Agter Elke Man
The series follows Marietjie Barnhoorn, the estranged wife of a successful businessman; Leana Steyn, the private secretary of an elderly business tycoon, who is ruthless in her ambitions to overcome her impoverished past; and aging ballerina Mercia Meyer, who returns to South Africa after living and working abroad and has to deal with the hostility of her fellow South Africans.
1. Episode 1
Air Date: 1985-09-05
Andries Barenhoren gets a promotion and asks Marietjie for a divorce. Steve ask Leana to marry him.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 1985-09-12
Leana approaches Anna Meyer, Albert Jooste's ex-wife, to buy her shares in Kemkor. It takes some convincing to get her to agree to the transaction, but it soon becomes clear that Leana is a master manipulator. She even uses her guiles to convince Andries Barnhoorn to sell his company's Kemkor shares, and gets Albert to make her his sole heir.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 1985-09-19
Steve presents a new manufacturing process to Andries, who recognises it as potentially revolutionary and promises to give it some thought. Leana admits to Albert that she married him for his money, and he tells her that he spent all his money to buy back the shares and that the company is on the brink of bankruptcy. Shortly afterwards, Albert has a heartattack. Anna Meyer uses Albert's demise to manipulate public opinion.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 1985-09-26
Van Breda, an old adversory of Albert Jooste, tries to exploit Albert's death to gain control of the company, but he hasn't counted on Leana's ambitions. Andries returns home unexpectedly and gets an earful from his daughter, Annemarie. Leana's plans to marry Steve are dealt a blow: according to Albert's will, the moment she remarries, everything goes to Mercia. Leana makes plans to take Steve's project forward for Kemkor, but he refuses to sell the plans to her. Stienie arrives at the office to see Leana.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 1985-10-03
The pressure from her mother and her grief over Kobus finally gets to Mercia, and when the protesters disrupt a performance, she simply walks off stage and packs her bags to go find Kobus in Israel. At the airport she meets Steve and they become friends. Wessel leaves the army and Andries and Marietjie arrive separately to take him home. Wessel realises that they've split up and walks off. Leana takes her mother some money, but Stienie refuses to take the cash and locks her out of the house. After Leana and Andries have sealed the deal on the new manufacturing process, she reveals that Steve owns the copyright to the plans and that he will have to be managing director of the new consortium. Marietjie is worried that Wessel hasn't returned home yet. Wessel goes to stay with an old army friend, Leana's brother, Jack.
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 1985-10-10
Jack needs money for his bike and when he steals watches from the shop where Suzy works, Suzy's supervisor suspects her. Then Jack visits Leana's office to get money. She tells him to leave, but he assaults her and her staff and vandalises the office. Steve realises that "Karlien" is really Mercia Meyer - and Albert Jooste's daughter. He asks her to marry her.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 1985-10-17
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 1985-10-24
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 1985-10-31
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 1985-11-07
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 1985-11-14
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 1985-11-21
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 1985-11-28
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 1985-12-05
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 1985-12-12
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 1985-12-19
Steve and Mercia return to South Africa and Mercia has to immediately make an important decision regarding her future.
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 1985-12-26
Marietjie and Leana meet by chance and have a chat. Hettie is very unhappy about this. Jack sees Suzie and Wessel meeting and this has alarming consequences.
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 1986-01-02
When Jack arrives at Barnhoorn House in search of Wessel, he starts to terrorise Annemarie.
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 1986-01-09
Stienie tries to persuade Leana to help her look for Jack.
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 1986-01-16
Leana turns up at Andries's office and learns the good news about Steve's project.
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 1986-01-23
Leana immediately suspects trouble when she arrives home and Elzetta says that Jack is waiting for her inside. She looks for her revolver, but can't find it.
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 1986-01-30
Kobus Dreyer decides to leave Israel to take up an important post in South Africa. Steve shows Mercia the new house but there's tension when she insists on wanting to know more about his work. Steve and Leana eat out together under the pretext of 'work' and are unaware that Mercia is watching them.
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 1986-02-06
Marietjie is relieved that Annemarie is her old self again. But the peace is soon shattered by Hannes Sieberhagen's flirtatious ways.
24. Episode 24
Air Date: 1986-02-13
Elzetta is unhappy with Leana and asks Mercia to come and work for her. Suzie takes revenge after an argument with Jack in a caravan park.
25. Episode 25
Air Date: 1986-02-20
Johan says farewell to Kobus, who leaves Israel for South Africa. Hettie and Hannes arrive at the Barnhoorn house to take Marietjie to the divorce court.
26. Episode 26
Air Date: 1986-02-27
27. Episode 27
Air Date: 1986-03-06
28. Episode 28
Air Date: 1986-03-13
Wessel sets up camp in an isolated spot and is visited by Monika Greyling. When he goes for a walk with her, the other members of the Greyling family search his belongings and steal all his money.
29. Episode 29
Air Date: 1986-03-20
Andries begs Marietjie to return to him but she refuses. Meanwhile, Wessel is on the trail of the Greyling family, hoping to recover his money.
30. Episode 30
Air Date: 1986-03-27
After her baby's birth, Suzie goes to stay with Mrs. Simpson. She visits Wessel in hospital and is shocked by his poor condition. Steve and Mercia are very happy, although she still regards Leana as a threat.
1. Episode 1
Air Date: 1988-03-10
Steve Anderson is involved in a serious discussion with Mr van Breda of Unikem. Successful advocate Johan Malan meets with his fiancee.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 1988-03-17
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 1988-03-24
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 1988-03-31
Leana wants to get Mercia Meyer back on to the stage. Bruce is always late, which irritates Stienie. Mercia has disturbing news for Herman and Anna.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 1988-04-07
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 1988-04-14
When Marietjie gets back to her house after dropping Hettie off at the airport, she is surprised to vind a visitor. She is unnerved when she realises it is Mrs Duvenhage from Child Welfare - come to ask questions about the baby.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 1988-04-21
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 1988-04-28
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 1988-05-05
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 1988-05-12
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 1988-05-19
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 1988-05-26
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 1988-06-02
Wessel drops Hettie off at Leana's office and when he arrives to fetch her, flirts with Leana's receptionist who is uncertain about who he is but feels flattered by his attention.
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 1988-06-09
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 1988-06-16
Tallulah finds Steve asleep at his desk. She reminds him about Leana's visit and he has to hurry to make it on time. Bruce is pleased about the success of his new disco but his happiness is short-lived when Kenny and his friends arrive.
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 1988-06-23
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 1988-06-30
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 1988-07-07
Van Breda organises a meeting with Andries to discuss a new business venture. Although Andries is keen on the venture, he must first discuss it with his lawyer. Anna is not well and Steve calls a doctor.
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 1988-07-14
Mrs Duvenhage visits Suzie at work , but Suzie is unhelpful and a little rude. Leana goes out with someone and Bruce finds out about it. He goes to the restaurant and is surprised and bitter to see Leana and Steve together.
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 1988-07-21
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 1988-07-28
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 1988-08-04
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 1988-08-11
24. Episode 24
Air Date: 1988-08-18
25. Episode 25
Air Date: 1988-08-25
26. Episode 26
Air Date: 1988-09-01
27. Episode 27
Air Date: 1988-09-08
28. Episode 28
Air Date: 1988-09-15
29. Episode 29
Air Date: 1988-09-22
30. Episode 30
Air Date: 1988-09-29
31. Episode 31
Air Date: 1988-10-06
32. Episode 32
Air Date: 1988-10-13
33. Episode 33
Air Date: 1988-10-20
Anna pass away in her hospital bed. Bruce is arrested. After a car chase Mr Myburgh dies.
34. Episode 34
Air Date: 1988-10-27
It's Anna Meyer's funeral. Marietjie is looking for Suzie. Mrs Duvenhage chats to Suzie. Bruces bail application is not accepted.
35. Episode 35
Air Date: 1988-11-03
Wessel never slept in his bed. Suzy go to court for her divorce. Weasel is hit by a car.
36. Episode 36
Air Date: 1988-11-10
The Barenhorens packs and move to Cape Town, Bruce's Trial start and he is sentenced to 3 years in prison. Liana and Steve, make up.
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Release Date
66 (2 seasons)
Dulcie van den Bergh
Stienie Steyn
Cyrilene Slabbert
Leana Steyn-Jooste-Beyers
Steve Hofmeyr
Bruce Beyers
Christine Basson
Marietjie Barnhoorn
André Verster
Andries Barnhoorn
Glen Bosman
Wessel Barnhoorn
Rika Sennett
Mercia Meyer
Anna Richter-Visser
Anna Meyer
Kim de Beer
Doreen van Langhans
Annelize van der Ryst Hattingh
Sarie van Langhans
Frans Marx
Kobus Dreyer
Hannah Botha
Production Companies
Franz Marx Productions