Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers

Once Upon a Time... The Discoverers

From flashes of genius to curious experiments, humankind's innovations lead explorers and inventors on a brilliant journey of discovery in this series.



The Chinese, our Ancestors

1. The Chinese, our Ancestors

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Archimedes and the Greek

2. Archimedes and the Greek

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Hero from Alexandria

3. Hero from Alexandria

Air Date: 1994-01-03

The Measuring of Time

4. The Measuring of Time

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Henry the Navigator and Cartography

5. Henry the Navigator and Cartography

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Gutenberg and Printing

6. Gutenberg and Printing

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Leonardo Da Vinci, a Jack-of-all-trades

7. Leonardo Da Vinci, a Jack-of-all-trades

Air Date: 1994-01-03

The Doctors (Paracelse, Vesale, Pare, etc...)

8. The Doctors (Paracelse, Vesale, Pare, etc...)

Air Date: 1994-01-03


9. Galileo

Air Date: 1994-01-03


10. Newton

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Buffon (Discovering the Past)

11. Buffon (Discovering the Past)

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Lavoisier and Chemistry

12. Lavoisier and Chemistry

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Stephenson, Full Steam Ahead!

13. Stephenson, Full Steam Ahead!

Air Date: 1994-01-03

Faraday and Electricity

14. Faraday and Electricity

Air Date: 1995-01-04

Darwin and Evolution

15. Darwin and Evolution

Air Date: 1995-01-11

Mendel and Peas

16. Mendel and Peas

Air Date: 1995-01-18

Pasteur and Micro-organisms

17. Pasteur and Micro-organisms

Air Date: 1995-01-25

Thomas Edison and Applied Science

18. Thomas Edison and Applied Science

Air Date: 1995-02-01

Marconi and the Waves

19. Marconi and the Waves

Air Date: 1995-02-08

Ford and the Adventure of Motorcar

20. Ford and the Adventure of Motorcar

Air Date: 1995-02-15


21. Aviation

Air Date: 1995-02-22

Marie Curie

22. Marie Curie

Air Date: 1995-03-01


23. Einstein

Air Date: 1995-03-08

Lorenz, Father of the Goose

24. Lorenz, Father of the Goose

Air Date: 1995-03-15

Armstrong, the Moon and the Space

25. Armstrong, the Moon and the Space

Air Date: 1995-03-22

Tomorrow is at our Doorstep

26. Tomorrow is at our Doorstep

Air Date: 1995-03-29

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Release Date



26 (1 seasons)





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