An Bronntanas

An Bronntanas

A lifeboat crew discovers millions of euros worth of drugs on a fishing boat off the coast of Ireland.


1. Filleann an Deoraí (Return of the Exile)

Air Date: 2014-10-23

A local sea rescue team finds a sinking boat with a dead woman on board. The crew also find a large bag of drugs. A decision is made and the drugs are brought off the sinking boat leaving the woman behind.

2. An Gaol Nach Séanfar

Air Date: 2014-10-30

The arrival of Inspector Fiachra Greene, son of local police Sergeant Sean Óg, to investigate the woman’s murder shocks JJ and his other rescue members. JJ was not expecting to see his old friend nor was he expecting him to head the murder squad, worse JJ realizes that he cannot trust his brother or Jakub.

3. Fish Fingers

Air Date: 2014-11-06

Inspector Fiachra Greene is a different kind of cop. At the morgue he begins to get surreal images of the murder. Does Fiachra Greene know more than he admits? Elsewhere, two thugs visit the village in order to get their cargo, for information they attack JJ’s Mother and kidnap Macdara.

4. Cúramaí Teaghlaigh

Air Date: 2014-11-13

Fiachra realizes he will get exposed by the forensic team and loses patience. Sean Óg is becoming more and more suspicious of events in his small village. When the An Bronntanas burns Sean Óg must decide should he uphold the law or not?

5. Cúig Soicind Eile

Air Date: 2014-11-20

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Release Date



5 (1 seasons)



