Seven Days
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
1. 1
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
2. Episode 2
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
3. Episode 3
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
4. Episode 4
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
5. Episode 5
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
6. Episode 6
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
7. Episode 7
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
8. Episode 8
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
9. Episode 9
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
10. Episode 10
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
11. Episode 11
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
12. Episode 12
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
13. Episode 13
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
14. Episode 14
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
15. Episode 15
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
16. Episode 16
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
17. Episode 17
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
18. Episode 18
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
19. Episode 19
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
20. Episode 20
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
21. Episode 21
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
22. Episode 22
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
23. Episode 23
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
24. Episode 24
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
25. Episode 25
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
26. Episode 26
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
27. Episode 27
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
28. Episode 28
Air Date: 2019-05-07
The story follows Li Xiaoyu whose peaceful life is shattered when he tries to cover for his friend Qiu Yongbang when the latter tries to steal from a casino. Things go bad as the casino owner is killed and Li Xiaoyu becomes the main suspect.
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Release Date
28 (1 seasons)