Nature Cat

Nature Cat

Nature Cat can’t wait to get outside for a day of backyard nature excursions and bravery! But there’s one problem; he’s still a house cat with no real instincts for nature. That doesn’t stop this passionate and curious feline, who loves learning and experiencing all he can about nature.

Action & AdventureAnimationKids


Heartthrob Hamster

1. Heartthrob Hamster

Air Date: 2015-11-25

Nature Cat’s family is pet-sitting their neighbor’s super cute hamster, Sir Galahad. But when Hal “accidentally” knocks the top off the cage, Sir Galahad runs away, claiming he’ll never go back in the cage, ever! Tally ho! It’s up to Nature Cat and the gang to track down Sir Galahad, and get him in his cage before the owners get back.


2. Astronuts

Air Date: 2015-11-25

Nature Cat has a dream, to be first cat to walk on the moon. Daisy, Squeeks and Hal have always wanted to go to the moon too so they are in! But there’s one slight problem…how do they get to the moon? Daisy has an idea - they can build a rocket ship! Onward and yonward to the moon!

Muck Amok

3. Muck Amok

Air Date: 2015-11-27

Squeeks’ cousin Marvin needs big-time help, right away! His marsh home is in danger of flooding! Tally ho! Nature Cat and his pals are called into action to investigate and figure out how to stop the flooding before more animals are forced to leave their marsh homes.

Follow Those Footprints

4. Follow Those Footprints

Air Date: 2015-11-27

Tally ho, it’s Nature Art Day! An extremely excited Nature Cat proudly unveils his latest nature masterpiece – a statue of himself made out of acorns. But there’s a slight problem: the statue’s acorn head is gone! Uh-oh, where’d it go?!

Breezy Rider

5. Breezy Rider

Air Date: 2015-11-30

Nature Cat and his pals are enjoying a windy day by flying kites in the park. But the merriment takes a turn when a strong gust of wind blows Squeeks’ kite up into the sky with Squeeks still holding onto it! Nature Cat, Daisy and Hal snap to action, chasing the kite to get Squeeks, tally ho!

Swamp Thing

6. Swamp Thing

Air Date: 2015-11-30

Daisy is determined to find out once and for all if the legendary creature, Swamp Thing, is real or not. Squeeks, Hal, Daisy and a terrified Nature Cat head out to the swamp to investigate the sights, sounds and smells to get actual proof if Swamp Thing really exists. Yikes!

The Treasure of Bad Dog Bart

7. The Treasure of Bad Dog Bart

Air Date: 2015-12-07

While digging a hole to bury his bone, Hal uncovers Bad Dog Bart's treasure map. Legend has it that Bag Dog Bart stole the neighborhood dogs' toys, and buried them in a treasure chest for himself! No fair! Nature Cat and his pals must decipher the map so they can right this wrong, find Bad Dog Bart's treasure chest and return all of the stolen dog toys! Tally ho!

Pet Sounds

8. Pet Sounds

Air Date: 2015-12-07

The Nature Cat Band is ready for The Battle of the Pet Bands! They’ve been practicing for weeks and cannot wait to compete! But right before the band battle is set to begin, a mishap launches all of their instruments into the ocean! How can they make music and compete with no instruments? Oh no!

Cave Conundrum

9. Cave Conundrum

Air Date: 2015-12-14

While playing catch, Hal’s beloved flying disc Harold is accidentally flung into a cave. Oh no! Hal is so worried for his toy! Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and Hal must venture into the cave to find Harold, and along the way learn a little bit about cave exploration.

Daisy's Colossal Fossil

10. Daisy's Colossal Fossil

Air Date: 2015-12-14

While digging in her garden, Daisy unearths a giant fossil, which belonged to a Wooly Mammoth! Wondering about what life was like back then leads Daisy’s imagination to take over as she and her pals go back to explore prehistoric times!

There's Gold in Them Thar Hills

11. There's Gold in Them Thar Hills

Air Date: 2015-12-28

Squeeks accidentally finds a small nugget of gold in the park stream, but then she inadvertently loses it! To make her feel better, Nature Cat ventures back to the stream to do all he can to try and find another piece of gold for Squeeks.

Nature Cat and Mr. Hide

12. Nature Cat and Mr. Hide

Air Date: 2015-12-28

Nature Cat hopes to finally beat Ronald at the Neighborhood Hide ‘N’ Seek Championship – Cat Edition. His chances for victory improve when his pals introduce him to what a lot of animals use in the wild: camouflage. Can Nature Cat master camouflage and stay hidden in plain sight to capture the crown? Not if Ronald has his say!

Where Have All the Butterflies Gone

13. Where Have All the Butterflies Gone

Air Date: 2016-01-11

Oh no! A long-awaited play date with Daisy’s butterfly friends is at risk because there are no flowers around for the butterflies to feed on. When all seems lost, Nature Cat steps up to save the day. He and his pals decide to build a new butterfly garden before the butterflies have to fly off.

For the Birdies!

14. For the Birdies!

Air Date: 2016-01-11

With winter approaching, and the neighborhood birds’ food sources dwindling, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Hal and Daisy set out to build bird feeders, to give the birds a much needed food boost for the winter months. But building the feeders and setting out the food is much easier said than done!

Stream and Shout

15. Stream and Shout

Air Date: 2016-01-18

Nature Cat goes to his Nature Curiosity List for inspiration, and finds it at number 73: “Where do streams begin?”. This seemingly simple question leads the gang on an action-packed adventure.

Hal's Day Off

16. Hal's Day Off

Air Date: 2016-01-18

After a silly mishap leaves Hal alone in the big city, it’s up to Nature Cat, Squeeks and Daisy to make their way to the city and find Hal! Tally ho!

Tally Ho! A Rainbow

17. Tally Ho! A Rainbow

Air Date: 2016-01-18

After a rainstorm, Daisy wants to capture a picture of a rainbow for her Granny Bunny who just loves rainbows! But finding a rainbow is easier said than done!

Travelin' Seeds

18. Travelin' Seeds

Air Date: 2016-01-18

When Daisy finds a beautiful flower in her garden that she didn’t plant, it’s up to Nature Cat and his pals to find out where the flower came from.

Ants Revolution

19. Ants Revolution

Air Date: 2016-01-19

A surprise picnic for Squeeks turns into a cheesecake chase scene, as ants steal Squeeks’ surprise dessert! Nature Cat and his pals try to get the dessert back for Squeeks, but watch as the ants bring the cheesecake down into their ant hill!

Tide Pool Tough

20. Tide Pool Tough

Air Date: 2016-01-19

A day at the beach is not so fun for Nature Cat as he watches his pals having tons of fun surfing in the ocean.

Hooray, It's Arbor Day

21. Hooray, It's Arbor Day

Air Date: 2016-01-20

While celebrating Arbor Day and their love for trees over in the forest, a heavy wind blows Squeeks’ favorite climbing tree halfway over. It’s up to Nature Cat and his pals to try and save the tree for Squeeks, for all the critters that live in the tree, and for Arbor Day!

Goodnight Gracie

22. Goodnight Gracie

Air Date: 2016-01-20

Squeeks’ play date with her pal Gracie the toad has to be cut short because it’s time for Gracie to hibernate for the winter.

23. Love You, Michael Bluejáy

Air Date: 2016-01-21

When Nature Cat and his pals hear that their favorite singer Michael Bluejáy will be performing a concert later in the day, they are so there! But the concert is all the way at the end of Sundown hiking path, and they’ve never been there. Nature Cat leads his pals on an adventure to get to the concert, but forgets about rule number one: don’t stray from the hiking path!

24. Ze Worm Whisperer

Air Date: 2016-01-21

Daisy needs help getting her new garden ready for planting! She needs worms, lots of them, to live in the soil to keep it healthy! But since Nature Cat is scared of worms another superhero comes on the scene to lend a paw in finding worms, Hal’s alter-ego Ze Worm Whisperer!

Happy Halentine's Day!

25. Happy Halentine's Day!

Air Date: 2016-02-02

It's Valentine's Day, Hal's most favorite holiday of all! And to celebrate, every year Hal shows his love by handing out cards, flowers and candy to all of his Valentine’s, ending with a super special delivery of love to his mommy!

The Groundhog Way

26. The Groundhog Way

Air Date: 2016-02-02

It’s Groundhog Day! Today the Groundhog should tell our pals if Spring will come early or if Winter will stay around longer.

Star Gazers

27. Star Gazers

Air Date: 2016-02-18

Nature Cat, Daisy, Squeeks and Hal are so excited for tonight! They are going star gazing and are hoping to see some shooting stars! They are all ready, they have their blankets and pillows and hot cocoa and a star map of the sky! There’s only one thing they didn’t count on – Nature Cat falling asleep!

A Jump to Remember

28. A Jump to Remember

Air Date: 2016-02-18

Nature Cat has been trying to get into the Animal Book Of World Records forever, and it looks like he is down to his last chance as he tries to be the champion animal snow ski jumper.

29. Earth Day Today

Air Date: 2016-04-25

It's Earth Day today! Hooray! To celebrate, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and Hal go on a nature hike over to Butterfly Hills. But they don't get too far because they keep running into plastic bags blowing in the wind. Upon closer inspection, they see these plastic bags come from a local supermarket, so Nature Cat calls for a change in Earth Day plans. Now they will celebrate Earth Day by alerting the supermarket of their plastic bag problem!

30. Earth Day Every Day

Air Date: 2016-04-25

With an earth-friendly alternative in place for the supermarket plastic bag problem, Nature Cat and his pals look to get back to their Earth Day hike celebration but are once again sidetracked. This time it's by a plastic bottle floating in a stream. Trying to get this one plastic bottle out of nature and into a recycling can takes them on a perilous, action-packed journey through the waterways, ending up in the ocean where they see more plastic waste! But it's also where they learn that Earth Day is every day.

31. Kingdom of Rotting Log

Air Date: 2016-04-26

Sound the royal horns! Baa-baaa-baaaa! Today, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Hal and Daisy want to build their royal castle in the woods, for a day of royal play! But the build doesn't go so smoothly because there is a rotting log in the way of where they want to put their castle.

32. Can You Dig It?

Air Date: 2016-04-26

Today, Nature Cat and his pals look to answer question number 73 on Nature Cat's Nature Curiosity List: if they keep digging a hole deeper and deeper, where will they end up? With the help of Daisy's homemade Earthbreaker One machine and their imaginations, our gang goes onward and downward, through the earth, and winds up somewhere very surprising.

Mud Love

33. Mud Love

Air Date: 2016-04-27

To bring Hal’s dream of Mud Appreciation Day to fruition, all his pals must lend a muddy hand, collecting different kinds of mud and setting up for the super fun and super messy celebration.

34. Call It a Night

Air Date: 2016-04-27

While playing flashlight tag at night, Nature Cat’s hat falls off his head onto the ground, and then surprises everyone by scattering off into the dark night!

Woodpecker Picks a Place

35. Woodpecker Picks a Place

Air Date: 2016-04-28

Nature Cat’s band practice keeps getting interrupted by a loud knocking on Hal’s doghouse. Upon investigating, the gang finds a woodpecker pecking away at Hal’s roof!

36. Here Comes the Sun

Air Date: 2016-04-28

Today Nature Cat leads his pals on an amazing adventure to go see the Golden Sunstone! All is going well on the trek over until Nature Cat accidentally breaks the compass!

37. The Great Grasshopper Race

Air Date: 2016-05-23

Hal's grasshopper buddy Dustin Hopman will be competing today in the Great Grasshopper Race. Hal has been training him, and now there is no doubt that Dustin is ready to go! But before the race starts, Dustin inexplicably hops off into the woods. It's up to the gang to find Dustin and bring him back before the race starts.

38. Fall for Hal

Air Date: 2016-05-23

The first day of fall is Hal's favorite day of the year. It's when he always goes on his First Day of Fall Scavenger Hunt. But there is a big problem this year. Hal is sick and can't get out of bed! When it looks like Hal is in for some major disappointment today, Nature Cat comes up with a great idea: they will bring fall, and all the items on his scavenger list, to Hal!

39. Playground-Palooza

Air Date: 2016-05-24

When Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy and Hal learn that their city dog friend Sadie is sad because she really misses playing with her friends out in nature, Nature Cat has a great idea to make her feel better. They will bring the nature fun to Sadie right in the middle of the city! The gang loves the idea, but there is one small question: how are they going to bring nature into the city?!

40. Small But Big

Air Date: 2016-05-24

Squeeks is so excited because today is The Small But Big Art Fair, and she is making a small but big masterpiece for it! The others are excited to go see it, but getting there proves to be difficult because the directions are really for small creatures and will require Daisy, Nature Cat and Hal to use magnifying glasses to help them get there.

41. Slime Time

Air Date: 2016-07-11

Nature Cat can't wait to play with his favorite yarn ball! But when he goes to take it out of its super secret hiding spot?'s gone?! Where could it be? The gang sets out to find the culprit and rescue Nature Cat's favorite toy. Along they way they find help from an unlikely slimey source. Onward and Yarnward!

42. Rock Stars

Air Date: 2016-07-11

Squeeks can't wait to show off her favorite rock at her Rock Stars meeting. She thinks she has a good chance to become The Rock Star of the Month! But things don't go as planned when Hal mistakes Squeeks' rock for a ball, causing the rock to roll away.

43. Gimme Shelter

Air Date: 2016-07-12

The gang cannot wait to get to Lookout Point, the premiere spot to watch sunsets! It's supposed to be beautiful and colorful! They run on, nothing can stop them now! Uh oh, spoke to soon! A change in the weather does stop them, as it gets really cloudy and windy! Squeeks thinks it's going to rain! Can the gang find shelter before the dastardly downpour? Tally ho!

44. Goin' Batty

Air Date: 2016-07-12

Nature Cat can't wait to get to Cocono Cave! At dusk the bats fly out all together into the early evening sky! It's supposed to be an amazing nature sight! But getting there proves to be a big problem for Nature Cat, who has a series of mishaps, leaving him to question his love of nature. Gasp! Oh no, say it isn't so!

45. The Legend of Gold Gardens

Air Date: 2016-07-13

Nature Cat and the gang uncover a map to The Gardens of Gold! Some say it's just a neighborhood legend, others say, it's "Sparkly gold as far as eyes can see, endless riches for you and me." There's only one way to find out the truth! Time for an adventure! But the adventure won't be easy, the way to The Gardens of Gold looks physically challenging there are a lot of tough obstacles. Will the gang make it to the treasure? Or will the Wall of Tall stand in their way?

46. Winter Dance Party

Air Date: 2016-07-13

Today is the Winter Solstice! It's the shortest day of the year! Daisy's family always celebrates the return of longer days with the Winter Solstice Dance Party, but there's one slight problem. Daisy forgot to get ready for the party and there's so much to do and so little time to do it! Will Daisy get the party ready for the Bunny Family to celebrate the Winter Solstice?!

47. Ice Is Nice

Air Date: 2016-07-14

A fun-filled day of ice-skating takes a turn when Nature Cat's beloved hot cocoa Hug Mug mysteriously breaks. But wait Ronald's favorite Bug Mug breaks too. Who would want to break not one but TWO mugs? Hal thinks there is a mug breaker around! Will the gang track down the Mug Breaker? Or will Ronald and Nature Cat never be able to enjoy hot cocoa on a cold day again?

48. Bird's Eye View

Air Date: 2016-07-14

Hal wakes from the greatest dream ever, he was a real live birdie, flying through the sky, diving into treetops, perching on branches! It was bird-errific! Hal would do anything to be a bird for just one day and Nature Cat will do anything to make his buddy's dream come true, but making Hal a bird won't be as easy as it seems! upco

49. Runaway Pumpkin

Air Date: 2016-10-10

Daisy has grown the biggest, most beautiful pumpkin and wants to get it to the Halloween Party. But getting this huge pumpkin there is easier said than done. Travel trouble isn't the only problem; their biggest challenge ends up being what to do with the pumpkins after Halloween.

50. Lady Bug Tough

Air Date: 2016-10-10

Uh oh, there is big trouble in Daisy's rose garden! The rose bushes should bloom into gorgeous, colorful roses but they're not, and it's all because of these tiny little aphids that are eating the leaves and damaging the roses! Noooooo! How do they stop them? Daisy calls in the expert - Granny Bunny - who says they need to find some tiny beetles called ladybugs. That should do the trick!

51. Stop That Squirrel

Air Date: 2017-01-02

Oh yeah! Nature Cat and his pals can't wait for a day of backyard bird watching! And Nature Cat has a sure-fire way to attract the birds - the bird feeder! But things take a turn when a grey squirrel named Cruiser breaks into the birdfeed and takes all the birdseed for himself. Squirrel Power! Can Nature Cat and the gang build a bird feeder that Cruiser can't conquer and save their day of backyard bird watching?

52. Onward and Pondward

Air Date: 2017-01-02

Nature Cat and his pals meet a Little Duckling who's in a hurry to leave his pond home - for good! But why would a Duckling want to leave such a beautiful place? It's pond-tastic! The truth is, the Duckling is scared of water! Water...why'd it have to be water? Maybe Nature Cat and the Duckling can try to overcome their fear of water together? Tally ho!

53. Appily Ever After

Air Date: 2017-01-03

It's Fall! Apple picking season! But Hal wants to know - how did the apples get up in the trees? An apple fairy? A magic spell? The internet? And how long does it take? Long time? Short time? No time? So many questions! That reminds Nature Cat of his all-time favorite nature story, which will help answer all of Hal's apple questions. It's time to tell Nature Cat's version of Johnny Appleseed!

54. Sound Off

Air Date: 2017-01-03

Man-oh-man! What's that noise?! Daisy keeps hearing the most annoying beeping sound and it's coming from across the lake. The terrible sound is even upsetting the lake fish and if it doesn't stop soon, the fish could be in big trouble! Can Nature Cat and his pals find where the rogue sound is coming from and stop the boisterous blaring beeps? Onward and soundward!

55. The Shell Game

Air Date: 2017-01-04

Nature Cat and his pals are ready to play Ronald in their five-player volleyball championship match of the world! They've been practicing all week and are so ready! There's only one problem: their fifth player, Herbert the Hermit Crab, is having a little shell trouble. His shell doesn't fit anymore and he can't play volleyball without one. Can Nature Cat and the gang find the perfect shell to protect Herbert's little crabby belly in time for the game? Or will they be forced to forfeit, making Ronald the champion?

56. Heron Food Blues

Air Date: 2017-01-04

It's the annual Net-A-Fish-And-Toss-It-Back-A-Thon over at the pond! But something's not right - Nature Cat and his pals have netted fish. Last year there were so many fish they couldn't net 'em fast enough. Where did all the fish go? The answer comes from an unlikely source - Flo the Heron, who lives at the pond and hasn't had a good fish dinner in days. Nature Cat will do whatever it takes to find some fish for Flo. Onward and fishward!

57. Spring Hunter 3000

Air Date: 2017-04-10

Spring has sprung! And it's now time for Daisy's favorite online game: Spring Hunter 3000! The goal of the game is to try and find as many signs of spring as possible: birds, flowers, you name it. The more you find, the more points you get. And whoever gets the most points is deemed the Queen or King of spring! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

58. The Case of the Missing Moon

Air Date: 2017-04-10

Hal is so so so sad! When he went to howl at the moon, like he does every night, the moon was? gone! But that's impossible! How does a moon just disappear? There has to be a logical explanation, right? Can Nature Cat and his pals find the missing moon? Or will Hal's nightly howls come to an end for good?

59. Mighty Mountain Climbers

Air Date: 2017-04-11

On a dare from Ronald, Nature Cat and his pals try to climb all the way up to The Mighty Mountain Peak. They get all the supplies they need, and head out, led by Nature Cat. But they soon find out that hiking up a mountain is hard, and poses many problems no matter how prepared you are. Will they make it all the way to the peak?!

Bug Eating Plants!

60. Bug Eating Plants!

Air Date: 2017-04-11

A super excited Squeeks shows her brand-new, homemade comic "Bug Eating Plants of The Swamp!" to her pals. As Squeeks begins to read the story, we see this action packed adventure played out, as tiny Nature Cat, Hal, Daisy and Squeeks must make their way through the swamp while trying to stay away from the Bug Eating Plants, which proves difficult for Tiny Hal!

61. The Flight of the Firefly

Air Date: 2017-04-12

While looking for fireflies in the backyard, Hal catches one so the gang can look closely at it and watch it glow. Hal names the firefly George and promises to watch it and hug it and then set it free which he does, but for some reason George doesn't want to fly away and hangs around Hal. George seems to have something on his mind. Since no one can communicate with a firefly, they call in Houston. With the help of his firefly communicator, they find out that George is lost and needs help finding the Firefly Fiesta!

62. Thunderstruck

Air Date: 2017-04-12

It's Nature Scrapbook Day today! Nature Cat and his pals are out in nature, taking photos, drawing pictures and collecting various aspects of nature to put in their nature scrapbook. Suddenly, a thunderstorm causes the gang to seek shelter in Hal's doghouse. As Nature Cat and his friends learn thunderstorms are nothing to be scared of, they also are able to see the beauty of thunderstorms, which become the last entry in their scrapbook.

63. Plants Got the Moves

Air Date: 2017-04-13

Daisy has being getting ready for months for the Animal Science Fair, which is later on in the woods. Man-oh-man is Daisy ready with her terrific exhibit, which shows how bean seeds grow. But before going to the fair, a gust of wind blows, knocking over her science fair project and ruining it. Daisy needs help to try and find another science project to exhibit at the Animal Science Fair and gets inspiration from an unlikely source: plants that move!

64. Magnet Mania

Air Date: 2017-04-13

You ever hear of Ole' Lucky the Lodestone? Well, it's only the biggest magnetic rock the word's ever seen that can attract things with iron in it, and the final destination for the gang's celebration of Magnet Mania! But there is one problem, how do they go North to get to Ole' Lucky when they have no compass?

65. Return to Mighty Mountain

Air Date: 2017-04-14

There is no giving up for Nature Cat and his pals. After failing to reach the peak of the Mighty Mountains, they are going to try to hike all the way up again! But this time, they have a surprise: help from an unlikely, yet extremely experienced, mountain climber to guide them - Granny Bunny!

66. Welcome to the Vernal Pond

Air Date: 2017-04-14

While playing in the woods, Nature Cat and his pals come across Fern, a spotted salamander who just so happens to be pregnant, and ready to have her babies! But she needs help getting to the safest spot in the woods to have her babies, the vernal pond. Nature Cat knows these woods like the back of his hand, and he has never heard of or seen the vernal pond. Fern cannot wait to show them why!

Ocean Commotion

67. Ocean Commotion

Air Date: 2017-06-19

Get ready for the Nature Cat aquatic event of the summer! After Hal's favorite toy falls down a storm drain, Nature Cat and the gang go on a quest to retrieve it – and learn about how our waterways are all connected! Nature Cat and the gang also make a new friend in Nature Dog, a new special friend who helps them navigate the oceans.

68. The Queen of the Night

Air Date: 2017-09-11

Sweet jumping gerbils! Tonight is the one night a year that the Queen of the Night cactus blooms but the flower only lasts for a few hours! Daisy has always wanted to go to the desert to see it. But to find the flower in the great big desert - and in time - Nature Cat and the gang are sure going to need some help from new friends.

69. Space Rocks

Air Date: 2017-09-11

Nature Cat and his pals are on a top-secret, extremely important mission to find a real space rock for Squeeks' rock collection. Finding a real space rock is not the easiest thing in the world to do, in fact it's very hard, but that doesn't deter Nature Cat and the gang from looking all over the four corners of their neighborhood!

70. Croak and Swagger

Air Date: 2017-09-12

Nature Cat leads his friends to the pond for a day of listening to one of the most amazing spring sounds: the bullfrog croak! At the pond, amid the bullfrog croaks, the gang hears another sound: someone crying! Nature Cat finds the cries coming from Warren the Bullfrog, who is very sad because he doesn't know how to croak. What kind of bullfrog is he? It's up to Nature Cat and his pals to help Warren get his croak back!

71. Puddle Pool Party

Air Date: 2017-09-12

Squeeks is so excited because today she has invited her pals to a puddle in the woods for a Puddle Pool Party! Arriving in the woods with their bathing suits on and pool toys at the ready, the gang finds a big problem, the puddle is gone! Squeeks is heartbroken, she really had her mind set on a puddle pool party. Where did the puddle go?

72. The Glow Games

Air Date: 2017-09-13

Here we go again, Ronald! Tonight Ronald challenges Nature Cat and his friends to compete in the Glow Games! The first team to find three bioluminescent creatures wins the game as well as the Golden Glow Trophy! Nature Cat and his pals are ready to compete; they are not scared of Ronald!

73. Have a Grape Day

Air Date: 2017-09-13

Man-oh-man-oh-man! It's Grape Day! Hooray! Led by Squeeks, the gang is on their way to the grape patch because today the grapes will finally be ripe and ready to eat! Squeeks cannot wait for grape tacos, grape fricassee, grape suzette, grape flambe! But all their excitement comes screeching to a halt when the gang sees the sight before them: the whole grape patch has been overtaken by weeds, everywhere! How could this have happened?

74. Flamingo-A-Go-Go

Air Date: 2017-09-14

While playing a game of nature I-spy, Squeeks spies something... pink?! Pink? What in nature is pink? Upon a closer look, the gang finds the source of the pink color, Lola, a flamingo who lost her flock while they were on their way to a new home. Lola doesn't remember where their new home was going to be! It's up to Nature Cat and his pals to find Lola's new home, while learning a little bit about flamingos along the way.

75. What a Tangled Web

Air Date: 2017-09-14

Oh no, Nature Cat is really sad today! It seems that someone has been taking all his cat toys, most recently Mr. Silly Sock! How can they find out who the cat toy thief is? Daisy gets an idea to catch the thief, inspired by Wanda the spider who has a web in Daisy's garden.

76. The Shellersons

Air Date: 2017-09-15

On a trip to Barrel Cactus National Park to enjoy nature in all its glorious splendor, Nature Cat and his pals encounter Shelby, a very sad desert tortoise. Today is Shelby's Shellerson Family Reunion party, but none of the other Shellerson members have shown up! Nature Cat vows to help Shelby and find his family members.

77. Only the Shadow Knows

Air Date: 2017-09-15

As Daisy, Hal and Squeeks are having a blast making shadow puppets, Nature Cat is just sitting in a tree, watching and waiting, waiting and watching. For what?

1. Moth Frolic-Fest

Air Date: 2018-01-01

Hal can't believe it! While he was at the groomers, Hal missed out on a Full-Out, Butterfly Frolic- Fest, and now he has a frolic itch that just needs to be scratched! Trouble is it's dusk and butterflies are only active during the day. There are no butterflies around? Say it isn't so! But don't worry because the gang has a sweet idea! Moths come out at night and they frolic! Maybe they can find a moth for Hal to frolic with.

2. Dune Patrol

Air Date: 2018-01-01

Nature Cat and his pals are at the beach playing a game of catch when their flying disk accidentally lands on top of a sandy hill. Whoopsie! As they all start to race up the hill, a cute little Plover stops them in their tracks. She explains that the sandy hill is actually a sand dune and it's very important and needs protection. Nature Cat and his pals promise to make sure that no one ruins the sand dunes. Dune Patrol, ho!!

3. Stop and Hear the Cicadas

Air Date: 2018-01-02

Today is the day of the Nature Quiz game show and Daisy has been studying non-stop! But while on the way to the quiz, the gang hears a spooky scary noise in the forest that stops them in their tracks. What could it be?! And where is it coming from?! Nature Cat is convinced the forest is haunted. Daisy thinks there must be a more logical explanation. Time for a little scientific investigation! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

4. Cold-Blooded

Air Date: 2018-01-02

Man-oh-man! Something keeps knocking over Daisy's precious Pinecone Pals! Maybe it's the wind? Hal knows exactly who can protect the Pinecone Pals! Police officer Captain Pino Pineaconi, he's a Pinecone of Law! But when the gang returns from a fun game of hide-and-go-seek, they find the Pinecone Pals knocked over again! Who keeps doing this?! Captain Pino thinks its time to launch an investigation and the good captain is right! Time to look for clues. Tally ho!

5. Lights Out for Sea Turtles

Air Date: 2018-01-03

Nature Cat and his pals are camping out on the beach! Sweet! While they're looking for seashells they run into Squeeks sea turtle friend, Celia, who just laid more than one hundred eggs. Squeeks wants to see the baby sea turtles up close and watch them run to the ocean. She hears the cuteness factor is off the charts! Celia's eggs won't hatch for a while, but she says there are lots of other nests on the beach and some of the eggs are bound to hatch tonight. Best. Beach. Campout. EVER! Time to find a sea turtle nest!

6. Nature Art

Air Date: 2018-01-03

Today is the day of Hal's Aunt Riva's Nature Art Festival and Aunt Riva has a surprise. She's inviting Hal, Nature Cat, Squeeks and Daisy to be part of her Nature Art show. Hooray! Aunt Riva encourages everyone to let their creative juices flow and create their own nature art. The pressure quickly gets to Nature Cat and he's worried he'll never be inspired to make any nature, but Nature Cat just needs to take Aunt Riva's advice. He needs to relax and soak up nature. That should lead to inspiration! Onward and artward!

7. Houston's Outdoor Adventure

Air Date: 2018-01-04

Houston's cousin Nigel is coming to visit next week all the way from England. Nigel wants to join Houston on one of his famous nature adventures. Daisy suggests Houston take Nigel on The Tough Track Adventure, a nature obstacle course happening the day that Nigel arrives. But Houston has a problem he's never been on an actual nature adventure before. He only assists his friends with their nature needs using his computer. How can he get ready for a nature adventure in a week? Never fear! Nature Cat and the gang will help!

8. Hotel Hal

Air Date: 2018-01-04

During band practice, some unexpected guests interrupt. Papa and Mama Vole (and all their young'uns) pop up to see if they can bunk with Hal. They're having a little problem at their burrow so they need to find shelter. Hal is happy to have the company at first, but when the voles start to take over and eat all his plants, it's time to ask the voles to leave. Easier said than done, as getting the voles back in their home sets off a chain reaction of other animal habitat problems!

9. Let's Talk Turkey Vulture

Air Date: 2018-04-23

It's a crisp autumn day and Nature Cat and his pals are raking leaves in their backyard when a large creepy shadow suddenly covers them. Nature Cat looks up to see big bald birds swooping over their heads. What are those things? And what do they want? Ahhhh! The scary birds come down to introduce themselves as Tammy and Tobias. The gang learns that they're turkey vultures, and despite their intimidating appearance, they come in peace, man!

10. Prescription: Nature

Air Date: 2018-04-23

Hal has been inside his doghouse all week trying to build a Squeak-a-saurus Rex, a model Tyrannosaurs Rex built completely out of squeak toys. It's gonna be fabuladocious! But every time he's about to be finished, the model breaks apart, making Hal very frustrated and tired. He'll never get his Squeak-a-saurus Rex finished!! Dr. Daisy has the remedy. A dose of nature should do the trick! It's time for Hal to take a break and go outside!

Enter the Dragonfly

11. Enter the Dragonfly

Air Date: 2018-04-24

Nature Cat and his pals are assembled in Ye Olde Kingdom of the Backyard to play. The Knights of Nature! Huzzah! When Ronald sees their shiny Knights of Nature helmets, he's entranced and wants one of his own. But not so fast, Ronald! Nature Cat explains that in order to wear a helmet, Ronald must become a Knight of Nature by going on a quest, and his quest is to find a dragonfly! Huzzah!

12. Water Woes

Air Date: 2018-04-24

Daisy's whole garden isn't looking so good. The plants are all droopy and way smaller than last year. Daisy explains that the reason is because they are in a drought, which means it hasn't rained in a while. And since it hasn't rained, her rain barrel, which she uses to water her plants, is totally empty. Even other woodland creatures are thirsty and looking for water because of the drought. Man oh man! Nature Cat and the gang have to do something to help, but they can't make it rain! What they can do is learn to conserve water!

13. Garden Impossible

Air Date: 2018-04-25

It's a beautiful spring day when Daisy gets an urgent video chat from her best gardening pal, Petunia, who has moved to the city. Petunia has gotten herself into a quite a pickle. The Urban Gardening Club is coming to consider her for club membership in a month. Only trouble is, she doesn't have a garden, and she doesn't know how to grow one in the city. If she can't become a member of the Urban Gardening Club, she doesn't know what she'll do. Not to worry! No garden is impossible for Daisy and her pals! Time to build a city garden! Tally ho!

14. Agents of the Great Outdoors

Air Date: 2018-04-25

The Agents of the Great Outdoors are on a super-secret spy mission! Shhh! They're going undercover to find out if the noises animals make are their own way of talking to each other, and whoever finds the answer will get the Golden Badge of Honor. Ooooh! It's so golden and so badge-y and all at the same time. The Agents of the Great Outdoors are on the case! Time to find out if animals communicate!

15. Bunyan Trouble

Air Date: 2018-11-12

Squeeks tells a story about how Nature Cat and the gang (as the Tree Scouts) prevented Little Paulie Bunyan Jr. from cutting the redwood trees down.

16. Foggy Feat

Air Date: 2018-11-12

Nature Cat and the others go to see a spring sunrise for Granny Bunny, but a fog blocks the path.

17. Rights or Wrong

Air Date: 2018-11-13

Returning to the marsh, Nature Cat and his pals teach Ronald the importance of nature's rights.

18. Amazing Animals

Air Date: 2018-11-13

Nature Cat and his pals venture through the wintry forest to Granny Bunny's surprise, learning about the features of winter's animals along the way.

19. Backyard Bigfoot

Air Date: 2018-11-14

Squeeks believes that a "bigfoot" might be ruining her backyard campout party.

20. Imperfect Produce

Air Date: 2018-11-14

Everyone thinks Squeeks' bumped up carrots still tasted good on the day of the "Fall Festival and Crop Competition".

21. Man-Oh-Mangrove

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Nature Cat and the gang explore a mangrove forest to help a lost spiny lobster find its home, but can't seem to find the right one.

22. Northern Lights Sights

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Nature Cat and his pals struggle to find the Aurora Borealis as part of his Nature Curiosity List.

23. A Prickly Problem

Air Date: 2018-11-16

Nature Cat and the gang meet a porcupine.

24. A Shedtime Story

Air Date: 2018-11-16

Nature Cat fears his friends and other animals have the furry flu, but he learns that fur keeps animals warm.

25. The Big Bath Brouhaha

Air Date: 2019-02-18

When Hal gets dirty before a picture for Granny Bunny, the rest taught him about how some animals can bathe themselves.

26. Fossil Hunt

Air Date: 2019-02-18

Nature Cat and his pals must find a fossil for Squeeks' "Mousey Scouts" fossil badge.

27. Daisy's Wildflower Round-Up

Air Date: 2019-02-19

Daisy and the others play cowboys, going on an adventure to find three wildflowers.

28. A Party for Squeeks!

Air Date: 2019-02-19

Squeeks suffers the winter blues, so Nature Cat, Daisy, and Hal proceed to hold an "end of winter party", inviting several of her friends while getting ready.

29. Are You My Egg?

Air Date: 2019-02-20

Nature Cat and his pals set out to find a nest for a lost lizard.

30. SOS (Save Our Salad)

Air Date: 2019-02-20

Nature Cat and the gang try to think of solutions after his garden is taken over by Japanese beetles.

31. Snow Way to Keep Warm

Air Date: 2019-02-21

Nature Cat and the gang must save Hal's chew toy Mr. Chewinsky once again, this time under the snow.

32. So You Think You Know Nature

Air Date: 2019-02-21

When Nature Cat and his pals end up in a nature themed game show, he feels that he doesn't know much about mimicking in nature.

33. The Deal with Eels

Air Date: 2019-02-22

Nature Cat leads his pals to follow an eel on its long journey to Sargasso Sea.

34. Skip It!

Air Date: 2019-02-22

Through some persistence and courage, Nature Cat learns how to skip rocks while competing against Ronald for the "Rock Skipping Championship".

35. Wild Batts!

Air Date: 2019-04-15

Chris and Martin Kratt show up as Chris and Martin Batt as two wild bat brothers whose tree home is destroyed, forcing them to find a new shelter. Nature Cat and his pals who come to the rescue, helping Chris and Martin Batt by building them their brand new home.

36. No Bird Left Behind!

Air Date: 2019-04-15

Nature Cat and the gang endure on a high-flying airplane journey to get a Baltimore oriole to Honduras when he injured his wing.

37. Soil Turmoil

Air Date: 2019-04-16

The gang's vole friend Steve is upset because Ronald stole his burrow.

38. Wisteria Hysteria

Air Date: 2019-04-16

On her way to deliver some jumbo carrot muffins to Granny Bunny, Daisy and the others have to discover (along with a sad wolf) who is throwing seeds at them!

39. Nature Cat's Nature Stories

Air Date: 2019-04-17

Daisy has trouble trying to make up a silly nature story.

40. Pattern Problema

Air Date: 2019-04-17

Hal needs some help to finish decorating his doghouse for his mom.

1. Animal Rescue Crew / Nature of Dreams

Air Date: 2019-04-18

"Animal Rescue Crew": Nature Cat and his pals find an injured baby fox while playing Wild Animal Rescue. "Nature of Dreams": Hal has a plan to bring nature to Sadie after she hurts her paw and has to stay home. NOTE: In this episode, the "Not real animals" notice is not seen, and skips to the Nature Prize Surprise segment.

2. "Freezin' in the Summer Season / Total Eclipse of the Sun"

Air Date: 2019-04-19

"Freezin' in the Summer Season": Dark clouds threaten Nature Cat's annual Summer Fest, which includes the Summer Fest Sprinkler Frolic, a bike ride and a kickball game. "Total Eclipse of the Sun": Hal is afraid of the total eclipse of the Sun.

3. Onward and Song-ward / Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

Air Date: 2019-07-08

"Onward and Song-ward": In this musical story, the Woodstock Chella Palooza is approaching as Daisy tries to think of a song but doesn't know how it goes. "Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?": The gang is enjoying an afternoon with Granny Bunny in the pond when they notice turtles getting blocked by speeding cars while strolling.

4. Secrets of the Old Prairie / A Sticky Sweet Tree Treat

Air Date: 2019-07-10

"Secrets of the Old Prairie": The Agents of the Great Outdoors are on another mission to find six secrets in a national park. "A Sticky Sweet Tree Treat": It takes patience for Nature Cat and his pals to learn the process from sap to syrup.

5. Amber Rocks! / The Big Stink

Air Date: 2019-07-10

"Amber Rocks!": Daisy finds a piece of amber on the beach. "The Big Stink": While the gang prepares for Nature Cat's family reunion picnic, a huge stench takes over the yard.

6. Magical Mushroom Mystery Tour / A Midsummer Day's Dream

Air Date: 2019-07-11

"Magical Mushroom Mystery Tour": Squeeks and the rest learn about different types of mushrooms. "A Midsummer Day's Dream": Ronald gets bored of the Midsummer festivities and dreams about the day's celebration.

7. Great Salt Lake / The Praying Mantis Hunters

Air Date: 2020-05-11

"Great Salt Lake": Nature Cat and the others must cross the Great Salt Lake in order to see the Colossal Cat Monument. "The Praying Mantis Hunters": Daisy is making a movie about bugs, but the most important one she and the others are searching for is a praying mantis.

8. Tally Ho, A Volcano / No Rest for the Squeeky

Air Date: 2020-05-12

"Tally Ho, A Volcano!": Steve takes the gang on a journey to explore extinct and active volcanoes. "No Rest for the Squeeky": Squeeks decides to stay up all night and tries to prove to the others that not all animals sleep.

9. Niagara Falls / Nature Plant

Air Date: 2020-05-13

"Niagara Falls": The gang and Houston set out on a trip to Niagara Falls for Nature Cat's curiosity list. "Nature Plant": When Nature Cat gets increasingly tired while playing one day, he dozes off and has a dream about being a plant.

10. The Grand Mystery of the Grand Canyon / Strongest Show on Earth

Air Date: 2020-05-14

"The Grand Mystery of the Grand Canyon": Nature Cat and his pals are in the Grand Canyon where they discover how it was formed. "Strongest Show on Earth": Nature Cat and the others meet with a traveling troupe who hold a contest to find the strongest animal.

11. Under Pressure / Rainy Day

Air Date: 2020-05-15

"Under Pressure": The group, Ronald, and Grampy Donald visit Yellowstone to see the geysers. "Rainy Day": Nature Cat and his friends head outside to learn how some animals deal with rain.

12. Sweet Symbiosis / Strawberry Fields Forever

Air Date: 2020-06-04

"Sweet Symbiosis": On a trip to the tide pool, Nature Cat and his pals meet a hermit crab named Bridget who is scared of an octopus. "Strawberry Fields Forever": It's up to Nature Cat and his friends to think fast to keep the fresh strawberries from getting dried out so they can deliver them to Sadie.

13. More Than a Monkey Wrench / Trailblazers

Air Date: 2021-06-04

"More Than a Monkey Wrench": Nature Cat's Norwegian Navy Wrench isn't functioning as planned out during a hike, so his pals taught him about using tools from nature. "Trailblazers": The gang prepares to hike on a new trail that would lead to a special place.

14. Hal the Duck / The Crow-Lympics

Air Date: 2021-06-04

"Hal the Duck": When Hal finds a lone bird's egg, he and the others recruit Racer the Rescue Raccoon to find its nest and family. "The Crow-Lympics": In order to prove that he's smarter than birds, Ronald reluctantly decides to compete in the "Crow-Lympics".

15. What a Pearl / Wild Bee Motel

Air Date: 2021-06-04

"What a Pearl": Nature Cat and the others create the Happiest Hiking Trail for Pearl, a blind dog who is their newest neighbor. "Wild Bee Motel": Petunia needs some help when her green bean plants are un-pollinated due to no bees coming.

1. Nature Dance Party / Bad Dog Bart Jr.

Air Date: 2022-05-09

"Nature Dance Party": Everything is all set for Nature Cat's Nature Dance Party except for the music. "Bad Dog Bart Junior": The only way to get Nature Cat's new cat toy back is to follow a new treasure map devised by Bad Dog Bart's daughter, Bad Dog Bart Junior.

2. Rock Clues / Sweet Scent

Air Date: 2022-05-10

"Rock Clues": Squeeks' magnifying glass for the Rock Stars Club goes missing. "Sweet Scent": The gang tracks down a huge sweet scent.

3. The Leaf Fairy / Midge Over Troubled Water

Air Date: 2022-05-11

"The Leaf Fairy": Hal wants to find a Leaf Fairy to prevent autumn leaves from falling. "Midge Over Troubled Water": Nature Cat tries to prevent a cloud of midges from pestering his waterskiing stunts.

4. The Nature Nap Dilemma / Captain Nature Cat’s Wild River Adventure

Air Date: 2022-05-12

"The Nature Nap Dilemma": The gang learns about dams while trying to find a place for a nap. "Captain Nature Cat’s Wild River Adventure": The gang embark on a raft journey to return an oyster named Elroy to his estuary on the wild river.

5. Agents of the Great Outdoors: City and True Love Edition / The Nature-tastic Four

Air Date: 2022-06-16

"Agents of the Great Outdoors: City and True Love Edition": The gang sets out to the city to deliver a letter to a possum’s wife. "The Nature-tastic Four": Houston becomes a villain and the gang has to prevent him from capturing the sun.

6. The Petrified Wood Mystery / Nature Buddy Clubhouse

Air Date: 2022-09-19

"The Petrified Wood Mystery": Daisy and her pals travel back in time to learn about petrified wood with an old woodchuck named Jeremiah. "Nature Buddy Clubhouse": The gang gathers some supplies to build their own clubhouse.

7. Moss Mouse / Leaf Moving Machine Mayhem

Air Date: 2022-09-20

"Moss Mouse": Squeeks proclaims herself queen when she and the others find moss in the forest. "Leaf Moving Machine Mayhem": Nature Cat recounts the story of the past about how he as a kitten and his young friends worked together to prevent Ronald and the pollution of leaf blowers.

8. Daddy Long Legs / Outerspace Detectives

Air Date: 2022-09-21

"Daddy Long Legs": Once again, the Agents of the Great Outdoors are on another mission, this time to know a daddy longlegs. "Outerspace Detectives": The gang and Ronald launch themselves into outer space when they believe that a monster has eaten half of the moon.

9. Saving Seeds / Onward and Mossward

Air Date: 2022-09-22

"Saving Seeds": The group tries to find ways to enjoy their favorite sunflower when the growing season ends. "Onward and Mossward": Nature Cat and his pals learn about where moss can grow when they get lost and an eagle steals their map.

10. Outdoor Nature Warrior / Hide and Go Screech

Air Date: 2022-09-23

"Outdoor Nature Warrior": The gang keeps themselves cool to pass the Outdoor Nature Warrior challenge. "Hide and Go Screech": A new friend, a screech owl named Screechy, joins the gang for a great game of hide and seek.

1. The Legend of Cowboy Kitty / The Corn Conundrum

Air Date: 2023-04-17

"The Legend of Cowboy Kitty": Quentin Bearantino's newest Western movie with Nature Cat in the lead role is in need of a cactus for the desert background. "The Corn Conundrum": Nature Cat and his pals visit Hugo's farm to revive a dry cornfield.

2. Window Worries / The Pinecone Genie

Air Date: 2023-04-18

"Window Worries": The gang helps Brooks fly safe and free when he accidentally lands on Sadie's window. "The Pinecone Genie": Things get chaotic when wolves are wished out of existence by the gang in Mystic Pinecone Park.

3. The Parade of Pets / Hal's Pals

Air Date: 2023-04-19

"Parade of Pets": While organizing a parade, Nature Cat finds a way with his pals to improvise in pulling the floats. "Hal's Pals": The gang is on the case to discover what happened to Hal's pond pals, but Nature Cat prefers to play ice hockey.

4. Living on the Edge / Wild World of Wild Play in the Wild

Air Date: 2023-04-20

"Living on the Edge": The Lawn Bowling Championship is about to get underway when the gang notices an edge habitat that needs to get fixed. "Wild World of Wild Play in the Wild": Searching for predators, Squeeks wants to know how animals in the wild engage in play.

5. Know Your Snow / The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane

Air Date: 2023-07-03

"Know Your Snow": Nature Cat gets yet another challenge from MC Ferret, this time to build the world's tallest snow critter and to win a winter quiz contest with Ronald first. "Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane": Squeeks tells another story about how the Nature-tastic Four help protect themselves and Ronald from a hurricane.

6. The Bumblebee Queen / Tree Love

Air Date: 2023-07-04

"The Bumblebee Queen": The gang dons bumblebee costumes and helps the Bumblebee Queen grow a garden. "Tree Love": The gang visits the Mighty Oak Tree and with help from their new friend Shell Brooks, they discover more about oak trees with a tall tale about how it was planted.

7. Dr. Pumpkinstein / Nature Catfish

Air Date: 2023-10-19

"Dr. Pumpkinstein": White warty pumpkins have taken over Hugo's farm, hours before the Halloween party. "Nature Catfish": The gang sets out to find (and learn more) about a catfish as part of Nature Cat's Nature Curiosity List.

8. A Little Kelp From My Friends / Mission to Mars

Air Date: 2023-10-26

"A Little Kelp From My Friends": As instructed by MC Ferret's "Fab Forest Friend Challenge", the gang goes to a kelp forest to learn its importance when they encounter kelp-eating sea urchins. "Mission to Mars": The gang imagine themselves flying to the planet Mars to prove if there are aliens living there.

9. ATV Adventure / Nature Buddy Breakup

Air Date: 2024-01-02

"ATV Adventure": Some ATV riders disrupt the gang's hike to the top of Mighty Mountain. "Nature Buddy Breakup": The gang splits up after an argument, only to learn about the ways of animals living together.

10. Bunny Baby Babysitter / King of the Backyard Bouncy Castles

Air Date: 2024-01-02

"Bunny Baby Babysitter": The gang learns about various animals raising their offspring while trying to reunite a fluffle of baby bunnies with their mother. "King of the Backyard Bouncy Castles": After setting up some bouncy castles in the backyard resulting in no room for deer, Nature Cat and his friends learn about deer wildlife corridors.

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Release Date



152 (5 seasons)


Returning Series



Production Companies

Spiffy Pictures

Spiffy Pictures



9 Story Media Group

9 Story Media Group

Yowza! Animation

Yowza! Animation