Masha's Spooky Stories

Masha's Spooky Stories

Masha explains why there's no need to be scared of things like monsters, the dark, going to a new school, thunder and other common childhood fears.



Soul-Freezing Tale of Grim Forest and Tiny Timid Bug

1. Soul-Freezing Tale of Grim Forest and Tiny Timid Bug

Air Date: 2014-10-01

All children are afraid of the dark. Masha was afraid of it too and had to sit with a torch all night long! But once upon a time she came up with the tale about a tiny bug, which lived in the woods and was so afraid of the dark, that every rustle made its heart tremble! The bug suffered a lot until he realized that all tiny things you see in the dark just seem to be frightful and fear makes no sense at all!

Super Scary Story of a Little Boy who was Afraid of Washing

2. Super Scary Story of a Little Boy who was Afraid of Washing

Air Date: 2014-10-01

One boy was so afraid of the water that he stopped washing himself and turned into a piggy! All his buddies ran away from him scared! But in the end he overcame his fear and began to wash his face and hands as he realized that the water can be safe and fun! The boy was very brave and even won a swimming competition!

Terrifying True Story About Monsters and Those Who Fear Them

3. Terrifying True Story About Monsters and Those Who Fear Them

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Are you afraid of monsters? Sure you are! Let me tell you a scary story about a boy who experienced a real fear… This story happened on an abandoned tractor factory. The boy lost a scoop from his toy-tractor and decided to look for it at the factory. So he goes up the stairs and sees a large female monster, who was about to paint her lips with a roller! As he kept walking he noticed more monsters playing domino!

Troubled Fable about a Kitten Who Was Lost but Found

4. Troubled Fable about a Kitten Who Was Lost but Found

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Like all the other children Masha was afraid of being lost until she heard a story about a kitten. He was just a kitten, but with one particular feature- he couldn’t survive outside without being lost. So once upon a time he chased a ball of yarn, onto the street, and was so busy playing, he didn’t notice that he got lost! He was terrified by strange environment and couldn’t find his way home! Poor kitten could not have stayed on the street if he hadn’t met a carrier pigeon who found his lovely owner. Masha concludes this story by telling us: “If you get lost - don’t panic! Remember your address or phone number and don’t be shy to call adults for help!”

Nightmarish Kids' Belief About Christmas Rhymes

5. Nightmarish Kids' Belief About Christmas Rhymes

Air Date: 2014-10-01

What do you think is the scariest holiday? What makes children scared the most? Well, of course, it's... New Year’s Eve! Crowds of adults visit you and ask to read poems out loud! Your thoughts are confused, the words get lost and poor children are unable to speak a word! The same story happened with one little girl who was so afraid of the guests and Santa Claus that even a chair started to shake under her legs!

Grim Parable About Superstitious Girl

6. Grim Parable About Superstitious Girl

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Some people happen to believe in all sorts of omens like black cats, wearing clothes inside out, prophetic dreams... Poor girl Lucy believed in that kind of stuff so much that was even afraid to go outside to play with her friends.

Grim Testament About One Snotty Boy

7. Grim Testament About One Snotty Boy

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Have you ever heard that the world around is full terrible plagues and diseases? One boy called Semushka knows it for sure!

A Grim Tale About One Girl Who Was Afraid of Animals

8. A Grim Tale About One Girl Who Was Afraid of Animals

Air Date: 2014-10-01

What if all kinds of animal scare you to death? Imagine one little girl who was sooooo afraid of animals that was ready to climb the tree in order to escape from such a horrific meeting.

Horrifying Story of Grandmother and Grandson

9. Horrifying Story of Grandmother and Grandson

Air Date: 2014-10-01

It happens that grown-up people have their own fears! For example, one grandmother was very afraid not to please her grandson.

A Myth Full of Grief and Despair About One Historical Error

10. A Myth Full of Grief and Despair About One Historical Error

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Do you know what Arkasha is scared the most of at school? What makes him tremble?! The most frightening thing for him is...a history test.

Panic Unbearable Legend About Insects

11. Panic Unbearable Legend About Insects

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Once there was a girl called Anya who was very scared of insects! One day Anya's mother asked her to help around the house but in everything she did, Anya was haunted by spiders and all kinds of midges!

Tale Troubled Story About Baba-Yaga

12. Tale Troubled Story About Baba-Yaga

Air Date: 2014-10-01

A boy called Pasha was afraid of fairytale villains. He had read so many fairy tales that it got him really scared!

Sinister Saga of a Sick Tummy and a Girl Who Was Afraid of Doctors

13. Sinister Saga of a Sick Tummy and a Girl Who Was Afraid of Doctors

Air Date: 2014-10-01

A little girl was afraid of doctors. And once upon a time she experienced one fantastic story...she decided to cook dinner for her dolls.

Fantastic Story About A Hedgehog, A Boy and Green Humanoids

14. Fantastic Story About A Hedgehog, A Boy and Green Humanoids

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Horrible True Story of How a Boy Was Transferred to Another School

15. Horrible True Story of How a Boy Was Transferred to Another School

Air Date: 2014-10-01

A Terrible Tale About a Cow Herder on a Stump

16. A Terrible Tale About a Cow Herder on a Stump

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Are you ready to hear an unheard story about dense forest, swamps sorts and gullies?

A Ghost Bike Saga Which Makes You Shiver

17. A Ghost Bike Saga Which Makes You Shiver

Air Date: 2014-10-01

You think no one could ever be afraid of a bike...Today, you will hear an incredible... and amazing heartbreaking story... about a bicycle!

Scary Story About Spooky Stories

18. Scary Story About Spooky Stories

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Are you sure you like spooky stories? What if this kind of story will get you really thrilled? Listen to one classic story and don't say that you are not shocked after all!

Creepy Tale About Useful Inventions

19. Creepy Tale About Useful Inventions

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Here is another spooky story about useful inventions that might nonetheless ruin your life...just imagine...what if there is mega brain who wants to conquer the Earth with some mechanical monsters?!

Gloomy Story About the Darkest Dreams

20. Gloomy Story About the Darkest Dreams

Air Date: 2014-10-01

All children are keen on computer games! Everyone likes to shoot a couple of monsters before going to sleep. Tolik also liked to play shooters until the monsters attack him in reality in order to commit the revenge! Or...was it just a dream? Let's see...

Terrible Legend About Thunder and Lightning

21. Terrible Legend About Thunder and Lightning

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Masha tells an existing story about thunder and lighting and what might happen if the lighting suddenly catches you in the park...while you are enjoying your orange lemonade?

Terrible Truth About Those Who Are Afraid to Be Little

22. Terrible Truth About Those Who Are Afraid to Be Little

Air Date: 2014-10-01

Everyone think that it's so scary to be little as there are so many things are not accessible for you! But in reality there is no difference how little you are if there is someone who cares for you and someone you care about...

Bloodcurdling Saga About Joyful Event

23. Bloodcurdling Saga About Joyful Event

Air Date:

Every single child is afraid to hear the news about one joyful event...about a new sister...who might spoil your toys and grab your cheesecakes... or on the other side she will be very pretty and help you in all your matters.

Monstrous Tale About Tall and Short

24. Monstrous Tale About Tall and Short

Air Date:

If you think that only little children are afraid of something, than it's not true! Even such tall animal as giraffe has its own fears.

Frightening Incident at the Circus

25. Frightening Incident at the Circus

Air Date:

A super scary story about one strange clown who suddenly became very angry! He scared all the children and made them cry a river!

Shocking Story About a Girl Who Was Afraid of Everything

26. Shocking Story About a Girl Who Was Afraid of Everything

Air Date: 2014-10-01

This story is about a girl who was afraid of everything! Every little thing frightened her until the moment she met one boy who was fascinated by her scary stories...

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Release Date



26 (1 seasons)




Production Companies

Animaccord Animation Studio

Animaccord Animation Studio