie and Gus improv their way to remembering their favorite RTAAs and the results are out of this world.

44. Construction Conspiracy
Air Date: 2017-11-06
Burnie has had enough of the constant construction around Austin. Gus and Gavin do their best to calm him down.

45. Drunk Baby Sitting
Air Date: 2017-11-13
Miles gets stuck at work one night watching over drunk Chris and Blaine. Some remember it better than others.

46. GoG Do Cats Know
Air Date: 2017-11-20
Another round of Gavin or Google from RTX Austin 2017!

47. Sore About Syringes
Air Date: 2017-11-27
Geoff reluctantly goes to the doctor for the first time in a while. He's gonna get some shots while he's there.

48. Farts Still Funny
Air Date: 2017-12-04
The title says it all! The gang reminds you if you forgot.

49. Aarons Astrology Standoff
Air Date: 2017-12-11
Aaron tells a story about a crazy boss he once had and the out of this world interview process that landed him the job.

50. Birds, Bees, And B.O
Air Date: 2017-12-18
Becca and Blaine reminisce about how growing up and hitting THAT age was great.... it wasn't. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #454 Post Show

51. Becca's Inconvenient BM
Air Date: 2017-12-25
Becca has fortunately never shit herself, but she's come close! One such occasion was in an inconveniently underconstruction convenient store. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #427

52. Gavin's AC Anomaly
Air Date: 2018-01-01
Gavin calls a repair man to fix his house, but instead makes it worse. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #57

53. Snowboard Slam
Air Date: 2018-01-08
Michael has been snowboarding only one time and of course he hit someone.

1. Twitch Chicken
Air Date: 2018-01-08
Jon and Miles get caught streaming at the same time and things get intimate. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #352

2. Recycling Rulz, T-Rex Droolz
Air Date: 2018-01-15
The Gang argue about the art of recycling and Gus daydreams about a T-rex in the modern world. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #405 post show and #350

3. Gus' Mile High Club
Air Date: 2018-01-22
Gus just can't control his body. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #399 and #436

4. Mooning Over Shoes
Air Date: 2018-02-05
Aaron recalls the first time he was ever mooned, while Brandon pitches his moon shoes idea to a tough band of investors. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 340 and 462.

5. Michael the Baby Seal Overlord
Air Date: 2018-02-12
Michael plays Overlord 2 and is a bit of an over achiever when it comes to killing. Denise isn't having it and tries to shame him. Audio from Off Topic #94

6. Find Your Kenny
Air Date: 2018-02-19
Fun fact. Jon can't smell, so a couple of his college buddies put him to the test. Chris throws some shade. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #459

7. Michael Tiny Hands Jones
Air Date: 2018-02-26
Michael is a little insecure about his tiny hands, but is in a race to escape the cops. He hijacks a bus Lindsay is driving and things get out of 'hand' Audio from On the Spot #81

8. It Was Wet
Air Date: 2018-03-05
Mica's dad thinks it's a good idea to microwave his cell phone. Audio from Always Open Podcast #14

9. Zombie Dog
Air Date: 2018-03-12
Chris' mom won't let her dog go, but Gavin, Gus, and Brandon think it's time. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #405

10. Andy Uses a Tampon
Air Date: 2018-03-19
Andy tries to explain himself after saying he's used a tampon. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #26

11. Mermaids
Air Date: 2018-03-26
The gang remembers their days at the call center and some of the shady businesses that neighbored it. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #458

12. Elephant In Nawlins
Air Date: 2018-03-26
Geoff watches an Elephant outside his window do some tricks. It also throws up. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #26.

13. Shattered Dreams
Air Date: 2018-04-02
Mariel describes one of the weirdest events her school used to take part in. Don't drink and drive kids. Audio from Always Open Podcast #45

14. Batman Roleplay Pt. 1
Air Date: 2018-04-09
Miles is writing a Batman porno, but needs a little insight from Kyle and Cole Audio from Backwardz Compatible DMC # 3 & 4

15. Batman Roleplay Pt. 2
Air Date: 2018-04-16
The Batman porno continues, but this time Miles asks Gus and Gavin for their input.

16. Beanie Baby Catspiracy
Air Date: 2018-04-23
Smee likes to drag around Beanie Babies and Gavin can't help but wonder what his cat is thinking. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #463

17. Crazy Taxi
Air Date: 2018-04-30
Gus hates Taxis... they're all insane. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #375

18. Millie So Serious
Air Date: 2018-05-07
Millie is invited to help out at a Sugar Pine 7 event and she takes it VERY SERIOUSLY. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #100

19. Impractical Yolkers
Air Date: 2018-05-14
Lindsay gives orange juice to Burnie when he's not feeling so good, except it's not orange juice. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #451

20. Final Fantasy Fangirls
Air Date: 2018-05-21
Yssa and Mica fangirl over some voice actors at the Crunchyroll expo. Audio from Fan Service #36.

21. When In Doubt Dab
Air Date: 2018-05-28
Mariel gets a bit too competitive at Lindsay's baby shower. Audio from Always Open #37

22. Bulking Up
Air Date: 2018-06-04
Michael and Jeremy have bigger appetites than their wives know. Audio from Off Topic #94

23. Beardy Kisses
Air Date: 2018-06-11
Barbara describes how different it is to kiss a person with facial hair and things get a little out of hand. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #446.

24. Gavin's Golden Hands
Air Date: 2018-06-18
Geoff gets informed that Gavin has Golden Hands after talking with his Grandfather. The gang is determined to figure out the meaning behind that phrase.

25. Gavin Touches The Butt
Air Date: 2018-06-25
Gavin puts his finger in a cat's butt. How and Why? We're not sure either. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #99

26. The Battle Of Bull Creek
Air Date: 2018-07-02
Family Lineage stories! No one was related to royalty, but Jack's great grandfather killed a wild bull one time. So that's cool. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #95.

27. Thank God It's Food Poisoning
Air Date: 2018-07-09
Barbara goes on a school trip and starts to feel a little sick. Good thing TGI Fridays is always there for you. Audio from Always Open Podcast #34.

28. Ryan's Flying Failure
Air Date: 2018-07-16
Ryan describes his airport adventures trying to get home to his kids. It goes exactly as planned. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #96

29. Cinema Sins
Air Date: 2018-07-23
Michael, Trevor, and the gang talk about the superiority of Alamo Draft House movie theaters. Audio from Off Topic #92

30. Keep the Engine Revved
Air Date: 2018-07-30
Mariel dated a girl for her car, Chris almost runs off the road, and Barbara sees more than she expected on a road trip to L.A. Audio from Always Open #40

31. Geoffrey Work
Air Date: 2018-08-06
Sanitation is important when you're working in fast food, and Geoff had a long way to go in his early years. This story involves poop... lots of poop. Audio from Off Topic #13

32. SUV Stunt Kids
Air Date: 2018-08-13
Burnie goes to the store and witnesses some rad kids hungry for action. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #487

33. Burnie's Uber Story
Air Date: 2018-08-20
Burnie tells a story about an Uber experience he had... or did he? Was he even there? Is he even real??? Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #481

34. Jooley
Air Date: 2018-08-27
Jeremy has a run in with some pretty interesting guys at the bar. Is he cool enough to hang with them? Audio from Off Topic: #46

35. Movie Moments
Air Date: 2018-09-03
It's rarely just a normal movie with these guys. Miles, Gus, and Burnie describe a few experiences at the theater that they wont forget. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast: #493

36. Gavin Co-Pilot
Air Date: 2018-09-10
Gavin believes he is free of all responsibility when riding as a passenger in any moving vehicle. Burnie, Gus, and Barb try to show him the light! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast: #473

37. Mob Cookies & Clean Butthole Land
Air Date: 2018-09-17
Lindsay apparently wasn't a great girl scout, she did sell a lot of cookies though. Also the gang realizes just how great and clean Japan is. Audio from Always Open Podcast #21 and #40

38. G.U.S.
Air Date: 2018-09-24
When an I.T. professional is cast to create internet content with his four drunk friends, his life gradually reveals the fascinating portrait of a complex man who rose from obscurity to staggering heights. Witness the Pain, Suffering, and Agony of the tortured middle aged artist like never before!

39. Moth in Your Ear
Air Date: 2018-10-01
Moths? in YOUR ear? It's more likely Burnie thought. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #488

40. Chicken Tender Travesty
Air Date: 2018-10-08
Michael describes the loss, the gain, the loss again, and the true rebirth of the McDonald's Buttermilk Chicken Tenders. It is truly a wild tale. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #110

41. Cooking Naked
Air Date: 2018-10-15
Ever cook naked? Chris has some tips and tricks to doing it right! Audio From Rooster Teeth Podcast #499

42. Donut Poops
Air Date: 2018-10-22
When there's no bathroom, where do you poop? James Buckley has the answer. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #123

43. Flight of the Gungans
Air Date: 2018-10-29
Lindsay is doing some improv and is stuck on a plane with one parachute, then she and Michael play out a scene in a galaxy far far away. Audio from On the Spot #55 and #115

44. Risk Lad
Air Date: 2018-11-05
Trevor is Color Blind. Does that mean his other senses are heightened slightly? Is the world ready for a new super hero? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #496

45. Even Even More Plane Stories
Air Date: 2018-11-12
The gang recalls even even more adventures and mishaps they've encountered in the air. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #480

46. Full Plate Jimmy Hat
Air Date: 2018-11-19
Would you fight someone with a raging erection? If they have a full plate jimmy hat, you might want to think twice! Audio from Backwardz Compatible, Vermintide 2

47. Fish Tank Prank
Air Date: 2018-11-26
Geoff reminisces on a tale from his past where he pranks his poor old teacher. Audio from: Off Topic Podcast #135

48. The London Poop Chronicles Part 1
Air Date: 2018-12-03
Can you believe the Achievement Hunter gang talked about gross smelling stories for almost 15 minutes at the London RTX panel? Yeah me too. This is only part 1. Audio from Off Topic Podcast #147

49. Sketchy Scooters
Air Date: 2018-12-10
They're here, they're there, they're everywhere! These scooters just pop up all over the place! Audio from Off Topic Podcast #143

50. The London Poop Chronicles Part 2
Air Date: 2018-12-17
Part 2. Jeremy used to work with Port O Potties a bunch and one time... well it could have been worse. Audio from: Off Topic Podcast #147

51. Villy Vonka
Air Date: 2018-12-24
Trevor has a few encounters with a mysterious man at his hotel while staying in London. Audio from: Off Topic Podcast #147

52. New Years Blackout
Air Date: 2018-12-31
James DeAngelis from Sugar Pine 7 gets wrecked on New Years in San Francisco. Audio from: Always Open: Still Open #62

1. Mind Blowing Magician
Air Date: 2019-01-07
Trevor invites Geoff out to see a magician while in Vegas and its probably the best show he's ever seen. Audio from: Off Topic Podcast #140

2. Wrong Name Right
Air Date: 2019-01-14
Sometimes people can't quite think of the right words to describe things, but that leads to some funny situations! Audio from: Off Topic Podcast #143

3. Chris' Great European Adventure - Part 1
Air Date: 2019-01-21
Chris gets a little confused booking his European adventure after RTX London. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #496

4. Chris' Great European Adventure - Part 2
Air Date: 2019-01-28
Chris prepares for a night out in a Berlin sex club. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #496

5. Chris' Great European Adventure - Part 3
Air Date: 2019-02-04
Chris makes a special friend and pushes his limits in a Berlin sex club. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #496

6. Divorce Court - Part 1
Air Date: 2019-02-11
Blaine may be the reason for Jon's divorce, but how deep does the truth go? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #492

7. Divorce Court - Part 2
Air Date: 2019-02-18
The story continues with Blaine's big debut in court as a straight friend of Jon's and nothing more. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #492

8. Laxifish
Air Date: 2019-02-25
Did you know fish can get constipated? Burnie and Ashley didn't and they have to try to save their fish from a poopy death. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #490
9. Birthday Soup
Air Date: 2019-03-04
Chris can be so sentimental sometimes. Who wouldn't cherish and save the puke they had at their 21st birthday party? Fortunately, Chris took it upon him self to make sure his friend had that opportunity! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 510
10. Siriously Accidental
Air Date: 2019-03-11
Burnie gets trolled by Siri leading to a misunderstanding all the way over at Xbox. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 500
11. Still More Plane Stories
Air Date: 2019-03-18
You'd think the plane stories would end eventually, but the gang of Always Open still has some fresh ones for ya. Audio from: Always Open #79
12. Andy Andy Yes Papa
Air Date: 2019-03-25
Andy and Max play out a scene where Baby Andy killed his mom and immediately got hooked on hard core drugs. Audio from: On the Spot 128
13. Gus Gets Some Sugar
Air Date: 2019-04-01
Gus made the simple mistake of wanting a coke one night and got a confrontation he wasn't prepared for. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #500
14. Big Red
Air Date: 2019-04-08
Miles goes tribal and forgets how to function in society. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #493
15. Dil-Do or Do Not
Air Date: 2019-04-15
Blaine's sexual fantasy comes true when he discovers there is a huge market for Star Wars themed sex toys. Audio from Always Open: Still Open #61
16. GusVsUSPS
Air Date: 2019-04-22
Gus has really had it with all his lost packages, the USPS can't keep getting away with this. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #515
17. FightClubCruise
Air Date: 2019-04-29
Burnie has been made aware of a news story where a family cruise got a little wild when one group decided the boat belonged to them! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #480
18. Damien Does His Best
Air Date: 2019-05-06
Miles and Kyle raise a child of their very own in their Sonic Adventure 2 playthrough and learn that tough love sometimes works? Audio from Backwardz Compatible #2, 3, and 5
19. Vengeful Cats
Air Date: 2019-05-13
Gavin explains Smee's weird habit every time Dan comes to visit, and Miles tells a cat story from the past. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #446
20. Waiter Strikes Later
Air Date: 2019-05-20
Kerry remembers a traumatizing moment from his past, but gets interrupted by Burnie who reveals a little too much about himself. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #493
21. Power Pound Friends
Air Date: 2019-05-27
Nick and Kirk are forced to come up with a smashing new movie idea. Audio from: On The Spot #129
22. Peeing Private Ramsey
Air Date: 2019-06-03
Geoff takes revenge by wizzing on things. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #491
23. Barbara Punkelman 6
Air Date: 2019-06-10
Barbara does what she does best! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast and Always Open
24. Burnie Sims
Air Date: 2019-06-17
Burnie is sometimes hard to communicate with, so Gavin and Barb use Sims tactics to get him to focus. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #509
25. Dirty Talk
Air Date: 2019-06-24
Turns out Ashley is no good at dirty talk, much to Burnie's dismay. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #502
26. Basco Tattoos
Air Date: 2019-07-01
Dante Bosco has some feelings about having his face tattooed on people. The rest of the gang dream of who they'd get tattooed on themselves! Audio from: Fan Service #29
27. Excuse-inal Support Animals
Air Date: 2019-07-08
Not just dogs or cats, any animal should qualify as a support animal, right? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #518
28. Meanest Angriest Animal
Air Date: 2019-07-15
Burnie, Gus, and Geoff reminisce about a long forgotten part of their lives. Shamus the cat brought terror to all of them. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #520
29. Nuthin Like Huffin
Air Date: 2019-07-22
Back in ancient times when Burnie and Geoff were kids, more than a few things were sniffed excessively. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #520
30. Gameshow of Love
Air Date: 2019-07-29
The cast of Always Open talks about being in love and gets motivated to find Yssa her true love. Audio from: Always Open # 84
31. Whale Cops
Air Date: 2019-08-05
How many whales does it take until someone calls the police? Audio: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show #514
32. Moon Walker Isolation
Air Date: 2019-08-12
What if a face hugger got a hold of Michael Jackson? Would the King of Pop be even more thrilling as an Alien hybrid? Audio from: Backwardz Compatible #13, 2015
33. RT in Japan
Air Date: 2019-08-19
Japan is more of a culture shock than expected for some of the RT crew. Audio from: Rooster teeth Podcast 511
34. Boat Body Burnie
Air Date: 2019-08-26
Burnie thinks he can swim the English Channel but gets told the many reasons he definitely could not. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #515
35. Lindsay Holiday Rally
Air Date: 2019-09-02
Lindsay tries to be THAT family member at a holiday party and it goes exactly how she wanted it to. Audio from: Always Open #11
36. Gus vs. Amazon
Air Date: 2019-09-09
Gus decides to mix things up with his Amazon shipment. Little does he know the convenience he seeks is further than he expected. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #525
37. Blaine the Christmas Crasher
Air Date: 2019-09-16
Blaine didn't have enough partying at the RT Christmas Bash, so he decided to crash other parties around town. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #523
38. The Scarier Pigeon
Air Date: 2019-09-23
Gus thinks a pigeon is following him around. He's probably imagining it........ or is he? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show # 547
39. Hawaiian Aloha
Air Date: 2019-09-30
Burnie and Gavin have a battle in the bathroom right before the podcast. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 487
40. Three Small Boars
Air Date: 2019-10-07
Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for sponsoring this video. Learn more about Magic the Gathering’s Throne of Eldraine here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/throne-of-eldraine "Three Small Boars" is a tale of suspense and intrigue that is sure to give you a healthy fear of the unknown. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #563
41. Grossest Insert
Air Date: 2019-10-14
What's the nastiest thing that has ever entered your mouth? Gavin and Michael give us the gross details. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #345
42. The Pickling Problem
Air Date: 2019-10-21
What exactly is a dill pickle? You may or may not find out in this RTAA. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 522
43. Lucid Selfies-Coffee Water
Air Date: 2019-10-28
Gavin has trouble taking pictures in his dreams, while Gus goes on journey to get some terrible coffee. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 516 & 535
44. Halloween Ball
Air Date: 2019-11-04
The gang discusses what they'll be for Halloween, while Gus re-lives his decision from last year. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #345
45. Bobbing for Sticks
Air Date: 2019-11-11
Chris is dead and is in hell. His demon guide Clayton runs down the rules of how Chris could potentially earn his dick back. Audio from: Good Morning from Hell #1
46. Burnie Burned
Air Date: 2019-11-18
Burnie thinks he can get sunburned from a campfire. He definitely can't, but he tries to defend his case. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #527
47. Hands On Mistake
Air Date: 2019-11-25
Miles opens the door to a WORLD of germy problems. Audio from: Always Open # 91
48. Napoleon's Complex
Air Date:
Clayton and Chris are given a tour of Napoleon Bonaparte's new apartment complex in hell. It's quite the sight. Audio from: Good Morning from Hell #1
49. 3 Soups 2 Many
Air Date: 2019-12-09
Chris eats some soup and makes a BIG deal about it. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 524
50. Smith Squad
Air Date: 2019-12-16
Miles and Kerry have an idea for a movie starting every character Will Smith has ever played. Audio from: On the Spot: 100
51. That's a Lotta Roaches
Air Date: 2019-12-23
Some news of super cockroaches spurs an interesting conversation. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 524
52. Chris Is Not Invited
Air Date: 2019-12-30
Clayton and Stalin throw a party in Chris's house, but he's not allowed to attend. Audio from: Good Morning from Hell #5
1. Make Room for Roomba
Air Date: 2020-01-06
Roombas are almost as troublesome as real babies. Almost. Audio from: Always Open #89
2. Mind Your Keys
Air Date: 2020-01-13
Chad and Burnie tell some stories where a simple accident leads to a much bigger problem. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #527
3. Goose Fat Dilemma
Air Date: 2020-01-20
Continuing from that time Burnie wanted to swim the English Channel, the gang wonders how to "use" a goose. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #515
4. Miles Monster Hands
Air Date: 2020-01-27
Miles gives great high fives! Sometimes they're too much though. Audio from: Always Open #24
5. Hot Headed Honkers
Air Date: 2020-02-03
How do you deal with being stuck in Traffic? Burnie and the gang sometimes let it get to their heads. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #556
6. Origin Story
Air Date: 2020-02-10
Burnie and Gus tell Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning the origin of their friendship. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #535
7. Sleepy Plane Stories
Air Date: 2020-02-17
We will never run out of plane stories, so this time Barbara and Max express what not to do while sleeping on a plane. Audio from Always Open #78
8. Geoff's Great Flood
Air Date: 2020-02-24
Geoff's apartment is flooding and the front office isn't helping! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #491
9. Home Depot Orphans
Air Date: 2020-03-02
Gus has had it with the kids playing in Home Depot. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #564
10. Dutch Oven Fun
Air Date: 2020-03-09
The Funhaus team is a little too gassy for Gus' taste. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #341
11. Spits and Farts
Air Date: 2020-03-16
Sometimes you can't control your bodily functions. Just let it out. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #553
12. 3rd Grade Mean Girl
Air Date: 2020-03-23
Barbara tells a story of when she destroyed a relationship out of jealousy! ...In 3rd grade, so it wasn't too big of a deal. Audio from: Always Open #78
13. Poo Dreams
Air Date: 2020-03-30
Gus infiltrates Gavin's dream about having to take a "poo" Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #565
14. Reverse Snow White
Air Date: 2020-04-06
Animals are once again after Gus, this time a bunch of raccoons have their fun with him. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #565
15. The Art of Pervy Parodies
Air Date: 2020-04-13
Those good ol' classics have to be named with a clever mind, or else how will you know what's in store for you? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #563
16. Only Way Anime
Air Date: 2020-04-20
Some people just aren't into anime, but that's only because they've never been forced to watch it. Audio From: FanService 2019 #5
17. House Training Chris
Air Date: 2020-04-27
Even something simple like using the bathroom can turn into a story when Chris is involved. Audio From: Rooster Teeth Podcast #565
18. Coles Alpaca
Air Date: 2020-05-04
Did you know Cole Gallian once owned an Alpaca? Neither did we. Tune as Cole recounts their wacky adventures! Audio From: On the Spot # 131
19. Covid Dreamin
Air Date: 2020-05-11
Stressed during these challenging times? You're not alone! The gang talks about their stress dreams. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast 593
20. Spicy Peen
Air Date: 2020-05-18
Choppin Jalapeños? Make sure to be careful where you put your hands. Geoff learned this the hard way. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 548
21. Royal Coffee Order
Air Date: 2020-05-25
Gus is so predictable with his coffee, it's ready as soon as he enters the shop! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 568
22. Sugar Daddy Ratio
Air Date: 2020-06-01
The gang talks about the mathematics around how many Sugar Daddies and Babies there seem to be. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show # 474
23. Buttz Mitzvah
Air Date: 2020-06-08
Barbara educates her friends on Jewish customs and traditions. Audio from: On the Spot # 181
24. Bathroom Sweater
Air Date: 2020-06-15
Chris has a grand idea on how to keep people warm while they poop. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #567
25. Are you Mad
Air Date: 2020-06-22
Really though, are you mad? Gus and Gavin explain that only you would know if you're mad. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show #482
26. Burnie's Butter Banter
Air Date: 2020-06-29
The greatest argument RT has ever had, with two sides that both feel so strongly... about butter. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show #474
27. Uranus Problems
Air Date: 2020-07-06
The gang talks about bodily issues, specifically, this is an episode about butts. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #570
28. Trendy Treats
Air Date: 2020-07-13
Popular names for popular foods, thought up by popular people! I'd eat that. Audio from: On The Spot #176
29. Horny Toads
Air Date: 2020-07-20
What is the meaning behind TCU's mascot? Audio from: Fan Service: Happy Birthday Service!
30. Bubby
Air Date: 2020-07-27
Barbara takes Trevor to a family wedding and Trevor becomes more than friends with Barb's Bubby. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #569
31. Gambo
Air Date: 2020-08-03
A new challenger approaches in the Good Morning from Hell podcast ! Audio from :Good Morning from Hell #3
32. No Swiping
Air Date: 2020-08-10
Torrian rants about Dora the Explorer Audio from: Death Battle Cast #1.4
33. Torrian vs KH
Air Date: 2020-08-17
Torrian rants about Kingdom Hearts Audio from: Death Battle Cast # 4.114
34. Crapper Etiquette
Air Date: 2020-08-24
Barb and friends talk about the nicest and most polite ways to poop. Audio from: Always Open #118
35. Incremental Pranks
Air Date: 2020-08-31
Gus spooks a neighbor with a haunted chair, and Becca gives a school friend a ton of forks. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show #571
36. Docking
Air Date: 2020-09-07
Jessica had her innocence stolen when she first started working at Rooster Teeth. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #575
37. Milk Madness
Air Date: 2020-09-14
Gavin and Blaine argue the difference between milk in America and the UK... if there is one. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #591
38. Geoff Vs The Homeless
Air Date: 2020-09-21
Geoff is already having a bad day when a homeless man decided to threaten him with aids. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #573
39. Dirty Water
Air Date: 2020-09-28
Gus blames Chris for him drinking gross water. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #580
40. Dad Answers
Air Date: 2020-10-05
Travis McElroy has the answers. All of them. As any dad should. Audio from: Always Open #134
41. Superhand
Air Date: 2020-10-12
Ben and Chad come together to create your next favorite super hero! Audio from: Death Battle Bloopers
42. Lostin
Air Date: 2020-10-19
Burnie and Gus argue about Austin's city streets. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast, Stuck at Home #2
43. Drive-by Makeout
Air Date: 2020-10-26
Gus and Blaine both had awkward encounters with pda. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #574
44. Dad Bod vs Father Bod
Air Date: 2020-11-02
Erin is concerned about her neighbor's sun bathing habits. Audio from: I Have Notes: Dad Bod vs. Father Bod
45. All Hail The CheeseMaster
Air Date: 2020-11-09
In a past Extra Life, Gus gets really drunk and attempts to make cheese... amongst other things.
46. Candy Store
Air Date: 2020-11-16
Burnie laments not doing more drugs in his youth. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast: Stuck at Home Ep.1
47. People Like Shirts
Air Date: 2020-11-23
Jon starts off with a story about a grocery store mix-up, but then Gavin has had enough of the ""People Like-- "" Shirts. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #616
48. In Versus Out
Air Date: 2020-11-30
The gang gets scientific when discussing poop and its many forms and physics. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #609
49. Gavins Land
Air Date: 2020-12-07
Gavin is very protective of his land. He can do whatever he wants with it and NO ONE will tell him otherwise. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #591
50. Boulder BS
Air Date: 2020-12-14
Gus wanted a boulder for his yard, but forgets that they weigh a lot. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #607
51. Deer Stalker
Air Date: 2020-12-21
Chris is enlisted to help his friend with a deer that is stalking her. Audio from: Chump Change #17
52. Squirrel Content
Air Date: 2020-12-28
Gus is engaged in a territorial dispute with a squirrel in his yard. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #617
1. Chads Sack Whack Pt 1
Air Date: 2021-01-04
Chad takes a hit and goes on a painful adventure to the doctors. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #602
2. Chads Sack Whack Pt 2
Air Date: 2021-01-11
Chad's hospital adventure continues with more pain and confusion. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #602
3. Pain in the Glass
Air Date: 2021-01-18
Blaine witnesses a very rude man in his local pizza restaurant. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #619
4. Spoon Struggles
Air Date: 2021-01-25
You knew this was going to be animated. So who is right? What spoon is the normal spoon? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #611
5. Tangleroo
Air Date: 2021-02-01
The gang decides to surprise achievement hunter with a new friend! It doesn't go as planned! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #580
6. Put a "Bows" On "Ette"
Air Date: 2021-02-08
Never thought this would be relevant again. Here's the ins and outs of Bowsette in animated form. Audio from: Cross Play Lives!
7. The London Poop Chronicles Part 3
Air Date: 2021-02-15
Continuing the poop related saga after 3 years! Young Geoff almost gets in trouble for shaking a porta-potty. Audio from: Off Topic #147
8. The London Poop Chronicles Part 4
Air Date: 2021-02-22
Can you believe there were 4 stories related to poop at RTX London 2018? Jeremy shares another one about his not so peaceful bathroom visit. Audio from: Off Topic #147
9. Dumpy Stalls and Booger Walls
Air Date: 2021-03-01
Bathrooms are dirty, but apparently some RT bathrooms are to the extreme. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #574
10. Glusttony
Air Date: 2021-03-08
Sam finds out which deadly sin best fits him. Turns out there are two. Audio from: I Have Notes 10-29
11. Back in the Day
Air Date: 2021-03-15
Gus and Gavin realize they're really old and reminisce about a few fun adventures in the earlier days of Rooster Teeth. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #619
12. Coke Vs Pepsi
Air Date: 2021-03-22
Which side are you on? There is no middle ground between Coke or Pepsi. This is very serious. Audio from: BzC Podcast #3
13. Booger's Big Blowout
Air Date: 2021-03-29
Chris tries to take Booger on a car ride when things go horribly horribly wrong. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #611
14. Nightmare on Saturday 2: NightmEric
Air Date: 2021-04-05
Gus and Chris share some horrible dreams that involve Eric. Of course they're nightmares. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 578
15. Trouble for Nothin
Air Date: 2021-04-12
Gavin gets yelled at for no good reason. Same as any other day. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 630
16. Looking For a Hole
Air Date: 2021-04-19
Sometimes people shouldn't stick things in other things. I mean sometimes they CAN, but really, should they? Audio from Rooster Teeth # 577
17. Lettuce on your Ding Dongs
Air Date: 2021-04-26
Double Story time! Lindsay has an obsession with Ding Dongs, while Chris finds something suspicious on his nether regions. Audio from Off Topic # 155, Rooster Teeth Podcast # 608
18. Dreadful Dreaming
Air Date: 2021-05-03
Gus has an awful dream involving Chris that turns out to actually be a believable story. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 618
19. Just the Right Oreo
Air Date: 2021-05-10
The double stuf oreo really is the best choice. Everyone agrees, right? Audio from No Dumb Answers # 4
20. Tis the Season for Stealing
Air Date: 2021-05-17
Chris accidentally committed a crime and he's here to spill the beans this season. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 578
21. Bearly Hands and Feet
Air Date: 2021-05-24
Barbara asks another divisive question. How do bears wear slippers? Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 644
22. House Hauntings
Air Date: 2021-05-31
Geoff talks about his old house and the spooky things that used to happen. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 643
23. Starmie Hustle
Air Date: 2021-06-07
Noel has a traumatic experience with a certain Pokémon card that he never recovers from. Audio from Black Heritage Month Podcast
24. The Winner is Clear
Air Date: 2021-06-14
Who would win between Raven or Beast Boy? Or the real question, who would win between Tara Strong and Greg Cipes? Check out Tara and Greg on the Ship-It Show!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKvero9c0o2X8Wb9gb-9Xg Audio from Death Battle Cast #218
25. Birthday Scoop on Snoop
Air Date: 2021-06-21
Christian Young went to Snoop Dogg's house as a kid... and is related to him. Nothing interesting there AT ALL. Audio from Black Heritage Month Podcast
26. Booger's Big Break In
Air Date: 2021-06-28
Booger tries to pick a fight with another dog, regardless of what objects, like let's just say a closed window, may stand in his way. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 647
27. The Final Throw Up Part 1
Air Date: 2021-07-05
Noel hasn't thrown up in 20 years because it was so traumatic for him. Part 1! Audio from Rooster Select All Kickback #20
28. Dental Distress
Air Date: 2021-07-12
Gus and Gavin share some super fun stories of them at the dentist. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 649
29. The Final Throw Up Part 2
Air Date: 2021-07-19
Noel's story continues! The years have passed, but the memory of that infamous barf still haunts Noel. Audio from Rooster Select All Kickback #20
30. Rowdy Raccoons
Air Date: 2021-07-26
They're back, and now there's more of them to bother Gus. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 623
31. Bird! Batta Batta
Air Date: 2021-08-02
Ever seen a bird hit a window? Or a baseball bat? Very dusty lads. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show # 653
32. Frozen Coke Fix
Air Date: 2021-08-09
Gus had a goal to drink a Frozen Coke, and there was NOTHING that was going to stop him. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 638
33. Screwy Car Sales
Air Date: 2021-08-16
The gang comes up with ways to improve the local car sale commercial. They're pretty convincing! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 640
34. Sandy Eye Sores
Air Date: 2021-08-23
Andrew gets some sand splatted in his eyes and tries to get it out the only way his 12 year old brain can think of. Audio from Chump Change # 20
35. Melted & Crashed
Air Date: 2021-08-30
Chris totaled his car twice and somehow ended up with more money than he started with. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #548
36. Clammed Up
Air Date: 2021-09-05
Clams will never let you down. In fact they've been reliable in Poland for 26 years. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show # 649
37. Kayla's Hardest Laugh
Air Date: 2021-09-12
Kayla and Zoe go on a fun hike with Fiona, nothing weird happens at all! Audio from: Last Laugh Season 2 Bonus Footage
38. Actually on Fire Ants
Air Date: 2021-09-19
Kdin tries to blame fire ants for almost burning down her house. It definitely wasn't her own fault. Audio from Chump Change # 37
39. Bathroom Dagobah
Air Date: 2021-09-26
The gang reminisce on the most uncomfortable bathroom they've ever encountered. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 656
40. Go Go Golfers
Air Date: 2021-10-03
Jeremy, Alfredo, and Matt go Mario Golfing! Wonder who will win? (It's Matt) Audio from: Mario Golf SuperRush G Fuel Stream
41. Hot Leader Not
Air Date: 2021-10-10
Kayla, Fiona, and Yssa rate some of the most attractive Pokemon gym leaders there are! Or... not. Audio from No Dumb Answers # 10
42. Playing Car Chicken
Air Date: 2021-10-17
Sam runs over his "friend" with a car and feels no remorse. Audio from Chump Change #29
43. Expired Workplace
Air Date: 2021-10-24
Gavin is upset over just how expired and spooky the office has become while everyone was gone. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #666
44. Rewarding Awards
Air Date: 2021-10-31
Look under your seats! You get an award! You get an award! Everyone gets an award! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 650
45. The World's Worst Tetherball Accident
Air Date: 2021-11-07
Not many people have had a severe Tetherball accident, but Sam sure did. Audio from Select All Kickback S1E23
46. The Grinch: The Terrible Truth
Air Date: 2021-11-14
Jon explains his theory about how the Grinch is an enhanced superior Who. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast #629
47. Fighting Bird Children
Air Date: 2021-11-21
Kyborg and GumGum from the Stinky Dragon crew, wander into a library where they get bullied. Audio from Tales from the Stinky Dragon #5
48. Old Baby Hands Gus
Air Date: 2021-11-28
With every day, Gus grows a little older... and a little softer too. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 664
49. Convention Confusion
Air Date: 2021-12-05
Trusting Chris to know what he's getting into at a convention, was definitely a mistake on Gus's part. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 661
50. The Fight at Goodwill
Air Date: 2021-12-12
Leave it to Chris to pick a fight with the oldest man alive while trying to do a good deed. Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 659
51. Comrade Mime
Air Date: 2021-12-19
Blaine plays Pokemon Go moments before lift off on his long trip home. Audio from: Black Box Down Podcast
52. 1st Class Stalking
Air Date: 2021-12-26
Gus tells two stories of his adventures in flying first class, and the aftermath too. Audio from: Black Box Down Podcast
1. Baseball Bruises
Air Date: 2022-01-02
Eric and the boys play some rough and tough baseball where they're not kidding around. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #666
2. Wolverine Bacon
Air Date: 2022-01-09
Sounds tasty huh? The bacon is never ending thanks to the Wolverine! Audio from: Select All Gaming S1EP49
3. Food Taste Takes
Air Date: 2022-01-16
Everyone has food they do and don't like, but what about pig's feet? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #655
4. That's NOT How Chia Works!
Air Date: 2022-01-23
Ben really doesn't understand how Chia Pet's work, so Chad tries to explain it. Audio from: Death Battle Bloopers Genos vs War Machine
5. The Skittles Mafia
Air Date: 2022-01-30
Chris accidentally starts a mafia in his elementary school. Gotta get to that rainbow rank! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #668
6. Kiddie Injustice
Air Date: 2022-02-06
When you're wronged as a kid, you may never forget the injustice as long as you live. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #670
7. From Zero to Sneezo
Air Date: 2022-02-13
You know the sneeze. You know how loud it is. You're gonna sneeze like that one day. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #670
8. Crop Top Lockout
Air Date: 2022-02-20
At this point it's expected, right? Chris accidentally locks himself outside wearing nothing but undies and a crop top. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #673
9. Greasy Shower Chef-nanigans
Air Date: 2022-02-27
Alfredo doesn't eat a lot of greasy food, but when he does, it's in the shower. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #674
10. 2020 Goals
Air Date: 2022-03-06
Jon and Gavin explain all the things they didn't do in 2020. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #671
11. Ahsoka No No
Air Date: 2022-03-13
Kdin has a LOT to say about Ahsoka in season 2 of the Mandalorian. Audio from: Model Employees - S1E28
12. Raccoon Rumble
Air Date: 2022-03-20
Gus has another visit from some raccoons so you know it's gonna be wild. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #678
13. Chris The Handyman
Air Date: 2022-03-27
Taking out the trash is not actually home improvement... or is it? (It's not) Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #677
14. A Good Gluey Apple
Air Date: 2022-04-03
Geoff has some extreme temptations to be a menace all because of an apple. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #675
15. Ants in my Noods
Air Date: 2022-04-10
Whats the last thing you expect in your noodles? It might be ants. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #679
16. Cap Shoulda Won
Air Date: 2022-04-17
Chad is very upset that Cap'n Crunch did not win. Audio from: Death Battle Cast #256
17. Awkward Meetings with Celebrities
Air Date: 2022-04-24
Do you ever freeze up when you meet someone you admire? We all do. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #688
18. Angels or Aliens
Air Date: 2022-05-01
Kayla explains how biblical angels are way more terrifying than you think. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #685
19. Vlasic Barb
Air Date: 2022-05-08
Barb makes a spill while at the airport and of course, a pun was made. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #688
20. McDonalds Bridge
Air Date: 2022-05-15
The McDonalds Bridge is real! Cole swears by it, but the gang isn't quite convinced. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #683
21. Villain Origins
Air Date: 2022-05-22
Gus and Andrew really have had it with all the rude uncaring strangers they encounter. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #688
22. Likable Lingo Owl
Air Date: 2022-05-29
We can all learn a little something from the likable lingo owl. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #689
23. Elyse's Quality Organs
Air Date: 2022-06-05
Want them, need them, gotta have them! Elyse has the most quality organs around! Audio from: 30 Morbid Minutes S1:E4
24. Bucket Hat Babies
Air Date: 2022-06-12
Blaine and Chris were forced to wear the worst piece of clothing the world. Bucket Hats. (According to them) Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #691
25. Climate Defense Force
Air Date: 2022-06-19
Kayla explains the best way to save the earth from climate change. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #691
26. Business In Tokyo
Air Date: 2022-06-26
Charlotte takes the news of Patricks disappearance surprisingly well. Audio from: Survive Block Island S1:E5
27. French Fry Fraud
Air Date: 2022-07-03
The definition of a french fry has gotten too vague for Chris. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #696
28. The Unbeatable Combo
Air Date: 2022-07-10
What is the unbeatable combo? Why does no one know? Was it even real in the first place? Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #697
29. Airport Suites and Creeps
Air Date: 2022-07-17
Barb stays in a creepy airport suite for the night and Gavin learns why it's important to lock your doors. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #700
30. Forbidden Snacks
Air Date: 2022-07-24
The gang talks about all the things that look tasty but you should never eat! NEVER! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #701
31. Barbs Bouquet Grab
Air Date: 2022-07-31
Barb finally gets serious about catching a bouquet at all costs. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #703
32. Geoff Ruins Bowling Night
Air Date: 2022-08-07
Desperate for friends, Geoff shows off his bowling skills and it goes terribly. Audio from: ANMA Podcast #6
33. Hiring Who?
Air Date: 2022-08-14
Apparently it was so easy to get hired back in the day that some people just did it themselves! Audio from: ANMA Podcast #3
34. Birthday Blazertaggin
Air Date: 2022-08-21
Gavin had the ultimate birthday party idea and it was just as fun as it sounds. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #704
35. Gus has Never Been More Wrong
Air Date: 2022-08-28
There was a point in time when Gus thought he knew everything, boy was he wrong. Still is! Audio from: ANMA Podcast # 7
36. Cyber Informant Gus
Air Date: 2022-09-04
When Gus is the only one with internet as a kid, of course he's gotta use that to his benefit and make some money! Audio from: ANMA Podcast # 7
37. What is Chris?
Air Date: 2022-09-11
Really though... Is Chris a lizard? An alien? Some sort of stand alone species? The gang observes him closely. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 708
38. Brian Hates Dogs
Air Date: 2022-09-18
He really does. Brian hates dogs and he tries to get everyone else on his side too. It doesn't work. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast Post Show # 703
39. Chris's Airline Adventure Part 1
Air Date: 2022-09-25
An adventure that could only happen to Chris unfolds as he simply tries to get on an airplane. Part 1! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 709
40. Chris's Airline Adventure Part 2
Air Date: 2022-10-02
Again Chris continues to make mistakes the the very end as his spectacular airport adventure continues! Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 709
41. Service Robot Rage
Air Date: 2022-10-09
Just some normal robots taking your order! Nothing could go wrong with that, right? Audio from Rooster Teeth Podcast # 709
42. The Meeting of the Infinight Interns
Air Date: 2022-10-16
Just who are these rag tag group of travelers? Meet them all one by one before their big adventure! Audio from Tales From the Stinky Dragon A1Ep1
43. Classic Frank Stories
Air Date: 2022-10-23
Just who is he? I'm not sure but Gus and Geoff have a lot to say about Frank! Audio from: ANMA Podcast #11
44. Sending to Slovakia
Air Date: 2022-10-30
Gus found out so much about one sweet old lady, just by standing behind her at the post office. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 716
45. We Can Save Him!
Air Date: 2022-11-06
As John is voted off, his teammates, especially Michael, desperately try to save him. Audio from: Survive Block Island S2E2
46. Forgotten Halloween Traditions
Air Date: 2022-11-13
Elyse and Jessica discuss Halloween traditions from long ago that haven't stuck around! For good reason too. Audio from: 30 Morbid Minutes S3:E5
47. More Classic Frank Stories
Air Date: 2022-11-20
Frank is BACK. The real Frank this time, with a few more stories from the past told by Geoff and Gus. Audio from: ANMA Podcast #11
48. Princess Rescuing Trio
Air Date: 2022-11-27
3 adventurers from Funhaus introduce themselves and start a new quest to rescue a princess! Audio from: Must Be Dice SPRQ:E1
49. Through the Cracks
Air Date: 2022-12-04
The gang tells two stories of how easily things just slip right through the cracks. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 717
50. Armando's Advice
Air Date: 2022-12-11
Gus runs into a situation that he feels is uncomfortable, but Armando lets him know it's actually a blessing! Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 721
51. Kiosk Chaos
Air Date: 2022-12-18
Gus goes through a series of hoops just to return another package. It's never easy. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 722
52. Invasive Animal Overkill
Air Date: 2022-12-25
Charlotte and Patrick discuss the various animals that can destroy Hawaii's ecosystem with ease. Audio from: Ship Hits the Fan # 28
1. Chris Walks Into a Room
Air Date: 2023-01-01
Chris makes a mistake and instead of clearing the confusion, he doubles down. Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast # 724
2. Alaskan Rat Roulette
Air Date: 2023-01-08
The pinnacle of rodent-based gambling is explored in this episode of Animated Adventures
3. Hectic Helicopter Havoc
Air Date: 2023-01-16
Armando explains the hectic nature of California beach life. This audio is from Funhaus Podcast
4. Hot Tub Soup
Air Date: 2023-01-29
Chris ends up with too many hot tubs, accidentally, on purpose. RTP Hot Tub stream when?
5. Secret Gus
Air Date: 2023-02-05
Gus keeps an important secret from Geoff. What other secrets may he be hiding? This audio is from ANMA Podcast
6. Truck'd Up Troubles
Air Date: 2023-02-12
BK finds herself spiraling as Trevor seems more interested in being an Influencer than actually cooking any food. This audio is from Truck'd Up
7. Kiddie Pool Problems
Air Date: 2023-02-19
Kids in the pool shouldn't bother the adults, but of course they do anyway. This audio is from Rooster Teeth Podcast
8. Computer, Enhance
Air Date: 2023-02-26
Alfredo teaches Trevor how to use computers to catch nefarious people. This audio is from Red Web
9. Hottest in the Office
Air Date: 2023-03-05
The Funhaus crew have some very interesting questions regarding the X-Men.
10. Mantis Shrimp Menace
Air Date: 2023-06-11
The gang discusses the most SciFi creature on earth, the Mantis Shrimp.
11. Better Than Bad Drivers
Air Date: 2023-06-18
Austin Texas is a unique place with uniquely bad drivers! One of which might be Blizz.
12. Airpod Gulps
Air Date: 2023-06-25
Dogs, the best of creatures, the worst of creatures, a tale of two pods.
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Release Date
670 (13 seasons)
Production Companies

Rooster Teeth Productions