

Roar is an American television show that originally aired on the Fox network in July 1997. In the year AD 400, a young Irish man, Conor, sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans, but in order to accomplish this, he must unite the Celtic clans.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy



1. Pilot

Air Date: 1997-07-14

Conor and Claire, two star-crossed lovers from warring families, are separated when the young man's kingdom is mysteriously annihilated in a fire on the eve of his brother's wedding. In the aftermath, Conor joins forces with a band of former slaves in order to stand and fight for what he believes is right and just.


2. Projector

Air Date: 1997-07-21

Conor faces Vorgeen, a rival chieftan, when the two are both after the same powder that has magical properties.

The Chosen

3. The Chosen

Air Date: 1997-07-28

Conor and crew witness the choosing of the new Druid King, a six year old boy, named Glas, and must help the boy assume his throne.


4. Banshee

Air Date: 1997-08-04

Conor, in the middle of convincing a tribe to join his own, encounters a mysterious woman who many suspect is a Banshee, the legendary herald of death. Problems arise when the woman foretells the death of a child in the tribe, causing chaos.

Doyle's Solution

5. Doyle's Solution

Air Date: 1997-08-11

Conor and Fergus encounter a man named Doyle, who has garnered a following among the young and homeless, and Fergus is shocked to discover his abandoned daughter, Molly, is one of Doyle's loyal followers. While Conor fights for his land and to free the children from Doyle's grasp, Fergus tries to reclaim his lost daughter.

Red Boot

6. Red Boot

Air Date: 1997-08-18

Caitlin comes into the possession of a stolen Roman scroll showing the way to the Rock Tower, and her and Conor must fight to keep it out of the hands of Red Boot.

The Spear of Destiny

7. The Spear of Destiny

Air Date: 1997-08-25

Conor finds the spear of tormented Longinus, who used it to kill Christ and the spear has a powerful affect on Conor, one that could be dangerous to all.

The Eternal

8. The Eternal

Air Date: 1997-09-01

When Longinus goes mad, Conor is forced into a symbolic marriage, with Fergus's daughter Molly, in order to stop Longinus from destroying the world.


9. Tash

Air Date: 2000-04-02

Catlin is possessed by the spirit of her dead sister, Amalia.


10. Traps

Air Date: 2000-04-16

In search of their missing friends, Conor, Fergus and Catlin journey to an island and are forced to participate in a deadly game of cat and mouse.


11. Daybreak

Air Date: 2000-04-30

When Conor recovers the remains of his family, he makes plans to bury them at his father's village his father, but thanks to Longinus's interference, he's not welcomed with open arms.

The Cage

12. The Cage

Air Date: 2000-05-14

Conor, Catlin, Fergus & Molly moments travel to Molly's villiage to welcome the village's help in the Confederation.

Sweet Brigit

13. Sweet Brigit

Air Date: 2000-05-28

Conor and Fergus help a crazy man out of a hole only to uncover a mysterious ""mute"" woman, they name Brigit. Meanwhile, Diana is offered a peaceful alliance with the tribes of the island and Conor is invited to the conference.

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Release Date



13 (1 seasons)




Production Companies

Universal Television

Universal Television