The Lovers

The Lovers

The ups-and-downs of a young courting couple's relationship.



1. War Is Declared

Air Date: 1970-10-27

Ex-partners Beryl and Geoffrey try to convince themselves they don't care about each other... but after a chance meeting where they are obviously both smitten they end up getting back together again.

2. The Dominant Partner

Air Date: 1970-11-03

Beryl is confused about how she wants Geoffrey to treat her, thinking a man should dominate a relationship. Geoffrey wants to keep Beryl happy and will go along with whatever she wants. Beryl spends the episode ordering Geoffrey to order her about, objects with whatever choices he then makes for her, and they both end up doing what she wants anyway while Geoffrey gets more and more confused.

3. Freckle Face

Air Date: 1970-11-10

Geoffrey worries that he isn't getting anywhere with Beryl and in despair takes advice from his friend who persuades him to try a date with a different girl. Beryl's mother starts advising her daughter on how to attract Geoffrey, but the situation proves impossible when the majority of the time she spends with him is at home under the watchful gaze of her mother. The pair end up back together realising that they always want different things at the same time, but luckily that's always been the case and they know it's never stopped them before.

4. Brainwashed

Air Date: 1970-11-17

In order to persuade Geoffrey hw wonderful married life is, Beryl takes hom on a visit to her friend Sandra Appleton... but Sandra and her husband Neville seem anything but happy.

5. The Pipe and the Moustache

Air Date: 1970-11-24

Beryl wants Geoffrey to start looking and acting older... but the moustache and the cardigan she suggests make him look like an old married man.

6. The Truth Game

Air Date: 1970-12-01

Geoffrey and beryl have a huge fall out... but can't seem to get away from each other when they accidentally end up at the same party.

1. The Engagement Party

Air Date: 1971-10-07

Geoffrey is fed up with constantly getting nowhere with Beryl and decides it's all over... but after yet another reconciliation he finally ends up engaged to her.

2. Call It Off

Air Date: 1971-10-14

Geoffrey is determined to find a way out of being engaged to Beryl.

3. The Broken Engagement

Air Date: 1971-10-21

After breaking off his engagement with Beryl, Geoffrey seriously begins to think he's made a mistake.

4. Economy

Air Date: 1971-10-28

Beryl starts organising Geoffrey's finances as she plans for their long-term future.

5. The Better Homes Exhibition

Air Date: 1971-11-04

Geoffrey gets dragged round the Better Homes Exhibition by Beryl who terrifies him with all her talk of settling down and getting a house together with all the mod cons. After worrying excessively of all the things he'll have to buy, Beryl tells him it's okay, he's not to worry... her mother says they can live with her when they're married.

6. The Trial Marriage

Air Date: 1971-11-11

Finally a chance for a bit of ""Percy Filth"" when Beryl's mum is spending an evening away from home and Beryl is willing to let Geoffrey stay over.

7. The Best Laid Plans

Air Date: 1971-11-25

Beryl and her mum are frantically planning the wedding while Geoffrey has a major case of cold feet and wonders if it might be a better idea to call the wedding off and move to Fleetwood.

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Release Date



13 (2 seasons)


