Only Connect

Only Connect

The fiendishly difficult quiz show in which two teams of three contestants have to find the connection between seemingly unrelated clues, where patience and lateral thinking are as vital as knowledge.


1. Lapsed Psychologists v Knitters

Air Date: 2008-09-15

2. Crossworders v Birkbeck Alumni

Air Date: 2008-09-22

3. County Councillors v Ombudsmen

Air Date: 2008-09-29

4. Science Writers v Travel Writers

Air Date: 2008-10-06

5. Edinburgh Scrabblers v Solent Scrabblers

Air Date: 2008-10-13

6. Urban Cyclists v Country Walkers

Air Date: 2008-10-20

7. Bankers v Bookkeepers

Air Date: 2008-10-27

8. Cricket Supporters v IT Supporters

Air Date: 2008-11-03

9. County Councillors v Science Writers

Air Date: 2008-11-10

10. Crossworders v Edinburgh Scrabblers

Air Date: 2008-11-17

11. Bankers v IT Supporters

Air Date: 2008-11-24

12. Lapsed Psychologists v Country Walkers

Air Date: 2008-12-01

13. Crossworders v Science Writers

Air Date: 2008-12-08

14. Bankers v Lapsed Psychologists

Air Date: 2008-12-15

15. Crossworders v Lapsed Psychologists

Air Date: 2008-12-22

1. Cambridge Quiz Society v Oxford Librarians

Air Date: 2009-07-13

Three lads from the Cambridge Quiz Society battle a trio of Oxford Librarians.

2. Mathematicians v Wordsmiths

Air Date: 2009-07-20

Three maths graduates take on a team of wordsmiths, one of whom is an avid proofreader.

3. History Boys v Rugby Boys

Air Date: 2009-07-27

Three lovers of history square up to a trio of Welshmen devoted to their national game.

4. Chessmen v Charity Puzzlers

Air Date: 2009-08-03

Three chess players take on a team who write puzzles for charity in the connections quiz.

5. Mathematicians v Cambridge Quiz Society: Semi-Final

Air Date: 2009-08-10

Three mathematicians pit their skills against the wits of the Cambridge Quiz Society.

6. Chessmen v Rugby Boys: Semi-Final

Air Date: 2009-08-17

Three chess players pit their wits against the brawn of the Rugby Boys.

7. Chessmen v Mathematicians: The Competition for Third Place

Air Date: 2009-08-24

Three chess players take on three mathematicians in the battle for third place.

8. Cambridge Quiz Society v Rugby Boys: The Final

Air Date: 2009-08-31

We discover what connects Spock, Lisa Simpson, Brachiosaurus and Adolf Hitler.

1. Archers Admirers vs Music Lovers

Air Date: 2010-04-01

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. A team of three civil servants with a shared love of Radio 4's The Archers pit their wits against a trio of music lovers who between them perform or enjoy everything from pub rock to choral sung mass. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from AC battery to compass wrench to glass hammer to long stand.

2. Polymaths vs Strategists

Air Date: 2010-01-11

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. The Polymaths pool their disparate skills in chicken husbandry, musical theatre and urban geography to challenge the brainpower of the Strategists, a team unified by their love of sophisticated strategy board games. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, including Cakes and Ale, The Dogs of War, Brave New World and The Darling Buds of May.

3. Choir Boys vs Brasenose Postgrads

Air Date: 2010-01-18

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three members of the Brighton and Hove (Actually) Gay Men's Chorus square up to a trio of postgraduates of Brasenose College, Oxford. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

4. Philosophers vs Hitchhikers

Air Date: 2010-01-25

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three philosophy students pit their wisdom against a trio of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy fans. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

5. Neuroscientists vs Rugby Fans

Air Date: 2010-02-01

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three neuroscientists hailing from Australia, South Africa and Canada scrum down against the intellectual brawn of three rugby fans, as they compete to draw together the connections between many disparate elements that, at first glance, seem utterly bereft of associations. So what connects cream, quotation marks, tennis matches and yellow lines?

6. Exeter Alumni vs Gourmands

Air Date: 2010-02-08

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three former flatmates and graduates of Exeter University pit their wits against a news producer, a civil servant and an IT consultant who share a passion for fine food. Who will win the battle as they compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random?

7. Insurers vs Gamblers

Air Date: 2010-02-15

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. A team of insurance professionals face off against a trio of committed gamblers. Who will win the battle as they compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random - such as Prince of Darkness, Bambi, Grocer and Tarzan?

8. Booksellers vs Bowlers

Air Date: 2010-02-22

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three senior managers from a national bookstore face off against a team drawn together by their love of London's retro bowling alleys. Who will win the battle as they compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random?

9. Archers Admirers vs Exeter Alumni

Air Date: 2010-03-01

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the first of the quarter-finals, three fans of the Archers radio series take on the combined knowledge of three flatmates who all met up at Exeter University. They compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random - from Castor and Pollux to Brahma to Yoshi to Orville the Duck.

10. Brasenose Postgrads vs Hitchhikers

Air Date: 2010-03-08

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the second of the quarter-finals, three postgraduate students from Brasenose College, Oxford, pit their wits against a trio of Douglas Adams fans who call themselves the Hitchhikers, in honour of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They compete to draw together the connections between elements which, at first glance, seem utterly random: P J Tracy, Nicci French, Ellery Queen and Grant Naylor.

11. Neuroscientists vs Strategists

Air Date: 2010-03-15

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the third of the quarter-finals, three studying for their PhDs at Oxford set out to challenge the brainpower of the strategists, a team unified by their love of sophisticated strategy board games. They compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random - from maypoles to horse racing to spoken theatre to mince pies.

12. Gamblers vs Bowlers

Air Date: 2010-03-22

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the last of the quarter-finals, three committed gamblers take their chances against a team unified by their love of ten-pin bowling. They compete to draw together the connections between things, which, at first glance, seem utterly random - from birdsong to breakout to shotgun to takeover.

13. Archers Admirers vs Gamblers

Air Date: 2010-03-29

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the first of the Semi Finals, three lovers of the pastoral world of Radio 4's The Archers face new opponents. How will they respond to the threat of cavalier risk-taking from a team of confirmed Gamblers? They'll compete to draw together the connections between elements which at first glance seem utterly random, including purple dye and the Jules Rimet trophy.

14. Hitchhikers vs Strategists

Air Date: 2010-04-05

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the second semi-final, three fans of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy lock horns with the cunning of the Strategists, a team bound by their love of obscure European board games. They'll compete to draw together the connections between elements which at first glance seem utterly random.

15. Gamblers vs Strategists

Air Date: 2010-04-12

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the series final, cunning and tactics combine with logic, recall and tangential inspiration, as three committed Gamblers resist the temptation to take too many risks and the Strategists fight the impulse to err on the side of caution. Whose approach will win out in this battle of the giants? They'll compete to draw together the connections between elements which at first glance seem utterly random, from Captain Scarlet to Reg Cox to Marty Hopkirk to Arnold J Rimmer.

1. Epicureans vs Courtiers

Air Date: 2010-09-06

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. A team of three old university pals with a shared love of exotic foods and fine dining pit their wits against a trio of Ulstermen from the Northern Ireland Court Service. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from USS Constitution to Edmund II to Cromwell's cavalrymen to Raymond Burr.

2. The Wrights vs Urban Walkers

Air Date: 2010-09-13

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. The Wright family from Leeds pool their knowledge of IT, Electrical Engineering and Mexican cinema to challenge the brainpower of the Urban Walkers, a team unified by their love of taking extended inner city hikes across various European capitals.

3. Radio Addicts vs Taxonomists

Air Date: 2010-09-20

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. A doctor, a teacher and an accountant with a shared passion for radio square up to a trio of professional taxomomists - three women who make companies more successful through their precise use of language. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

4. Brit Poppers vs Geocachers

Air Date: 2010-09-27

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three stalwarts of the Camden music scene (including the man who discovered Blur) pit their wit and wisdom against a husband, wife and pal who share a love of geocaching, the craze for treasure-hunting using GPS. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Mao to David Hume to Casanova to Philip Larkin.

5. Fantasy Writers vs Bridge Players

Air Date: 2010-10-04

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three fantasy writers, captained by a man who has written for Doctor Who, lock horns with a trio of bridge players, each with post-grad qualifications from Oxford University. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from monocaine to the helmet of Perseus to Siegfried's cloak to James Bond's Aston Martin.

6. Mensans vs Bloggers

Air Date: 2010-10-11

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three friends who originally met through British Mensa pit their wits against a team drawn together by their love of TV blogs and forums. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from mice to Madeleine to Gabriel.

7. Mountain Men vs In-Laws

Air Date: 2010-10-18

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three dedicated hill walkers from Derbyshire face off against a family threesome of husband, wife and brother-in-law. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Race for Life to the Sanctuary Spa to the Oaks Stakes to the Orange Prize for Fiction.

8. Alesmen vs Pool Sharks

Air Date: 2010-10-25

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three men joined by their enthusiasm for real ale confront two maths graduates and a pharmacist who are a regular fixture at their local pool hall. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Pugachev's Cobra to Split S, Cuban Eight and Barrel Roll.

9. Epicureans vs Bridge Players

Air Date: 2010-11-01

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the first of the quarter-finals, three old chums from university days who share a passion for fine dining take on the combined knowledge of three Oxford graduates with a love of bridge. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Agamemnon to Jim Morrison, Marion Crane and Jean-Paul Marat.

10. Wrights vs Bloggers

Air Date: 2010-11-08

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the second quarter-final, the Wright family of mum, dad and daughter return to pit their wits against a trio of committed bloggers who met on TV gossip forum sites. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Unloose to Debone, Irregardless and Inflammable.

11. Radio Addicts vs Brit Poppers

Air Date: 2010-11-22

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the third quarter-final, a doctor, a teacher and an accountant with a unifying love of the radio return to challenge the brainpower of three Camden-based lynchpins of the British music industry. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Rachel Stevens to Newfoundland dog, Stalin and Donald Duck.

12. In-Laws vs Alesmen

Air Date: 2010-11-29

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the last quarter-final, a family team featuring a patent lawyer, a graphic designer and a business analyst return to the field of conflict to take their chances against a trio unified by their love of authentic cask-conditioned ales. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from early return from transportation to destroying a fishpond, sacrilege and treason.

13. Epicureans vs Wrights

Air Date: 2010-12-06

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the first semi-final, three lovers of luxurious wines and exotic dishes set aside their shared passion to address the challenge of the combined wits of the Wright family. They compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random, such as completing the sequence: 1950: Soap; 1952: Tea; 1953: Cream, eggs, sweets, sugar; ????

14. Alesmen vs Radio Addicts

Air Date: 2010-12-13

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the second semi-final, three lovers of authentic beer lock horns with the cunning of a team bound by their love of the airwaves. They compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random, from Norman Conquest begins to Stella Artois brewery founded to Great Fire of London to ????

15. Wrights vs Alesmen

Air Date: 2010-12-20

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In this play-off between semi-final losers, the Wright family combine their wits to take on the mental firepower of the alesmen in a last battle for glory. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random - from I, Libertine to Venus on the Half-shell to the Tales of Beedle Bard to Fly Fishing.

16. Epicureans vs Radio Addicts

Air Date: 2010-12-27

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. In the series finale, cunning and tactics combine with logic, recall and tangential inspiration as three committed gourmands set aside their love of fine foods to concentrate on the job in hand - battle for victory over the radio addicts, a team with the diverse combined knowledge of a doctor, a teacher and an accountant. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

1. Social Networkers vs Vegetarians

Air Date: 2011-08-15

A trio of social networkers who met online take on three committed vegetarians. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from the Barghest of Yorkshire to the Mail on Sunday's political column to Winston Churchill's depression to Gnasher.

2. Edwards Family vs Inorganic Chemists

Air Date: 2011-08-22

A father, son and daughter-in-law square up to three postgraduate chemistry students from Oxford University. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from French nuclear tests in 1960 to the Krzysztof Kieslowski film trilogy to the Luxembourg flag to the Minis in The Italian Job.

3. Analysts vs Editors

Air Date: 2011-08-29

A team of professional analysts with degrees in modern languages, English and maths pit their wits against a trio of editors who delight in their meticulous attention to detail. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Ho to Beetlejuice to I Divorce You to White Rabbits.

4. Joggers vs Technologists

Air Date: 2011-09-05

Three running enthusiasts play three colleagues from a creative engineering company

5. Fantasy Footballers vs Antiquarians

Air Date: 2011-09-12

Three online football team managers take on a team who love historical things.

6. Listeners vs Steel City Singers

Air Date: 2011-09-19

Three Listener crossword fans play a trio of choristers from Sheffield University

7. Rowers vs Linguists

Air Date: 2011-09-26

Three rowers play a trio of linguists.

8. Rock'n'rollers vs Trade Unionists

Air Date: 2011-10-03

Three aficionados of the Scottish rock music scene pit their wits against three members of an executive council trade union group. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Isabelle Dinoire to Tycho Brahe to the Maid in the Garden to the Sphinx.

9. Social Networkers vs Antiquarians

Air Date: 2011-10-10

Three online pals take on a trio of history buffs in the first of the quarter-finals. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from elephant to hippopotamus to Mississippi to one thousand

10. Rowers vs Listeners

Air Date: 2011-10-17

A team of rowers encounter three fans of the Listener crossword in the second of the quarter-finals. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Steiff to Veuve Clicquot to Deutsche Grammophon to Boddingtons.

11. Edwards Family vs Trade Unionists

Air Date: 2011-10-24

A father, son and daughter-in-law pit their wits against three members of an executive council trade union group in the third of the quarter-finals. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Little Venice to Silver to Christopher Columbus to The Equator.

12. Analysts vs Technologists

Air Date: 2011-10-31

Three professional analysts square up to three colleagues at a creative engineering firm in the last of the quarter-finals. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Private Wilhelm to Jelly Babies to Mandrakes to David Sutch.

13. Listeners vs Antiquarians

Air Date: 2011-11-07

14. Analysts vs Trade Unionists

Air Date: 2011-11-21

15. Listeners vs Trade Unionists

Air Date: 2011-11-28

16. Analysts vs Antiquarians

Air Date: 2011-12-05

1. Joinees v Draughtsmen

Air Date: 2012-08-27

Members of Danny Wallace's Join Me campaign pit their wits against three beer lovers.

2. TEFL Teachers v IT Specialists

Air Date: 2012-09-03

Teams try to connect Desert Attack to MI-5 to Clue to Murder in the Calais Coach.

3. Footballers v Second Violinists

Air Date: 2012-09-10

A trio of footballers pit their wits against three orchestral players.

4. Wordsmiths v Educators

Air Date: 2012-09-17

A trio of writers pit their wits against three high school teachers.

5. Trenchermen v Numerists

Air Date: 2012-09-24

Three friends who share hearty appetites take on a trio of young mathematicians.

6. Wintonians v Quitters

Air Date: 2012-10-01

Three Winchester friends pit their wits against a team who have all recently quit smoking.

7. Scribes v Ciphers

Air Date: 2012-10-08

Three professional writers compete against on a trio of friends united by their love of codes and puzzles this week.

8. Accountants v Cinephiles

Air Date: 2012-10-15

Three colleagues in an accountancy firm pit their wits against a team of cinema lovers, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Touched by Death, electrocuted by hospital generator, squashed by cartload of underpants and shot by Mr Garrison.

9. Draughtsmen v Numerists

Air Date: 2012-10-22

Three beer drinkers take on a trio of mathematicians in the first of the quarter-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Chichester's round the world yacht, Nicholas Breakspear, Henry Bolingbroke and Star Wars: A New Hope.

10. Footballers v Cinephiles

Air Date: 2012-10-29

A team of committed football fans encounters three film lovers in the second of the quarter-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria if you want to know what connects sachertorte, valrhona chocolate, custard cream biscuits and polo mints.

11. Teachers v Scribes

Air Date: 2012-11-05

Three teachers encounter a trio of writers in the third of the quarter-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Sara Lee, Brita, Wendy's and Lily O'Brien's.

12. Wintonians v Wordsmiths

Air Date: 2012-11-19

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three friends from Winchester square up to a team united by their passion for reading and writing in this quarter-final, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria if you want to know what connects the 69th Infantry Regiment, Münchner Kindl, Serjeant-at-Arms and the Greek Olympic team.

13. Footballers v Draughtsmen

Air Date: 2012-11-26

In the first of the semi-finals three football fans take on a trio of beer enthusiasts, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Hercule Poirot 06/08/1975, Tour de France 26/07/2007, Captain Birdseye 07/06/1971 and English cricket 02/09/1882.

14. Scribes v Wordsmiths

Air Date: 2012-12-03

In the second of the semi-finals, a trio of scribes and three wordsmiths fight it out for a place in the series finale, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Yesterday, sewing machine, benzene ring and Kubla Khan.

15. Footballers v Wordsmiths

Air Date: 2012-12-10

In the play-off for third place, a trio of football fans and three writers compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Jed Clampett: 9.5, Artemis Fowl II: 13.5, Scrooge McDuck: 44.1 and Rich Uncle Pennybags: 2.6.

16. Scribes v Draughtsmen

Air Date: 2012-12-17

In the series final and the 100th episode, three writers square up to a trio of beer lovers for the right to be named Series 6 champions. They must draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren if you want to know what connects Marty Feldman's last film, captain of Queen Anne's Revenge, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick and wife-murdering Perrault character.

1. Corpuscles v Cat Lovers

Air Date: 2013-05-13

Three graduates of Corpus Christi College, Oxford pit their wits against a trio of cat lovers, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects the Green Knight, electric toothbrush, Kryten and Worzel Gummidge.

2. Cartophiles v Celts

Air Date: 2013-05-20

Three map lovers take on a team from Wales, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Civilization V, Chicken Wire, Graphite Crystal, and Blockbusters board.

3. Francophiles v Festival Fans

Air Date: 2013-05-27

A trio connected by their love of all things French take on three festival attendees, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Hirst's 'Cupric Nitrate', Mr Tumble's bag, Pudsey's bandage, and Twister mat.

4. General Practitioners v Fell Walkers

Air Date: 2013-06-03

A trio of GPs square up to three fell walkers, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Injun Joe's body, Roquefort cheese, Dead Sea Scrolls, and troglodytes.

5. Corpuscles v Cartophiles

Air Date: 2013-06-10

Two teams who lost their first heats return for another chance at making the semi-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects prom video, holiday armadillo, Princess Leia fantasy, and fake Monica.

6. General Practitioners v Festival Fans

Air Date: 2013-06-17

Three GPs and a trio of festival fans return for a second chance at making the semi-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Freda Fry, Metropolis, Gromit, and 4'33".

7. Celts v Cat Lovers

Air Date: 2013-06-24

The Celts and the Cat Lovers, both first-round winners, return in the hopes of securing a place in the semi-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Felicity, California with the Forbidden City, Jerusalem on the Mappa Mundi and Mecca.

8. Francophiles v Fell Walkers

Air Date: 2013-07-01

The Francophiles and the Fell Walkers, both first-round winners, return in the hopes of securing a place in the semi-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Mali, Guinea to Ireland, Ivory Coast to Netherlands, Serbia & Montenegro to Poland, Monaco.

9. Festival Fans v Cat Lovers

Air Date: 2013-07-08

Festival Fans v Cat Lovers: Quiz show in which links must be made between seemingly random things. A trio of festival fans take on three cat lovers in a bid to make the semifinals.

10. Cartophiles v Fell Walkers

Air Date: 2013-07-15

Three map lovers and a trio of fell walkers return to try to make it to the semi-finals, competing to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects orphans in Oliver Twist, tropical storms, Sue Grafton detective novel series and series of QI.

11. Celts v Festival Fans

Air Date: 2013-07-22

Celts v Festival Fans: Quiz show in which links must be made between seemingly random things. In the first of the semi-finals, a team from Wales take on a trio of festival fans.

12. Francophiles v Cartophiles

Air Date: 2013-07-29

Francophiles v Cartophiles: Quiz show in which links must be made between seemingly random things. In the second semi-final, three Francophiles square up to a trio of map lovers.

13. Francophiles v Celts

Air Date: 2013-08-05

Francophiles v Celts: In the series finale, the Francophiles take on the Celts in a bid to be named champions. They try to find connections between things which seem utterly random.

1. Lasletts v Pilots

Air Date: 2013-09-23

Lasletts v Pilots: A family team take on a team of three airline pilots.

2. Globetrotters v Board Gamers

Air Date: 2013-09-30

Globetrotters v Board Gamers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which seem utterly random. A trio of travellers square up to three board game players.

3. Oenophiles v Science Editors

Air Date: 2013-10-07

Oenophiles v Science Editors: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear utterly random. A trio of wine lovers take on three science editors.

4. Press Gang v Bakers

Air Date: 2013-10-14

Press Gang v Bakers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear utterly random at first glance. The press gang take on a team of bakers.

5. Pilots v Globetrotters

Air Date: 2013-10-21

Pilots v Globetrotters: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear utterly random at first glance. Two teams who lost their first-round heats return.

6. Press Gang v Science Editors

Air Date: 2013-10-28

Press Gang v Science Editors: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear utterly random at first glance. Two teams who lost their first heats return.

7. Lasletts v Board Gamers

Air Date: 2013-11-04

Lasletts v Board Gamers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. Family team the Lasletts compete against a trio of board game enthusiasts.

8. Oenophiles v Bakers

Air Date: 2013-11-18

Oenophiles v Bakers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. Two teams of first-round winners return, as three wine lovers play three bakers.

9. Science Editors v Board Gamers

Air Date: 2013-11-25

Science Editors v Board Gamers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. Three science editors take on a trio of board gamers.

10. Globetrotters v Bakers

Air Date: 2013-12-02

Globetrotters v Bakers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. A trio of travellers take on three bakers, trying to make the semi-finals.

11. Oenophiles v Board Gamers

Air Date: 2013-12-09

Oenophiles v Board Gamers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. Three wine lovers take on three board gamers in the first semi-final.

12. Lasletts v Bakers

Air Date: 2013-12-16

Lasletts v Bakers: Quiz show in which connections must be made between things which appear random. A family team take on three bakers in the last of the semi-finals.

13. Board Gamers v Bakers

Air Date: 2013-12-23

Board Gamers v Bakers: Three board game aficionados take on a trio of bakers in the series finale.

Heath Family v Exhibitionists

1. Heath Family v Exhibitionists

Air Date: 2014-04-14

A family team take on three museum aficionados.

Europhiles v Relatives

2. Europhiles v Relatives

Air Date: 2014-04-21

Three fans of the continent take on a family team.

Welsh Learners v Software Engineers

3. Welsh Learners v Software Engineers

Air Date: 2014-04-28

Three Welsh language learners take on a trio of software engineers.

Erstwhile Athletes v Record Collectors

4. Erstwhile Athletes v Record Collectors

Air Date: 2014-05-05

Three former athletes square up to a trio of record collectors.

Relatives v Exhibitionists

5. Relatives v Exhibitionists

Air Date: 2014-05-12

Two first-round losers return as a family team play a trio of art enthusiasts.

Erstwhile Athletes v Software Engineers

6. Erstwhile Athletes v Software Engineers

Air Date: 2014-05-19

Three former athletes take on a trio of computer experts.

Heath Family v Europhiles

7. Heath Family v Europhiles

Air Date: 2014-05-26

A trio of Europhiles take on a family team in a bid to reach the semi-finals.

Welsh Learners v Record Collectors

8. Welsh Learners v Record Collectors

Air Date: 2014-06-02

Three budding linguists take on a trio of record collectors.

Heath Family v Software Engineers

9. Heath Family v Software Engineers

Air Date: 2014-06-09

Three software engineers take on a family team in a bid to make the semis.

Relatives v Record Collectors

10. Relatives v Record Collectors

Air Date: 2014-06-16

A family team plays a trio record collectors in a bid to make the semi-final.

Welsh Learners v Relatives

11. Welsh Learners v Relatives

Air Date: 2014-06-23

A trio of Welsh learners take on a family team in the first of the semi-finals.

Europhiles v Software Engineers

12. Europhiles v Software Engineers

Air Date: 2014-06-30

Three Europhiles take on a trio of computer experts in the second of the semi-finals.

Europhiles v Relatives

13. Europhiles v Relatives

Air Date: 2014-07-07

In the final, the Europhiles and the Relatives compete to draw connections between seemingly random things. Join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects: Monaco, Stoccarda, Colonia and Berlino.

Politicos v Felinophiles

1. Politicos v Felinophiles

Air Date: 2014-09-01

A trio of political enthusiasts compete against three cat lovers to draw together the connections between seemingly unrelated things. So join Victoria if you want to know what connects a theatre on London's Argyll Street, a golf club, a UK policeman and a US five-cent coin.

History Boys v Oxonians

2. History Boys v Oxonians

Air Date: 2014-09-08

Three historians take on a team from Oxford. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Guernsey, Jersey, Balaclava and Bikini.

Wandering Minstrels v Gallifreyans

3. Wandering Minstrels v Gallifreyans

Air Date: 2014-09-15

Three musicians take on a team of Doctor Who fans. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Steve Jobs, Marcus Garvey, Dave Swarbrick and Mark Twain.

QI Elves v Bibliophiles

4. QI Elves v Bibliophiles

Air Date: 2014-09-22

A team of researchers from QI take on a trio of book lovers. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Ford Prefect, Sherlock Holmes, David Brent and Gandalf.

Coders v Gamesmasters

5. Coders v Gamesmasters

Air Date: 2014-09-29

Three coders square up to a team of video gamers. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects doctor, neighbour, friend and spook.

Chessmen v Linguists

6. Chessmen v Linguists

Air Date: 2014-10-06

A team of chess fans meet a team of linguists. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects apt, apposite, awl and anion.

Orienteers v Romantics

7. Orienteers v Romantics

Air Date: 2014-10-13

A team of orienteers take on three old-fashioned romantics. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects messiah, apocalypse, the heist and russian roulette.

Nordiphiles v Nightwatchmen

8. Nordiphiles v Nightwatchmen

Air Date: 2014-10-20

A trio of Norway-lovers take on three cricket fans. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Ruddigore, Straw Dogs, Jamaica Inn and Doc Martin

Politicos v Oxonians

9. Politicos v Oxonians

Air Date: 2014-10-27

Two teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in the tournament. They'll compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Diamond Sutra, Benin Bronzes, Rosetta Stone and Elgin Marbles.

10. Wandering Minstrels v Chessmen

Air Date: 2014-11-03

Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in the tournament. They compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random. Join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Salem, Graymalkin, Crookshanks and Gobbolino.

Coders v Romantics

11. Coders v Romantics

Air Date: 2014-11-17

Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in the tournament. They compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance seem utterly random.

QI Elves v Nightwatchmen

12. QI Elves v Nightwatchmen

Air Date: 2014-11-24

Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in the tournament. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Joan Fontaine, Jack Charlton, Lucian Freud and Liam Gallagher.

History Boys v Felinophiles

13. History Boys v Felinophiles

Air Date: 2014-12-01

Two teams who won their first heat return in the hope of securing a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Meher Baba, Cuzco, Peru, peace and the LGBT community.

Linguists v Gallifreyans

14. Linguists v Gallifreyans

Air Date: 2014-12-08

Two teams who won their first heat return in the hope of securing a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects a rat, zombies, a paternity dispute and racism.

Orienteers v Gamesmasters

15. Orienteers v Gamesmasters

Air Date: 2014-12-15

Two more first-round winners return in the hope of securing a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects North Korea, the state of Israel, Hells Angels and the National Health Service.

Nordiphiles v Bibliophiles

16. Nordiphiles v Bibliophiles

Air Date: 2015-01-05

Two more first-round winners return in the hope of securing a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Sapporo Dome, John Smith's Stadium, Liberty Stadium and KC Stadium.

17. Chessmen v Felinophiles

Air Date: 2015-01-12

A trio of chess players and three cat lovers return for a last chance at making it to the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Romeo, Wayne, Kim and Bow Wow.

Linguists v Oxonians

18. Linguists v Oxonians

Air Date: 2015-01-19

Three linguists square up to a team from Oxford in a bid to make it to the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Muscoidea, uncomplimentary, unproprietary and unoriental.

Bibliophiles v Gamesmasters

19. Bibliophiles v Gamesmasters

Air Date: 2015-01-26

A team of book lovers take on three video gamers in a bid to secure a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Queen Elizabeth II, Romeo Beckham, Mark and Carol Thatcher, and Macduff.

QI Elves v Coders

20. QI Elves v Coders

Air Date: 2015-02-02

The QI Elves take on three computer experts as they compete to win a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Jimmy White, Bob Welch, Bruce Reynolds and Ronnie Biggs.

History Boys v Linguists

21. History Boys v Linguists

Air Date: 2015-02-09

In this quarter-final, three historians take on a trio of linguists. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Susan, Surajprasad, Staples and Stearns.

Orienteers v Gamemasters

22. Orienteers v Gamemasters

Air Date: 2015-02-16

In the second of the quarter-finals, the Orienteers face up to a team of video game enthusiasts. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Rome 64, London 1212, New York 1776 and London 1666.

Nordiphiles v QI Elves

23. Nordiphiles v QI Elves

Air Date: 2015-02-23

The QI Elves return in this quarter-final. They compete against the Nordiphiles to draw together the connection between things, which at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Usain Bolt, William Wordsworth, Mark de Man and Lord Judge.

Chessmen v Gallifreyans

24. Chessmen v Gallifreyans

Air Date: 2015-03-02

Three chess players take on a team of Doctor Who fans in the last of the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects memory stick, jazzercise, jacuzzi and portaloo.

Chessmen v History Boys

25. Chessmen v History Boys

Air Date: 2015-03-16

In the first of the semi-finals a trio of chess aficionados take on three history buffs in a bid to win their place in the series finale. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects lanthanides, a Gaelic football team, the UN Security Council and the Scottish jury in a criminal trial.

Orienteers v QI Elves

26. Orienteers v QI Elves

Air Date: 2015-03-23

In the last of the semi-finals a team of orienteers take on the QI Elves in a bid to win their place in the series finale. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects the island home of Circe, the three-toed sloth, the third-largest Jovian moon and the French word for 'water'.

Orienteers v Chessmen

27. Orienteers v Chessmen

Air Date: 2015-03-30

In the series finale, the Orienteers and Chessmen battle it out to be named Only Connect champions. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, White Death, Robin Hood and King Charles II.

Cluesmiths v Operational Researchers

1. Cluesmiths v Operational Researchers

Air Date: 2015-07-13

Three crossword compilers take on a trio of operational researchers in the first of the eleventh series. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Quintuple Troth, Distress Signal, 1963 Lincoln Memorial Speech and 1815 Belgian Battle.

Polyglots v Yorkers

2. Polyglots v Yorkers

Air Date: 2015-07-20

A team of linguists take on three York University students in this show. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Monstroso, Any Human Heart, Birdsong and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Spaghetti Westerners v Mixologists

3. Spaghetti Westerners v Mixologists

Air Date: 2015-07-27

A team of film buffs take on three cocktail aficionados. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Daddy Warbucks, Ellen Ripley, Sherlock Holmes and Bobby Ewing.

Collectors v Railwaymen

4. Collectors v Railwaymen

Air Date: 2015-08-03

A team of collectors take on three railway enthusiasts. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Llanelli RFC, A for adultery, Sir Percy Blakeney and Sherlock Holmes debut.

Wayfarers v Bookworms

5. Wayfarers v Bookworms

Air Date: 2015-08-10

A team of travel enthusiasts take on a trio of bibliophiles. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects a song in High Society, a Whiskas slogan, Kenneth Wolstenholme commentary and an EM Forster epigram.

String Section v Headliners

6. String Section v Headliners

Air Date: 2015-08-17

A team of musicians take on three publishers in this edition. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects the flag of Vietnam, Google Os, the MCC tie and Rupert Bear's clothes.

Road Trippers v Athenians

7. Road Trippers v Athenians

Air Date: 2015-08-24

A trio of road trippers take on three fans of Greece in this edition. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Elizabeth and James, Menace II Society, Harvard Connection and I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles).

Scientists v Builders

8. Scientists v Builders

Air Date: 2015-08-31

A team of scientists square up to a team of builders in the last of the heats. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects The Raven, Little Weed, Seagulls in Finding Nemo and Hodor.

Polyglots v Operational Researchers

9. Polyglots v Operational Researchers

Air Date: 2015-09-07

A team of linguists battle it out against a team of operational researchers for a place in the next phase of the competition. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects the Pirate Planet, Starship Titanic, Last Chance to See and h2g2.

Collectors v Mixologists

10. Collectors v Mixologists

Air Date: 2015-09-14

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to the quarter finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Darkness Visible, the Dementors, a bell jar and a black dog.

Headliners v Bookworms

11. Headliners v Bookworms

Air Date: 2015-09-21

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to the quarter finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects the starting position in Shogi, The Times crossword grid, the flag of Georgia and S.

Road Trippers v Builders

12. Road Trippers v Builders

Air Date: 2015-09-28

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to the quarter finals. The Road Trippers and the Builders compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random. What links seven consonants, two vowels, three syllables and seven letters?

Cluesmiths v Yorkers

13. Cluesmiths v Yorkers

Air Date: 2015-10-05

The Cluesmiths take on the Yorkers. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Seborga, Forvik, Christiania and Sealand.

Spaghetti Westerners v Railwaymen

14. Spaghetti Westerners v Railwaymen

Air Date: 2015-10-12

Two winning teams return in the hope of securing a place in the quarter-finals: The Spaghetti Westerners and the Railwaymen. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects a set of decimal coins, a set of badges, a 1970 annual and a photograph of Valerie Singleton.

15. Wayfarers v String Section

Air Date: 2015-10-19

A team of Wayfarers take on a trio of musicians. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects numbat, echidna, pangolin and aardvark.

Scientists v Athenians

16. Scientists v Athenians

Air Date: 2015-10-26

Three scientists take on a team of Athenians. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Einsteinium, names of Allah, 1974 Lions call and Luftballons.

17. Cluesmiths v Mixologists

Air Date: 2015-11-02

The Cluesmiths and Mixologists return for a last chance to earn a place in the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Matthew Bannister's show BBC World Service, an entry in a dictionary, your flexible friend and the venue for London 2012 boxing.

Spaghetti Westerners v Operational Researchers

18. Spaghetti Westerners v Operational Researchers

Air Date: 2015-11-16

A trio of film buffs and three operational researchers return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects a painful sports 'hernia', stars hollow, captain James Onedin and Happy Sandler.

Wayfarers v Builders

19. Wayfarers v Builders

Air Date: 2015-11-23

A team of wayfarers and three builders return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Medelsvensson [Sweden], Max Mustermann [Germany], Jan Modaal [Netherlands] and Joe Blow [Australia].

Athenians v Bookworms

20. Athenians v Bookworms

Air Date: 2015-11-30

The Athenians and Bookworms return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects The Cradle Will Rock, The Pilgrim's Progress, the New Statesman and the Mr Men.

Scientists v String Section

21. Scientists v String Section

Air Date: 2015-12-07

The Scientists and the String Section return in the first of the quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Memoir: My Life, Song: Your Life, Film: September and Novella: The Life of Ivan Denisovich.

Yorkers v Operational Researchers

22. Yorkers v Operational Researchers

Air Date: 2015-12-14

The Yorkers and the Operational Researchers return in the second quarter-final. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Rebecca, Cold, Western and Judean People's Front.

Cluesmiths v Railwaymen

23. Cluesmiths v Railwaymen

Air Date: 2015-12-21

The Cluesmiths and Railwaymen return for a quarter-final match. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects ADN, TVA, SIDA and OTAN.

Wayfarers v Bookworms

24. Wayfarers v Bookworms

Air Date: 2015-12-28

The Wayfarers and Bookworms return for a quarter-final match. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects General Tom Thumb, 'Sonny' Liston, Chuck Berry and Lewis Carroll.


25. Semi-Final

Air Date: 2016-01-04

The first of the semi-finals and the 200th episode. Two returning teams compete for a place in the grand final. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Bird, Little Dyer, Angelic Brother and Little Barrel.

Semi-Final 2

26. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2016-01-11

In the second semi-final, two returning teams compete for a place in the grand final. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects 'blending', 'changing', 'like smoke' and light-dark'.

The Final

27. The Final

Air Date: 2016-01-18

In the grand final, two teams battle it out to be named Only Connect series champions. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Foke, Hombay, Egantic and Leakfast.

Tubers v Bardophiles

1. Tubers v Bardophiles

Air Date: 2016-07-11

Three fans of the London Underground take on a trio of bardophiles and attempt to connect Brownies, Michael Fagan, Freddie Krueger and the Milk Tray Man.

Cosmopolitans v Taverners

2. Cosmopolitans v Taverners

Air Date: 2016-07-18

Three cocktail drinkers take on a trio of taverners and attempt to connect Eurovision Song Contest, Cow & Gate, Wall's and I Love New York.

Psmiths v Verbivores

3. Psmiths v Verbivores

Air Date: 2016-07-25

Three fans of PG Wodehouse square up to a team of wordsmiths and attempt to connect Georgia: Canada, Sunda: Indonesia, Bass: Australia and Cook: New Zealand.

4. Networkers v Cousins

Air Date: 2016-08-01

A trio of networkers take on a family team and attempt to connect Cafetiere, Condom, Eggy bread and Chips.

5. Shutterbugs v Highgates

Air Date: 2016-08-08

A team of photographers take on a trio of Londoners and attempt to connect Cot, Holland, Chira and Bonapart.

6. Korfballers v Channel Islanders

Air Date: 2016-08-15

Three Korfball players take on a family from Guernsey in this episode and attempt to connect Annabel Lee, Delilah, Rebecca and Weekend at Bernie's.

7. Bardophiles v Taverners

Air Date: 2016-08-22

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Betjeman, Alsatian, Liberty Cabbage and Windsor.

Verbivores v Channel Islanders

8. Verbivores v Channel Islanders

Air Date: 2016-08-29

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Minotaur, Frobscottle, Moloko Plus and Duff.

Fire-Eaters v Eurovisionaries

9. Fire-Eaters v Eurovisionaries

Air Date: 2016-09-05

A new round of heats begins as some spicy food lovers take on three fans of Eurovision and attempt to connect 'From the roots' (Greek), 'We can' (Spanish), 'We ourselves' (Gaelic) and 'Party of Wales' (Welsh).

Wrestlers v Clareites

10. Wrestlers v Clareites

Air Date: 2016-09-12

A team of wrestling fans take on a trio from Clare College, Cambridge and attempt to connect single-fingered rock-climbing hold, Spanish monkey, North American glandular fever and single-channel sound reproduction.

Part-Time Poets v Oscar Men

11. Part-Time Poets v Oscar Men

Air Date: 2016-09-19

A team of poets take on three fans of the Oscars and attempt to connect the Nabateans, Makka Pakka, Alley Oop and Old Mother Shipton.

Genealogists v Surrealists

12. Genealogists v Surrealists

Air Date: 2016-09-26

This heat sees a team of genealogists take on three surrealists and attempt to connect a violin's extraneous discordant notes, Lotharios, Molineux team and Canis Lupis.

Maltsters v Policy Wonks

13. Maltsters v Policy Wonks

Air Date: 2016-10-03

The Maltsters take on the Policy Wonks in this opening heat and attempt to connect the Indonesian national airline, a Carla Lane sitcom, International Rescue craft and capital of Arizona.

Scunthorpe Scholars v Beekeepers

14. Scunthorpe Scholars v Beekeepers

Air Date: 2016-10-10

A team from Scunthorpe take on a trio of Beekeepers in this heat and attempt to connect Ungrammatical string follows, Multiply, Not out and Required field.

Maltsters v Oscar Men

15. Maltsters v Oscar Men

Air Date: 2016-10-17

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest-scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Mother-in-law, Court-martial, Lord Lieutenant and Poet Laureate.

16. Wrestlers v Genealogists

Air Date: 2016-10-31

Two more teams who lost their first heats return as highest-scoring losers and attempt to connect Lou Gehrig: Horse, Louis Van Gaal: Tulip, Wellington: Duke and Otto von Bismarck: Chancellor.

17. Cosmopolitans v Tubers

Air Date: 2016-11-07

Two teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three and attempt to connect Malabo, Conakry, Port Moresby and Bissau.

18. Networkers v Psmiths

Air Date: 2016-11-14

Two more teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three and attempt to connect Kashmir, Pyrenees, Lake Victoria and Borneo.

19. Shutterbugs v Korfballers

Air Date: 2016-11-21

Two teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

20. Verbivores v Taverners

Air Date: 2016-11-28

The Taverners and Verbivores return to try to make it into round three. They compete to draw together connections between things which seem random.

21. Fire-Eaters v Clareites

Air Date: 2016-12-05

The Fire-Eaters and the Clareites return to try to make it into round three. They compete to draw together connections between things which seem random.

22. Part-Time Poets v Surrealists

Air Date: 2016-12-12

The Part-Time Poets and the Surrealists compete for a place in round three, drawing together connections between things which seem random.

23. Beekeepers v Policy Wonks

Air Date: 2016-12-19

Two teams of first-round winners return for a chance to make it into the next round.

24. Genealogists v Oscar Men

Air Date: 2017-01-06

The Genealogists and Oscar Men return for their last chance to make it into round three.

25. Fire-Eaters v Korfballers

Air Date: 2017-01-13

The Fire-Eaters and the Korfballers fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

26. Surrealists v Verbivores

Air Date: 2017-01-20

Round three continues as two more teams fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

27. Beekeepers v Cosmopolitans

Air Date: 2017-01-27

The Beekeepers and Cosmopolitans fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

28. Psmiths v Oscar Men

Air Date: 2017-02-03

The Psmiths take on the Oscar Men in this round three game.

29. Fire-Eaters v Verbivores

Air Date: 2017-02-10

Two losing teams return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals.

30. Beekeepers v Oscar Men

Air Date: 2017-02-17

Two losing teams return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals.

31. Surrealists v Korfballers

Air Date: 2017-02-24

Find out what connects Tuvalu, hijab, Defra and nope in a quarter-final game.

32. Psmiths v Cosmopolitans

Air Date: 2017-03-03

Find out what connects Ali Amako, Reece Thens, Elize Elmopan and Enya Airobi.

33. Beekeepers v Korfballers

Air Date: 2017-03-10

The Beekeepers take on the Korfballers in this quarter-final game.

34. Psmiths v Verbivores (2)

Air Date: 2017-03-17

The Psmiths and Verbivores compete for a last chance to make it to the semi-finals.

35. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2017-03-24

Two teams compete in this semi-final game.

36. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2017-03-31

Two teams compete in the second semi-final game.

37. The Final

Air Date: 2017-04-07

Two teams compete in the final game of the series.

1. Stewards v Parishioners

Air Date: 2017-07-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three Tolkien fans take on a church team in the first of the series. They compete to draw together the connections between things which at first glance, seem utterly random. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects pat: bone, rub: disease, Nut: spread and salmon: bacteria.

2. Geocachers v Vikings

Air Date: 2017-08-04

A team of geocachers takes on a trio with an interest in Vikings in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of exhibit, salt and pepper, outcast and roots manoeuvre. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts.

3. Snake Charmers v Extras

Air Date: 2017-08-11

A team of reptile lovers take on three background actors in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of bubble, indemnity, Dutch and entendre. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts.

4. Eco-Warriors v Escapologists

Air Date: 2017-08-18

A team of environmentalists takes on a trio who enjoy tackling escape rooms in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Polonius, Waymar Royce, Reg Cox and Abel. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts.

5. Lapsed Physicists v Belgophiles

Air Date: 2017-08-25

A team of former physicists takes on a trio united by their love of Belgium in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Oscar the Grouch, Central Line, the top stripe on the Netherlands' flag and French portion of EE Telecom.

6. Meeples v Tequila Slammers

Air Date: 2017-09-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts as a team of boardgamers, led by University Challenge alum Gail Trimble, takes on three lovers of Latin cuisine in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Tom Finney, Joe Wurzelbacher, Thomas Crapper and Mario.

7. Cricketers v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2017-09-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. In this heat, three cricket fans take on a team of professional question setters.

8. Wanderers v Pedagogues

Air Date: 2017-09-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A team of solo applicants take on three teachers.

9. Disparates v Beaks

Air Date: 2017-09-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts as a team of former strangers who met on a quiz app take on three public school teachers in in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues comprising Houston, the Ryder Cup, Morse code and Colt pistol.

10. Dandies v Gaffers

Air Date: 2017-09-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents, as a team of fashion fans takes on a group of football coaches in in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one task being to determine the following word in the sequence: factory, Italian and automobiles.

11. Arrowheads v Wombles

Air Date: 2017-10-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as a team of darts players takes on three AFC Wimbledon supporters in the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues comprising Ishmael, Piscine Patel, Lemuel Gulliver and Robinson Crusoe.

12. Detectives v Theatricals

Air Date: 2017-10-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as a team of Sherlock Holmes fans take on three theatre workers in the last of the opening heats of the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues comprising Improbable, Watchmaker, Gene and Delusion.

13. Vikings v Parishioners

Air Date: 2017-10-20

A team of Vikings takes on a squad of parishioners in the lateral thinking general knowledge quiz. As ever, host Victoria Coren Mitchell will be asking contestants to make connections between things that at first do not appear to be linked, including a comedian, an identical twin, and a `history boy'.

14. Eco-Warriors v Snake Charmers

Air Date: 2017-10-27

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as the Eco-Warriors take on the Snake Charmers in a round two game of the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues comprising Pressed, Stained, Little Hood and American.

15. Meeples v Belgophiles

Air Date: 2017-11-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as the Meeples and Belgophiles return for this round two game of the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. The players must make connections between four things that may at first not appear to be linked, with one set of clues comprising George Sullivan, dried paste, tumble ready and Eve the Ants.

16. Wanderers v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2017-11-17

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren Mitchell. The Wanderers and Inquisitors return for a round-two game.

17. Dandies v Beaks

Air Date: 2017-12-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as the Dandies and Beaks return for this round two game of the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Something's Got to Give, The Athenaeum Portrait, The Last Tycoon and Schubert's Symphony No 8.

18. Detectives v Arrowheads

Air Date: 2017-12-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as the Detectives and Arrowheads return for this round two game of the quiz testing general knowledge and lateral thinking. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Man-Killer, Penthesilea, Sharron Davies and Jeff Bezos' company.

19. Meeples v Parishioners

Air Date: 2017-12-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as round two losers the Meeples and Parishioners return for their last chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Blockbusters, Rorke's Drift, Fox and Geese and ice hockey power play.

20. Snake Charmers v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2018-01-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as round two losers Snake Charmers and the Inquisitors return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects DiConcetto & Cruz, Moore & Prater, Green & Flynn, and Bono & Sarkisian.

21. Dandies v Arrowheads

Air Date: 2018-01-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as round two losers the Dandies and the Arrowheads return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Extra Special, M Signature, Finest, and Taste the Difference.

22. Cricketers v Escapologists

Air Date: 2018-01-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as round two losers the Cricketers and the Escapologists return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Robin Masters, Madeline Magellan, Temperance Brennan and Jessica Fletcher.

23. Meeples v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2018-01-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as round two losers the Meeples and the Inquisitors return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Ice Field, Eton Rugby, English Carom, and League Union.

24. Dandies v Escapologists

Air Date: 2018-01-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as round two losers the Dandies and the Escapologists return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects light kiss, snow leopard, American garden, and a fastening with rope.

25. Eco-Warriors v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2018-02-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the first third-round match of the competition as the Eco-Warriors take on the Inquisitors for a place in the quarter-finals of the quiz. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Boring Ted, Violent Vic, Devout P, and Repulsive Od.

26. Wanderers v Vikings

Air Date: 2018-02-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the second third-round match of the competition as the Wanderers take on the Vikings for a place in the quarter-finals of the quiz. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Odyle, Caloric, Phlogiston, and Luminiferous aether.

27. Detectives v Escapologists

Air Date: 2018-02-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts another third-round match as the Detectives take on the Escapologists for a place in the quarter-finals of the quiz. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Cornetto, Red Curtain, Mariachi and Three Colours.

28. Belgophiles v Beaks

Air Date: 2018-02-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts another third-round match as the Belgophiles take on the Beaks for a place in the quarter-finals of the quiz. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Tsar Alexander II, King George VI, the Arc de Triomphe and 12th Earl of Derby.

29. Wanderers v Eco-Warriors

Air Date: 2018-03-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as round three losers the Wanderers and the Eco-Warriors return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Snuppy, Mewtwo, Boba Fett and Dolly.

30. Detectives v Beaks

Air Date: 2018-03-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents as round three losers the Detectives and the Beaks return for one final chance to stay in the competition. Among the challenges facing the players is to determine what connects Phone driver, Ed Towers, Loin and ET War.

31. Vikings v Inquisitors

Air Date: 2018-03-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as the Vikings take on the Inquisitors in the first of the quarter-final matches, with a place in the semi-finals at stake. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Turn Around, Look Back in Anger, Cha, and Call Me Baby.

32. Belgophiles v Escapologists

Air Date: 2018-03-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as the Belgophiles take on the Escapologists in the second of the quarter-final matches, with a place in the semi-finals at stake. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Ethel, Yogh, Thorn, and Long S.

33. Detectives v Vikings

Air Date: 2018-04-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as round three losers the Detectives and the Vikings return for one last chance to win a place in the semi-finals. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Railway, Lonely, Little wheel, and Twenty-one.

34. Eco-Warriors v Escapologists (rematch)

Air Date: 2018-04-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions as round three losers the Eco-Warriors and the Escapologists return for one last chance to win a place in the semi-finals. They must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked, with one set of clues consisting of Oh! Calcutta!, Mayday, Love in tennis, and Dandelion.

35. Semi Final 1

Air Date: 2018-04-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the first semi-final of the quiz show based on patience and lateral thinking, with one of the questions focusing on the link between Wolf Man, Dora, Rat Man and Little Hans.

36. Semi Final 2

Air Date: 2018-04-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the second and concluding semi-final of the quiz, in which two teams of contenders use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may appear at first not to be linked.

37. Final

Air Date: 2018-04-30

Victoria Coren Mitchell asks the questions in the grand final of the quiz, as the Belgophiles take on either the Escapologists or the Inquisitors to succeed last year's winners the Verbivores and be named Only Connect series champions. The teams must use patience, lateral thinking and sheer inspiration to make connections between groups of four things that may at first appear not to be linked, with one question asking what comes next in the sequence Caloris Montes, Skadi Mons, Mount Everest. Last in the series.

1. Hotpots v Poptimists

Air Date: 2018-10-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A team from Lancashire take on three pop music aficionados in the first of the series.

2. Durhamites v LARPers

Air Date: 2018-10-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Three Durham University graduates take on a team who enjoy live action role play.

3. Pyromaniacs v Cartoonists

Air Date: 2018-11-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A team of pyromaniacs take on three animation fans.

4. Motorheads v Time Ladies

Air Date: 2018-11-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A team of Formula 1 fans take on three Doctor Who aficionados.

5. Birdwatchers v Dicers

Air Date: 2018-11-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A trio of birdwatchers take on a team of boardgamers.

6. Brews v Forrests

Air Date: 2018-11-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A trio of tea drinkers square up to a family team in this opening heat.

7. Ancient Alumni v Three Peaks

Air Date: 2018-12-03

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Three graduates of Scotland's ancient universities take on the Three Peaks.

8. Dragons v Westenders

Air Date: 2018-12-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. A team of Welsh descent take on three theatre fans.

9. Hotpots v Durhamites

Air Date: 2018-12-17

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two first round losers, the Hotpots and Durhamites, return.

10. Motorheads v Cartoonists

Air Date: 2018-12-24

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round losers return.

11. Birdwatchers v Brews

Air Date: 2019-01-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round losers return.

12. Dragons v Three Peaks

Air Date: 2019-01-07

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round losers return.

13. Poptimists v LARPers

Air Date: 2019-01-14

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round winners return for the second round of the tournament.

14. Pyromaniacs v Time Ladies

Air Date: 2019-01-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round winners return for the second round of the tournament.

15. Brews v Dicers

Air Date: 2019-01-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show about making connections. Two teams of first-round winners return for the second round of the tournament.

16. Ancient Alumni v Westenders

Air Date: 2019-02-04

Two teams of first-round winners return for the second round of the tournament.

17. Motorheads v LARPers

Air Date: 2019-02-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Both teams playing have won and lost a game, so this is their last chance to stay in.

18. Durhamites v Pyromaniacs

Air Date: 2019-02-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. So join Victoria if you want to know what connects Steinhauer, Trotsky, Musk and Edmonds.

19. Hotpots v Brews

Air Date: 2019-02-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. For both teams playing in this episode it is their last chance to stay in the tournament.

20. Birdwatchers v Westenders

Air Date: 2019-03-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. For both teams playing in this episode it is their last chance to stay in the tournament.

21. Time Ladies v LARPers

Air Date: 2019-03-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Time Ladies take on the LARPers in the first game of the quarter-finals.

22. Durhamites v Poptimists

Air Date: 2019-03-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Durhamites take on the Poptimists in the second of the quarter-finals.

23. Brews v Ancient Alumni

Air Date: 2019-03-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Brews take on the Ancient Alumni in the third quarter-final.

24. Dicers v Birdwatchers

Air Date: 2019-04-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Dicers take on the Birdwatchers in the last quarter-final and 300th episode of the quiz.

25. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2019-04-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the first of the semi-finals in the series where knowledge will only take you so far.

26. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2019-04-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the second semi-final in the series where knowledge will only take you so far.

27. Third-Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2019-04-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their semi-finals battle for the third place in this year's tournament.

28. The Final

Air Date: 2019-04-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. It is the series finale as two teams battle it out to be named Only Connect Champions.

1. Darksiders v Suits

Air Date: 2019-09-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three Pink Floyd fans take on a team of bridge players in the first of the series.

2. Gladiators v Lexplorers

Air Date: 2019-09-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three friends who holiday in Rome take on a trio of wordsmiths in this episode.

3. Wickets v Choristers

Air Date: 2019-09-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz that reveals the connections between things that appear utterly unrelated. Tonight, three cricketers take on a team of singers.

4. Electrophiles v Forrests

Air Date: 2019-09-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three electropop fans take on a family team to draw together the connections between things which seem random.

5. Eggchasers v 007s

Air Date: 2019-10-07

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of rugby players take on three James Bond fans in this opening heat.

6. Endeavours v Outliers

Air Date: 2019-10-14

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of Morse fans take on three mathematicians in this opening heat.

7. Journeymen v Turophiles

Air Date: 2019-10-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three transit fans take on a trio of cheese lovers in tonight’s heat.

8. Orwellians v Junipers

Air Date: 2019-10-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of George Orwell fans take on three gin drinkers in the last of the opening heats.

9. Gladiators v Darksiders

Air Date: 2019-11-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first match return for a last chance to stay in the tournament.

10. Wickets v Electrophiles

Air Date: 2019-11-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first match return for a last chance to stay in the tournament.

11. Eggchasers v Outliers

Air Date: 2019-11-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first match return for a last chance to stay in the tournament.

12. Journeymen v Junipers

Air Date: 2019-11-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first match return for a last chance to stay in the tournament.

13. Lexplorers v Suits

Air Date: 2019-12-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge only takes you so far. Two teams return to fight for a place in the quarter-finals.

14. Forrests v Choristers

Air Date: 2019-12-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge only takes you so far. Two teams who won their first match return to fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

15. Endeavours v 007s

Air Date: 2019-12-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first match return to fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

16. Orwellians v Turophiles

Air Date: 2020-01-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first match return to fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

17. Electrophiles v Suits

Air Date: 2020-01-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have each won a game and lost a game have one last chance to stay in the tournament.

18. Darksiders v Forrests

Air Date: 2020-01-20

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have each won a game and lost a game have one last chance to stay in the tournament.

19. Endeavours v Junipers

Air Date: 2020-01-27

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have each won a game and lost a game have one last chance to stay in the tournament.

20. Eggchasers v Turophiles

Air Date: 2020-02-03

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have each won a game and lost a game have one last chance to stay in the tournament.

21. Lexplorers v Suits

Air Date: 2020-02-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Tonight sees the first of the quarter-finals.

22. Forrests v Choristers

Air Date: 2020-02-17

The quarter-finals continue in the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts.

23. 007s v Junipers

Air Date: 2020-02-24

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts another quarter-final as two teams compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

24. Orwellians v Turophiles

Air Date: 2020-03-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the last of the quarter-finals, as two more teams work out the connections between things which at first seem utterly random.

25. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2020-03-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the first of the semi-finals tonight as two teams compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

26. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2020-03-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the last semi-final, where two teams compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

27. Third-Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2020-03-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams battle it out to be named third-place finishers.

28. Final

Air Date: 2020-03-30

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. In the series finale, two excellent teams battle it out to be named champions.

Pilgrims v Corkscrews

1. Pilgrims v Corkscrews

Air Date: 2020-09-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A trio of Boston United football fans take on a team of wine lovers in the first of the series.

Bridges v Whodunnits

2. Bridges v Whodunnits

Air Date: 2020-09-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A family team take on three murder mystery fans to draw together the connections between seemingly random things.

Sliders v Ticket Collectors

3. Sliders v Ticket Collectors

Air Date: 2020-10-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of shuffleboard players take on three live entertainment fans.

Puzzle Hunters v Walruses

4. Puzzle Hunters v Walruses

Air Date: 2020-10-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of puzzle hunters take on three Beatles fans in this opening heat.

Barons v Whitcombes

5. Barons v Whitcombes

Air Date: 2020-10-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far - patience and lateral thinking are also vital. Three school friends take on a family team in tonight’s heat.

Dungeon Masters v Severns

6. Dungeon Masters v Severns

Air Date: 2020-10-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of Dungeons and Dragons players take on a team from the Welsh border in this heat.

Apres Skiers v Colleagues

7. Apres Skiers v Colleagues

Air Date: 2020-11-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three skiing enthusiasts take on a team of co-workers.

Polyhymnians v Sandy Shores

8. Polyhymnians v Sandy Shores

Air Date: 2020-11-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of sacred music fans take on three seaside dwellers in this heat.

Pilgrims v Bridges

9. Pilgrims v Bridges

Air Date: 2020-11-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Ticket Collectors v Walruses

10. Ticket Collectors v Walruses

Air Date: 2020-11-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Whitcombes v Severns

11. Whitcombes v Severns

Air Date: 2020-11-30

Two teams who lost their first heats compete to stay in the competition and attempt to find the connection between Picacho Peak, La Brea Tar Pits, Sierra Nevada Mountains and Rio Grande River.

Colleagues v Sandy Shores

12. Colleagues v Sandy Shores

Air Date: 2020-12-07

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their first heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Whodunnits v Corkscrews

13. Whodunnits v Corkscrews

Air Date: 2020-12-14

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first heats return for a second round.

Sliders v Puzzle Hunters

14. Sliders v Puzzle Hunters

Air Date: 2020-12-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first heats return for a second round.

Barons v Dungeon Masters

15. Barons v Dungeon Masters

Air Date: 2020-12-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first heats return for a second round.

Après Skiers v Polyhymnians

16. Après Skiers v Polyhymnians

Air Date: 2021-01-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their first heats return for a second round.

Whodunnits v Walruses

17. Whodunnits v Walruses

Air Date: 2021-01-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of murder mystery enthusiasts take on three Beatles fans for a last chance to make the quarter-finals.

Bridges v Puzzle Hunters

18. Bridges v Puzzle Hunters

Air Date: 2021-01-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A family team take on three puzzle hunters for a last chance to make the quarter-finals.

Barons v Colleagues

19. Barons v Colleagues

Air Date: 2021-01-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of former school friends take on three co-workers for a last chance to make the quarter finals.

Polyhymnians v Severns

20. Polyhymnians v Severns

Air Date: 2021-02-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Polyhymnians take on the Severns in a last chance to stay in the tournament.

Whodunnits v Corkscrews

21. Whodunnits v Corkscrews

Air Date: 2021-02-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Whodunnits take on the Corkscrews in tonight’s quarter-final.

Sliders v Puzzle Hunters

22. Sliders v Puzzle Hunters

Air Date: 2021-02-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of shuffle board enthusiasts take on three puzzle hunters in tonight’s quarter-final.

Dungeon Masters v Barons

23. Dungeon Masters v Barons

Air Date: 2021-02-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of video game enthusiasts take on three school friends in tonight’s quarter-final.

Severns v Apres Skiers

24. Severns v Apres Skiers

Air Date: 2021-03-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. The Severns are facing the Apres Skiers in the last of the quarter-finals.

Semi-Final 1

25. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2021-03-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams compete in the first of the semi-finals.

Semi-Final 2

26. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2021-03-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams compete to draw connections in the second semi-final.

27. Third-Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2021-03-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. It's the third place play-off, with two teams competing to draw together connections.

28. The Final

Air Date: 2021-03-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. It is the series finale, with two teams competing to be named Only Connect champions.

Scrubs v Librarians

1. Scrubs v Librarians

Air Date: 2021-07-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three NHS medics take on a team of Librarians in the first episode of the series.

Gamemakers v Animal Lovers

2. Gamemakers v Animal Lovers

Air Date: 2021-07-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of gaming enthusiasts take on three animal lovers in this opening heat.

Apollos v Jukeboxers

3. Apollos v Jukeboxers

Air Date: 2021-07-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Three space enthusiasts take on a team of music lovers in this opening heat.

Golfers v Wildlifers

4. Golfers v Wildlifers

Air Date: 2021-08-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of golfers take on three wildlife lovers in this opening heat.

Discotheques v Muppets

5. Discotheques v Muppets

Air Date: 2021-08-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of disco lovers take on three film fans in this opening heat.

Debuggers v Steelers

6. Debuggers v Steelers

Air Date: 2021-08-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of computer programmers take on three former Sheffield housemates.

Ramblers v Woolgatherers

7. Ramblers v Woolgatherers

Air Date: 2021-08-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of walkers take on three knitters in this opening heat.

Godyn Family v Data Wizards

8. Godyn Family v Data Wizards

Air Date: 2021-08-30

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A family team takes on three data science workers in the last of the opening heats.

Gamemakers v Scrubs

9. Gamemakers v Scrubs

Air Date: 2021-09-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their opening heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Apollos v Wildlifers

10. Apollos v Wildlifers

Air Date: 2021-09-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their opening heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Debuggers v Discotheques

11. Debuggers v Discotheques

Air Date: 2021-09-20

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who lost their opening heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Godyn Family v Woolgatherers

12. Godyn Family v Woolgatherers

Air Date: 2021-09-27

Two teams who lost their opening heats return for a last chance to stay in the competition. They’ll try to draw together the connections between things which seem utterly random at first glance.

Librarians v Animal Lovers

13. Librarians v Animal Lovers

Air Date: 2021-10-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their opening heats return for the next stage of the competition.

Golfers v Jukeboxers

14. Golfers v Jukeboxers

Air Date: 2021-10-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their opening heats return for the next stage of the competition.

Muppets v Steelers

15. Muppets v Steelers

Air Date: 2021-10-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their opening heats return for the next stage of the competition.

Ramblers v Data Wizards

16. Ramblers v Data Wizards

Air Date: 2021-10-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who won their opening heats return for the next stage of the competition.

Apollos v Jukeboxers

17. Apollos v Jukeboxers

Air Date: 2021-11-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who’ve won a game and lost a game return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Scrubs v Librarians

18. Scrubs v Librarians

Air Date: 2021-11-08

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have won a game and lost a game return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Godyn Family v Ramblers

19. Godyn Family v Ramblers

Air Date: 2021-11-15

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who’ve won a game and lost a game return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Steelers v Discotheques

20. Steelers v Discotheques

Air Date: 2021-11-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. Two teams who have won a game and lost a game return for a last chance to stay in the competition.

Apollos v Animal Lovers

21. Apollos v Animal Lovers

Air Date: 2021-11-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of space enthusiasts take on three animal lovers in the first of the quarter-finals.

Golfers v Scrubs

22. Golfers v Scrubs

Air Date: 2021-12-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of golfers face three NHS doctors in this quarter-final.

Ramblers v Muppets

23. Ramblers v Muppets

Air Date: 2021-12-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of walkers take on three film fans in this quarter-final.

Data Wizards v Discotheques

24. Data Wizards v Discotheques

Air Date: 2021-12-20

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. A team of computer science workers take on three disco fans in the last of the quarter-finals.

Semi-Final 1

25. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2022-01-03

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. In the first of the semi-finals, two teams battle it out for a place in the series finale.

Semi-Final 2

26. Semi-Final 2

Air Date: 2022-01-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. It’s the last of the semi-finals, with two teams are battling it out for a place in the series finale.

Third-Place Play-Off

27. Third-Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2022-01-17

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the third-place play-off as two teams try to work out what comes next in this sequence: 12. Holbein | 13: Hat | 14: Paris.

The Final

28. The Final

Air Date: 2022-01-24

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge will only take you so far. It’s the 400th episode and the series finale, with two teams battling it out to be named champions.

Statisticals v Morporkians

1. Statisticals v Morporkians

Air Date: 2022-08-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three data-lovers take on a team of Terry Pratchett fans in the opening heat of the series.

Jillies v Road Runners

2. Jillies v Road Runners

Air Date: 2022-09-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the brain-teasing quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three Jilly Cooper fans face a team of road runners in another opening heat.

Peacocks v Mothers Ruined

3. Peacocks v Mothers Ruined

Air Date: 2022-09-12

Three followers of fashion take on a team comprising a mother, a daughter, the daughter’s cousin and the mother’s niece. No, the format hasn’t changed: that’s still only a team of three.

Cryptics v Strigiformes

4. Cryptics v Strigiformes

Air Date: 2022-09-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the brain-teasing quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three puzzle fans compete against a team of mature students - yes, there is such a thing.

Cunning Planners v Seagulls

5. Cunning Planners v Seagulls

Air Date: 2022-09-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three teachers from Brighton take on three Blackadder addicts in another opening heat.

Jugadores v Harlequins

6. Jugadores v Harlequins

Air Date: 2022-10-03

There’s a former MP on one of the teams: her political background comes in handy on the Wall but doesn’t help in the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far.

Scrummagers v Crustaceans

7. Scrummagers v Crustaceans

Air Date: 2022-10-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. One team are rugby supporters, and their opponents are admirers of crustaceans.

Croot Family v Irregulars

8. Croot Family v Irregulars

Air Date: 2022-10-17

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. A family team take on three Sherlock Holmes aficionados.

Statisticals v Road Runners

9. Statisticals v Road Runners

Air Date: 2022-10-25

As the series reaches the knock-out stage, can the teams find the link between West and Exotic, Diane and Elvis, Moll and Graeme, and Liston and Lloyd?

Peacocks v Strigiformes

10. Peacocks v Strigiformes

Air Date: 2022-11-01

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Two bird-named teams take part in an avian stand-off to establish a pecking order.

Jugadores v Seagulls

11. Jugadores v Seagulls

Air Date: 2022-11-08

When presented with a sequence of three clues, can the teams work out what the fourth would be? They’re faced with this apparently random list: New Zealand Parrott, Alias, Small Ford Model.

Scrummagers v Irregulars

12. Scrummagers v Irregulars

Air Date: 2022-11-15

In another knockout match, one of the teams works out what connects four clues after only seeing two of them: Narnian donkey and Edinburgh-based detective.

Morporkians vs Jillies

13. Morporkians vs Jillies

Air Date: 2022-11-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three Pratchett people take on a team of Jilly Cooper aficionados.

Mothers Ruined v Cryptics

14. Mothers Ruined v Cryptics

Air Date: 2022-11-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. She asks what connects the following: Black and White, X and Y, Sun and Moon, and Sword and Shield.

Cunning Planners v Harlequins

15. Cunning Planners v Harlequins

Air Date: 2022-12-05

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three sitcom fans take on a team with a passion for the performing arts.

Croot Family v Crustaceans

16. Croot Family v Crustaceans

Air Date: 2022-12-12

It could be covered with duct tape, rubbed with raw meat, have dandelion milk dripped on it, or be frozen. But why would anyone want to? Victoria is on hand to explain.

Strigiformes v Cryptics

17. Strigiformes v Cryptics

Air Date: 2022-12-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Two returning teams fight for a place in the next round.

Statisticals v Morporkians

18. Statisticals v Morporkians

Air Date: 2023-01-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients in this rematch between two teams who met in a previous round.

Scrummagers v Croot Family

19. Scrummagers v Croot Family

Air Date: 2023-01-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Two family teams battle it out to stay in the competition.

Jugadores v Cunning Planners

20. Jugadores v Cunning Planners

Air Date: 2023-01-16

There’s a place in the next round on offer, and all the teams have to do is answer questions like this: Obel Tower / The Tower, Meridian Quay / Glasgow Tower / The Shard. What’s the connection?

Jillies v Strigiformes

21. Jillies v Strigiformes

Air Date: 2023-01-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. A semi-final place awaits one of the two returning teams, but to get there, they have to answer some diabolical questions.

Mothers Ruined v Morporkians

22. Mothers Ruined v Morporkians

Air Date: 2023-01-30

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients.

Scrummagers v Harlequins

23. Scrummagers v Harlequins

Air Date: 2023-02-06

The semi-finals are looming. All the teams need to do to book their place is answer questions such as: 7 March 2021, 3 July 2021, 22 January 2022. What comes next in the sequence?

Cunning Planners v Crustaceans

24. Cunning Planners v Crustaceans

Air Date: 2023-02-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Six contestants in search of a semi-final place must deal with a series of tricky questions.

Strigiformes v Morporkians

25. Strigiformes v Morporkians

Air Date: 2023-02-20

It’s the first of the semi-finals, and the pressure is on. What connects On Top of Spaghetti, Pinocchio’s time inside Monstro, Adelaide’s Lament and the cocaine scene in the film Annie Hall?

Scrummagers v Crustaceans

26. Scrummagers v Crustaceans

Air Date: 2023-02-27

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s the second semi-final, but the series structure means the teams have met before

Third Place Play-Off

27. Third Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2023-03-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The final can wait, because this episode is the third place play-off!

The Final

28. The Final

Air Date: 2023-03-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s the grand final, and Victoria and the teams are joined in the studio by two sparkling guests.

Cribbagers v Gunners

1. Cribbagers v Gunners

Air Date: 2023-07-17

Victoria Coren Mitchell returns to the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. In the opening heat, three keen cribbage players face a team of Arsenal supporters.

Roadies v Stitchers

2. Roadies v Stitchers

Air Date: 2023-07-24

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts another series of the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three rock music fans face a team of enthusiastic embroiderers in another first-round heat.

Antiphons v Drop of Red

3. Antiphons v Drop of Red

Air Date: 2023-07-31

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three devotees of choral music come up against a team of red wine connoisseurs.

Thrifters v Suncatchers

4. Thrifters v Suncatchers

Air Date: 2023-08-07

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three lovers of all things pre-loved compete against a team of warm-weather worshippers.

Isotopes v Academicals

5. Isotopes v Academicals

Air Date: 2023-08-14

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three Matt Groening fans take on a trio of teachers in another opening heat.

Also Rans v Gardners

6. Also Rans v Gardners

Air Date: 2023-08-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three former Mastermind contenders are in the spotlight, facing a family team.

Mercians v Volunteers

7. Mercians v Volunteers

Air Date: 2023-08-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three willing volunteers take on a team from the Midlands to establish the connection between apparently random clues

Video Nasties v Solomons Family

8. Video Nasties v Solomons Family

Air Date: 2023-09-04

In another first-round contest, a fearless family faces fervent film fans. As ever, it’s all about connections – what links Green monster, Small chandelier, Stone sausage and Merrygold robin?

Roadies v Cribbagers

9. Roadies v Cribbagers

Air Date: 2023-09-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The series reaches the knock-out stage tonight, and only one of the teams can progress to the next round.

Drop of Red v Suncatchers

10. Drop of Red v Suncatchers

Air Date: 2023-09-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s the knock-out stage, and the next round beckons for one of the teams.

Academicals v Gardners

11. Academicals v Gardners

Air Date: 2023-09-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Having lost their first game, both teams need a win to stay in.

Solomons Family v Volunteers

12. Solomons Family v Volunteers

Air Date: 2023-10-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Once again, one of the teams will be saying goodbye from the competition.

Stitchers v Gunners

13. Stitchers v Gunners

Air Date: 2023-10-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s a ‘winner-winner’ game, so everyone survives to quiz another day.

Antiphons v Thrifters

14. Antiphons v Thrifters

Air Date: 2023-10-16

It's another ‘winner-winner’ heat, which means one team motors straight through to the next round, while the other has to take a more scenic route.

Isotopes v Also Rans

15. Isotopes v Also Rans

Air Date: 2023-10-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Everyone’s a winner in this episode - in the sense that the losing team can play another game later in the series.

Mercians v Video Nasties

16. Mercians v Video Nasties

Air Date: 2023-10-30

The Mercians became the second highest scorers in the programme’s history in their last appearance: they finished with 36 points. But how will they do against the Video Nasties?

Antiphons v Suncatchers

17. Antiphons v Suncatchers

Air Date: 2023-11-06

Only one team can progress to the next round, after wrestling with clues such as: Patch (dog), Jason (cat), Fred/Freda (tortoise). What comes next in the sequence?

Roadies v Stitchers

18. Roadies v Stitchers

Air Date: 2023-11-13

It’s a rematch tonight – the teams have met before, but once again, fate has intervened to bring them face to face to face. Posidriv, Torx, Phillips… what comes next in the sequence?

Solomons Family v Video Nasties

19. Solomons Family v Video Nasties

Air Date: 2023-11-20

It's another rematch – the Video Nasties won last time these teams met. What will the Solomons Family have to do to beat them?

Isotopes v Gardners

20. Isotopes v Gardners

Air Date: 2023-11-27

All that stands between the teams and a place in the quarter finals is… well, questions, obviously. Questions such as this: aua (J), eua (F), a (M). What’s next?

Gunners v Suncatchers

21. Gunners v Suncatchers

Air Date: 2023-12-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s another fiercely fought contest, but one of the teams will have to head home.

Thrifters v Stitchers

22. Thrifters v Stitchers

Air Date: 2023-12-11

It's a quarter-final, and the teams have go grapple with such important questions as: what connects Meng Po soup, Lacuna Inc, the waters of Lethe and Superman’s kiss?

Also Rans v Video Nasties

23. Also Rans v Video Nasties

Air Date: 2023-12-18

It’s a quarter-final, and the questions are getting trickier. For example: various, gaseous, caesium... what might come next in the sequence?

Isotopes v Mercians

24. Isotopes v Mercians

Air Date: 2024-01-01

A look at just how far some people will go to commemorate their participation in the show. And what comes fourth in the following sequence: The Snow ____, Under the ____ Sun and The ____ In Winter?

Semi-Final 1

25. Semi-Final 1

Air Date: 2024-01-08

It's the first semi-final of the series, with the teams facing such questions as: what connects gender reveal parties, Dune (1984 film), Creep and pop-up ads?


26. Semi-Final

Air Date: 2024-01-15

A coveted place in the third place play-off is at stake: one team will have to settle for being in the final.

Third Place Play-Off

27. Third Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2024-01-22

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s the third place play-off - how close can it be?

The Final

28. The Final

Air Date: 2024-01-29

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series final of the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s an exciting episode: everyone will remember where they were when they watched the drama unfold.

Al Frescans v Midlanders

1. Al Frescans v Midlanders

Air Date: 2024-08-12

Victoria Coren Mitchell returns with the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. In this opening heat, three fresh air fanatics take on a trio of Midlanders.

Hopsters v Sprouters

2. Hopsters v Sprouters

Air Date: 2024-08-19

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. One of the teams likes beer, while the other has a bit of a thing for big vegetables.

Four Opinions v Bean Farmers

3. Four Opinions v Bean Farmers

Air Date: 2024-08-26

Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The words peaceful, easy and normal – what do they have in common, and what would come fourth in that sequence?

Harmonics v Cat Cows

4. Harmonics v Cat Cows

Air Date: 2024-09-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. A love of classical music brought one team together, and a yearning for yoga unites the other.

Too Many Cookes v Pipe-Dreamers

5. Too Many Cookes v Pipe-Dreamers

Air Date: 2024-09-09

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. A team of pipe-dreamers take on the Cooke family in another first-round match.

Bloomsbury Group v Tea Totallers

6. Bloomsbury Group v Tea Totallers

Air Date: 2024-09-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Forster, Keynes and Woolf: all unavailable, sadly, but how will their stand-ins fare against a team of three tea devotees?

Third Agers v Introverts

7. Third Agers v Introverts

Air Date: 2024-09-23

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three self-professed introverts take on three representatives of the University of the Third Age.

Uisge Beathas v Crunchers

8. Uisge Beathas v Crunchers

Air Date: 2024-09-30

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three whisky drinkers take on three number crunchers.

Hopsters v Midlanders

9. Hopsters v Midlanders

Air Date: 2024-10-07

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three Midlanders take on a team of ale aficionados in trying to connect a series of clues.

Harmonics v Bean Farmers

10. Harmonics v Bean Farmers

Air Date: 2024-10-14

Undeterred by having been beaten in the missing vowels round last time, the Harmonics are back to take on three devotees of a German card game.

Pipe-Dreamers v Tea Totallers

11. Pipe-Dreamers v Tea Totallers

Air Date: 2024-10-21

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Three surrealism fans take on a team of tea enthusiasts, trying to establish connections between apparently random clues.

Uisge Beathas v Third Agers

12. Uisge Beathas v Third Agers

Air Date: 2024-10-28

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. A team of whisky lovers returns to face a team from the U3A.

Al Frescans v Sprouters

13. Al Frescans v Sprouters

Air Date: 2024-11-04

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The Al Frescans and the Sprouters return to slug it out for a place in the next round.

Four Opinions v Cat Cows

14. Four Opinions v Cat Cows

Air Date: 2024-11-11

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients. Two teams of talented quizzers wrestle with such questions as -1: OAT, -2: BAT, -3: BOT. What comes next in the sequence?

Too Many Cookes v Bloomsbury Group

15. Too Many Cookes v Bloomsbury Group

Air Date: 2024-11-18

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. What connects: evil, line manager, pleasantly cold and vomit?

Introverts v Crunchers

16. Introverts v Crunchers

Air Date: 2024-11-25

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. Nobody goes home tonight: for the teams, it’s a question of how they get to the next round...

Harmonics v Cat Cows

17. Harmonics v Cat Cows

Air Date: 2024-12-02

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The knockout stage has arrived, and it’s a rematch!

Hopsters v Al Frescans

18. Hopsters v Al Frescans

Air Date: 2024-12-09

It's the knockout stage, so one of the teams will be going home - but not before grappling with clues such as 1000 is ALL, 100 is CV, 10 is J. What’s next in the sequence?

Uisge Beathas v Crunchers

19. Uisge Beathas v Crunchers

Air Date: 2024-12-16

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. When these teams met before, the Crunchers barely won, so there’s a score to be settled.

Too Many Cookes v Tea Totallers

20. Too Many Cookes v Tea Totallers

Air Date: 2025-01-06

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. More high scores, but only one team can progress to the next round, and the clues are getting trickier.

Cat Cows v Sprouters

21. Cat Cows v Sprouters

Air Date: 2025-01-13

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients. Yoga lovers and veg men vie for victory and a place in the next round. They face such questions as: what connects verb, abbreviated, monosyllabic and hyphenated?

Al Frescans v Four Opinions

22. Al Frescans v Four Opinions

Air Date: 2025-01-20

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The Four Opinions won their previous game on a tie-break, but what does fate have in store for them this time?

Bloomsbury Group v Crunchers

23. Bloomsbury Group v Crunchers

Air Date: 2025-01-27

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients. Two teams face off in an attempt to get through to the semi-finals. What connects the following: excels, robust, Liberec and Arabic?

Introverts v Tea Totallers

24. Introverts v Tea Totallers

Air Date: 2025-02-03

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. There’s a place in the semi-finals at stake, and as is only to be expected, the questions are getting more fiendish.

Semi Final - Four Opinions v Cat Cows

25. Semi Final - Four Opinions v Cat Cows

Air Date: 2025-02-10

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s semi-final time, and a coveted place in the third-place play-off is at stake.

Semi-Final - Tea Totallers v Crunchers

26. Semi-Final - Tea Totallers v Crunchers

Air Date: 2025-02-17

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. The second semi-final goes to the wire in the missing vowels round, but first up are some tricky sequence questions.

Third Place Play-Off

27. Third Place Play-Off

Air Date: 2025-02-24

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far. It’s the third place play-off, and the questions have grown suitably gnarly.

The Final

28. The Final

Air Date: 2025-03-03

Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge only gets you so far – logic and lateral thinking are the vital extra ingredients. The winners of the series are crowned – and it’s as close a contest as can be expected.

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Release Date



449 (20 seasons)


Returning Series



Production Companies


RDF Television

RDF Television

Parasol Media