Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

Daiakuji: The Xena Buster

Yamamoto Akuji noticed that the world is a totally different place after his release from prison. He experiences Osaka as something very new and strange after he got out of prison. During his imprisonment, the hierarchal structure flipped upside down, making it a world where the women dominated over men. Militia, churches, businesses and private businesses are operated by a female figure. Men were powerless, being controlled and enslaved by the women in Osaka. Being angered by the situation, Akuji and his partner Satsu begin their payback by teaching the stuck-up women in Osaka a little lesson...

AnimationAction & AdventureDrama


The Return of Daiakuji

1. The Return of Daiakuji

Air Date: 2003-11-27

Yamamoto Akuji noticed that the world is a totally different place after his release from prison. He experiences Osaka, the city, as something very new and strange after he got out of prison. During his imprisonment, the hierarchal structure flipped upside down, making it a world where the women dominated over men. Militia, churches, businesses, and private businesses are operated by a female figure. Men were powerless, being controlled and enslaved by the women in Osaka. Being angered by the situation, Akuji and his partner Satsu begin their payback by teaching the stuck-up women in Osaka a little lesson...

Fight Back

2. Fight Back

Air Date: 2004-02-26

Returning to Osaka, Akuji`s next step was to rebuild his strength and to acquire his new force to get back his home. During his preparation, Wakame gumi was planning something else, which is to capture Akuji`s lover, Minka. Now Abuji is determined to regain his home, get back his girlfriend, and to punish Ichihashi Ran, the bitch who took over Akuji`s home.

Battle of Lusty Nuns

3. Battle of Lusty Nuns

Air Date: 2004-05-28

The absorption of Wakame gumi made Akuji gumi bigger and stronger. With Akuji leading his group, they begin to expand, recapturing the Ashiya region. However, Akuji and the rest would face a new problem. Fearing the domination of the new Akuji gumi, the religious group, Nako-Kyo would step up to confront Akuji and his group. In the third episode, the battle of Akuji gumi and the religious group Nako-Kyo is filled with surging battle scenes and lusty sex scenes, as the heat increases in the world of DAIAKUJI.

Forbidden Lust - Yumi God

4. Forbidden Lust - Yumi God

Air Date: 2004-08-27

In this episode, Akuji gumi has gained the confidence of the Nako religious clan afer successfully capturing Tsukigase Nene. Meanwhile, Tamanegi and others try to find out who is behind the funding of the Nako clan. The Nako clan members, now without their leaders, cause a riot in search of revenge and set the clan headquarters ablaze. Our lovers, Yume and Yoko, explore their passion for one another when the mysterious Professor Ihabella enters the picture in search of Yume. As we close, the battle between Akuji gumi and the Nako clan reaches a bloody climax not to be missed.

Sexy Freedom Fighters

5. Sexy Freedom Fighters

Air Date: 2004-11-26

In the fifth installment of our series, we learn that Ihabella has kidnapped Yume taking control of Eden in an attempt to capture Shenel and Judy. To test out her latest experiment, she subjects them to sexual torture. Pricilla makes a daring escape and rushes to Akuji gumi, describing Ihabella`s evil plan to use Yume as a sexual vessel for other women so that they may reproduce without the need for men. The ultimate plan is to wipe out all men from the earth. Akuji gumi and his gang attempt to rescue our captives in an all-out battle. You won`t want to miss this installment of Daiajuki packed full of hot sex scenes and gritty action!

The Last of Ihabella

6. The Last of Ihabella

Air Date: 2005-02-25

Akuji and his clan successfully entered into Eden, but were split up by Ihabella`s strategy. Kikuko, who was a captive, appeared in front of Motoko and Yoko, and Ihabella`s cyborg humans attacked the rest of Akuji`s clan. They had no chance against the incredible strength the cyborgs possessed. In the meantime, Akuji succumb to Siadhatra, who had been begging him for his semen for so long. Little did he know, that he was about to pull the trigger of destruction. Will Akuji and his clan be able to defeat Ihabella`s ambition and unify Osaka?

Sat-chan's Story

7. Sat-chan's Story

Air Date: 2005-05-27

My name is Kakuga Satsu. This year, I turned 18 years old. Today is my wedding to Akuji. Akuji`s grandfather, Ippatsu, requested our marriage. Just when Akuji and I were about to marry, the clan Momoyama burst into our ceremony. I fought back with my rocket launcher, but they were very strong. I felt humiliated. I will wear my sheer apron for Akuji. This is our first night together, my first night with any one...

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Release Date



7 (1 seasons)




Production Companies

Green Bunny
