Fleabag Monkeyface
This animated series, based on the series of books by Knife and Packer, follows the adventures of the eponymous hero and his two creators, best friends Gene and Gerald, as they report on all things grotesque on their TV show Gross-Out TV, and face off against the evil Dr. Dirk Spamflex and his dastardly machinations.
1. When Earwax Attacks
Air Date: 2011-12-19
Gene and Gerald create gloop for a TV's "Yucky Science" competition, and end up creating Fleabag Monkeyface!
2. Attack of the 50 ft. Baby
Air Date: 2011-12-19
Dr. Spamflex, who used to host Gross Out TV, creates a laser to make Fleabag too big to enter the studio, but zaps Gerald's baby sister instead!
3. Fright Night at the Phantom Fish Factory
Air Date: 2011-12-20
Gross Out TV spends the night in the Lugworm fish canning factory to prove it's not haunted, but Spamflex interferes with spooky consequences!
4. Ninja Slugs
Air Date: 2011-12-20
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag must fight off Ninja Slugs when presenting their gross vegetable creation at World Vegetable Day.
5. Gross Impact
Air Date: 2011-12-21
While Gross Out TV films at the National Interplanetary Centre, word comes that a giant gross-out asteroid is on a collision course with Earth!
6. Cirque de Fluff
Air Date: 2011-12-21
Fleabag and friends are excited to go to Cirque du Gross, but Spamflex sends them to Cirque du Fluff, where Fleabag converts to the fluffy side!
7. Swamp Thing
Air Date: 2011-12-22
Fleabag and the gang are having a great day at the pool - until Spamflax drops a swamp monster egg in it!
8. Clone Bores
Air Date: 2011-12-22
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag struggle to keep up with trouble from Spamflex, who clones himself multiple times!
9. Grossa Cola
Air Date: 2011-12-23
Fleabag and the gang are approached by a sponsor of Gross Out TV to promote 'Grossa Cola'.
10. Bling My Blimp
Air Date: 2011-12-23
A very rare and particularly disgusting fungus has been discovered growing on Mount Everfestering, and Gross Out TV decide to investigate.
11. Hair Today
Air Date: 2011-12-26
Fleabag is going to appear on the cover of Grossmopolitan magazine and wants to impress Araminta Von Smell with his new hair gel.
12. Land of the Uber Worms
Air Date: 2011-12-26
Fleabag saves a worm from being eaten by Deathbeak which gets the Team thinking about investigating the size of the worms deep underground.
13. Gladiator of Gross Out
Air Date: 2011-12-27
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag decide to devise their own Gross Out Games section for their TV show.
14. Feline Freak-Out
Air Date: 2011-12-27
It's opening day of the Feline Fantasia Festival and Gross Out TV is hoping to get some unusual footage at the cat-litter stands.
15. Dung Zombies Go Wild!
Air Date: 2011-12-28
Gross Out TV heads to the City Museum to film it's new star exhibit: some super-pungent and cursed mummified camel dung!
16. Disgustosaurus
Air Date: 2011-12-28
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag announce that they need to find a Gross Out TV's in-house pet.
17. Flower Power
Air Date: 2012-04-02
The Team develop their very own and world's first Venus fart-trap called Fartson for the Fabulous Florabundance Festival.
18. Captain Maggotman
Air Date: 2012-04-02
Comic book fans from across the city are filing into the latest Annual Comic Convention, and Gross Out TV is there!
19. Raining Cats and Bogs
Air Date: 2012-04-03
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag decide to become Gross Out storm-chasers when a series of bizarre and disgusting weather events hit the city.
20. Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Scum
Air Date: 2012-04-03
Gross Out TV dress up in pirate costumes for the opening of Pirate World theme park and join the Treasure Hunt for a Golden Toilet.
21. The Great Mold Rush
Air Date: 2012-04-04
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag are filming at a dude ranch which is right near the site of the Great Mold Rush.
22. On Her Majesty's Secret Toilet
Air Date: 2012-04-04
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag are recruited by the Ministry of Grime to investigate super villain and jail escapee Theodore Flushman.
23. Dinner Crime
Air Date: 2012-04-05
Fleabag is hired as a chef at world famous La Eatery, but Dr. Spamflex has a plan to destroy his career with a secret ingredient.
24. Pet Shop of Doom
Air Date: 2012-04-05
Hippopotopig, Rhinocerfrog - gross-out mingle pets are all the craze! Fleabag and friends decide to create their own.
25. Cockroach Safari
Air Date: 2012-04-06
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag have been busy in the garden - creating the first-ever Mini-Beast Gross Out Safari Park.
26. The Really Abominable Snowman
Air Date: 2012-04-06
It's been snowing for a whole week! The perfect time for Gross Out TV to find evidence of The Really Abominable Snowman.
27. Escape from Alcatrash
Air Date: 2012-04-09
Gross out TV are on their way to the prison island of Alcatrash to get footage for their TV show, however strange rumblings are afoot.
28. Maggotman the Movie
Air Date: 2012-04-09
When the Team hear the news that there is a Captain Maggotman film in the making staring Bruce Tungsten they just have to get involved!
29. Sk8er Ape
Air Date: 2012-04-10
Fleabag brings a whole new audience to Gross Out TV as he wows the crowds with his gross-out skateboard moves.
30. Goldenfry
Air Date: 2012-04-10
At the unveiling of a star on the Walk of Fame for their favorite actor from the Max Gadget movies, the boys get a 'License to Spill'!
31. Captain Lugworm's Deadliest Catch
Air Date: 2012-04-11
Captain Lugworm is back, and he's searching the Grossific Ocean for the worlds biggest, grossest fish.
32. Planet of the Fleas
Air Date: 2012-04-11
Fleabag Monkeyface and the gang go on a space shuttle press junket to film the first space-proof space shuttle toilet!
33. War of the Noses
Air Date: 2012-04-12
The school is planning to stage a re-enactment of the grossest battle in history - the 'War of the Noses'.
34. The Lion, the Witch and the Toilet
Air Date: 2012-04-12
The museum is home to a strange and mysterious ornate old toilet that is said to be a portal to a strange, mysterious gross land - Banarnia.
35. Surfin' Squidiocy
Air Date: 2012-04-13
Fleabag is filming live from the beach and holds an amazing 'on-board' interview with world champion stinky seaweed surfer Wiffy Ryder!
36. Save the Snail
Air Date: 2012-04-13
Gerald, Gene and Fleabag are in Bogmarsh Swamp on the trail of the highly endangered three headed Mega-Snail.
37. Yucky-ee-Splat
Air Date: 2012-09-03
The boys can't get enough of the new Japanese collectible craze is sweeping through the city - Yuck-ee-Splat.
38. Pet Idol
Air Date: 2012-09-03
Fleabag decides to enter his pet fleas into Pet Idol - the hit show where pets compete by showing off their talent to a huge audience.
39. King Solomon's Fungus
Air Date: 2012-09-04
Gross Out TV have pulled off another coup - an interview with internationally acclaimed fungologists Bjork Tulip.
40. Fleabag Monkey-Fitness
Air Date: 2012-09-04
Fleabag Monkey-Fitness consisting of Earwax Sit-ups and more becomes such a hit that a live fitness event is organized by Gross Out TV.
41. Wake Up and Smell the Grotty
Air Date: 2012-09-05
With a great new morning time slot for Gross Out TV, their new show 'Good Morning Gross Out' is proving to be a huge hit.
42. The Leaning Tower of Pizza
Air Date: 2012-09-05
Fleabag and friends build a huge tower for Fleabag to practice his aerials from, but Dr. Spamflex has plans to bring it tumbling down!
43. I Screams All Round!
Air Date: 2012-09-06
Ken & Perry, famous gross out ice cream makers want to unveil a brand-new flavor, created by Fleabag Monkeyface!
44. Underpants on the Catwalk
Air Date: 2012-09-06
When Fleabag is running late for a meeting at the studio he accidentally puts his underpants on his head and starts a trend!
45. The Karate Slug
Air Date: 2012-09-07
Gross Out TV holds a Gross Combat Night, where Fleabag, an expert in Tae Kwon Gross, takes on all-comers.
46. There's a Fly in My Celebrity Soup!
Air Date: 2012-09-07
Gross Out TV's 'Celebrity Soup' is the hottest thing on television: Z-list celebs dress up as vegetables to be filmed in a vast bowl of moldy soup.
47. Return of the Dung Zombies
Air Date: 2012-09-10
It's Ancient Egypt Week at school and Gross Out TV have managed to borrow the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Smellypotty the 19th from the City museum.
48. Down on the Slug Farm
Air Date: 2012-09-10
Gross Out TV is presenting a hit series of programmes from Gerald's garden where they have set up a slug farm.
49. Interview with a Monkey
Air Date: 2012-09-11
Fleabag has an exclusive interview with the TV Network's top news reporter Samantha Korny.
50. Flushed with Success
Air Date: 2012-09-11
Gross Out TV is doing a series of shows devoted to toilets throughout history and welcome ideas from viewers for new futuristic toilets.
51. Gross Encounters of the Third Kind
Air Date: 2012-09-12
Gross Out TV has been in the City Park trying to capture footage of a UFO that is shaped remarkably like a diaper.
52. Welcome to the Bone Age
Air Date: 2012-09-12
Gross Out TV is presenting a show all about the gross aspects of life in the Stone Age - no toilets, no toilet paper!
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Release Date
52 (1 seasons)