Yeh Crazy Dil

Yeh Crazy Dil

A modern-day urban-age take on relationships, breakups, friendship, romance, and rebounds. Set in apna Bombay. The show follows the life of Addy and Koyal, a not-so-perfect couple in a not-so-perfect relationship and their journey of finding back their love amidst heartbreaks, rebounds, and guilt.


1. Expiry Date

Air Date: 2018-11-15

They say every relationship comes with an expiry date but who decides that date? Should you leave it to ‘destiny’ or put an end to an unhappy relationship yourself? Addy (25) and Koyal (26) have been in a relationship for two years now, and while they both continue to be attached to another, they are bored of each others company and unhappy with the way their relationship is going. The big question is will any of them really speak up?

2. It's Complicated

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Are break ups really that easy? One moment you're sharing your entire life with a person and suddenly they are strangers again? How do you cope up with a broken heart?

3. Going With the Flow

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Is it necessary for life to make sense all the time? Isn't it great to switch of your brains once in a way and simple - follow your heart and go with the flow. Addy is on a dating spree. Every date comes with an adventure and he is loving the freshness the break up has brought along with it.

4. Drunk Dialed

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Every break up is incomplete with the random drunk dialing and speaking of gibberish. The point is, do these heart to heart conversation really sort out the communication gap or do they just add to the confusion and chaos of the broken relationship.

5. Kamshet Boss

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Goldie predicted that the Kamshet trip would be nothing short than a bigg boss episode, will he be right? How will Addy and Koyal react to being together in the same group after the break up for the first time?

6. The Pendrive

Air Date: 2018-11-15

Every relationship doesn’t have to last a life long, some just end with moving on, will that be the case with Addy and Koyal?

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Release Date



6 (1 seasons)


Returning Series
